Caught in a Sticky Situation in Casablanca! πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦

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Salam alaykum yeah hello hello and welcome to the biggest most dangerous city in all of Morocco come huh come what do I want come right now we stood outside Hassan the second mosque the biggest one in all of Africa and today we're going to go and see what Casablanca is really like like should I yeah yeah show you go so yala Salam alaykum what is this C coffee okay one coffee please what Coffee kawawa Kawa how much 10 okay that's fine shran got a nice coffee to start the day off ah nice and sweet all right guys we made it to the main street here in Casablanca so let's go check it out there's a lot of markets here a lot of people walking around things going on let's go see what we can do Let's cross the road talk get run over because the traffic in Casablanca is madness wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah yeah okay to go down here down this street how are you bro fine fine I'm fine bro where you from Morocco I kasablanca Morocco kasablanca okay masah you where I from AF what AF Africa sou Africa Africa AF we African all right check it out they selling spice here man that's a whole spice store very interesting it is winter so it's a bit on the chili side that's why you see everybody in big winter jackets even though it's sunny it's uh yeah i' would say it's about 17Β° so that's why this jalaba is very handy can keep you warm times like this they have a sweet store selling sweets hello how are you you're fine okay can I get uh some sweets some yeah okay let's try uh what is this oh you speak English sheet it's very sweet yeah I want to try some yeah all right we're going to try this first this little thing and then we're going to eat some sh sh okay sheak where you all right I'm from South Africa oh okay nice to meet you oh it's a chocolate okay thanks so much bye-bye for the free sweets the cube was taking too long got a free Suite we're going to carry on here let's see what else we can find oh check this guy out oh very nice hello what is this yes yes what is this tea oh put water to drink yeah shub shub shub shub okay okay ah ah that's just water I don't want water I'm going to get the I'm going to get the chipo guts okay sugar now all right man I just drank some tap water there I tasted vile damn let's go see what this Market hello how you no I'm not fing here away all right check out this little clothing Market y we're going to go down here and then come back nice to meet you okay Sultan yeah we're in d d Hello nice to meet you Sultan is the name of the hood we're in right now it is a notorious area here in Casablanca a lot of the locals were even afraid of coming here um because it's famous for pig pocketers and gangs here in Morocco there is a lot of Mafia as you can imagine they're the ones that control the whole weed trade going into Europe so yeah there's a lot of street gangs here and stuff that's why a lot of people from Casablanca fear this neighborhood even though this part of the neighborhood is just markets a little bit down there there's more residential areas and the streets get a lot more quiet so we're going to go and check that out as well but first let's do a little market tour check it out let's go over here we need to get something to eat I'm starving I haven't eaten anything the whole day it's been running off coffee and sweets ah there we go yeah I see something here we got some food oh nice let's see if we can get some food looks like they're selling hot meals let's see what they got see some bread over here some hubs and I see some Tajin pots the clay pots the typical iconic Tajin pots see what we can eat hopefully they have some protein yeah okay all right okay how are you nice to meet you thank you all right we're going to eat some yeah chicken okay you eat all right we're practicing our frin sh huh no I'm taking off the food all right you have a fork okay all right got some vegetable Tajin here no chicken we're going to give it a go at least I get something in my system right that guy was telling me not to fil him it's hard filing dip the bread in like this carrot onion we found some protein looks like some beef let's give this beef a go it's good everybody staring at me like what the hell is this guy doing film me here leave us alone nice soft meat nice and salty don't need to add any salt good little breakfast yeah or late breakfast cuz I haven't eaten today all right we just paid that was 15070 so it cost me 30 Dam like $ all right guys we are in the hood of der Sultan so check it out this is what the hood or the bario of Casablanca looks like it's quite all right how are you bro okay bro sulan yeah yes yes a good neighborhood yeah uh bom bom okay bro okay doesn't really seem like the hood doesn't feel like anybody's going to come up and rob me like I was saying a lot of locals are petrified of this place wow check it out we are in the middle of the bario here in the middle of the der der is bario in deia WoW check out all the houses old houses actually quite beautiful in its own way let's go see what's down this way ah there we go we got some spice vegetables looks like some type of wax or something very interesting I wonder what that is more spice so this is where the locals would come when they want to cook something they buy a whole bunch of spice they can stock up with spice how are you how are you fine and they can uh yeah they can prepare all the ladies can prepare some good meals for their families very nice let's go over here let's go to the top let's see what we can find here they're selling clothes jewelry it's like impossible to film here in peace without some grumpy old woman telling you to put the camera away cuz they don't want get caught on film and you're not even filming them you're filming yourself right I'm not filming you man I'm filming me me me yeah not just the woman the guys too it's kind of a yeah kills the vibe they're not viby here they haven't passed the vibe check you can see some shoes wrapped over the wires there that normally means that's like gang territory or somebody's died but I don't know if it means the same thing here in Casablanca man it smells like fish everywhere doesn't smell Too Good To Be Honest take this place out what's up guys what's up guys fine you good very good where are we now in D sulan huh yes yes what's to see here uh I'm not speaking English very good I'm French you French yes uh you speak French no no bro uh to see here D sutan walking hus Market huh and here what's here uh it's not good to no it's not a good place no place no I go look and here what's name name name all right I go looking yeah go to in situation I go walking there I go look okay thanks Shan all right so those guys just told me if I walk down there they're going to snatch my camera so I was told if I walk around here with my phone in my hand or my camera they're going to snatch it from me and so far nobody's tried that it seems all right um how are you they don't really yeah they don't really bother you here it's kind of just a a chilled old neighborhood to be honest there's not much going on except the odd person telling you to put the camera away they're about the most annoying thing here check it out oh here we have a gang the gang of D yeah how are you fine how are you I'm good where you from I'm from Morocco you're from morocc yeah you're from D Sultan from what about you South Africa Africa s Africa one selfie okay take one I have an idea a beautiful sunny day should we go to the beach let's go to the beach let's do the that let's grab a taxi hopefully uh hopefully they don't try to scam me or overcharge me here taxis are more like communal things they're like uh collectivo you know it's hard to find a empty one huh sorry sorry come yeah the camera are you sorry yeah hello hello are you YouTuber yeah what do You Hear What I Hear yeah I go to the beach yeah you can go any any CH anywhere you want yeah go Beach yeah go it's taxi the Y here you know no you know yeah yeah yeah okay thanks guys see you all right hello Salam good [Music] uh uh Bom Bomb Pop how much how much much I have know how much that is no idea very strange that guy came up to me telling me not to film and then he he ended up shaking my hand it's weird so going to the beach let see what we can do there nice sunny day we have made it to the beach here in Casablanca called aab Beach so let's go check it out I see a whole lot of people playing football even saw some horses let's go see what's down there let's have a look Salam there's even some girls playing there would you imagine they allow women to play play football here in Morocco that's very Progressive there's some horse guys looks like they're racing towards me let's see yeah bro there's another horse car behind me you following me no how much no money how much H how much how much okay then I'll go to the next one yeah give price price price what I want I don't like that because you never know the price at the end let's go I walk in I walk in all right I want a fixed price you know cuz when they say give what you want then they just want more every time some more horse car down there yeah how much yes how much what I want again I'm not going to go with you you you're being pushy man no no I go with him he's better yeah yeah how much okay let's go down there all right let's get away from these guys it's okay oh what why you pushing me what's the issue what's the issue no go with him what's the problem these guys are getting Ry here that's okay what's the issue oh man my my dress is folding up here never they're getting aggressive what's the issue no no I'm still okay okay okay I like him more he's less chatty all right I have a feeling these guys are going to comeand some heavy fee it's quite annoying actually you just want to yeah I grab here okay it's okay no no no problem problem problem yeah problem okay okay no no okay okay horse ah okay just me all right I'm riding the horse by myself here let's go good good yeah man now a whole bunch of these horse guys are coming up wonder if there's going to wonder if they're going to try and overcharge me here you can't really just enjoy the damn ride with these guys yeah I wanted to hold my camera but I was saying no isn't they just trucked off with it that's all my footage gone check out these guys here W I feel like I'm going to fall off any minutes to be honest it's not the most stable horse so at the end I got this guy anyways wo wo okay you wanted to go for a swim man not the most stable horse here Guy come on come on horsey walk up straight okay horse has stopped yeah yeah come on all right W I feel like I'm going to fall down it's kind of rocking from side to side yeah most unstable W what unstable horse I've ever had whoa whoa oh yeah yeah yeah you take you take you take you take oh man I kind of want to get down feel like I'm going to fall off okay okay okay bro no no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop okay oh who oh H is kicking here okay here h a a a a H is trying to kick us no no no no no okay is trying to kick here we stop here let's stop here let's stop here I here here here oh his horse is gone for a run it's the chaos okay here bro here here here here let's go down here yeah yeah yeah here here here here here here go no no here go no no no here yeah yeah you're good suar take take this I go down one more minut oh man you know worst hor ride ever man that was the worst how much bro how much no good oh crazy Francisco Francisco crazy crazy Francisco how much yeah how much 400 400 that's outrageous 400 400 no in in number in number no this too much for 2 minutes 2 minutes Drive no don't don't no no no no no don't huh what I want yeah I give you I give you 40 40 is fine 40 no 500 what 500 now there's another guy they all ganging up on me here 40 40 is fine what why take 40 no no take pleas 4 400 no this4 40 no take 40 yeah take 40 40 it's okay okay you don't want 200 200 uhh 40 yes 40 it's $4 man 200 of yes 40 200 200 why2 200 there $20 no 200 say first you say what I want gu trying to scare me here 40 here has 40 okay you don't want 200 you don't want take 200 200 horse look look okay I give you this 50+ 90 that's it 90 no no no 90 that's 99 ner no I take with you not with him €9 this $9 I'm Going H what yeah it's fine finish finish yeah he say I can pay him what I want and then when I wanted to pay him €4 he didn't it want okay so I gave him €9 and then they're still complaining he wanted 50 bucks man so The Stereotype is true there's a lot of scammers here in Morocco be careful do not fall for their tricks cheeky bastards and they're all ganging up on me anyways so if you come to the beaches here don't fall for their scare tactics just pay what you think is a reasonable price and get out of there before they gang up on you and get aggressive but luckily for me I have the means to defend myself and they'll never get too out of hand right but if you were like some I don't know solo female traveler they would really take advantage of you hello guys hello hello you see these horse riders what these horse riders they won so much money yeah they won 500 yes that's crazy crazy for 2 minutes they won 500 no no yeah what would you pay you maybe 50 no no not money not money yes you not not pay money to them no not money maybe or 100 no no no but you do it and wow crazy is okay see you thank you oh man they were even saying they wouldn't even pay wow I feel even scam scammed just giving him 9os what dicks man I'm pissed off damn man I feel like all I need now is just this damn lucky not damn I shouldn't say damn but this precious lucky potion to kick in about now I'm getting over this those cheeky buggers now that I think of it he wanted 500 for him and 500 for his friend that's 1,000 in total that's $100 for a 2-minute horse ride or 5minute horse ride that's ridiculous don't fall for it guys if you come to Casablanca and you happen to go to the beach do not pay them what they demand and give them a reasonable amount of money whatever you think is fair $10 whatever even that's a lot for the way they treat you um so yeah don't fall for that scam don't fall for their scare tactics kind of just put makes you off makes you want to go to your hotel and I don't want to give a bad image for Morocco I'm here to have fun I don't want to be annoyed and be pissed off I want to enjoy myself you know when I come to a country and make these videos yeah I want things going on I want to buy things I want to speak to people I don't want to have to fight you know and I certainly don't want to show the world this side of your country so guys if you're a Moroccan and you're here and you're watching this please stop treating tourists like this it's I'm sick of it the taxi drivers are also just full of they always want to overcharge you and they always find a reason to say oh no but it's not 30 it's 50 when it's really not anyways should we go check out the rest of the beach let's go see is he followed me is he following me here no no no no ah I don't want shanan no no man they don't stop you can't just walk on the beach anyways we're going to go home guys I'm sick of this here's a taxi here we go let's see how much he's going to charge us Grand Mador Hotel huh Grand Mador Hotel Grand Mador Hotel GPS you have uh yeah yeah with a meter with a meter huh okay I think he's taking a longer route to charge me more looken see okay okay okay all right for one mile put the GPS on so he follows it because he's deliberately going the wrong way to put that ticker to bump that ticker price up are those pesky nose hairs bothering you well the weed whacker by manscaped can sort that out let's talk about this product in particular the weed whacker I've had this exact one now for about 6 months and it's still going so it has a little light over here that indicates how charged it is the heads are completely detachable so you can just clean that up or replace them I know what you guys are probably thinking there's no way I'm going to stick that thing up my nose I thought the same but don't worry these products by manscaped are very very safe manscaped has a whole bunch of cool stuff for sale check it out the lawn mower 5.0 Ultra that's new these boxes are very comfortable they got colog creams all types of stuff for your balls so if you don't want to look like a wool Russ and you want to save your time your money and your patience head over to use the code kurc and get 20% off you can just click the link in the description and that'll take you right there so thank you manscaped for sponsoring this video now talking of which let's get back to it you ready should we go let's go she's a local here from Casablanca she's going to take us around she's a little camera shy she'll warm up to the camera we are where we're going right now we're going to the old Medina old Medina okay these yours should I take them we don't have to go shopping we have some I think they'll fit me no a bit small probably fit you no no you think that big could be where do we take a texi here um yeah yeah yeah okay are they going to scam me maybe from the other side but now that I'm rolling with you you're not going to overcharge me no I'm the talker you're the talker I'll keep quiet if I keep quiet they'll think I'm a Moroccan right I look Moroccan yeah if they ask about you or you're from the family right no yeah I'm a late cousin yes he doesn't speak much but he's Morocco just say Sal yeah all right so as you guys can tell there's literally two realities behind me is the Richer part of town and over here it's a little bario okay so taxis here in Kasa Lano red you speak English or okay welcome ah thank you thank you wel yeah yeah yes very Aon going to subscribe I understand some huh thank you byebye byebye thanks so much byeee nice guy all right we made itan bye-bye we made it to the Medina here the old Medina busy part of town check it out okay we go to the main entrance thanks so much okay okay go watch your stuff they don't steal okay okay please please please later later later later later later okay okay okay okay stop man these kids don't want to stop all right made it to the Medina here these little kids don't want to leave us alone got to watch your bag they at you or something are you getting a are you getting arested so I can't really are anyways we're here at the Medina we're going to go and see what we can find no when they beg like this then I don't want to give them money if they just ask one okay but they getting annoying go go you know if they asked once I would have been like okay let's give them some coins right but they were like grabbing onto us it's rude yeah anyways we made it to the Medina what are we going to do first around first all right and then there's to go see there like people who sell um yeah yeah local food in a way like they sell um sea frood Seafood I don't like seafood so we're going to try something that's not Seafood so yeah you guys are probably wondering how is it walking around with a local girl as a foreigner so I asked her this I said hey if you and I walk about are we not going to get like funny looks or people not going to I don't know bother us about that because you know we are in a a Muslim country and usually that would be frowned upon right um but so far everything's everything's fine um it's not against the law it's very local yeah ah so this is very local yeah yeah we're getting into the neighborhood where people live and okay go the other side better other side better more you speak good English of course of course I have learned English long time you a British man no I have learned my English in American language Center here yeah I used to teach some English and American were working I was teaching them French and Arabic wow I was practicing take a photo from the old old hotel def France Hotel def France yeah was famous hotel in the 20 famous hotel in the 20s yeah yeah marish was living Mar marish yeah coming passing his Saturday Sunday Saturdays and Sundays here at the hotel and now it's abandoned refurbish it show you the synagogue four synagog 1600 yeah but I already have a tour guide over here I know I already have one I know she's I know yes I like all something like this this yeah traditional hat how are you something like that what do you recommend let's get some or rock and flow one that F my big head it's not easy all right it's too small no it's meant to it's meant to be like that and it's going to fall off let's see if it feels too small but if maybe you need some some some GL no one that is a little bit bigger a little bit bigger yeah a little bit bigger you guys are saying I have a big head he's Moroccan yeah yeah Moroccan yeah from Morocco yeah me too now Morocco he's my cousin Morocco now thank you bro how much bro how much yeah 150 [Music] sorry right it started raining I got my hat on I have an even bigger head I'm kind of hungry you go that way right now yeah just walk rain it's not raining there wow look how the weather just changed it's completely gray now and cloudy going to go and drink some tea and eat something whil we wait for the bad weather to pass oh man woohoo it's cold as well huh so what is this street called huh what mmed mmed theth mmed how mmed the fth but in in the region mmed mmed Kam about these guys interesting let's see what are they over pictures 5050 no problem what is this bro VIP VIP perect this blue Chanel blue Chanel yeah yeah you can't taste it that's okay it's nice we're looking for what are we looking for Simon on the hunt for Simon am I saying that right yeah yes Simon we're on the hunts for Simon and minty yes I still haven't had minty since I've been here I haven't had minty no we need to drink some minty and Simon check it out they have a tram where am I feel like I'm a n look at this guys wouldn't expect this to be Morocco you don't speak berba right no no so Mayo was explaining that Berber is an actual official language here as you guys can see on this building the writing at the bottom that's Burba it's all of the circles and squares kind of looks like Greek to be honest oh wow hello Sal have that's some s we getting from here yes yeah okay get all right we found the in Simon place we're going to drink some tea okay fine found the place all right so they're warming up the simonon Sim s so they're warming up the Simon for us we're going to go upstairs wow guy's praying over there yeah got to go behind him right he's the chef he's praying so when people pray when Muslims pray you can't walk in front of them because you you like disrupt their their prayer right you get in the way looks like an Asian all right so we got the minty so this is a typical snack here right would you eat this during the day or or anytime like when would you was it like an evening thing no not really you you should you could eat it even morning okay we got some honey yeah honey cheese cheese some kitty cheese what is it Kiri Kaiser German cheese I don't know and this is them Simon yeah well let's give it a go I've had before it's nice we're going to try for you guys basically wheat and water and um wheat and water yeah yeast yeast yeah so go for it yeah let's go let's go maybe put a little bit of Honey first okay should I yeah yeah show you go for it do you like honey yeah okay honey is good let's try the tea you roll it you roll it up like that like a pancake and then like a Moroccan pancake yeah and then you it's hot as hell yeah it's hot I can imagine you'll get fat if you just eat them Simon all day right yes for sure Simon and the sugary tea maybe sweet if you're trying you know to bolt it's good for you yeah if if you're eating in Simon and drinking tea all day you're going to put on the kilos this is uh yeah this is nice it's insanely sweet let's try them smon damn massive pancake it's like a rolled up rolled up Flapjack it's good so very nice a lot of carbs yeah a lot of carbs Moroccan pancake yeah it's like a puff pastry something like that how do you say like cheers in the good job we going to eat all of this this is a lot of inum did you pay really yes how much was itan 25 25 all right thank you very much 25 for some tea and some cinon not bad it's like $250 man you're a good tour guide you even pay for the lunch
Channel: Kurt Caz
Views: 2,170,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, foodvlogs, travel, travelvlogs, people, streetfood, villagevlog, ghettovlog, morocco, casablanca, maghrib
Id: b5XsrKoAo6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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