Magix Movie Edit Pro - How to Customize Magix Intros for YouTube Channel and save a template

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hey this is Dave from retired time productions and today I want to show you how to utilize them built in MAGIX Movie Edit Pro intro templates and customize them for your YouTube channel and learn how to save them as a template so you can use them over and over take a look at this intro that I just customized [Music] [Laughter] pretty cool huh so now I'm going to show you how you can do it for your channel first thing we need to do is drag in any small video clip that we have available doesn't matter just drag it in and put it on the timeline alright now that we've done that we can add an intro template to it that we like and we want to modify let's go into templates so on the templates tab you go down to intros outros animation intros outros basic right here and pick one that you like so let's pick this one right here you can preview any of them with the arrow right here and see what they look like but to get it down on the timeline what you do is you grab the space underneath the arrow right here anywhere just grab it drag it and drop it on the end of your video your main video right here so you can see the intro is composed of three objects and it's been attached to our main video object right here so the next thing we need to do is separate it from our main video object if I click outside the objects you can see they're unselected if I select the main video object you can see they're all selected so they're linked together and we need to separate them so to do that again we just click the main video object come up here and click the ungroup button right here and now there ungrouped unfortunately the audio is also separated from the main video object but we don't care because we're going to go ahead and delete those by pressing delete on the keyboard okay now we just have the intro and I can play it for you right here and there you can see it so let's make the tracks a little taller I'll just hit this plus button right here just make them a little bigger so we can see now you can see pretty clearly that this top one here is actually the video but to find out we can go ahead and mute the other two tracks like this just mute these now let's play it you can see it's just the video no title just video with the animation in it and it has the little explosion in the middle there that comes in and then goes out at the end okay bottom track there we go on mute the bottom track alright now we'll go ahead and watch that one put the pointer up here and you can see that's just the text coming in with a little animation there so now this middle one then has to be the sound right so I'll go ahead and let's mute everything with the middle one and we'll display and you'll see it's sound only okay so now we know we're not going to touch the top track or the sound we just need to make this our own right now it's just text and what I'll do is I'll just leave that text there from now because we need it I'm gonna move down a little bit so we're just seeing these two tracks and I'm gonna bring in my channel logo so I'll bring in my channel logo and let's just size it lengthwise by grabbing the ends and dragging we wanted to be the same as the text okay now I want to show you a little trick let's go and copy the attributes from the title word where it has the different animations to it will copy those animations to our own logo so what I'll do is I'll right-click on the title go down to video effects and copy video effects like that I'm just going to do select all I usually do that even though they're all checked I'm going to do select all and you can see this gives you an idea about analyzing it what do we have we have fading in fading out we have the X and y position changing the width is changing the height is changing and it's even putting in a whirlpool effect so I'm taking all of those attributes from the title I'm going to click continue all right now they're in the clipboard now I'm gonna highlight my object the logo right click again go to video effects and paste video effects okay now you can see it's added the end fades right there and it's done the rest - if we take a look at it let's just play it back you can see there that swirls and then disappears but I'll just play it for you so you can see we've already got it now we just need to do is adjust the size of it a little bit ok let's go to effects and we'll adjust the size and position right here alright so I want to make this thing a little smaller let's make it even a little smaller maybe about like that and then we'll put the position back right in the middle ok and that created a keyframe right here and I want to put that keyframe in the beginning I think we wanted to do it all the way through but let's just see what happens see it's big to start with and does that pulsation business so I don't really want that I just want this one keyframe that size so let's go through here and I'll just I'll just trash these other keyframes just only the size and position keyframes not the others and then I just have this one and I'll move it back to the beginning right there now it should stay the same size all the way through there we go all right so that's pretty good now we could also do some more tricks with it let's say we wanted to rotate a little bit too so come up here maybe we want to put a little a little rotation right in the middle so I'll go to rotation mirror just make sure that your logo is highlighted and you don't want to affect the other two only the logos to make that make sure that's highlighted okay let's make let's just go in the center here and I'll just do a little rotation that would be this one right here so just swirl that around a little bit like that and go back there all right let's just see what that did you see it added a keyframe see what it looks like see that so it gives it a little pizzazz one more thing you'll notice as it goes through here the text behind it is revealed and we don't want that anymore so let's just go ahead and we'll delete the text highlight it and press Delete on the keyboard alright now we can move this one back to the top right here or right under that one not the top but move it back in the other position now we can see all three together right there and the text is gone so now we've made it our own so that's it that's how you can do it yourself and all you need is a logo so let me show you how to create your own logo okay I'm in Adobe Photoshop here and let's make the file for our logo so we'll do file new and we want to make sure it's a transparent background so make sure that set now let's set the width and height here so 300 pixels like that resolution 300 so we have nice clean edges our RGB color is fine and 8-bit is fine click OK now I'm going to enlarge the mat just a little so we can see better so let's get our elliptical marquee tool right here that's this one and we'll just start down in here and make ourselves a circle so try to make sure it's kind of even at the edges best you can do doesn't have to be perfect but it helps okay that looks pretty even to me okay now we're gonna go ahead and fill it I'm gonna use this black background color so edit fill background color we got black okay now let's go back to the marquee tool I'm gonna first deselect the first one now go back here and this time we're gonna come down a little bit further towards the middle so we can get a circle within a circle kind of like that all right and you can move it around with the cursor keys on the keyboard if you want just go ahead and press Delete on the keyboard and that hollows out the middle we'll go select deselect now we're gonna go to our text mode and let's see we want the text to be black too I'll slip this around there we go now we got black now we'll go for text right here so your channel like that I'm going to go to the pointer now so I can move the text okay it looks a little bit on the big side go back to the text tool select it let's just downsize a little bit let's make this 14 and make maybe this 12 just getting down there looks pretty good and we'll just click this arrow again now we can use the cursor keys to just Center it up and there it is your channel alright let's go ahead and save it file save and it's going to save it as a PSD and we'll just call it your channel well let's call it your logo actually your logo okay and let's also save it as a PNG both of these formats will maintain the transparency so we can do your logo PNG is rel so save that okay alright we're done so now let's just put your logo in place of mine so I could use either the PNG or the PSD which is a Photoshop file but I'll just use the PNG in case you know your program is an Adobe Photoshop but you can still save it as a PNG transparent so I'm just gonna go ahead and put it right in there now we want to copy those attributes like we did before so let's right click on my logo get the video effects from it so copy video effects select all continue now a highlight your logo go to video effects and paste video effects now let's see what happens the two of them are together of course but all I have to do is mute mine and there's yours okay so that works so I went back into Adobe Photoshop and changed your logo to white I think that looks a little bit better watch this so let's go with that alright I almost forgot the important part we might want to save this as a template so what you can do is go to the tab that you created the intro right click and then do export movie right there and I'm just gonna go ahead and put it on my desktop and I've made a folder to put it in called your channel logo so I'll just do that and I'll go ahead and export it to that space so all this do save like that and you might also put your logo in that folder as well so that you have that handy cuz you'll need that and may not be able to find it next time just so put the logo in the folder and the folder here's the folder here and you can see what went in workspace MBD and so you should probably put your logo right in there so you'll have that to with the project okay so that's one way the other way is you can just go ahead and export the entire thing is a MAGIX Movie Edit video and the way you do that is make sure these markers are at the beginning and end right here you can just click the double arrow to make sure of that then go to file export movie and then export it as magics video right here so do that and you can pick the size you can pick whatever you want for the framerate I'm just gonna leave it like it is it's just 1080p and then we can put it into a folder whatever folder we want I suggest you put it in the same folder we had before but I'm just gonna put it here and I'll go okay let that export and you can see it doesn't take too long and it should pop right in here when it's done there it is and I'm just gonna go ahead and put that into that other folder I'll move it over alright so now I got both of them in there I've got the MAGIX video format here and I've also got that project format as well and I can just go ahead and put the logo in there too while I'm at it I'll go ahead and put mine into there we go now they're all in the folder everything we need to recreate it is right there so now if we happen to have a new tab like this so we could actually go to up here and just go to open right here there you go desktop your logo and I'm going to open that workspace right there and there it is so it pops it right back in so now you can copy this and paste it into your video or do your video right here so that's how you can do it that way the other way is all open even another tab here I could just go to my folder and bring in the mxv and just drop that in there and as you can see when I play that it's the complete thing the disadvantage to the mxv is you cannot change anything in it it's finished whereas the other one you can go in here and edit things change the logos and the sounds everything you can still edit the project type thing but you can't change the mxv so it's up to you which way you want to do it you could do it both ways just so you have them so you can substitute your own logo whatever you want to put in there and you're good to go okay I hope that helps and remember you can use any of the different templates that you want you could pick a different intro whatever you want to do like you could have picked this one here for example there's many in here there's this one just pick whatever you want and then modify it in the same way okay thanks for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: RetiredTimeProductions
Views: 12,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Customize Magix Intros, customize magix intros, Magix Movie Edit Pro, Intros, retired time productions, intro for youitube, how to make an intro for youtube, INTRO, how to make video intro, Intro, magix movie edit pro intro tutorial, how to create an intro for youtube videos, dmerc00, Making, Editing, magix turorial, magix tutorials youtube, Tutorial, save intro templates
Id: hqxUKCmjdTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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