Magical Imagination | Fairy Tales & Stories for Kids | Full Episodes | Barney the Dinosaur

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[Music] oh super deep super it's gonna be so much fun okay here it comes ready okay I want to give you right into the goal okay I'll get it hold on what's the matter David well there's a great big spider weapon ew there's a great big creepy spider hey spiders can be cool I have seen some pictures of some really beautiful ones and books well okay Emma this fire so much you get the ball yeah but uh I'm not sure that's one of the friendly types oh come on what are we scared of it's just a little spider right Barney oh hello there everyone how is everyone ready to have some fun all right let's get started on an adventure today let's go let's go we can hardly wait so let's go it's gonna be so great let's go let's go let's go let's go and explore the world each day we'll bring something new everything is possible make a wish and it might come true let's go on an adventure today let's go let's go we can hardly wait let's go it's gonna be so gross let's go let's go let's go let's go on an adventure today let's go it's gonna be so great let's go let's go we can hardly wait let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go [Music] now that Barney's here maybe he can help us yeah Barney we can't get our ball back because of spider can you help us please well I can surely try it's right over here okay let's see I better warn you this thing is pretty scary looking most spiders are harmless but some of them do bite well this one is big and creepy come on it's not that big David I've seen bigger ones well Tracy's right David some spiders are even bigger than this yeah that one's itsy bitsy just like a spider we all know the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and he washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again oh my [Music] down came the rain then washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again [Music] it may be itsy bitsy but I'm still not going anywhere near that thing oh man it's best not to touch a spider unless you ask a grown-up first hey Rev what's everybody doing that weird looking at a spider cool spiders sorry but I do not like spiders they're crazy looking I'm with you riff well you can't always judge something or someone by the way they look oh I never do that Barney except when it's a spider they're all creepy oh this reminds me of a story about a creature everybody was afraid of until they got to know her what kind of creature Barney was it a big puffy cheap Monster or a waggle ear bouncy BC well actually it was a dragon would you like to hear the story definitely well it all started Once Upon a Time [Music] oh it happened in a village a long long time ago where no one had socks and they all had cold toes since they didn't have socks their shoes didn't fit and they couldn't make socks because no one could knit we have no sock inside her shoe we do not know what to do except to sit and cry baby [Applause] now the village had a Shepherd boy and his name was BJ he took care of all the sheep and watched them every day now where did I leave those sheep I wonder if they're in the forest I wouldn't go in the forest if I were you for BJ why not they say there's a dragon in there a dragon what kind of dragon a big one three big team and a big long tail and she breathed fire bro really they say anyway foreign [Music] I wonder where his sheep are yeah [Music] oh man who is everything all right Shepherd BJ not really my sheep are gone and I'm scared to look for him because of the great big dragon with the long tail in the fire the oh what should I do [Music] what should I do should I do what should I do when I I don't know what I should do should I make a brave face should have crossed my arms and wait should have count the tick tocks on the clock when I haven't got a girl what should I do what should he do what should I do what should he do what should I do when I don't know what I should do [Music] oh no should have ring my mom or sing a song I'm feeling so good he do what should I do what should he do what should I do what I should do what should I do what should he do what should he do what should I do [Music] who's there there is that you [Music] that you party do you think it it's uh I'm the Dragon [Music] oh BJ hey for a dragon she's not so big and scary she certainly isn't and you don't look much like a brave knight I'm not a knight I'm a Shepherd but the villagers [Music] well that's because dragons are mean and scary as they breathe fire well I'm not mean and scary and I only use my fire to boil tea well I never knew dragons like to drink tea I like to have a cup while I knit I made oh man that's great oh it's beautiful you like it it's yours oh thanks I never knew dragons knitted too I like to sit and sing while I knit and have a cup of tea you like to sing I like to make music on my flute he does [Music] oh well that's beautiful too it sure oh it looks like the shepherd and the dragon are going to be the best of friends what do you and your friends like to do yellow [Music] will be I'm green I like you and you like me it's as easy as ABC meter or far wherever you are best of friends is what will be Scooby dooby dooby best of friends of what we'll be you'll see I agree [Music] a friend will share a friend will care a friend is someone who's always there lose or win You Can Count Me In we'll be friends through thick and then [Music] uh green best friends that's what we are the best of the best hey Shepherd BJ have you seen any dragon help dragons that's what always happens now he'll tell the others and they'll chase me out of my home Barney what can we do well uh maybe you could tell your friends that she's a very nice dragon now don't go anywhere I'll be right back hey hey it'll be okay BJ ran to tell his friends they didn't need to fear but his friends wouldn't listen his friends wouldn't hear they called a night to come and save the day Brave sir rip a lot with Chase the dragon away sir riff a lot went to find the Beast and chase him far from here and when the shepherd DJ heard he said oh dear oh dear oh dear hi Barney well hello sir rip a lot so where is this Dragon well you don't understand sir with a lot she's nice she's a great Dragon there's no such thing dragons are icky yucky yucky he's not this one ah they're all creepy if you ask me Barney he doesn't believe me well maybe he will when he meets the dragon where is she oh dragon [Music] Dragon I didn't mean to scare you you didn't well I thought dragons like to be scary or not this one she likes to knit and sip tea and sing you like to sing I sure do I like to sing too hi this dragon is great that's what I've been trying to tell you and so sir riff a lot found out that day well this Dragon was special in her own dragoning way you are special you're the only one you're the only one like you there isn't another in the whole wide world who can do the things you do cause you are special special everyone is special everyone in his or her own way oh you are special stop [Music] everyone is special everyone in his or her own way that's right you're important to you really are you're the only one like you world is better just because you're here you should know that we love you cause you are special special everyone is special everyone in his or her own way oh you are special special everyone is special everyone in his or her own life [Music] [Music] oh you really are a nice dragon thank you and you're a nice night I'd like to give you something come on all right that's how exciting yeah let's go hello here these are for you laughter you made me all by myself you were right she's not a scary dragon at all but what are we gonna do about the others they still think she's scary well that's true BJ yeah well maybe you better leave and find another place to live but I don't want to leave here well why not it's my home I wish that they could see I'm a really nice dragon I wish that they could see what a nice dragon I can be I'm sure we'd have some fun if they wouldn't turn and run people think I'm scary but stick around and see I think you'll be surprised at just how much fun I can be I look a little scary but I'm not I may breathe a little fire but not a lot and if you hear me roar don't go running for the door I know I look a little scary but I'm not just because I am a dragon it doesn't mean I'm mean all I really want to do is be part of the team I look a little scary but I'm not I may breathe a little fire but not a lot and if you hear me roar don't go running for the door I know I look a little scary but I'm not a little scary but I'm not I may breathe a little fire but not a lot and if you hear me good but I'm not do you really have to chase me away sir if a lot well I don't want to but I told the villagers I would huh I wish there was something else we could do hey I know I know a way dragon can stay how's that BJ what is the rifle lock pretends to chase the dragon away the villagers will think you ran away and you can stay here and knit and sing and drink tea I'm sure he's here somewhere oh well here they come I'll go stop them BJ you bring the dragon okay are you ready you think so remember pretend to be scary I'll try come on I know you can do it [Music] the dragon away I was just about to you can stay and watch me have you seen the dragon around Shepherd BJ oh matter of fact I have she's right over there [Music] bring this Dragon Chaser in the land roar oh dear oh shoot go away Dragon oh you scared me oh my oh There She Goes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and don't let me see you in this Forest ever again oh bracer riverline chased off the dragon all right what's your riff a lot she's really gone it could be a trick let's make sure she's really gone actually I'm not she was tricking us don't just stand stand there's a lot chase her Chase I can't why not because she's my friend a creepy Dragon be your friend if you get to know her you'll see she's very nice yeah she's a very special dragon and her own dragony way and she's a great Knitter she made me these mittens she made me a scarf and I made some things for you too come on I'll show you come on guys oh I can't wait to see [Music] here are some socks for you did she say socks we could really use some socks oh man they're so soft and warm they're absolutely beautiful thank you so much you're welcome can you join me for some tea now sure why not oh boy oh boy we're going to have a tea party have you ever had a tea party [Music] thank you won't you come to our tea party we'll have fun with the friends we see eat some cream and berries too play like animals in the zoo [Music] Welcome to our tea party make a wish count one two three it's our tea party we got sweet tea got green tea too sometimes nice hot tea will do good friends and good company won't you have a cup with me [Music] welcome to party party make a wish count one two three [Music] one two three it's our tea party [Music] you see she she's not scary she's a tea drinking sucking knitting music playing Dragons yeah she's a terrific Dragon when you get to know her well she certainly is she's not crazy well that's true you can't look at the outside and tell what someone is like on the inside right and she makes amazing so our toes will never be cold again so the villagers knew in the end the dragon was their special friend s are special so important they make the world go round we like helping one another in school or on the playground friends are there to help each other when one is feeling sad being friends is very very special and you'll be glad [Music] friends friends [Music] [Music] we're sorry we didn't give you a chance to show that you were your friend will you stay here forever and ever and be our friend oh I'd like that very much well thank you so they danced and played and there was joy and laughter and of course they all lived happily ever after [Music] what a wonderful dragon just like that spider he looks sort of creepy on the outside but he's probably very nice you know what's funny Barney what's that David that spider doesn't seem scary anymore you're right David come on let's go play now I'll see you soon bye we find out many things when we take the time to get to know someone and be a friend it's another way to say I love you I love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you must me too [Music] I love you you love me we're best friends like friendship with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me [Music] okay I got a [Music] thanks Whitney now it's your turn Barney Mario you can help Barney okay oh boy oh boy here I go come on come on a three one two three good all right a tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it I lost it I lost it and on the way I lost it I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it a tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it I lost it I lost it and on the way I lost it I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it but I didn't lose this a flower for you Barney [Music] and you brought a flower for me oh thank you Cammy I'm sure it smells beautiful [Music] oh it's certainly done [Music] so that Daisy was a doozy for your nose Barney oh that feels much better thank you Whitney you're welcome Hey guys look at this cami's basket and the tissue box look kind of the same yeah you're right Mario they do look a lot like each other that's because I made my basket out of a tissue box just like this one I glued on strips of green and yellow paper then a handle to carry it with see oh wow I think you used a lot of imagination yeah well mostly I did it because it was fun well building things out of boxes does sound like fun yeah [Music] [Music] this one has writing on it it says two Barney from the enjoy your toys company [Applause] but this one's empty so it's this one there's not any toys in this one I think it's just a bunch of boxes well all Cami had was a tissue box and she made it into a very nice toy that's right we could make lots of fun things out of these boxes they could be any toys we want come on let's get started oh this is gonna be stupid let's see what everyone's been doing oh it looks like you've been busy Scott what did you make I made a box turtle out of a shoebox like this one whoa would you like to say hello to him oh I certainly would there was a little turtle he lived in a boxy swim in a puddle he climbed on the right he snapped at a mosquito he snapped at a flea he snapped at him and he snapped at me oh boy [Music] didn't catch me [Music] [Music] watch out he got the mask [Music] bye bye everybody see you later bye-bye Mr Turtle Oh Linda what have you been working on Cami the grandfather all the numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve oh boy uh oh I think he woke up the little mouse who lives in the clock oh boy Hickory Dickory Dock the mouse ran up the clock the Clock Struck One the mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock oh what a cute little mouse ran up the clock the clock strip one down [Music] all right little mousy I'll let you get back to your nap now bye-bye [Music] oh hi Barney how do you like our ship oh I think it's great oh oh and look at the puffy clouds oh and the ocean waves we are together to make those and now it's time to set sail Whitney would you like to come with me sure then you're ready to go I'd love to sail on a sailing ship and sail away to scene Sailing sailing the sailing Life For Me Sailing sailing the sailing life for me [Music] I'll feel the way to [Music] a run for a wave hello to ships I'd love to sail on a sailing ship and sail away [Music] [Music] as we float on a beautiful boat when we go out to sea [Music] Sailing sailing the sailing night for me [Music] there you go we've got so many boxes I don't know what we can do with them all oh there are lots of ways to use boxes that's why there are so many different kinds in almost every home there are big boxes thank you Scott pants small boxes cereal boxes so yummy and shoe boxes oh juice boxes and toy boxes oh I love toys I would like to have a box so big that there would be a real car inside one that I could really drive I think you're just a little young to drive a real car but we do have some really big boxes outside and we've got our imaginations are you guys thinking what I'm thinking then come on let's do it hey wait for me I'll be right there [Music] how do you like my car very nice so is everybody ready for a drive [Music] what great cars but before you can drive anywhere there's something very important you have to do I know I know we have to buckle our seat belts oh boy that's all right Scott if you're riding in a car you always need to buckle your seatbelt so you'll be safe [Music] [Music] [Music] driving to the store I buckle my belts [Music] okay stop everyone okay there you go Mario [Music] oh boy [Music] [Music] oh nice driving everyone no a seat belt keeps you safe by holding you tight kind of like a nice hug can you show me what kind of snuggly hugs you like hahaha [Music] Bonnie you got to see this oh okay oh boy look look cool a castle oh boy that's not all oh princess oh glad to meet you your highness and I'm glad to meet you Barney will you please make up a castle story for us a castle story oh I'd love to oh okay everybody go find your places oh this is going to be great oh boy once upon a time they say there was a princess Fair who was kept in a castle night and day and had to stay up there the castle it was up too high for any horse or wagon who went worse the door was guarded by a very scary dragon a dragon really I don't see any dragons but I think I hear the dragon coming out of the woods just listen [Music] the dragon would not step aside for man nor Beast nor Birds the only way to get inside was to say the magic words [Music] yeah what are the magic words oh please and thank you [Music] I will save you oh yeah what are the magic words haha please excuse me please and oh yeah thank you sorry no problem see ya oh DJ Brave sir Scott save the day the town was filled with laughter and our story ends in the nicest way happily ever after retail castles with with flags flying higher than you've ever seen just imagine all of the things you could see maybe even a king or a queen [Music] [Music] oh it sounds like fun magical places and musical things big surprises and so much more [Music] like never before [Music] wouldn't you love to go to home this Castle is so cool where'd you get it we made it out of cardboard boxes and we've still got lots more would you like to try making something BJ oh would I oh man this is gonna be so great I have an idea that's so big just wait until you see it oh I can't believe it [Music] now I can't see it but not all you guys about ready nope I can't see I can't see I think you can both see if you really try okay ladies and gentlemen presenting PJs one and only packing box Pachyderm oh what's a packeter oh that's just another word for elephants elephants [Music] wrinkled and gray [Music] [Applause] [Music] every Sound In the Jungle the elephant hears with their floppy king-sized elephant ears got a trunk for a nose as long as a hose [Music] [Music] that was awesome you guys were hella fantastic thanks BJ you had a really good idea for how to use those boxes you certainly did in fact you've all used a lot of imagination to make fun things out of boxes but Barney you haven't made anything yet oh you're right with so many fun things happening I guess I forgot so what would I like to make let me think about that for a second oh I've got it I wanted something we can all do together everybody oh this is gonna be great okay watch your step oh look at the things we're making can you guess what they are I knew that cereal box would come in handy so what are you making Cami a Shaker oh a Shaker wow hey Kelsey she's gonna put stuff inside and then shake it cool damn a funny sound that's true Candy's using orange that's really pretty well that's a great idea that'll keep it stable yeah that's really cool green squares that's really creative there wouldn't it well oh this makes a fun sound [Music] oh that's another fun sound can you guess what we're going to do with all of these things [Music] oh and what a band it is [Music] [Music] [Music] ring everywhere okay stay with me now okay everywhere [Music] [Music] everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and thank you for the Baton you made me hey and check out the great drum I made out of a hat box home and show she'll love it okay yeah and besides I'm pretty sure it's time for her to wake up from her nap anyways [Music] so did we clean up all the boxes every one of them for a bunch of empty boxes they sure were a lot of fun boxes are nice but it's really your imaginations that made them so much fun yeah did spending time with people you love that makes a day so much fun [Music] I love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] I love you you love me we're best friends like friendship feet with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] I guess we better get going I can't wait to sell my grandparents all the things they did today and when I get home I'm gonna look around and count every box I see I'll bet you find Bunches of boxes [Music] I almost forgot to give you back your flower and just in case you get another sneeze there's still one more tissue left in the Box see thanks again Barney see you later foreign [Music] do you know what this is it's an airplane I made it out of a piece of paper oh it's so much fun to play with just watch it Fly hello oh come on let's follow it okay I'll count and you guys will hide okay one two three four five five six seven eight a paper airplane a paper airplane I wonder where it came from I don't know but somebody sure did a good job making it oh hi everybody hi there [Music] well thank you for finding it you're welcome watch this I'm flying in an airplane oh that looks fun [Music] you can fly like an airplane with us oh come on hold out your arms oh that's it those are your airplane wings you can do it arms out and play oh we are flying in an airplane looking out the window watching the clouds go by flying in an airplane looking out the window up so very high that's the idea [Music] looking out the window we can see the wings down below we see other things like little tiny buildings and cars so small it makes me feel like I'm really tall [Music] watching the clouds go by flying in an airplane looking out the window was so very kind oh that's fun pretending on the pilot is a lot of fun I think when I grow up I really might be one but for now I'm just enjoying being in this plane safe from the snow and from the rain in an airplane looking at the window watching the clouds go by flying in an airplane looking out the window up so very high [Music] let's make our own airplane that's a super duper idea Laura how are we going to well we'll have fun thanks for all the parts yeah the pile will need something to steer the plane and the plane will need wings and the passengers will need a place to sit but where we going to get all the stuff we need oh well um why don't you look around and see what you can find okay look you guys we can use the four propellers you're right Miguel pinwheels go around and around just like propellers what about this steering wheel I can use it to fly the plane that looks fun David Barney I think we can make the sides of the airplane out of boxes and maybe we can put some flags on our plane that will look great oh you've all found some interesting shapes for your airplane what do you mean Barney each part that you found has a special shape David your steering wheel is in the shape of a circle that's right it's round and my box is the shape of a square it has four sides that are exactly the same and my flag is a triangle has three sides oh what a great collection of shapes for your airplane It's a Wonderful World of shapes it's a beautiful place to be take a look around from the sky to the ground at the shapes that you can see all the different shapes you'll see count up the side one two three that is a triangle that you see four same sides that is a square different shapes are everywhere oh it's a wonderful world of shapes it's a beautiful place to me take a look around from the sky to the ground at the shapes that you can't see all the different shapes you'll see oh boy they're everywhere sun in the sky that is a circle going by triangle circle and a square different shapes are everywhere It's a Wonderful World of shapes it's a beautiful place to be take a look around from the sky to the ground at the shapes as you can see oh the different shapes the difference shapes the difference shapes you'll see I think we're ready to start building our airplane oh yes you've got all the shapes you need maybe we should build it outside that's crazy it's fun to make things with your friends what are some of the things that you like to make shouting today we'll make something fun using paint or pencils crayons layer string putting things together oh you can hear us sing what shall we make today we'll make something fun it's a boat this is my puppy this is my house this is my bear puppet it's a mask today we'll make something fun [Music] using paint or pencils crayons clear string putting things together you can hear us sing what shall we make today we'll make something fun oh man you can make your own picture or something out of clay or use craft supplies to make all kinds of things you can also make up a song or a story or a dance say would you like to dance with Baby Bop then get ready because she has a fun dance for you to do [Music] will you do it with me oh goody we can dance to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star come on let's all try it first pretend like you're reaching for a star that's it keep reaching and now turn around like me that was fun next we stand on tippy toes like this tippy toes tippy toes it makes you really tall and now make a diamond with your hands see and then the best part we take about thank you thank you and then we clap for ourselves because we all did such a good job yay are you ready to try it with the music everybody dance with me please twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are thought about the world's so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh that's good now let's do it again a little bit faster twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are [Music] in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh you're doing great let's go even faster here we go well twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh thank you everybody it's fun to dance with you [Music] this is looking great you guys [Music] I think I got it um okay well I thought we could use some boxes for the airplane seeds say this airplane looks as if it's almost ready for takeoff but we're not ready what are we going to wear for our tree what do you mean Sims I'll be the flight attendant I'll help the passengers on the airplane oh that's a big job I want to be the pilot so I can steer the plane a pilot is a very important person I think I'll pretend to be a passenger going on a trip to see my grandparents oh I'm sure they'll be happy to see you Miguel then find some costumes look at this oh very nice [Music] how did partner oh howdy buckaroo I'm the king your majesty I'm a ballerina that's a very pretty tutu it's my favorite color Barney would you like to try this on oh boy thank you oh so um what do you think oh there are so many costumes we can try them all a big parade of costumes is coming your way it's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yes costumes can be fun no matter where or when you can wear a cowboy hat swing a rope in the air pretend to be a planet with stars in your hair you can be a ballerina that's always fun the big parade of costumes is for everyone a big parade of costumes is coming your ways it's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yes [Music] and play the whole day through or you can be a pilot flying in the sky so blue or you can be a scarecrow dancing in a field or be a mighty king with a royal Shield it's so much fun it kind of makes me want to sing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yes [Music] we have fun what to wear on the airplane okay maybe we could find a different Pilot's hat okay um let's see here uh oh how about this one thanks how do I look oh you look just like a pilot here's a neat jacket David cool oh here let me help you put it on thanks Barney you're welcome thanks oh this is going to be so much fun wearing costumes makes pretending a lot of fun our friend BJ has a special costume that he likes to wear oh let's go see what it is pickles are crisp and green and sour they give Captain pickles his for power oh hi everybody I'm pretending to be Captain pickles do you like my cool Cape yeah check out my mask hey will you play Captain pickles with me we can pretend to have super powers let's show off our super strong muscles check it out yeah and we can jump high higher than the tallest tree let's do a captain pickle super jump Ready set go whoa Greg jumping let's do it again Ready set go oh and now we hold our arms out like this and you can do it hold your arms out like this and now take them oh [Music] this is Captain pickles flies through the air come on and try it let's fly like Captain pickles [Music] pickle power I'm captain pickles what a guy I can run and jump inside [Music] I'm captain pickles I can run I do it happily stay with me guys people say I'm a real jelly all right I'm captain pickles I could jump I do it happily super sour Pinnacle power [Music] [Music] super sour pink [Music] light up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane it's a flying pickle [Music] I'm captain pickles [Music] I'm a hero through and through pretend that you are too keeping the world safe for pickle lovers everywhere oh it's fun to put on a costume and pretend to be someone else and sometimes you don't need the whole costume all you need is a hat here's my band leader hat I can put it on and pretend to march in a band oh or how about this one it's a hat for a train engineer Owen here's a chef's hat I wear it when I pretend to cook oh this is going to be delicious oh and I call this one my silly hat for when I'm feeling silly you like to put on your silly hats sometimes [Music] [Music] cause it feels like part of me it may be too big or a baby too little it might even have a hole in the middle and it might be colored red or blue or green can someone some my silly hat that I had on my head because that's where it's at they think it was the funniest thing they've seen oh a silly hat a silly a silly hat I wear it on my head because that's where it's at now they know it looks as funny as can be oh silly hats the silly hat I wear it on my head because that's where it's at and I like it cause it feels like Part of Me Maybe if you Bingo or maybe too little you might even have a hole in the middle and it might be colored red or blue or green and if someone saw my silly hat that I had on my head because that's where it's at since they'd think it was the funniest thing they've seen and I like it cause it feels like part of me foreign [Music] oh my this looks just like an airplane Barney look it has wings and a steering wheel and look Barney it has a tail and it even has propellers oh it looks like this airplane is ready to fly [Music] check the controls before we take off flight one two three is now 40. here's my ticket thank you here's your seat sir thanks I'm glad it's by the window you should have a good view from here would you like to get on now Barney oh what well thank you but somebody needs to stay on the ground and help guide you down the runway oh I'll be here to welcome you back when you land okay we're all set pilot David okay then we're ready to go and make sure your seat belts are fastened Bill all right pilot David start the engines foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it makes me feel like a really tall [Music] watching the clouds [Music] bye now pretending on the pilot is a lot of fun I think when I grow up I really might be one but for now I'm just enjoying being in this plane safe from the snow and from the rains [Music] go by flying in an airplane looking out the window up so very high oh yes [Music] oh so did everyone enjoy the flight that was you Laura I'm glad we made we may have had fun too I better go home guys I have baseball practice will you put my costume away sure no problem thanks bye guys bye Barney see you later we better put these inside okay let's go okay flying in an airplane is super duper fun did you have fun flying oh I always have fun when I spend the day with friends like you [Music] we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too foreign [Music] thanks Gianna how do I look like you're ready for a tea party so do you Let's go ask Barney if he wants some tea okay would you like some tea Barney hello Cammy Gianna well you both look very nice today we're having a tea party and we're practicing our good manners please have a sandwich pumpernickel bread oh my favorite [Music] yes please here you go oh thank you there are lots of things we can do to be nice sometimes they're hard to remember but there are two little things you should never forget from January through December we'll talk about please [Music] remember please and thank you cause they're the magic words use them in the morning at noon at night cause it's a great way to be polite [Music] remember please use them in the morning at noon at night cause it's a great way to be polite oh I liked your party and your nice manners you're welcome well now it's time to clean up I'll help you Gianna okay hi everybody oh I see you have a new book what are you reading Mario nothing see all the pages are blank why aren't there any words or pictures in your book because I'm supposed to write a story in it for school but I haven't started yet oh a story oh that sounds like fun oh well maybe I have to ride a fairy tale I like fairy tales yeah me too I do too but it's pretty hard to get started all I have so far is Once Upon a Time that's a good start Mario with a beginning like that your story can be about anything well when you say the words once upon a time then you know a story will be told when you hear me say once upon a time then a wondrous Adventure will unfold Once Upon a Time means It's Time to Pretend let your imagination go on a journey into Story Land to hear a tale from long ago once upon a time once upon a time there's a story to tell the shed with everybody everywhere Once Upon a Time there's a story to tell when you hear the words [Music] okay my story starts with Once Upon a Time but I don't know what to write next just use your imagination Mario fairy tales can be about anything people animals or even magic this book has lots of fairy tales in it Mario maybe one of them can give you an idea called the fish er's life and it has a magic fish in it a magic fish cool [Music] once upon a time a fisherman and his wife lived in a little Shack beside the sea well I guess it's time for me to go fishing if you don't catch a fish we won't have anything for dinner tonight I'll do my best if I had one wish I would love to fish with all my fishing gear I would like to go out to catch some trout in a condor Lake that's near with a bowl and some bait and a very special hat I love to go fishing like I've been wishing that's all there is [Music] some trout in a pond or a lake that's near with a pole [Music] all there is the fishermen tried very hard but he didn't catch a single fish all day I wish I could catch a fish finally I caught one but the fishermen soon found out that this was no ordinary fish oh please let me go Hawking fish I'm really a magic fish let me go and I'll Grant you a wish okay I'll let you go you now what do you wish for nothing I already have everything I need have a nice day thank you I'll never forget you [Music] the fisherman was happy that he had let the magic fish go free but when he went home and told his wife what had happened she was not so happy you only caught one fish and you let it go but it was a magic fish it said let me go and I'll Grant you what'd you wish for nothing I don't need anything well I do I'm not happy in this little Shack go back and tell that magic fish that I went a nice house with a guard foreign went back to the Sea and called out please come back oh Magic Fish so you can grant my wife a wish what does your wife want a nice house with a garden please he has her wish [Music] the fisherman went home to find a nice house with what a nice house well it's not exactly what I wanted go back and tell that magic fish that I need a bigger house and a fancy Garden so the fisherman went back to the Sea and called out please come back oh Magic Fish so you can grant my wife a wish what did you want what now a bigger house and a fancy garden please she has her wish the fisherman went home to find a bigger house with a fancy Garden wow that's a big house not big enough I really wanted a castle with tall towers so I can be a queen now go back and tell that magic fish to give me everything I deserve and hurry [Music] so the fishermen went back to the Sea and called out please come back on Magic Fish so you can grant my wife a wish let me guess she's still not happy she wants you to give her everything she deserves go and tell her that she has her final wish everything she deserves thank you when the fishermen returned home the big house and fancy Garden were gone Hustle and my crown Magic Fish to give you everything you deserve and I guess he did what am I supposed to do now just be happy with what you have in time the fisherman's wife learned that she didn't need a big house to be happy so the fisherman and his wife lived happily ever after I'm glad the fisherman's wife learned to be happy in her little Shack yeah no matter what you have or where you live when you're with the people you love your home oh a home is a place to live then to eat and sleep and be with the people you love and care about yes that's a home to me it's a little house or a big house [Music] that's a home to me yes it is [Music] to me love and care about yes [Music] have you thought of a story for your fairy tale Mario uh-huh I like the idea of someone getting magic wishes but in my story I think I'll have a magic hat now that's using your imagination [Music] Here Comes oh hi Barney hi guys oh hi Jackson oh what's the hurry I just got to help me run super fast check them out what are you doing I'm trying to ride a fairy tale for school and we're helping him think of ideas hmm are there any fairy tales about new shoes no I don't I think so yeah you ever heard the story of the Shoemaker and the elves Now where's a good place for a shoe shop [Music] once upon a time there was a Shoemaker and his wife they worked hard but they were poor one evening as they talked by the fire they were very worried husband this piece of leather is not big enough to make a whole pair of shoes what will we do well wife let's get some sleep maybe we'll think of something in the morning foreign the next morning the Shoemaker and his wife got a big surprise overnight the piece of leather had been made into a beautiful pair of shoes we can sell these and buy more leather good idea husband and so they did the Shoemaker and his wife left more leather on the table and went to sleep the next morning they got another surprise now there are two pairs of shoes would we sell these we can buy even more leather every night the Shoemaker and his wife laid out more leather every morning they 've sold so many shoes they soon had plenty of money [Music] look how much money we made I wonder who's been making the shoes for us I know how we can find out the Shoemaker and his wife went upstairs to hide and they waited late that night two little elves appeared we make lots and lots of shoes so many times to choose we make shoes [Music] we make shoes thank you husband elves are making our shoes I know Wise how can we ever thank them did you see their ragged clothes maybe we could do something for them good idea [Music] and so to thank them the Shoemaker and his wife made the Alps new clothes and shoes that night they left their gifts on the bench and waited for the elves to return [Music] look they made clothes and shoes for us why would they do that because you helped us so much this is our way of saying thank you oh you're welcome from that day on the Alps the Shoemaker and his wife were good friends and they all lived happily ever after the end I liked how everyone became friends I can put a couple of friends in my fairy tale it's a great idea Mario lots of fairy tales are about friends are special so important they make the world go round [Music] friends [Music] is very special [Music] friends are specials [Music] [Music] great job everyone Mario is working very hard on his story well let's see how he's doing oh well Mario it looks like you're getting a lot done on your fairy tale I've written some good ideas do you want to hear some of them okay how about this two friends find a magic hat that makes wishes come true one friend says to the other what was that that sounds like a wolf but there aren't any rules in the park are there Barney no I don't think so why don't we go see it okay [Music] come on everyone I don't see a wolf there's Juliet oh hello Juliet oh it's good to see you oh have fun in the park today [Music] what are you doing I'm pretending to be a wolf like in this picture see oh that's one of my favorite fairy tales the girl who cried wolf once upon a time there was a young Shepherd girl her job was to make sure that the wolf didn't steal the village Sheen but one day she got very bored oh this is no fun I wonder what would happen if I cried whoa whoa a wolf is stealing the Sheep the people who lived in a nearby Village heard her calling did you hear that it came from the hillside we'd better go help what can the matter be I have a girl call [Music] ing where's the wolf there isn't one but you cried wolf I was just kidding you should always tell the truth the villagers went back to work but before long the girl was born again I know I shouldn't but whoa whoa a wolf is stealing machine you hear that it came from the hillside we'd better go see if something's wrong [Music] where's the wolf I fooled you again that's not a nice trick like we told you before you'd better start telling the truth the villagers were tired and grouchy but the girl was still bored one more time wolf a wolf a wolf did you hear that it came from the hillside here we go again oh dear what can the matter be I hear the shepherd girl calling me oh well something is telling me there probably isn't a wolf where's the wall I fooled you again that's not funny if you don't tell the truth we won't come when you call the villagers no longer believed the shepherd girl so can you guess what happened next oh oh no that's the real one [Applause] [Music] a wolf a wolf is stealing machine you you can't fool us yeah you're just trying to trick us but this time there really is a wall we don't believe you but the shepherd girl begged and deleted until the villagers finally went with her to see for themselves when they got there they discovered there's no wolf and there's no sheep there goes the wolf with all the sheep and it's all my fault I promise I'll Never Cry Wolf to trick you again from that day on the shepherd girl always told the truth and they all lived happily ever after [Music] highlighting villager oh I can't wait to read your fairy tale Mario who I still have a lot more to write but you can read it when I'm finished oh and when you're done we can put your book in our library so everyone can read it that would be great songs are fun books are great let's sit down with a book today books are fun books are great is it book time yet oh I just can't wait to jump up do you know why I love to read a book why I get so happy every time I take a look cause lips can take me anywhere that I want to go books help my imagination grow books are fun to read I love the pictures favorite stories [Music] riding in fairy tale is a lot more fun than I thought it would be oh that's great can you tell us about your story now well it's about two friends who find a magic hat when you wear it and make a wish your wish comes true what happens next I'm not sure I guess I'll have to use my imagination to figure it out oh I think your story will be super deep oh when you finish your book will you read it to us Mark oh I can't wait fairy tales tales fun to write and fun to read but they're even better when you share them with the people you love you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and hands from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] I love you you love me we best friends like friends should be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say [Music] thanks again Barney you're welcome Mario I'll bring my book back when it's done great well now we have to go oh I had fun today hey Mario can there be a wolf in your fairy tale yeah that's just what my story needs thank you [Music] oh hi there everybody I like to imagine flying around in the big white fluffy clouds oh and I can imagine another kind of cloud that's even more special one like this whoa it's a picture of a very different kind of cloud This Cloud rains lemon drops and gumdrops it's full of yummy treats and beautiful colors well come on let's go share it with our friends [Music] thank you [Music] oh hi Laura hello David good to see you what's this Barney oh it's a picture of a happy kind of rain one with lemon drops and gumdrops that was delicious was it really could rain like that I would run outside and start eating oh it would be fun we would all wish for a rainy day every day if All The Raindrops Were lemon drops and gum drops [Music] standing outside with my mouth up and wide [Music] beautiful The Raindrops Were lemon drops and gum drops okay now let's have some snowflakes if all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes [Music] oh I'm so glad you're here with me do you like lemon drops and gum drops I sure do well then come on and join in the fun that would be outside with my mouth open wide [Music] oh what a rain that would be oh Barney I made a picture too it's an island with a tree a boulder Blue Water and a sun oh that's a very pretty picture Laura thank you thank you nice nice red banana tree yes it is my mom told me they grow on island so I put one on my Islands oh there are lots of yellow bananas on that tree I'd really like to go to an island like this one Sunday me too we could sit under a banana tree and eat bananas and play by the water and dig in the sand just imagine the fun we could have together on an island what if today your Island came to us right here [Music] [Music] very far away from the homes we know is a very sunny place where it's fun to go you can't get here with a car or train but when you look around you'll be glad you came this place is called an island and it's plain to see it's got an ocean and the beach and Greenery imagine all the fun things [Music] [Music] in the coconut trees that's what an island is [Music] and if you get hungry for a tasty meal there are Bunches of bananas that have appeared [Music] that's what an island is oh that's what an island is oh that's what an island is oh now that we're on the island what should we do next I know let's pretend to be Pirates yeah this is our Island Hideout oh what a terrific idea but we don't look like Pirates well we can let's go find some pirate software [Music] you like to put on a costume and play pretend I know someone who likes to dress up and pretend to be Captain pickles he's yellow and he's a dinosaur can you guess who it is pickles are crisp and green and sour they give Captain pickles his sir oh hi everybody I'm pretending to be Captain pickles do you like my cool Cape yeah check out my mask hey will you play Captain pickles with me we can pretend to have super powers let's show off our super strong muscles huh check it out yeah and we can jump high higher than the tallest tree let's do a captain pickle super jump Ready Set Go a Greg jumping let's do it again Ready set go oh and now we hold our arms out like this and you can do it hold your arms out like this and now take them [Music] Captain pickles flies to the air come on and try it let's fly like Captain pickles [Music] power I'm captain pickles [Music] stay with me guys people say I'm a real Dewey all right I'm captain pickles I could jump I do it happily [Music] hey it's time to fly I'm captain pickles [Music] yeah what that up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane it's a flying pie yeah I'm captain pickles [Music] pretend that you are too keeping the world safe for pickle lovers everywhere oh it's fun to dress up and play pretend there are so many people you can pretend to be you can be a farmer oh The Farmer in the Dell The Farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o The Farmer in the Dell or maybe you'd like to be a firefighter well hurry hurry I'll put the fire out here comes the fire truck that people shout hooray f-i-r-e-t-r-u-c-k what about you who would you like to be come on let's pretend [Music] [Music] or something like that can change the way we play it's a whole lot of fun we can be anyone hey what will I be today [Music] [Music] anything we want to [Music] eyes this will make a great boat yeah let's roll around the island okay ahoy mateys oh boy Barney oh well what is this it's our boat we're going to row it around the island and pretend that we just discovered the island and we don't know what we'll find here would you like to come with us oh might be happy too and you can help too come on help us Row The Boat like this oh that's great let's roll roll the boat row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream oh come on everybody roll your votes [Music] gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream we'll keep rowing up you can do it gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream oh nice rowing everyone Oh Land Ho you made it to shore mateys now we can play on the beach while we pretend to be Pirates okay when I go to the beach in my family I like to look for seashells no I like to build sand castles and feed the seagulls my favorite thing to do at the beach is play in the water I'm kind of tired after rowing our boat me too well maybe you Pirates need a little rest and relaxation on the island you're right Barney I think I'll just sit here and listen to the sound of the Waves good idea David this sound of waves is very relaxing splashing the water to cool off well that's a great way to beat the Heat pretty day Barney even the clouds are pretty man look at the beautiful yellow sun in the sky oh it certainly makes this island a warm and happy place oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun hiding behind the tree these little children are asking you to please come out so we can play with you oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me oh please beep [Music] Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun hiding behind a tree [Music] oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on please share it down mom please [Music] what shall we do now let's explore for the islands yes and we could hunt for bury treasure that's a great idea Pirates are always looking for Treasure oh no telling what we might find Maybe maybe something special it would be cool to have a treasure map let's make our own treasure map we could Trot ourselves oh this is going to be fun I like going on its treasure hunts we can each draw a different part of the treasure map yeah we could hide a treasure chest oh there are so many ways to use your imagination make your own map draw a picture play pretend or even make up your own dance like Baby Bob [Music] I'm going to do a dance today will you do it with me oh goody we can dance to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star come on let's all try it first pretend like you're reaching for a star that's it keep reaching and now turn around like me that was fun next we stand on tippy toes like this tip it makes you really tall and now make a diamond with your hands see and then the best part we take about thank you thank you and then we clap for ourselves because we all did such a good job yay are you ready to try it with the music everybody dance with me please twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh that's good now let's do it again a little bit faster twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are [Music] in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh you're doing great let's go even faster here we go wow twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are oh thank you everybody it's fun to dance with you yay [Music] oh hi baby Bob do you like my hats oh yes party I do when I put it on I start to feel silly do you like to do silly things sometimes and make your friends laugh well I do too so come on get silly with us [Music] when I feel happy I can smile the biggest smile I know then you can see my happy show come on [Music] get up and get silly [Music] I can't stop laughing as you can see [Music] come on get silly and live with me [Music] and laugh with me [Music] how are things coming with your treasure map we're all finished with it Barney and we hit a treasure chest on the island oh how exciting Barney would you like to use our map to find the treasure chest IBD lighted thank you [Music] what a nice map pirates you'll have to follow the path that we drew and all of our directions okay yeah I think I can figure this out let's start hunting Pirates [Music] [Music] now according to the map I started the tree and there it is I'll go around the tree okay I'm feeling around the tree and around man around getting a little dizzy that's much better oh thank you a hunting we will go a hunting we will go we're going on a treasure hunt to hunting we will go it looks like I take five steps toward the water all right one two three four and five Barney you're in the water oh oops I took big steps and went too far oh no [Music] we will go [Music] now I go to the rock with a hop a skip and a jump [Music] I made it so I imagine the treasure is right above [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what a great man thanks for your help everybody I can't wait let's open the treasure chest there must be something special inside Barney there isn't really anything inside the treasure chest there isn't anything inside it's just pretend treasure Barney oh well then let's take a look at our pretend treasure foreign [Music] how did you do that Barney now when you use your imagination and share it with people you love who just about anything can happen I love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you save you my you love me too [Music] I love you you love me we're best friends like friends [Music] too mm-hmm let's go up to the top of the Caboose and pretend it's a lookout and we're Pirates looking for a secret Island and the whole Caboose can be a ship come on okay goodbye see you later [Music]
Channel: Barney - 9 Story
Views: 247,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friendship, Childrens TV, Kids Cartoons, Kids Shows, Barney and Friends, Barney I Love You, Barney, Songs, ABCs, Education, Learning, Sharing, Caring, Baby Bop, Riff, BJ, Friends, Barney Episodes, Barney Official Channel, Official Channel, Barney Playlist, Purple, Dinosaur, Purple Dinosaur, Full Episode, Barney Dance, Sing Along, Singing, magic, imagination, fairy, tales, fairy tales, make believe, dancing, singing, after school, school, mother goose, kids, for kids, videos for kids, nostalgia
Id: pkexuEOBLaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 15sec (7335 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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