Magix Movie Edit Pro 2021 Tutorial

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[Music] hi and welcome to this dcp web tutorial in today's tutorial i'm going to be giving you a beginner's guide to using magix movie edit pro 2021 okay so on my desktop i've got this folder and inside this folder i've got seven video clips which i downloaded from the pixels website so let me just show you how to download one example so let's go to the web browser and we'll go to this website called pixels and i'm going to put a link to this particular url in the youtube description so when you go to this website let's just go to the home page for example you can search for videos and photos here so let's just say we're searching for uh for example lakes for example so you can see lake here if i click it as default is going to show you images but you can click video here and we want to download video content so here's loads of different videos it's 859 for lake but you can type any keyword you want and find any type of pictures now you might already have video content filmed on your phone on some other device so you can use that content as well but maybe try and download some example clips and you can follow me in this video tutorial the the actual content you download doesn't really matter too much right but there is one thing that we need to make sure we do so if we just scroll down let's just say for example i want this picture here right of this water and this lake so if i click on it when i want to download this video clip you need to click on this little drop down arrow here and make sure you download the original 1920 by 1080 so just click free download here all the content is for free so you can download it it's 41 meg so it's not a tiny file by any means but we can just download that extra video clip and drag and drop it into here so now really we've got eight videos so i like to relabel the videos rename them so i'm just going to rename it to eight so we've got them all nicely set up on in this folder on my desktop all right so we've got zeros one to eight so download any video clips you want you can down i would suggest you download eight because i've got eight here as well and then you can follow me in this tutorial okay so before we launch the software i'm gonna open up the web browser and in the youtube description i'm gonna put my affiliate link for magix movie edit pro so if you decide to purchase this software it'll be great if you can use that particular affiliate link because then i get a little commission every time you purchase the software and here you can see at the bottom of this page you can see there's movie edit pro so it costs 59.99 and it tells you you've got like up to 900 effects and titles the plus version you get up to 1500 titles in fx and then the premium version which is what i'm using you get some like 360 cam editing if you want to do that you get this root travel uh you can edit up to export up to 8k and you still get the same sort of um amount of transitions and so forth yeah so you can go and decide which version is best for you uh buy these three but i'm using the premium version which cost 109 pounds uh so just check the link in the youtube description and you'll see my affiliate link there it'll be great if you can use that if you decide to purchase this software after watching this tutorial so let's close this down and let's go ahead and open up magic smooth radio pro so i'm using 2021 premium version and when you load up magix this is the first screen that you're typically going to see is this this little intro splash screen right to ask you for a project name you can put a name in here for whatever you want to call the project so i'm going to call this uh tutorial example right that's why i'm going to name the project so it's good to name your projects and then it says movie settings do you want it to be hd uh tv so like hd size so you've got social media you've got 360. i'm going to be making some other tutorials about social media but we're going to stick with hd right hd resolution and we're going to run it at 30 frames a second if you do something maybe if you're filming on your camera or your mobile phone and your friend filming that like 60 frames a second or higher frame rate you may want to change the frame rate but typically 30 frames a second should be pretty good then in this drop down menu you get some simple options you want it to be 720p this uh different hd resolution here on 1920 by 1080 so i normally film all my content or edit all my content in 1920 by 1080 that's a typical hd resolution and that's all i'm going to really set in here i'm not going to choose any of these other options we may maybe go through these in a future tutorial but for now i'm just going to click the create project button here okay so this is magix move edit pro loaded up and you can see there's a screen up here so this is like where we do our editing or viewing our content we can see that in this screen on the left hand side over here we've got various tabs and we're going to go through those in more detail but the first one is called import and down here you've got what we call the timeline now as default it's not set to the timeline it's set to the storyboard mode and you've got these different views of your content you can see scene view and then you can see uh timeline and if you're using movie edit pro plus then you can see like multicam mode and there's a few other options in here but for now i would suggest that you just set it to the timeline mode because that's where i do 99 of all of my content editing in magic smooth ready pro i'll use the timeline mode here and up here in the corner this right hand corner we can see um the video clips right there's one to eight so if i were to go back to my desktop and open up this folder you can see one to eight of pieces of content if you had images in here or audio those will also show magic smooth radio pro so i'm going to minimize this folder open up movie edit pro one more time and we need to navigate to this folder and show you how to navigate to that particular folder here you can see folder tree so this is the folder tree and you can see that i'm on my desktop so normally i click on desktop and then i'll find that particular project i'll open it and now i can see all of the video content inside of this um little folder here so this just allows us to drag and drop onto the timeline you can drag and drop directly from the folder as well so you can drag and drop the video clips this way but it's nice and easy to just have it open here you can just drag and drop so let's put our first video clip into the timeline there's a couple of options here you can click here display options and you can say large icons and when you display it as large icons it will take a thumbnail you can actually see what the content looks like inside i prefer to see it this way because i can see the thumbnail but sometimes if you've got lots and lots of content you may want to see it in a list you may want to see in like the detailed view with like the um the file size and the file type or you may just want to see it as large icons i prefer large icons so we've got these numbered in a specific order i haven't really decided to put them in this particular order so you can drag and drop your video clips in any order that you like you can hover over it and you can click this play button and you can see the video clip playing in inside of the video player here so sometimes it's useful if you've got two clips that look very similar but you're deciding between which one needs to be selected you can easily click the play button and then you can um just play it straight on the timeline here or in the video player here so let's stop this and the first thing we want to do is take this first video clip and just drag and drop it into magic smooth edit pro so the first thing it says to me is the active movie resolution is 1920 by 1080 at 30 frames a second and the the resolution of this video clip is different and it has a different frame rate do we want to adjust our project or not adjust it i'm going to say do not adjust because i want to keep my project at 1920 by 1080 and at 30 frames a second so when you drag and drop a video clip into move edit pro it's going to check the default settings that we first selected at the beginning when we created a project and when we drag and drop a video clip into movie edit pro that doesn't uh match those settings it's going to ask us do we want to adjust our project or do we just um we don't want to adjust it so i don't want to adjust it so here we can see the video uh content here in magic movie edit pro right the first video piece of content and here we can see on the timeline now as default you're quite zoomed into the movie edit pro on the timeline so you can see this is really this particular video clip if we were to um select it we can see it's really roughly around 10 seconds it's 10 seconds in duration here and if we hold down the control key and use the mouse wheel so hold down the control key and use the mouse wheel to rotate up and down and we can zoom in and out of the timeline and normally when i'm working on quite a lot of video clips i'll drag and drop them in and i want to be zoomed out quite far maybe about here somewhere so i can see more of the timeline going across here so we can edit more content and see more content a bit more accurately okay so at the moment we've got one video clip on the timeline and if we were to click on that video clip it goes yellow right if you look up here you'll see there's a little red dot and this red dot represents that that that particular clip is being used on the timeline somewhere or within this project and in fact we should save this right so let's go to file save project as and we'll go to my desktop let's go to this project where is it here it is and it's called tutorial example and this is the file format for movie movie edit pro here let's save our work will be wise um now when we save our project you'll see it listed in here you can see like this is the example of that project that we just saved and we've got all the rest of the video clips now we want to get a second video clip inside of this timeline so let's just set click on this one and drag and drop it this in fact let's think about this right so we've got this like snow sort of uh mounting thing going on here so maybe what we'll do i think actually it doesn't really matter too much let's grab this second video clip and drag and drop that onto the timeline right so now we've got these two video clips now remember i said this sort of um this uh magnet icon it's like a magnet shape and it says when we hover over here it says object grid right so if i turn this off and then when i drag and drag this video clip it won't snap to the previous clip right it won't snap there if we turn this one on and then we drag it it will snap to the end of this video clip this is quite useful when we're trying to position content because normally when i drag a video clip onto the timeline you could drag it all the way down and it will snap automatically but normally i drag a gap just see what the video clip is about you can double click it and play in here and see it but this is the video clip and we've got this gap here so we're going to close this gap so we just click on the clip and drag it so it snaps to the end so if we click play now we'll see something called a jump cut right we can stop it and we can take this uh timeline cursor here and we can left click on it and drag it ourselves manually to see the transition and we call this a jump cut it's just one scene to another scene and when you've got like um video content that is very similar so imagine if you're filming i don't know someone speaking and you've got two different angles of them speaking and you want to jump cut between them then the jump cut is pretty good but sometimes you want to put a transition a nice transition between these right so i'm going to hold down the ctrl key and zoom in a little bit just zoom in one one element or one increment and i'm going to save this and i'm going to left click and drag this clip away because what i want to do is if i move this timeline cursor across to the end we'll see that um let's just click here we'll see that it's actually 10 seconds in duration right here so what i want to do is drag this timeline cursor back so that it's at nine seconds and you can use the key uh you can use the arrows on your keyboard to get it to exactly nine seconds here can you see nine seconds so when i take this video clip and drag and overlap it overlap it it will snap to the timeline cursor and i know that this duration that is exactly one second crossfade right because the original clip was 10 seconds long i've moved the timeline closer to 9 seconds and when i drag this clip it's going to be a one second overlap so if i were to just move the timeline cursor here you can actually just left click to position it i'll move it closer to this transition click play and now they will crossfade so as default whenever you do a whenever you drag a clip over another one the default transition is a crossfade but we've got loads of options in magic smooth radio pro and uh if we go to templates here and one thing you'll notice is that there's two red dots here now because that represents these two video clips being used but i'm going to go to template and inside template we've got all these different types of transitions right you've got some crazy ones you've got some nice ones i don't use all of them personally but i think movement basic and shape these are the ones that i normally use quite a lot and normally i would only use maybe one or two of these different types of transitions i don't use loads of different transitions in my in my work maybe one or two per project but it's entirely your choice is for you to now go and experiment right and if you want to see what a transition looks like you can click the play button and it will show you an example so the a and b represent two different video clips so when i click play it says this is a and this is b and you've got this sort of uh circle shape transition so if we want to use that transition let's drag and drop it but when we drag and drop it we need to drag and drop on on top of this current transition yeah the crossfade one so we take this video oh sorry this transition and drag and drop it into that position now you can see the transition so when we click when we go back and click play we can see that transition working so if you don't like that transition you can just um change it so you can pick any of these other ones so let's say this one for example or let's take this one we can drag and drop that into the same position it's going to replace that transition it will replace it with the new one so you've got this one here which looks pretty cool and you've got all of these to experiment so obviously i'm not going to go through all of them one by one but we can just drag and drop a few different ones and you can see what they look like they're really nice and they work pretty well right they look pretty good so you can click you can press the stop button to stop that and you can also grab the timeline handle and you can drag over it slowly to see what it looks like as well so you can manually drag over it to see what it looks like like this you can go to shapes and sometimes shapes ones are quite nice as well you've got these different shapes so if you want to do like a half thing you can do that you can do like a heart cut out as well so you can drag this one and you can see that sort of heart cut out and you've got one with like a flame like this you can go and experiment with all of these just keep dragging them find one that you like right there's loads of different ones i kind of like the movement ones these ones are pretty good um there's one that i use quite often let me try and find it for you quickly i think it's in shapes is this one here so normally i use this one here let me drag it and it kind of it's got this sort of half circle shape and it kind of fades across like this and then when i do the next transition afterwards i use this version which fades in the opposite direction so for now maybe we'll use these two in this tutorial example right so so far we've got one video clip on the timeline and we've got this transition and now i want to show you how to edit how to cut some video content because maybe it's too long or you want to get rid of a piece in the middle or do something like that okay so let's try and cut this video clip so really when i'm cutting i want to be zoomed in quite far away to be fair it's it's entirely your choice you can hold down the control key and zoom right out and do your cutting or you can zoom right in but typically you'll be quite close to the video clip you'll zoom in because you want to cut at a certain point right so we know this first video clip was 10 seconds long and there's a one second duration transition so really we want to scrub across the timeline where it gets to 20 seconds right if i keep scrubbing you'll see that it says 0 0 20 here so this is 20 seconds long duration so the first video clip and the second video clip will be of the exact same duration now so i want to cut right here so we use the cutting tool here click this split object so when we click it we've now got one video clip here and we've got a second clip here and we can just click on that clip and hit the delete key to remove it so now we've got two video clips that are exactly the same duration so if we zoom out a little bit we've got this first video clip and then we've got another video clip afterwards which is and they're both 10 seconds long which is why we've got a 20 second duration you see 20 seconds here right so now we can go ahead and drag in our third video clip let's go back to import and we'll click on this one this sunrise i believe it is let's drag that onto the timeline and when we drag it instead of dragging it with a gap we can drag it so that it snaps exactly to the end see i've accidentally dragged it below let's move the timeline and i'll explain what these other rows are for a little bit later so if you drag it and it's below here for example you can just drag it to the top of the timeline and then we can drag it and snap it here and then we can see that transition right so again we want to transition on the crossfade so we know that the end of this second video clip was 20 seconds so really we're going to go back to 19 seconds if i drag back roughly you can see it's 18 27 here right 18 27 so i'm going to use the arrow keys the right arrow key on my keyboard to get it to exactly 19 seconds you can just use the left arrow key and the right arrow key to get very specific timeline right 19 seconds exactly now i can take this video clip move it backwards and drag it forwards and it will snap exactly one second duration so we want to add our transitions to be of equal durations one second here one second here now we can go back to effects sorry templates here and we can drag this second type of transition which will transition in the opposite direction so we drag and drop it here and now that transition is going from this side this way right from right to left and the first one went from left to right this one's going from right to left so i'm going to use these two types of transitions but go be feel free to go and experiment with all these different types of transitions look at all of them right there's some really nice crazy there's some crazy ones in here like these like airplane ones let's drag that on here and just show you as an example now that one won't work very well i'm gonna explain why let's go and put this um this other transition back let's go back and let's drag this one here now when you um if i went to this one here for example and i dragged and i dragged it onto the timeline can you see this gray box this grey box is really wide can you see how wide it is uh this represents the the expected duration for this transition yeah for this particular transition type so you can see that it's quite wide so if you compare it to our one second transition above this transition is probably one two three four maybe about seven or eight seconds so our overlap would need to be seven or eight seconds so let me just show you that as an example i won't be using it but i'll show you as an example what we'll do is go back to import and we'll drag and drop this next video clip to the end of the timeline here right and when we do the transition for the crossfade for this particular clip i'll need to drag it much much much much longer like something like this yeah so the duration the transition is much longer between them and the longer the transition the longer that fade will be between them right if i go back to the template and click on this 3d morph basic when i drag and drop it now you can see it kind of matches the timeline now right it's a little that timeline is a little bit too long but if i drag it over it will now transition across and you can see the folding of the plane and it's going to do all that good stuff and then fly off into the distance yeah like this like this so some transitions require longer durations some don't require long ones normally these ones here these were shaped ones these morph ones they require longer durations so when you drag and drop onto the timeline you can see this one's much shorter right the the gray box so if i wanted to use that one i could drag this transition so that it's much shorter duration and then drag and drop it onto the timeline here so it says uh you have selected a transition row with 10 individual fades here here multiple 3d phase are inserted existing transition effects may be replaced and the object length are adapted click ok to continue you can change the number of 3d fades to be inserted beforehand in order to limit the repeat of transition rows that are thus i've actually not used this one before so let's just click ok and see what happens right we'll click ok let's go back here click play and then here you can see what's going on right here you can see that's what transition there it's like a wooden desk in the background and if you're doing some sort of nice i don't know it's really down for you to experiment for me what i'm going to do is click on this video clip and hit the delete key and when i do that um it will remove that transition at the end for me right and what we want to do now is edit the second video clip so that it's 10 seconds long and because we're working in 10 second increments we know that this one finished on 20 so i'm going to scrub across the timeline and this one should finish on 30 seconds here and then we can click the split clip and delete this one so let's speed things up a little bit let's go back to import and we've used these three video clips let's drag this one onto the timeline and then we want to move this timeline cursor back to 29 seconds 29 seconds it's a 2907 so i use my left arrow key to get it onto 29 seconds drag this across and i'll go back to template we'll go back to shape and i've used this one last i want to use this one drag it onto the timeline i'm going to do some really quick editing this is how i would normally do it quite fast so we know that we're on 30 seconds here so we want to be on 40 seconds you can see across here right here where my mouse cursor says 40 seconds right so i can left click here and that will take me close to 40 seconds i'm 41.01 so i'm going to hold down the left mouse uh hold down the left arrow key you can hold it down to move quicker or you can tap it to get it to 40 seconds click the cuck select this last part delete it then we drag that next video clip onto the timeline i'm doing this a bit quicker because we want to get on to some other example work in this software right so i'm going to drag back to 39 seconds take this clip overlap it go back to template and i'll use this transition this time so i'm just alternating my transitions we'll close this we'll stop it let's move back let's move forward so we know i'm 40 so now we want to be on 50. so drag it across and i'm looking in the top left hand corner where it gets close to 50 so it's at 50.01 so i'm going to go back with the left arrow key click it cut it delete this end part go back to import drag this clip onto the timeline this one might not be 10 seconds in duration so we might have to just accept that it's not going to be 10 seconds long so what we'll do this one let's see where it finishes it finished on 58 20 frames so i'm just going to cut off the last 20 frames so let's go back so it's like 50 exact 58 exactly let's cut it get rid of this end part and then now we're on 58 so we want to go back to 57 right so hold down the left arrow key get it to 57 then we'll go to in fact we didn't need to do that but let's we can do it that way we'll drag this balloon clip down and then we can drag it so that it overlaps and then we'll move across the timeline but before we do that let's see we didn't set the um the overlap here right on this one so here's here's a good example uh we've got to set the overlap here so let's go back and we see we're on 50 seconds here we're going to drag back to 49 seconds 49 and i'm gonna left click outside i'm gonna hold down the left mouse button to select both these pieces of content this one and this video clip they're separate pieces right now i can drag both of them and it will overlap correctly here let's see what we did here we did right to left so we want left to right on this one let's go to template left to right let's see what we're doing here left to right here and then on this one we want right to left on this transition right like this so let's keep moving across the timeline let's see where this one ends so let's see we'll try and cut it as close as possible to uh so we want to cut it out ends on 219 right so we want to end it on zero two here let's go back zero two so just be a nice flat round number two seconds and let's cut it so it'll be yep let's cut it there let's delete this let's go back to the um video clips and we drag this one in onto the timeline and we want to do the transition now right so we're going to go back one second so hold down the left arrow key and we'll go exactly one second drag it across the last transition was right to left so this one we want it to be left to right this one so let's see um let's see let's drag across and on this video clip we're finishing on um on this one we're going to finish on two seconds over right so this one we want this particular clip is is at least 10 seconds or longer so we want this one to be on 1 12 because it will be 2 plus 10 seconds will be 12 right so this one will be a 10 second clip so let's move it to 12 here right let's save our work let's click the cut tool let's delete this let's get in our next video clip which will be in fact we're done right so this is the last video clip this is the last one so normally at the end of the video clip we do a fader black so to fade to black what we'll do is drag this timeline so it's on 112 so we want it to be on uh let's do a one second fade right so we want it to be on 111 and then when we roll our mouse over let me try and zoom in here a little bit let me see so if i hold down the shift key i can zoom in on the height and if i hold down the control key i can zoom in on the on the width right or the length so when i hold down the shift key i can zoom in i'm only doing that just to show you there's a little white dot in the top corner here of this particular video clip right at the end and if i select it and drag it i can snap it to the timeline so that we've got a fader black now of one second if i go back i'm going to hold down the shift key and zoom back out again because i don't really i never zoom in that close normally normally i have it zoomed out to about here and if we click play it's going to fade out like this but it's going to fade out so if we go to the very beginning and if we drag across the timeline to one second let's get it to one second which will be exactly here this is one second duration you can see at the beginning we can then fade from the beginning so we can grab that same handle and fade it in at the beginning let's go back and click play now we've got a nice fade and we'll have all our transitions set up between each one of the video clips so we've done quite a lot here um some of these video clips have audio so if i scrub across the timeline let's see i think this very last one here if i click play you can see there's tight you can see over here when i click play you'll hear you may not be able to hear it but you'll see that the um the uv meter moving here you can see that right so i don't want any audio on any of these video clips so to fix that um what we can do is let's click on this particular video clip this one and when we click on it there's this little uh let me zoom back in again so it'll be closer a little bit closer so at the bottom here there's a little handle that i can grab and if i drag it all the way down to the bottom that turns the audio off right there's a little handle at the bottom there if i click it again and drag it up that will increase the audio or decrease it so sometimes you'll normally it's set to 0 db so it'll be set to zero value here with zero right here so this is just what the video clip original audio but you can drag it up to increase the audio or you can drag it down to decrease i'm going to show you another way to do that afterwards but what i'll do is go to the first video clip uh i'll hover over it let's click on it let's just um hold down the control key and zoom out a little bit here and this one doesn't have any audio so there's no option to drag right but this one has audio um let's just if you drag something by accident press ctrl z to undo that drag here so if i drag it by accident just press ctrl z or control z to undo ya and if i drag over this i know that there's no audio it has an audio uh track but there's no actual audio in there because the uv meter is not moving but i'll click on it anyway and drag it down and then we'll move to the next video clip which is this one i'm just going to drag them all down just to make sure there's no audio because we're going to put our own custom audio onto this particular um [Music] content if you click on it there isn't one there then it means there's no audio there right and we click here and we've done it so these are all being set to uh no audio no basically muted audio right let's save this okay i'm gonna hold down the shift key again and then zoom back out uh on the height because i like to see uh more uh timeline rows here right these these are layers basically right so normally in in um like graphic design software normally the the top layer it sits at the top and the layers below will be layers underneath that top layer if that makes sense but in video editing software it works the other way around so this this is actually the very bottom layer and this one below it this this layer here will be sitting on top of this layer right so if i was to drag a video clip and drag it down to here for example now you can see all of that content has been overlaid right you can see i can't see the snow effects and all that other stuff that was here before but what's the purpose of that because if we want to add a title like some sort of text uh inside of our video content and we can drag it to the bottom this layer here so let's go ahead and um what we can do there's a couple of ways to do this right so we'll go to template and inside template options we'll see let's see where are they we've got title templates here right title templates so you've got font basic you've got um opening and closing you've got subtitles and captions and you've got all of these different examples of titles right dynamic ones um let's just go for font basic at the moment so you've got these different font styles and you can actually change these font styles so i won't worry about it too much but let's take something that is quite easy to read an easy font let's see something i'm going to call you something like um places on planet earth this video clip or something like this so let's find a a nice font that will be easy to read let's try something like um maybe this one right so what i'll do is select it and drag and drop it onto the timeline so it says hollywood actually i don't really like that font but it doesn't matter after you drag and drop it if you don't like the font style you can change it in here in this drop down and i've got lots of different fonts installed you can see loads of tons of them right so maybe we'll just try this noto serif let's say for example uh that one isn't great either so we'll just we'll just randomly pick something let's find something let's say this one here right mind my text this one looks pretty good it's a nice clean font and we can increase the font size so we can increase it let's say we set it to something like this sort of size let's say around 40 right 40. and if we were to left click outside um let's just left click here and if we drag and drop if we drag over the timeline we can see what that font looks like a bit more clearer but we can then click the tick icon here and then it will accept it right so if we see like this is hollywood here and then it just drops out so it's not a very good title is it really if you think about it um so what we want to do is move across the timeline to one second because remember i transition i transition i fade at the beginning of this video clip above finishes on one second so i'm going to drag this so it snaps exactly at one second and then i'm going to drag across to two seconds right so i'll drag the timeline to uh two seconds let's see let's get it on to two seconds here so you can see it's 2.01 so i'm going to use the arrow key to get it on two seconds and now we can fade our title as well right we can fade it so now we've got this clip coming in and now our title will fade in but the title is a bit hard to read so let's click on it and then we can do things like set it to let's see we can do let's see what's this bold we can make it bold that makes it a bit easier to read we can make it italic we can underline it if we want we can change its alignment right we can change the alignment we can do things like add a border around it and that border might be say red color let's say for example let's do um let's do red so you can see it's like a red border around it and you can change the border width so you can make it more thick uh i'm pretty sure there's a way you can hold down the left mouse button and drag up and downwards right to change the border width so i mean these are things that you need to experiment with these are not like things i'm saying to do but i think the border like this but black will be better so if we set all of these down to zero values that would be black and we can click here and we can drag right let's just see what did i do uh filled so if you if you turn this off it will be like hollow i think actually that looks pretty good right so whether you want the content to be filled you can change the color of the font so here you can change the color right you can maybe make it green you can make it whatever color you want and this is quite a useful tool to for selecting colors you can drag this handle around the edge to change the the main color and then you've got this box inside to change like the the the um you know the that particular red shade you could call it here so you might do it something like this but let's let's go ahead and left-click here i actually want it not to be filled because i think that looks better but i think we need to make the border thicker maybe around here something like this i think that looks pretty good the text inside is wrong right so this is hollywood hills doesn't mean anything so we're going to call it something like uh planet planet earth you just type your text above here right and i reckon we can make it a bit bigger because it's quite small there so let's drag this up and make it a bit bigger to something like this let's set it to around 50 right let's say 50. you can actually double click in here and type in the value and you can then go and experiment with there's some animation options here from like left to right if we were to click play then it will slide from left to right you know you can do that but there's actually other ways to do that but we're going to just click none for now because we just want it centered let's um turn off the fill and i want it to be like this so the duration of this uh particular title is quite short um so we want to increase the duration so if i drag here i can maybe let's see let's drag it across the timeline let's say one second is for the fade right and we want it to be there on the screen for maybe two seconds and then fade out so we know that we're on let's just drag across here let's see at two seconds is where it's fully faded in right so we're gonna go to four seconds and we need five seconds in total i'm going to drag across the timeline to five seconds which is here you don't have to be so timeline specific but when i do cutting and editing i like to be very specific so it says five seconds so if i drag this across i know that is five seconds right and if i drag this timeline back to four seconds four let's set it to four then i can drag this from here and drag this handle back and place it here now i've got a one second fade in it will stay still for two seconds and then fade out right that is the style the the style that i wanted right so if i drag across here and then it will fade out like this so that's just a basic example of a title and then you can now here's the smart thing you can do right let's say that you want you to reuse this title you can just click on it press ctrl c to copy it drag across the timeline maybe to this and then you can drag it here and you can select it and move it across and snap it here for example on this transition right so if i move across then it will transition and you can see like it says planet earth but it wouldn't say planet earth on this one it maybe say something like um let's just say rocks for example yeah rocks these are like rocks or canyon or something so now you can just reuse that title in a different place on your content right so that's kind of the idea and you can go and experiment with these titles so let's show you some other examples of titles let's leave these two here as an example let's just save this and we'll drag across the timeline let's go to this particular point and we want to add another title so there's other types if we go to template and if we go to another a good one is like dynamic titles so let's say something like this one here let's drag and drop that one onto the timeline right if we click on it and we just type in something like uh i'm just going to type in example of a red sun set sunset and you can change the font style again down here you can change it i'm just going to leave it as is default let's just scrub back on the timeline and click play and then you can see example of a red sunset and it would do the whole transition for you right the only thing that i would do probably on this one is just drag this handle back to like roughly one second roughly around here and then it will fade out at the end so we click play again one more time you'll get this nice pre-made animated title and then if you want to click on the middle normally i'll click somewhere in the middle or towards the end let's say around here so i can see it quite clearly then you can make it you can like change the settings for it you can make it bold or italic depending on the font you can change the size of it you can make it a bit bigger uh you can change its color so let's say we want to make it maybe white for where it's actually white already so maybe we'll make it blue for example here we can change it to like a blue color let's just drag this one to make it blue i think white looks pretty good on this background um and then uh let's see what else can we do in here we can just change the font all right so we used uh some other font before i'm not sure which one we used previously uh but let's just set it to this one for example yeah we'll click here click play now you've got this nice sort of animated version right so you can pre-make your ones you can make them yourself in a similar way or you can use the pre-made ones here and you need to go and experiment there's so many different ones in here it's hard for me to go for each one and show you what they all do but you can click the play button and you can see that this is like a good one for at the ending of your video clip for like credits yeah you've got other ones here that you can go and experiment with you've got ones like with glow effect you've got ones that's kind of fade like this yeah you've got loads of different ones for you to go and experiment with so it's down for you to go and pick the ones that you like you've got these 3d examples uh you've got loads and loads of different i can't go for all of them there's too many some of them look pretty cool i like i i often use this one here or this one kind of zooms in and then fades out into the distance when it's when it's done right that's a nice one to use as well okay so for now what i'm going to do is just delete this title this one here i just want to delete it this one let's just get rid of it and i'm going to delete this one here i just want to have the the original title at the beginning because that's probably how i would um you know do it myself or you could have a different title on each one that's for you to now go and experiment with now let's say for example um let's take this um this first video clip let's just say that the colors weren't quite correct in here let's click on it and go to um effects and in effect you can you can adjust the brightness you can adjust the color there's lots of different options in here that you can adjust the video content right so let's go to brightness and we can make it a bit more darker we can make it a bit more brighter you can adjust the contrast so you can like bump up the contrast to give it make it look like it's got a bit more detail um and you can experiment with the brightness here so let's just say this is like color correction right typical color correction and you can increase the hdr gamma as well this one's quite nice sometimes you can get some nice little shadows and stuff and the hdr blur you can experiment with these and see what they do um you can see what it looks like and if you click this button up here this one will reset everything so you can see what it looks like now if i click it and reset it you can see it's quite faded out it's a little bit faded uh the content so what we might do is increase the contrast to improve the lights and darks here between the content before it's a bit wishy-washy a bit faded and then we can increase the hdr gamma uh or decrease it it's up to you maybe we'll set it around here and then the blur effects for the gamma so if i set it right down it looks a bit washed out but as i increase it our darks become a lot more darker and our lights become a little bit brighter and then you've got a nice sort of um clear distinction between the shadows and the lights you can go to color and then you can just go and change the saturation if you increase or decrease you can make it like grayscale or you can increase that's too much right so we set it to the color wasn't too bad actually but then you can go and change the shoe here right the difference hue um here and then you can change uh the actual individual colors you can add more red or green or whatever you want uh let's just go to the top and click here i just want to undo that because i think the colors are pretty good you can go and experiment with all these different options i'm going to show you like chroma key and other stuff a little bit later you can actually change the duration and speed of a video clip but uh probably what i'll do is just go through this main basic tutorial for you today and i'm going to go and create separate individual tutorials for a lot of these different options there's quite a lot to explain in all of this and some of these tools are better used for different purposes so it's better i go and explain these tools in individual tutorials so this main tutorial will be focusing on just basic editing basic color correction adding titles adding transitions so you can get up to speed so what's missing from this video clip right now we're missing something quite important okay so let's go and add some music to this video right so we can go and download some music and let's add that to this particular clip so let's go ahead and open up the web browser and we'll go to youtube youtube free audio library so i'm going to type in youtube free audio library and click here and whenever you're using audio it's always good to download audio from a copyright free source right if you start downloading audio from any random place and then you might get copyright issues so in here you can see search by filter and we can go to mood for example and in here we want something quite calm we want calm so we click com and we click apply so now you've got all these different sort of calm style audio tracks let's click play and i quite like the sound of that so to download it we'll click this download audio track i'm going to drag this to the side and just minimize this for a minute and open up this folder so i want to drag this audio clip that i've downloaded here into the folder so now we've got access to that video clip in movie edit pro so when we open up movie edit pro and if we go back to import we can see this new audio track is here right and we can edit the levels and do stuff like that again this is probably a bit advanced so maybe i'll look at um showing you that in future tutorials but for now i just want to um let's just undo that let's just see so really what i've done is i've moved down the timeline so here you can drag up and down and we want to add the audio clip onto the third line here the third line here so here you can see the waveform right and if you want to reduce the audio so you don't want it to be too loud you can just left click and drag down and maybe you can set it to something like minus 6 db or something like this and we can go back to the beginning click play and here you can see the time audio you might actually hear it now but here's the audio clip play the background so once i've finished um this tutorial i'll actually export this video clip and add it to the end of this tutorial so you can actually watch the um the final video clip with the audio and everything if we scrub right to the end you can see the audio clip goes way off to the end we don't want that right so what we're going to do is move to the end of the timeline here where the last video clip is i will click on the audio make sure the audio is selected not the video make sure audio is selected and then we can cut it use the cut tool and then select this end part of the audio and delete it and normally you want a nice sort of fade out transition for your audio so we grab this handle just like we did with the video we can drag it across but we drag it quite far uh maybe you know to somewhere about here so the audio will gradually fade out towards the end right gradually fade out and normally i'll do a little fading at the beginning here so let's just fade that in something like this about half a five second fade and we click play and the audio will fade in nicely oh and you'll hear that when i um export this later uh and we will hear the audio fade in and fade out towards the end so our total duration of that clip is one minute and 12 seconds so far you can keep an eye on the duration up here for example yeah okay so as i mentioned before this is really like a beginner tutorial just to get you up to speed so if you subscribe to my youtube channel and if you check out my youtube channel um over the next sort of few weeks i'm going to be making tutorials on all the different elements all of these different um tools inside of movie edit pro it's a bit too much to try and do that in one tutorial this video will probably be you know a couple of three or four hours long if i try to explain absolutely everything so i'll make individual tutorials specific ones for chroma key for masking for all of these different tools just explaining them individually quite a lot in the template there's quite a few things in here we haven't really looked at yet um stuff like you know the movie templates and intros and outros and design elements and stuff like that but you need to go and experiment obviously there's a movie edit pro manual so you can go and look at the manual and read a lot about this but the goal of this tutorial was to get you getting content into move edit pro being able to do to to mute audio clips or reduce the audio clip being able to do some basic color correction adding in your fades adding your cross transitions adding in titles adding an audio fading and fading out so really the last thing we need to do now is export the video clip so there's a few different ways to do that you can use the batch processing but again i'll make a separate tutorial explaining batch conversion normally when i do video editing whether it's in adobe premiere pro or movie edit pro i would normally edit loads of video content like this so i'll normally edit five or six different video clips and then i'll batch export them all in one go but we'll look at that separately for now we're going to click on this little arrow here this uh this arrow here and this allows us to get the exporting tool up and i'm going to click output as video file i'm not outputting it for mobile devices i'm going to output it as a video file but you can upload it to like vimeo and other sort of locations but for now we just say output to video file and it's asking us what is the quality do we want to export it for web only so it's really low resolution do you want it dvd quality do we want it to be 720p we want it to be fully fat hd 1920 by 1080 because that was our original source file right if you're doing editing for a customer for example and you just want to send them an example of the video clip before you do your final export you can maybe set it to hd quality one it'll be a smaller file for you to send so in here you've got windows media your mpeg2 and your mpeg4 mpeg4 is like mp4 file so typically when i edit content and upload it to youtube i'm exporting it as an mpeg4 file i'm going to click the save button and inside that same folder movie edit pro is going to open and it's going to name the file exactly what the original uh project file name was right because you can see up here where is it tutorial right it's called tutorial example so it's called tutorial example dot mp4 let's click the save button and let's click save video here and this sorry this uh pop-up will show and it says that it's exporting the video clip it's going to take a bit of time for that to export so i'll pause the video and we'll come back and check it once it's completed okay so the video clip has finished exporting so let's just go ahead and save the um file and we minimize this and then if we close this browser let's just look inside this folder and normally the largest file is going to be your completed video clip so we just set this here we can see the video clip here so i'm just going to play this at the end of this this tutorial so you can see how the video came out and see if you like it and then you can go and experiment with magic smooth edit pro don't forget if you're going to purchase this software check out my affiliate link in the youtube description it'll be good if you can use that link then i'll get a little commission every time you purchase this software and also i'll be doing many more tutorials i've done lots on magic smooth edit pro 2020 so i'll put some links in the youtube description movie edit pro 2020 and 2021 are very similar there's some better features in 2021 so i'll be looking at those separately as well but a lot of the concepts are similar so i'll put some links in the youtube description to lots of video tutorials i've already done on movie edit pro 2020 and you can watch those tutorials and apply the same logic to 2021 let's go ahead and close this folder that's the end of this video tutorial and i look forward to seeing you in the next dcp work tutorial [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DCP Web Designers
Views: 21,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magix Movie Edit Pro 2021 Tutorial, Magix Movie Edit Pro 2021 Beginners Tutorial, magix movie edit pro tutorial, movie edit pro tutorial, movie edit pro premium tutorial, movie edit pro 2021 premium tutorial, movie edit pro 2021, magix movie edit pro 2021 premium, movie edit pro 2021 premium, mep 2021 premium, mep 2021 tutorial, magix video editing tutorial, video editing tutorial, video editing tutorial for beginners, Magix beginners video tutorial, movie edit pro video editor
Id: 50sPB8HBouc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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