Magix Movie Edit Pro 2017 Slideshow Made Easy Tutorial - All steps to make a slideshow

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hello this is Dave from retired time productions and today we're going to talk about how to do a magic slideshow the easy way so this is magic slideshow made easy so first thing we need to do is get a project folder going I like to start with a folder on my desktop and put all the files I'm going to be working with in this folder so it's my working folder I even give the folder the title of the movie that I'm going to be doing just to make it easy ok so inside this folder I have some slides right here as you can see for the slideshow so let's bring them into the timeline so let's get these files into details view let's go up here to view and details just using the Explorer from windows now I want to get them all on to the timeline and the timeline is this icon right here so we're not going to be in storyboard or scene overview we're gonna be in Timeline view right there okay so we got all the files let's just go ahead and select them I'll just draw a marquee around it grab the first one hold down the mouse button and drag it on to the timeline and you'll see all the others just fall into place right there and my slides are already been set to a certain length let me show you how that is set in the settings for the program so let's go to file settings and then we're going to go to program right here and then go to the video audio tab and you'll see the standard picture length is set to 6 seconds and you can change this any amount you want in here when I have it 6 seconds and for the timeline I have 1/2 waveform display on the audio you can change that to full waveform if you want but half seems fine to me and I'm using NTSC or USA and I think that's pretty much it I automatically create the waveform during import if there is audio but of course there is no audio right now we're going to add some later though so stay tuned welcome to retire time productions now another thing I do in the settings is set the auto adjust to fill the screen for each slide so I'll go in and show you that so file settings and we're gonna go to movie this time stead of program and then right here check that automatically adjust new images to fill screen borders are faded out and I also have you settings as presets for new movies and you have to pick your resolution so I've got this one right here that's 16 by 9 and 1080p you can see it down here as well talk about all that done and then just click OK now let's put our first cross fade in so we'll select the second image right here like that and then we'll click on the a B here like that and there's a number of different transitions you can pick here but we're gonna select crossfade just like that and you can see after I did it it automatically showed it to me ok now go back here where the crossfade is and click that again and this time we're going to go to apply to all objects in track so we do that and you'll notice I put a crossfade on every one of the slides plus it put a fade-in effect in a fade-out effect at the beginning and end and if you play this you can see how it fades in and if you're over at the end you can see how it fades out so all that was done automatically very easy now keep in mind if you want to change any of these transitions that are between the slides you can easily just go in and click this area right here and then pick a different transition like we could put say shutter right there so now you can see how that slides in so now let's just make our slideshow fit the timeline by hitting this double arrow down here and that just stretches it out so it fits the timeline now we want to go through and check each slide to make sure it has what we want to show in the screen for example this one is kind of a vertical thing where there's a lot of black on each side so let's go ahead and just adjust and what we're going to do is go to effects and then view animation now I do realize view animation in some of the older versions of MAGIX this is 2017 but some of the older versions of MAGIX it's called movement effects so just keep that in the mind you might have movement effects instead of viewing animation okay then we go down to section right here and what we want to do is make sure we have a sixteen by nine format like our movie project is so let's go down to sixteen by nine landscape alright so we have that now you can see the section that's going to be shown when the slideshow plays so let's move that where we can see say at lease the pilots heads and the windshield right there be nice if we could we could leave it the way it is but I think we're better off keeping it all sixteen by nine now you can basically go through and do each slide let's look at the first one for example what the pointer over there and each time I have to go to 16 by 9 landscape okay so now we can kind of adjust that so the plains in the middle and then do the third one again 16 by 9 you can change your mind if you don't want 16 by 9 but I'm just doing it this way and so I'm gonna go through each one and adjust them so here's the last one 16 by 9 like that just keep interesting items in the marquee in other words I didn't need this sky at the top I just wanted the things that we're interesting the clouds the water the mountain and the road so sometimes when you're editing your slides you'll run into a special case here's one right here where the slide is actually rotated so to take care of that we can go down to rotation and miR it's still under view animation right there and then just click the button one of these two buttons just to rotate it I think it's this one yep there it is now we can go back to what we were doing with section if we want to you could leave it like that but you'll have these black borders on each side say we don't want those black borders we could go down to 16 by 9 again landscape and then pick the section that we want to see and so now that one's done so now we've got them all done and if we scan through that you can see that they all fit the sixteen by nine format so next let's add some movement effects to our slides and we want the slides to kind of slide forward or zoom in zoom out and that's called movement effects and that is under View animation still and we go to movement templates right here and the ones we're going to be using are mostly down here at the bottom in this section right in here but you can use any of them if you want and you can sample them for example if we're on a slide right here and say we go to zoom linear six right here let's play that see how that slowly moves so that's what you want to do just apply some of those and you can be the judge on it but you can kind of see from these little icons on each of the icons it has a dot and it shows you what direction the slide is going to be moving or whether it's going to be zooming okay so for the first one let's just do a slow zoom let's sample that so it's a slow zoom in because we're gonna be boarding the plane so what we do is just take the zoom template drag it down onto the slide and release so that's that one now let's go to the next one let's sample this one we want to move out on this one I think that's why I picked that one so let's drag that one out of that one and you can just slowly go through maybe we want to slide to the right or something on this one let's see how this would work that's sort of a rotate there actually that's kind of cool alright so just drop that on but you get the idea and you just go through them all and put movement on any of them you want so I'm gonna do that and then finish I'm on the last one now and I'm going to use this one here I believe you slowly move out on that flower excuse me there is one more right here and let's see I like that Mountain shot let's see what this one does yeah I kind of like that a little bit of rotation in it I'll put that in okay so we're all done with that so now let's go in and add some music to our project and the way we can do that is go to the import tab which is right here and then go to computer I want to go to my storage drive here and I have some background audio tracks and I'm going to use the audio knotek's music files and I'll have to give them credit either in the description of my movie or I could say it right now I'm going to be using audio knotek's music files so thanks to them go to their website audio knotek's comm and you can download royalty-free music as long as you give them credit so we can pick any of these like you can highlight one and then hit the play button and then you can just listen to it play and see if you like it I've gone through some of them I think I'm going to use this one which is summer sidewalk so I'm gonna drag that down and just put it on the timeline it's just that simple alright it's on the timeline and if you want to normalize for maximum level you can right click on the audio track and then click normalize and that keeps it all pretty much a good level that's good for listening so I'm just gonna put it right there maybe bring down the level a little to see how it sounds ok so if I play it go ahead we go alright I'll just leave it right there see if I just do this you can see that the music file is really long compared to the slides so we need to fix that next one way to fix that would be just to add more slides of course and another way is to adjust the length of each picture so let's do that let's go ahead and click the first slide right here then hold down the shift key and click the last slide and that selects them all then right click anywhere in that section and just change photo length right here okay now I can see I need about twice as much space or twice as much length so I could change this to a twelve like that and then click OK and change all selected and you can see that made it quite a bit longer maybe it's a little too long but there's a way we can correct that too so another thing we can do is adjust the length of the audio track too to match the slides so that's two ways you can do it so what we can do is go up here to the object stretch tool and once we get that we can actually come down here and when you get that little icon there you can stretch the audio out to fit the slideshow now we can also take and fade the slide out with the audio kind of like that so now we get so to add a caption to your slideshow it's a little bit different in MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2017 with the new update so under title editing this it's not available there anymore and you just have your general settings for titles so in order to get the captions or intros and outros and all that other good stuff you've got to go to the templates tab and then up here where there's a drop-down arrow pull that down and you can see all the stuff that used to be in the other sections under effects are now right here such as movie templates intro outro transitions title templates and movie looks so let's go to title templates right there and we want captions basic to get a caption you can see there's other things you could use like closing credits or captions it's opening closing but let's go ahead and go to captions basic and I'm going to take this one right here and you can you can play it and test it and see if you like it by hitting this arrow right here you can see you come up all right so let's just drag it down we'll put it on the timeline right where we want it and then after it comes up you can put in your text I'm just going to put in st. John's Virgin Islands oh there we go I think I got it pardon my spelling anything's wrong all right so now I got that in now if we play it you can see it fly in right there so that's how you get that in and you can do the same thing for an ending if you want a closing on the movie you could go back in there templates and you could either pick one of these or again do the drop down and you can go to title templates and scroll it up here you got opening and closing credits so you could put something in there like let's try this one okay that one's fine we just have a little something at the end just get it and put it in there like that and I'll just put thing okay Finn how about that you can put anything you want there so now when we get to the end right here just fades out so that's it we've pretty much got our slideshow done now there's lots of nuances to this there's a lot of offends and BOTS different things you can do but of course I can't do every one of them because it would take too long to do the movie but you can see how many variations there might be just in the transitions the titles the intros outros the music the fade in the fade outs you can do stuff with the audio so there's a lot you can do to manipulate it but I'm just giving you the simple way to make a slideshow slideshow made easy so this is it so now all we have to do is export it so my favorite export is usually mp4 so I'm just going to go to file and then go export movie down to mpeg-4 and we want 1080p you're not going to use transport stream I'm just going to use say Full HD 1080p right here and that's it now we just got to make sure we know where it's going so what's going on in my P Drive and the movies folder and there's the title of it right there and then we can just go ahead and save it there we go click OK and it's exporting it says it'll take about about eight minutes six minutes something like that to do it okay almost done there we go so there's the finished slideshow we're going through each slide and the movement pecks are there and everything's working great so I'll put up a logo up here in the upper left hand corner if you would like to subscribe go ahead and subscribe and there's some also some movies suggested in the corners as well that you might like to watch so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dave Merc Productions
Views: 18,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magix Slideshow Made Easy, All steps to make a magix slideshow, magix movie edit slideshow tutorial, Magix Movie Edit Pro 2017 Slideshow, magix slideshow easy, creating a slideshow in magix, exporting a slideshow in magix, magix importing slides, how to make a magix slideshow, how to create a magix slideshow, exporting a magix slideshow
Id: kgsT1kc5QVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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