Barney - Best Episode Compilation (3+ Hours)

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[Music] I spy with my little eye something that's purple purple let me see what's purple around here hi everyone we're working on our kite and playing I spy wanna play yes thank you do something else you guys go ahead okay see now I spy with my big eye something red does it look like a circle uh-huh do you see something red that's shaped like a circle I'm having a ball playing this game next to you what the ball that's not a circle that's technically what you call fear well yes it is a sphere and a sphere is shaped like a circle I wonder what other shapes we can spy let's go see [Music] shapes shapes it's easy my friend you can tell a shape by the shape Addison shakes shakes sing it again you can tell a shape by the shape that it man you know a triangle if you saw one have you ever tried to draw one house three corners and three sides a triangle has three sides shakes shapes it's easy my friend you can tell the shape pattern shapes shapes sing it again you can tell a shape by this got it man [Music] I swear if he saw have you ever tried to Joe has four corners and four signs a square has four sides oh yeah the square has four sides shapes shapes it's easy my friend you can tell a shape by the shape attitude shapes no corners and those sides around [Music] shapes caprese my crack can tell a shape by the shape that it shapes [Music] you can't escape [Music] I don't have time for any tea party oh you do - I'm your only big brother that's why you're my favorite who else wants to come maybe later we're gonna go fire kite check it out we added a tail will you come to my tea party sorry can't I'm reading up on China China why well my baby sister's from there your sister's from China I didn't know you had a sister I don't yet our parents are docking her oh that's too rusty my man you're gonna be a big brother just like me you stick with me my friend and I'll show you how to be the best big brother ever I hope your sister likes tea parties just like me I likes basketball just like me I hope she just likes me I'm sure she will rusty oh you just keep your eye on me I'll teach you all about being a big brother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] someone to share with isn't it great to have someone who cares is always together [Music] come on Eli let's go try out the kite okay oh and rusty don't sweaty you'll be a great big brother okay for a beautiful princess just like you see see always treat your sister like a princess that's what I do now you don't but you should Barney how do I know if I'm gonna make good big brother you've always been a good friend and I know you'll be a tee-rrific brother Thanks I wish I knew more about China well I know a good way to learn about it on the computer the word if you found a map of China though it's a very big country oh and that right there's the Great Wall it's very old and very long the giant panda bear comes from China eats a lot of bamboo and luck we have some things from China right here in the caboose did you know that kites were invented in China [Music] those like these from there - oh yes sometimes they're called Guardian lions and sometimes they're called foo dogs though certainly let's look on the computer again si Chows Shar Peis and pugs all come from China because your big brother and I say so sisters need our guidance you know rusty there's another way we can learn about China if we use a little imagination and take a little look in [Music] places we can go there's just so much to see sar imagination we can't be anywhere we want [Music] we're drivin [Music] a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day we're going to travel world in a new and exciting [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to China it's the Chinese New Year celebration [Applause] now it looks like they're getting ready for the lion there oh the lion dance is a traditional dance believed to bring luck [Music] [Applause] okay show me how Barney I'm tee-rrific me how means how are you in Chinese Tenten this is rusty you know BJ and Baby Bop what's a pretty envelope it's a gift for the new year for good luck and now we're having some sweet treats would you join me please have some sweets from our prosperity tray they are very special they also bring good luck for the new year looks good what should I try first I like the lychee nuts and the candied coconut and here are some yummy almond cookies let's pretend it okay when you have a tea party what do you serve [Music] want to come to our Tea Party we'll have fun with the breads we sing some train and very still play like animals in the zoo [Music] welcome to our Tea Party Wake County line [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got 3G got rain too sometimes mice hotties will do good friends and good company [Music] once you have a tough with me ha [Music] our Tea Party [Music] haha [Music] make [Music] that was tasty yeah thanks a lot you're very welcome we're going to make lanterns for good luck over there do you want to help Barney can you help show them how I'd be happy to Ted Ted first everyone pick a piece of this beautiful red paper here red is good luck in China [Music] now fold the paper lengthwise now with your scissors cut lines along the folded side now unfold the paper can you some tape and tape the paper together to make a circle right now take another strip of paper and tape it across the top of the lantern for a hanger [Music] right now it's time to decorate with markers and tassels and anything else you like what kind of things do you like to make [Music] shall we make today we'll make something fun using paint or pencils crayons glue your spring things together [Music] nice job Baby Bop oh thank you rusty I made it all by myself [Music] come on Barney can you help tell the story please once upon a time there was a pretty little nightingale she had the most lovely voice in all of China the Emperor heard about the nightingale and said it will make me happy to hear Oh invite her to sing for me the nightingale was so excited she practiced her song all day but each time she sang her big brother told her to sing differently if she's saying high notes you would say sing low notes my Nightingale went to the palace to sing for the Emperor thank you for coming please sing for me now he said I thought yet the best voice in all China I did not hear that today the nightingales brother felt badly it's my fault please allow my sister to sing again and you will be happy with what you hear all right let the nightingale sing again are you okay baby [Music] she's really mad today you're mad we'll go away [Music] [Music] [Music] what to do BJ & baby Bob get mad sometimes but that doesn't mean they don't love each other sometimes brothers and sisters forget how much they care about each other deep down inside you're kind of like the nightingales brother in the puppet show yeah I really messed things up but I think you can fix them now if you want to but I don't need all the time bossy sometimes it's rusty if you're like BJ you're going to be a great big brother even if brothers and sisters don't always get along they're still family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and my [Music] all right everybody I think it's time for us to go home before you go I want to say Shing me and Kyla who was that mean Happy New Year and rusty I have something for you this one says sister in Chinese and this one says love how do you see thank you in Chinese Shay Shay Oh Shay Shay you're welcome I'm Shane [Music] we're so cool man China was awesome I'm glad you had a good time I'm going to have sense and be my pen pal so I can learn more about China well that's a great idea hi Barney hello mom sweetheart I've got somebody I'd like for you to meet I think that's your baby sister this is Maylene hi I'm rusty I'm your big brother this is for you from a special friend in China Oh being a good brother or sister or friend is easy when we follow our hearts and show the people we love how much we care [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't we have that Tea Party now okay all right I guess we better get going too oh okay we can come back to the park another time you can see all the neat things and meet all my friends you'll love it let's go we'll see you later [Music] I may be a little big to ride the pony cool but I can't wait to see you to ride it's coming - oh good where is he don't know he should have been here by now we've only been planning this for a week I hope he gets here in time it'll be more fun with all of us oh it is fun when friends get together with friends I like to run and jump and play there's so many things to do I like it even better when it's with a friend or two [Music] together the whole day through any day any time day or night rain or shine [Music] [Music] or night rain or shine there with friends [Music] with friends [Music] yep no there he is right on time what a pretty pony he certainly is look at that beautiful long tail now the hair on his neck is called the main oh that's right Ally would it be all right if we fed him a treat go right ahead what do ponies eat well well you know they like carrots they sure do may I feed him one please here you go and hold it straight up he really likes it I can't believe Ben is missing this I'm sure he'll be here soon I hope so we'll be right back okay oh you hear the pony's hooves flip-flop clapping on the ground his feet are called hooves now that I knew how that looks like wonderful fun have you ever wanted to ride a pony [Music] [Music] [Music] riding a girl [Music] howdy partners [Music] was the best day ever riding the pony of course so where's the line for the pony don't tell me I'm the first one here awesome what I'm afraid you missed him I want me already rode oh I get it you're just kidding me you guys very funny it's joke right not a joke I'm afraid not Ben oh I really wanted to ride I got to feed the pony - you fed me don't worry Ben I'm sure he'll be back again really no I don't know exactly when bummer this is a real bummer well I better get going almost time for lunch sorry you missed the pony man me too bye Ben bye Barney see you later I'm looking forward to this forever now I have to wait even longer well blading isn't easy especially when you're waiting for something you really want I guess it's just not there standing here but I want to be there I just can't wait for what tomorrow I just have wait for [Music] I just can't wait for some summer fun like going to the beach or playing in the Sun slash winter rains in the spring I just can't wait for I just can't wait for the colors of fall to jump in some leaves or play football I just can't wait for a winter's chill [Music] [Music] [Music] when a horse runs like this it's called gallop some horses are jumpers and they can jump really far about like this this right here this is the saddle that's where the rider sits and this is called a bridle you know a lot about horse has been well yeah I do I'm getting a little of my own you know really yeah big brown white spot that this tall probably can jump from here to where over there by the ball what are you gonna get it can't tell you exactly well that's enough for now can I get going whoa whoa are you really getting a horse man well I wish I could I've always wanted one ever since I was a little oh you have been waiting a long time tell me about it oh I have an idea what's that there is another horse we could visit really there is in Spain oh right let's go okay wait a minute wait a minute hold on little Spain right that's a whole other country right that's right well how are we going to get there Oh with a little imagination and this the book oh are you ready to go there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see sar imagination we can be anywhere we want [Music] we're traveling a great big world we're gonna everywhere we go a new adventure for you [Music] need a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day [Applause] this great big world in a new and exciting big world to say you know everywhere we Adventure [Music] where are we burning this is a Hacienda in the countryside of Spain hacienda is a Spanish ranch yes and this is the horse I told you about his name is ray gallo awesome how do you say worse here caballo caballo uh-huh and regalo is one very special caballo because he can dance I have Barney oh ma Senor Vega this is my friend Ben all that bad all that means hello in Spanish hola this regalo really dancing your sure does ray Gallo is one of the best dancing horses I've ever seen can I see - sure but regalo isn't ready quite yet I have to wait some more I feel like all I ever do is wait ah you want to see regalo dance i order mismo that means right now in spanish regalo needs a saddle and bridle like any dancer needs a costume let me get him ready for you and he will dance soon enough you know Ben regalo isn't the only dancer around here Senor Vegas friends the flamenco dancers are here too and this is a dance you can see autumn is mo all right I think you may know a couple of the dancers when you know them too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you play the guitar beautifully read what are you doing you been we came to see a caballo oh that's great what's a caballo a horse yeah his name's regalo oh I know regalo he's so pretty dancer you've already seen him sure we watched him dance he's totally tippity-top man everybody's seen him but me know what I think you'll get a chance right up say hello to everyone regalo Tony she was smart Senora Ben are you ready to see regalo dance yeah for sure oh this is going to be tea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] later yeah that was awesome Senor Vega well thank you for sharing it with us you're very welcome oh I think Ray Kahlo should get an extra carrot for doing such a great job I see yes you're right Barney here you go bin you can feed him just hold the carrot like this like this see that's it oh look at that he's really hungry well all that dancing would make me hungry my deal my friend would you take regard for porfavor means please mr. Goll are going to come back a little later he needs to rest now can you tell me again how to say thank you in Spanish gracias gracias what are Spanish words can you teach us well let's see I've already told Ben what hola means that means alone correcto and adios means goodbye it's fun to learn new words in a different language would you like to learn some words in Spanish [Music] if I want to say hello to my friends [Music] [Music] I want to use my manners place a for floor the line count to three uno dos in my house [Music] Oh many different ways to say the things we want to say it's fine to learn new words all around the world [Music] what I think he likes being brushed see he surely does when I get my horse I'm gonna brush him every day oh you're getting a horsey bed see yes well I don't know Sunday maybe I'd like to get one it's a big responsibility having a horse I didn't get one until I was much older than you ah Senor Vega do you think the Golem is about ready to dance again oh can we dance with him this time maybe we can teach regalo a dance this time great let's do it if you get regalo already we'll come up with a dance for you [Music] so are you ready Senor Vega all ready here we go there's a dance craze sweeping the country and it's gone the Dino dance oh it's a lot of fun y'all hope you'll give it a chance are you ready now because it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Dino dance [Music] that was wonderful Barney oh you're welcome Rakhal oh did a super-dee-duper job I'm glad you could come by and watch your pants me too oh I think we'd better be getting back now then do we have to Barney now well I believe there's someone we need to see back at the park [Music] gracias gracias Rogalla adios Barney as your friend never thought I'd see a dancing horse who I hope it was worth the wait it was my guess I'll be okay waiting to ride a horse myself but I don't think you'll have to wait very long look who's back mr. Parker and his pony now you can get a ride too thanks Barney for everything I had a great time today I did too and there's nothing better than sharing good times with those we're a happy family with a great [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh right I am ready to ride autumn is mo yeah right now but okay well adios man adios Barney can't ride it isn't my turn and I'm win forever I'm so excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what should I do next hey Paige oh this is going to take forever we're longer hey Emma why don't play soccer with me I wish I could but I can't got this huge school project to do then it was going to play with me I'm always ready for a game of soccer meet this major school project project it has a lot of parts I have to interview my mom and dad ask them all kinds of things what their hobbies are this is your roving reporter rips and I'm interviewing Emma's mom and dad mmm so tell me mister Emma's dad what's your favorite thing to do well I like watching Emma play soccer with this poster of my family tree your family lives in the tree a family tree shows your whole family brothers and sisters mom and dad grandmas and grandpas oh wow well I guess a family is like a tree with celada branches Oh yep and just like a tree the family can come in all different shapes and [Music] yeah [Music] things with her mom for damage although she sees her parents just one at a time they both love her every day [Applause] [Music] Emily [Music] yeah [Music] Alabama and the first Oh [Music] so when you're done you want to play soccer I don't think I'll ever be done oh well what else do you have to do well for one thing I have to write about an interesting ancestor what's an ancestor is that a bug or something actually it's a relative alright Barney oh that's right ancestors our family members who lived before you going way back I don't know anything about any of it all I have is this old picture but my mom gave me look at all those ancestors problem is I don't know who they are they're just a lot of faces oh you might be surprised about some of them everyone has a story because everyone is special you are special you're the only one you're the only one [Music] [Music] your friend port until you please are you're the only one like the world is better just because you're here you should know that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I knew I had so many ancestors hey look a feather that's weird who's em the picture beats me that's a pretty necklace she has let's see it says something on the back okay let's see it says the man is your great-grandfather and his name was and zou Respighi I believe it's Italian he's a little girl it doesn't say it looks really old oh but it says here the picture was taken in Venice Italy so my great-grandfather was Italian why don't we take a look at the map and now who can find Italy see found it whoops well Italy is shaped a lot like a boot oh that's a great way to recognize it by its shape like a diamond the whole world is full of shapes what shapes can you find around you like the sky [Music] [Music] it's a long way from here why don't we take a little trip to see where your great grandpa lived to Venice huh it's one of the most magical cities in the world so far away we don't even have a car to drive it it takes more than a guard Josh it's not that good we can get there if we use our imaginations and take a little look in many places we can go there's just so much to see we use our imagination we can be anywhere we want a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day this great big world in a new and exciting way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is amazing it's so pretty here those are the bells of the Campanile it they've been ringing for hundreds of years hey wait where are the streets in this city oh here they use water canals to get around instead of streets these canals connect all of Venice but if the streets are water well where do people drive their cars there are no cars in Venice they use boats and some of those are special boats called gondolas I see one here comes what who wants to take a gondola ride gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream everyone join the stream merrily merrily [Music] around Joshua but a musical round now you and Joshua start singing then riff and I will start singing a little bit later [Music] Venice is famous for many other things the great Explorer Marco Polo came from here actually the game got its name from him while Marco Polo went to many new places and came back with all kinds of treasures like spices and food no one had seen before I'm starving lots of your favorites come from Italy like spaghetti and macaroni what kind of pizza do you like tea [Music] to me your style [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing beats a pizza we sure did Victor well actually Chow means hello in Italy it's a way to say hello and goodbye in Italian Oh everyone this is my friend Anna Maria maybe you'll have a little Italian in you yes I think so we came here so I can learn about my great grandfather in the rest beauty I wonder if it's the same one yeah of course I know Enzo very well and I think I recognize the little girl in the picture too I can't believe it you know my great grandpa Enzo I mean Italy they say these no no for great-grandfather these no no that's right Enzo was a friend of my father's we used to come to the shop to help him Oh your peas no no shop is right over here [Music] check out those masks can we try them on you sure can that is what a mask is for [Music] this was my grandpa's might be solution that's right Enzo was the finest mask maker in all of Venice tell me what the masks are for we use them at Carnival oh that's a big party when everyone eats sings and dances I never knew I had a mask maker my family this is all going in my report would you like to make one too oh yeah sure oh that would be super d there are all kinds of wonderful things to put on your masks glitter ribbons and feathers Oh Emma why don't you try to make one like this it was Enzo specialty I don't think I can ever make one like this there's too many parts to it you might be surprised what you can do if you do it a little bit at a time right now no Maria that's right Bonnie take it one tiny step at a time dear first choose a mask shape like this one a very good choice you know I learned from your busines know that you can do a really big job if you think of them as little tiny jobs all put together can you please pass me that mask Josh sure can you hand me a paintbrush all right everyone put on a smock yeah making things is team graphic fun let's see what kind of mask you can make what shall we make today will make something fun what shall we make today will make something fun using paper pencils great or play your strengths learning together what shall we make something fun maybe I can use some pipe cleaners for whispers I can use these feathers [Music] what [Music] they're gonna be the best masters I've ever seen have you finished your mask Emma no not quite just do it a little at a time it's coming together very nicely it still needs a few more things like maybe some cool beads here you go oh thanks you see step by step you are getting the job done it's going to be v well just look at all the colors on it do you like colors can you show me some of your favorite ones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] over apple or cherry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we like colors we like them a lot we like color [Music] oh yeah [Applause] they're all Oh maybe see it Emma yeah but it still needs something oh I know the Feder hope that is so good thank you beasts no no for leaving me that better he was always a very thoughtful man he gave me this pretty necklace the girl on the picture is wearing this same necklace was it I mean is it you yes I knew your busines no when I was a child he taught me all about mask making he told me if I worked very hard someday I could run his shop [Music] so this is your job now yes [Music] very good and now they are telling me hey is done it is time to close my shop it is getting a little late isn't it now I wanna get back and finish my school project then I guess we'd better say our goodbyes thank you for everything Anna Maria oh you're very welcome come again is going to be the greatest school project ever you should have had too many parts to lose yeah and it was really complicated I know but I learned something from making that mask if I take you one part at a time before I know it I'll have the whole thing time that's right if you have a big job to do it's more fun if you take it a little at a time thanks Barney for helping me learn how much my family means to me the family means many things but most of all the family means happy family with a great big kiss from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah I think I'll go home and look at some old pictures of my family well I guess I better get back to work good hey Barney dee here oh thanks again Barney for taking me to Italy now let's see what do I need to do oh I know [Music] easily too man we're gonna need a lot of props for the school play yeah here's the magic wand for the magician looks great Tracy anyway it was next to Barney okay where'd he go didn't recognize you well it's not really my color we're making props for the school play let's see do you like my mask this is a magic mirror [Music] [Music] we're getting ready for school play oh can I help yeah me too oh well sure looks like Tracy could use a hand she's getting food ready for the concession stand now those aren't for you oh yeah but you know how much I like pickles I guess just one wouldn't hurt if it's okay with everybody else well come on everybody let's get back to work [Music] good [Music] here's some more pickles good Oh where'd you put the other ones BJ I didn't mean to you dude that's a lot of pickles those are snacks for the play oh it's okay we have more I mean I'll put those away for you don't even think about touching this jar hey I was just trying to be helpful come on everybody there's still a lot to do oh oh I think this show is going to be a royal success it's great fun to put on shows do you like to put on a show too [Music] let's get dressed up and come on everybody let's go here put not a show there's gonna be music there's gonna be dancing whoa can hardly wait I know I put that other jar of pickles somewhere over here BJ you ate all these - oh sorry I couldn't help myself looks like you helped yourself to a lot BJ you really should save some for the show oh I'll try really okay BJ hey Barney I finished my mask what do you think oh my they're great well they're like the masks used when people started putting on shows long ago in Greece Greece it's what I put on my scooter wheel Oh actually this Greece is a country oh and we can go there all we need is a little imagination and [Music] there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see we use our imagination we can be anywhere we want [Music] meet a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day to travel around this great big world in a new and exciting way [Music] oh here we are beautiful grace the weather is almost always sunny and hot here hello Demetri hello tomorrow oh I'd like you to meet Tracy Connor and my rough you know BJ and Baby Bop oh my looks like you've been exercising yeah we're getting ready to campaign the Junior Olympics there's all kind of sports events like running jumping throwing oh the Olympics is a great tradition that started in Greece long long ago what do you like to join us and some warm-up exercises absolutely you do some exercises too [Music] put your arms up put your arms up put your arms down put your arms down put your arms up bend down hand up and down and shake him all around put your leg up put your leg up put your leg down put your leg down put your leg up bend down hand up and down and run and run around we like to run then jump and slide this is how we exercise your arms in put your arms in put your arms out put your arms up put your arms in and out and in and out shake it put yourself in put yourself in put yourself out to put yourself out put yourself in and out and in and out [Music] exercise is good good job everybody again this year medals are prizes given at the Olympics tomorrow and Dmitry had to work very hard to win these so cool we'll be competing right here in this amphitheater in a few weeks an amphitheater is an outdoor place for sporting events and plays whom a long time ago place were performed in theaters just like this I have an idea we could put on the show right here I know a super-dee-duper story that comes from right here in Greece it's the tale of King - once upon a time there was a king named Midas who loved candy he loved it so much that he would lock himself in his castle and counted it every day 100 [Music] and since I'm a king [Music] [Music] now King Midas had a sweet daughter named princess peppermints and he had a lovely wife named lolli yep that'd be me Queen and a son named rocky who loved the play anybody up for a game of baseball anybody anybody the King's family did not love candy they liked other things what a beautiful day to spend in the garden yeah one is perfect for baseball who wants to play anybody anybody I just wish your father were here to spend the day with us yeah we don't see much of old dad because King Midas spent all his days counting candy 201 202 - whoa how'd you get in here I'm a magician can't you tell by my wand who else has a wand like this magician huh well go away can't you see I'm busy counting like candy I have a sucker please I really like suckers what share my candy no way my my aren't you a selfish little killer you know I can make it rain candy you can how remember this one I'm a magician follow me oh sweet bring when King Midas and the magician arrived in the garden it was just starting to rain Andi [Music] the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops Oh back with me if the snow by the no take Oh No [Music] [Music] King Midas scooped up all the candy to carry and took it to his candy room looks like you have plenty of sweets oh yes I do have a lot but I can always use more a lesson huh what'd you say nothing you know I could give you the power to turn everything you touch into candy would you like that oh but I like it will I like it that's what I'm asking would you you bet your wand I would okay Kiki baby I now have the power use it wisely picture I use it wisely and I'll use it a lot well don't say I didn't warn you [Music] and so everything King Midas touched turned the candy but as time went by the King grew tired of counting his hand so one day he strolled out into the garden and what a beautiful flower the flower turned to candy oh well now it's even more beautiful hey Rocky's baseball that kids always leaving toys laying around I forgot Oh everything I touch turns to candy good afternoon King Midas Queen Midas has requested fresh fruit for today's snack very well lead them right there yes King Midas oh this fruit looks pretty good maybe I'll try some for a change soon the King's family saw what had happened [Music] [Music] yes come on come to Daddy we all make mistakes it's true that's how we grow and learn much lessons don't be some good advice we'll see you through that's how we grow and learn life's lessons [Music] in everybody's work a little understanding and your future is bright there's nothing to it we can't go through with these are learning [Music] for me and so don't be blue we all make mistakes it's true that's good advice we'll see through that Sally darling there's nothing to it we all don't throw it please [Music] for me and [Music] we all make mistakes is true that's how we grow and learn my lessons blue some good advice we'll see you through that's how we grow a black horse lessons [Music] well King Midas had a few too many sweets Oh magician please help me I didn't mean to turn my sweet family into candy but I thought you love candy oh not as much as I love my family please help me get them back well it looks like you've learned your lesson I have and I'll never forget it well now that the magician knew King Midas had a sweetheart instead of a sweet tooth she took away his magical power okay King II baby hold still whoops my bad gotta get this one fixed whoa what happened oh nothing I took your magical power away oh thank you now how can I get my family back well you can use this magic can of water and sprinkle it on everything to turn it back to normal oh yes ma'am oh please work please work oh I'm so sorry for what I've done I love you much more than candy king midas sprinkled the magic water and soon everything was back as it should be [Music] please prepare a feast when we can enjoy together as a family after that King Midas spent all his time with his family they were more important to him than anything families are so important who are the people in your family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me if I can't drive all over town I talk about things around library my name my friends [Music] I have an idea rocky let's play some baseball from that day on king midas understood there were things much sweeter than candy the end that was a lot of fun but I think it's time for us to go now well I'm glad you guys come to Greece I'm not gonna eat them I learned my lesson from King Midas well that's good but just in case maybe I should take that jar okay let's get ready for this show I want to sit on the very front and I want to get a pickle yeah okay but a really [Music] [Applause] [Music] Barney thanks for all your help yeah we had a great time in Greece thanks for taking us oh it's always fun to spend time in exciting new places especially when you can be there with the people I love love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me - won't you say you love me too I did I love you you love me we're best friends like friendship big hug and a kiss from me to you you say you [Music] right fun today it's awesome buzzer asme convened [Music] Oh Barney you better sit over here we don't want anyone to buy you at the yard sale here's some more stuff Holli oh thanks Ben any more inside yeah a few things what about you Barney my friends you have anything you wanna sell you're all very busy today yeah having a yard sale we're selling stuff we don't need anymore like things we've outgrown well I guess most everyone is something at home they don't use any longer these seems to be mine oh man was I ever that little and thanks used to be my shoes now look at it looks like you've both been growing when we do it every day we're growing when we're sleeping and even when we play it as we grow a little older we can do more things because we're growing and so are you each day we grow little taller a little bigger that's power [Music] [Music] we grow little taller a little bigger that's power and we grow a little friendlier too [Music] as you grow up you can do more and more things you don't just grow bigger you grow better every day oh look isn't it pretty what happened Kyoko did your house rink don't you get it House shrink get small it's a little joke see chef Han a very little joke is that a music box aha I got it for my birthday it came all the way from Switzerland listen okay [Music] what a beautiful song it makes me feel like dancing thank you way to go Ben Thanks up high down low SATs I'm in a way to you then you're so silly thanks my try we're getting ready for a yard sale wanna help sure well there's more inside but we'll need another box I'll bring this one whoa but would this someplace safe hey guys wait for me I'm coming [Music] is this a good book it was one of my favorites how much is it that's 20 cents okay great step right up and buy this fantastic puppets cool I'll take these please thank you man let me put in a box for you that's pretty five cents Thanks there you go ma'am hope you enjoy it thank you well here's some more money thanks Barney sure whoa listen to all that money what do you think Barney sounds like about a million dollars huh maybe not that much but there are a lot of coins in there see yeah oh I see pennies nickels dimes and quarters what kinds of coins can you find [Music] [Music] $17 38 cents $17 39 cents let's divide it up and we can all buy something is something wrong Kyoko I can't find my music box and I know I left it right here on the table I put it in this shoebox so it'd be safe a shoebox yeah the one right Oh No what's wrong I gave the shoebox to a girl to put her stuff in with my music box inside and how could you hey I didn't mean to it was an accident you gave you win my music box take him all the way from Switzerland I am so sorry Oh No how I make such a ginormous mistake well everyone makes mistakes sometimes okay it'll be okay banner let me show you I made a mistake something's wrong uh-oh should I tell someone what would people say if they knew I'm not sure but I should oh uh Oh yikes whoopsie making mistakes is a way we learn uh-oh yikes whoopsie and everybody gets a turn that's right everybody does it each time I cry why can't things just turn out right oh thanks whoopsie making mistakes is a way we learn Oh Mike's whoopsie and everybody gets the turn right don't need to worry no need to shake everybody makes mistakes all you need to do miss try to be more careful next time [Music] yes Oh yikes whoopsie making mistakes is a way we learn what can I do well you can try to find the music box yeah that's it that's what I'll do Hugo I'm going to find that music box and get it back for you no matter what do you know who you gave it to well no then how are you ever gonna find it well I'll just uh I'll take the money I made him buy you a new one Oh Ben it came all the way from Switzerland thanks but it's gone I'll see if I can cheer her up okay lean up Cal go Ben yeah Barney maybe we can find another music box where we could take a trip to a place like maybe Switzerland [Music] oh sure all we need is a little imagination and this your travel book that's right there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see if we use our imagination we can be anywhere we want [Music] you know everywhere we go a new adventure for you meet a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day we're going to travel around this great big world in a new and exciting [Applause] [Music] it sure is guten morgen that means good morning people here speak several languages and in this part of Switzerland they speak Swiss German oh that's cool Switzerland has lots of big mountains and they're so cool they have funny names that you'll learn in school well there's the vector horn the helsing horn the Gila horn the Angus horn there's Blancas sorta Babu what the Lao Runet oh and there's BJ there's a mountain named to beat you know there's our friend BJ and riff do what are you two doing in Switzerland to do some skiing and snowboarding that's cool right matter of fact it's cold maybe I can help [Music] sure to give you more tiny teeth starts a chatter and my fingers freeze that's all I know it's cold with a shiver and shake from a little bitty breeze that's how I know it's cold when I see my breath like smoke in the air it's really kinda fun so I don't care it's cold [Music] when the ground is covered with fluffy white snow that's how I know cold when the trees are full of icicles that's how I know it's cold I'll wear my hat and scarf and gloves wish I had fur I wish I was a bear with furry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check it out that wonder what those long sticks are what they're called ALP horns can you play a song on that yeah oh yes great composers like Mozart and Brahms wrote music for these horns would you like to hear little tune [Music] well thank you that was wonderful [Music] Thank You Sharon that means thank you I imagine it takes a long time to learn to play like that she practice a lot like we need to practice them more well thank you for letting us hear the alphorn yeah danke Schon and how do you say goodbye Peters in okay wherever we go in the world there are all sorts of sounds we can hear happy sounds sad sounds loud and quiet ones and even some silly sounds [Music] silly sounds silly [Music] [Music] [Music] almost forgot I have to find that music box for Hugo well that's a game children play in Switzerland it's called people like to play games the whole world over what kind of games do you like best when we're together there's nothing better than playing a game with a friend with games we all know we can get up and go he can make up new games entry ten flapping and runny or singing a song by me and jumping [Music] [Music] dancing along wicked way all day long never get tired of the fun there's always a new game with a new name a game we can teach everyone there are many outdoor games that we love you play and all there's no say for a rainy day [Music] thanks for letting us join your game but now I'm ready for some ski how about you guys sorry there's something I have to find for a friend well I'll stay and help then you two can go ahead I smell something good do you smell like Barney I sure do smells like nice fresh would you like to try some yes please give you go thank you did you know we eat more chocolat in switzerland than anyplace else in the world i'm not surprised this is fantastic there is milk chocolate made with milk from the cows in the meadows here I see you have lots of cookies still oh yeah and they were big fresh this morning yum what kind are they I have an apple cookie this is a cinnamon biscuit this one has lots of honey and this is a Christmas cookie called my land early they look and they smell still would you like to try the cookies - yes please okay Oh cookies are a yummy treat what kind of cookies do you like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] much fun to decorate [Applause] [Music] Gusti cookie smelling and tasting right [Music] those cookies were delicious Danka shun so what brings you to Switzerland my friends we're looking for a music box about so big shaped like a house at UCA oh yeah they sell them at the store down the street awesome but I'm sorry the shop is closed today well thank you for your help you're welcome Peter Zane I hope to see you again okay bye bye I'm sorry Ben I'll never get Kyoko a music box now but you tried you tried because you cared about your friend yeah but she's still gonna be bummed when I tell her oh I don't know about that well let's head back home okay okay okay [Music] it's okay helpline do it thanks Holly [Music] hey guys sorry Kyoko I couldn't find you a music box I tried I really did I looked all over the place that's okay really I know you didn't mean to lose it on purpose does that mean we're still friends Kristy I oh and I think you'll be friends forever all right a pie down low side to side way to go excuse me there's something in my box I don't think you're supposed to be there the music box thank you yeah danke Shon what that means thank you you're welcome oh it was very nice of you to bring it back no problem oh I got my music box back come on let's show it to everybody wait for me you know what Barney hmm we needed something for a friend it makes you feel good it sure does I think I'll do it more often doing things for our friends is just one of the many ways we say I we're a happy family with a great big and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] love you with see you around Barney hey guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] that won't do all that goes of jeans yeah oh man there's gotta be some stuff around here for Supergirl costumes oh yeah found that now I'm super cowboy looking good partner I still need to find a hat and a cape how about this for a cape ah ah too many flowers guess you're right oh yeah found a great costume for you what you're gonna love it let me see it kiss your Sean no wait I'm not wearing a tutu what's a matter with you look at Barney are you gonna wear the tutu Barney you look pretty silly oh well I think I make a lovely ballerina [Music] it's fun to laugh and laugh oh I don't think I can stop come on wiggle waggle hoho when you're feeling [Music] the silly silly laughing what's it like when you get the giggles when you've got the sillies can you help me with something I've got a problem a major problem Oh what's wrong I've gotta find a bird of paradise for the school party and I don't even know what one looks like bird of paradise huh I know all about him you do oh yeah they're very rare birds you could only find them in Hawaii how do you know that I read a lot of books oh I know a lot of stuff are you sure about this bin sure I'm sure I think well then the birds of paradise are found in Hawaii but no that is a really major problem how am I gonna get to Hawaii you're going to mean airplane or boat or you can use your imagination [Music] [Applause] we're gonna take a trip to Hawaii oh yeah right Barney oh well that's right who wants to go I do I do me too Oh then let's get going there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see we use our imaginations we can be anywhere we want there's a great big world to see we're gonna have fun you know everywhere we go a new adventure for you [Music] meet a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day to travel around this great big world in a new and exciting way [Music] again there's a great big world to see we're gonna find you know everywhere we [Music] [Applause] we are let's welcome to be beautiful oh ye would you bring that stuff for so I can catch a bird of paradise hey what's that white stuff on your nose it keeps me from getting sunburned hey guys a rainbow look at that Hawaii is sometimes called the land of rainbows because you see so many here why is that because it usually rains every day for a few minutes and then it gets sunny again that's what makes a rainbow yeah rainbows appear when new sunshine and rain well right rusty and rainbows have many beautiful colors do you know what colors are in a rainbow I'll buy like bread it's the color of an apple orange it's the color of an orange yellow it's 11:00 and our wonderful Sun Sun Sun Green it's the color of trees and lots of things that grow and then there's blue for the sky and purples is the color that's fun [Music] okay everybody let's find this bird of paradise it's gonna be tall sorta skinny kinda yellow green with blue polka dot wings blue polka dot wings are you sure about this bin rusty sure I'm sure but I don't see any birds like that I told you they're rare keep your eyes open okay okay okay but wait Barney go well here I am oh man look what I found where'd you get it I found it back there Hawaii is famous for its delicious pineapples oh it's kind of heavy sweetie and look there's the ocean in the sandy beach what as far as you can see that's because Hawaii is an island it has water all around it how very far away from the homes we know is a very sunny place where it's fun to go you can't get here with a car or train but when you look around you'll be glad you came this place is called an island and it's plain to see it's got an ocean and a beach and greenery imagine all the fun things that we'll find out as we see put an island is all about it's a little bit of ride with water all around in the middle and away sound birds and the breeze in the coconut trees that's why [Music] wave to a butterflies because your hands and if you get hungry for a tasty meal there are bunches of bananas that appear it's a little bit of ground with water all around a muffin in the middle leverage underling sound birds and the fries in the coconut trees that's why [Music] come on guys let's see what we can find over here okay let's go Hey look I found a feather anna has a blue polka dot do you think it's from a bird of paradise Barney actually yeah here it is well come on everybody let's keep looking around oh there's no telling what we'll find here in Hawaii [Music] wonder what that is oh hey Ben may I use your binoculars please sure thank you [Music] whoa cool what are you doing look up in the treats you're not gonna find the bird in the water maybe not but there's something out there who's your ex when you're done oh that's one way to share [Music] dolphins and whales and lots of amazing Finnish live in the waters around Hawaii have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the water [Music] I could visit all the fish any time I wish goodbye [Music] watch [Music] [Music] [Music] sarni Aloha Aloha Lana a la Barney oh well oh hi JD Aloha is a way of saying hello and goodbye in Hawaii and it also means love which makes Aloha one of my favorite word's Barney I am so glad you're here we're getting ready for luau would you like to come yeah Lia join us what's a luau with a very fun Hawaiian celebration I'd love to go but see I I have a major problem what is it it's wrong I have to find a bird of paradise oh don't worry birds of paradise are very common in Hawaii yeah we'll get you in at the luau come on hold you I get to that bird [Music] thank you for my flower lay you're welcome Barney the giving of the lay is a very old tradition in Hawaii it's also a very special symbol of friendship la can be made of flowers or leaves or seeds or shells or everything on the table would you like to make one of your own yeah first you got a needle with a string and tie a knot at the end of it like this these are cool like this that's right now put a flower on the string and push it down to the night flowers feel so soft I'm gonna use the red ones these aren't cool looking good once you have your flower on get a little piece of one of these straws and thread it onto your street I like making things now just take turns put it on your flour and your straw until you fill up the entire string I like your red web rusty Thanks I like the color you use do you like mine Barney let me see oh these are cool make sure you don't push too hard or else the flowers are coming off here yours looks great Thanks the flowers are so soft hey Barney look at hi oh it looks terrific I want to make another one I'm almost finished well your legs are looking great with the beautiful Hawaiian flowers Thank You Barney Oh what kind of flowers do you have where you live [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh there's so many [Music] [Music] thank you but your legs looks too Mahalo that's the Hawaiian word for thank you now JD and I have a special surprise for you we'll be right back okay Barney I still haven't found my bird of paradise oh don't worry I'm sure you'll find one I think Ben and rusty are looking for one right now and I don't think looking for the right thing I see one where there no thanks a lot dude where did it go here is I got it I got it you got a coconut did you find the bird me almost had been we found a coconut yeah yeah everyone this is Mei Li Aloha she's gonna teach us how to hula dance oh boy oh boy oh how I love the hula very good Barney Thanks uh hula is the kind of dance that tells a story where our hula I brought a grass skirt for everyone to wear a skirt are you gonna Marnie well of course grass skirts are worn by men and women in Hawaii long ago they were worn by mighty Chiefs oh okay it's a cheap thing rusty okay [Music] now to begin I'd like to teach you some hand motions to our hula song okay this is the motion for an island in the sea very good now do this when you hear the word me and you and these are the clouds in the rainbow sky nice here's how we will it in the morning other side and hula in the afternoon okay and here's how we show the waves of the ocean and in the center next you go to hear a very big word humuhumunukunukuapua'a and that means the fish with the pig snout and here's our fish you could one more thing when you hear the word mountain in the song do this with your hands okay good and that's all we need for our hula son all right Barney will you please play that cool LA and sing the words for our song be dee-lighted thank you and you can hula with us come on there's smiling in the sea that is calling to me and where the clouds drift by in a rainbow sky there we can hula in the morning pull all afternoon dancing by the ocean Oh watch the new poeple are Swift by alright climb Mountain so green like you've never seen my go mine [Music] dancing by the option [Music] the tropical ocean [Music] you are all very good hula dancers well thank you Oh Barney it's getting late and I still haven't found my bird of paradise take it easy Tracy I'm gonna find your but just look around they're everywhere there's some right there I don't see any me either no Birds here that's because the bird of paradise is a flower here you go my friend oh it's a beautiful flower and it does look like a bird that's a bird of paradise actually it looks like it came from a peacock yes that's right many peacocks live wild on our island that's right and this pretty orange flower is the bird of paradise Tracy needs for her party are you sure sure I'm sure they were so busted my bad honest mistake what matters is that we found one Mahalo everyone thank you friends for all your help that's what friends are for friends are special so important they make the world go round we like helping one another in solar on the playground she'll be your friend and your feet friends are special saladboy bang make them will go round be like helping one another in school or on the playground friends are there to help each other [Music] will be your friend's name yo [Music] a bird of paradise isn't really a bird I guess I didn't know that oh well I got him it you almost had me fooled with the coconut oh man don't worry Ben we're all learning new things every day even when we're grown-up and the best way to learn is with the friends who [Applause] I love we're a happy family with a grape kids from et won't say [Music] [Applause] I love you you love me we best friends [Music] when as the moon shines bright it's time for us to say goodbye ok wait take my bird of paradise to school yeah Mahalo Thanks come on guys let's go show everyone my bird of paradise Oh Aloha Barney I love you [Music] anybody have any blue no don't see any me neither sorry but we have plenty of green I was going to paint this guy I can't paint a green sky why not yeah it's your picture this guy can be any color you want hold on here's some blue Thanks what are you painting just something can we see it not yet it's not not finished yet that's alright let's see what you have so far no no it's not ringing out I got one I need to work on it some more okay don't worry this isn't a contest you know yeah we're just having fun fun for you guys maybe but not for me well what are you working on Connor you'll see what shall we pay today we'll pay something fun what shall we be today we'll pick something fun using paint and brushes we'll paint our favorite things there's lots of pretty colors listen to us sing what shall we do today what do you think Barney what do you wanna paint hi everyone oh I'm not sure what to paint let me see Oh what shall we using paints and brushes we'll paint our favorite things there's lots of pretty colors listen to us Oh looks like you're having fun Mayra I am Barney yeah me too oh good all done great how's it work what beautiful flowers I can almost smell them allergies how do you like mine oh it's tea Thanks these are for the art in the park show this afternoon oh boy oh boy oh how exciting your paintings look really good wish I could paint like that what did you paint oh nothing nothing you painted a big empty space of nothing awesome I mean is it finished oh why don't we take a break I'm kinda thirsty want to go to my house my mom made lemonade this morning sounds great do you want to come in no thanks I'm gonna stand keep painting and I'll stay and admire your wonderful art okay okay is everything all right Emma no not really Barney what's wrong my painting I can't get it the way I want it to be she's just a big jumble but those are very pretty colors and you painted all sorts of shapes and I can't get it the way I wanted I wish I could paint like Maya and Connor you can paint like Emma I want to be as good as they are but I'm not Oh blankie hi Barney Oh at times I feel like I just don't belong and I never get any big rights doing my best doesn't seem good enough no matter how hard I try will I ever be brave and reach for the sky when I always be scared they're kids and they get it alright so why can't but you will Emma but if I don't know when answer one if I don't know the way will someone that fun of me why will the other kids and reach for the sky when my always be scared for the rest of you see right I can't what you do kids just look at my run Connors paintings these are fantastic I know they had a lot of fun painting them but I'm not having any there are many different ways to paint Emma Myra paints one way and Connor paints another way I wish I could paint anyway have I ever told you about my good friend Pierre I don't think so oh he's one of the most famous painters in all of France well he's been painting since well longer than I can remember I wish I could meet him and I think you should do you think he could help me Barney what do you think he could teach me how to paint well we could ask him ask of course we'd have to go to France to do that right in France is a really long way away isn't it yes but we can get there all we need is a little imagination and this are you ready Emma are you serious are we really going to France oh we sure there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see [Music] imagination we can't be anywhere we want there's a great big world to see [Applause] you know everywhere we go a new adventure for you meet a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day to travel around this great big world in a new and exciting way again there's a great big world to see we're gonna have fun you know everywhere we don't venture for you [Music] [Applause] they're Iguala yet another masterpiece but a brilliant pierre i think there is time for one more before i take a little snack break now what shall I paint but if girls I shall paint the cookies oh here we are in France Wow Oh Bonjour Pierre Oh Bonjour Barney Oh Bonjour means hello in France that's true and who may I ask is this hello sir a forger my name is Emma well hello Emma what brings you to France hello wants to learn about painting can you teach me how to paint please sir please I will gladly teach you how to paint painting is such wonderful fun say it is not so say you are only joking no I mean it Barney is this true oh yes Pierre it's true is this one yours too my latest and greatest painting all the cookies look delicious merci this is how we say thank you in France merci merci oh good you see ma petite bonbon I love cookies and so I paint them this is Pierre's helpful hint number one the artist paints what's he or she but of girls the artist paints what she loves and who doesn't love a cookie looky looky cookie cookie cookie that I'm going to eat cookie cookie yummy and now me and sweets Jacob then we bake them I can hardly wait until they're done [Music] cookies are wonderful [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may I see more than me thank you my friend I always come here for the cookies they are Wow 9u thick magnificent you agree my petite bonbon oh yes would you like some more Monsieur Barney oh no I'm fine Thank You Pierre how can you paint the cookies if you've eaten them all oh my you our rides Pierre has been a little piggy but no matter these chefs can beg some more see you play please merci merci oh did you see this painting Emma ah yes this is one of my early paintings I painted it early this morning Hey that's me indeed it is do you know miss your ring oh we sure tell what's he doing there ah this we call lawn bowling a very popular game here in France looks like we this is how we say yes yes lawn bowling is very fun and that is why I painted it I just wanted to see if you'd finish the painting and Oh after all the years it's totally tippity-top I'll see you rip thank you Oh Emma did you see Pierre's other paintings they're so beautiful it looks like you've been painting lots of happy faces Pierre ah when the children play games they are happy and happy children make me happy Oh does playing games make you happy me too no matter where you live in this great big world everyone loves to play games [Music] when we're together there's nothing better than playing a game with a friend with games we all know we can get up and go he can make up new games and pretend flapping and running or singing a song by me and jumping all day [Music] [Music] all day long genies are great yes they are a lot better than mine will ever be ma petites boom-boom how can you say this it's true hmm the air paints the way Pierre paints Emma paints as Emma paints you understand my dear sorta there are many many different ways to paint my way your way always are good that's what Barney says ah and miss your Barney is right oh and now here's a cool painting I like it's Baby Bop you're right and it looks like they're really dancing oh well with a little help perhaps they can yes but can you show us your dance yes yes a little dance to play [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] are you well Emma came to ask Pierre for some help with her painting and it is time for Pierre's helpful hint number two and artists can paint with manly colors oh you mean like the pretty colors in my dress exactly moe are the colors of these boss oui oui well you like these colors dunno yeah then you must use them when you paint big bright bold beautiful colors look around do you see lots of big beautiful colors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] on the Apple Laura Terry all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] like colors colors [Music] red blue and yellow [Music] black/white [Music] in the true [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I see how you use lots of bright colors ah but there is more to painting than only color what's this oh it looks like some kind of tower it's a very famous one called the Eiffel Tower this brings us to Pierre's next helpful hint you remember the others helpful hint number one paint what you love hint number to use bright beautiful colors and now number three can you guess it it is the shame wheels helpful hint number three an artist finds many shapes in the world see here each of my paintings has a different shape in it here the Eiffel Tower is shaped like a triangle can you tell what shape this is oh yeah very good and if you look closely what do you see here how smart you all are do you see the shapes and the pictures the whole world is filled with wonderful shapes can you guess what these shapes are count up the signs one two three that is a triangle that GC or same site that is this way different shapes are everywhere [Music] if the shape is round like the Sun in the sky that is a circle going by try in the circle and the square different shapes are everywhere [Music] you still remember my hints I remember what paint what you love number to use lots of colors number three hey let's shakes and don't forget whatever you paint always have fun exactly more barony exactly and that ma petite bonbon is beers last and most important hint use any color any shape paint anything you like as long as you have fun doing it promise me you will do this I promise then you know I know what you know all that Pierre knows you are ready to paint I am I am Oh Thank You Pierre can we go home now Barney I want to finish my painting in time for the Art Show oh of course Oh may I stay here please I want to dance some more Oh may I stay too I want to try lawn mowing again oh well sure you can yes and thank you Pierre for all your help but of course Bonnie come back anytime we will all of France awaits your return Oh Barney I can't wait to paint again hello that's tee-rific I'm gonna use all Pierce helpful hints right now let's see what should I paint has to be something I love and something fun oh I know well what are you going to paint you'll see I can't wait but you'll have to just a little while okay [Music] is she just about done I'm almost I think can we see it hold on it just needs a little bit more here and there and all done what do you think that's amazing whoa incredible merci oh that means thank you Oh Emma commits super-dee-duper oh and I see you used the airs helpful hints sure did I use bright beautiful colors and lots of shapes and I had fun doing it but most of all I painted where I left Thank You Emma Pierre who's Pierre an old friend of Barney's and now line two thanks Barney oh well sometimes there are things we think we can't do but we can do so many things when we do them with a little blood I love we're a happy family with a great kiss from me say [Music] [Applause] I love you you love me we're best friends like friendship [Music] let's take these paintings out to the park for the art show okay I'll see yourself bye now thanks again Barney Oh wha goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] still doesn't look right hey careful then we're almost out of clean paper we can get more what's all this Tracey's helping me make my costume for the parade that's right today's Earth Day token there's going to be a big parade to celebrate but we should probably pick up this trash oh yeah you're right the parade will be fun but really boring what is Earth Day well it's a time to remember how important it is to take care of our beeeautiful earth the earth is our home lovely and green let's keep it tidy you know what that means you make it messy you make it clean pick up your part of the world you're part of the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my girls oh hi there Maya have you met Tracy and Ben oh I've seen them around so what what's that you have oh I'm getting ready to do a little spring planting these are seeds of the future you know really well fifth little baby has grown ice I'm from a small blade of grass to the tallest tree it all starts with a little seed well the tree in the hole and a hole in the ground pretty much who ever did see [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the tree in the tree in the hole [Music] [Music] looks like this tree is providing a great home for some birds in charge of the parade they were supposed to guess [Music] [Laughter] look at that um will the new playground go here maybe I'm not sure just yet if we put it here this tree will have to be cut down gotta think about that well see you around they wouldn't cut down this tree there's a bird's nest in it what else somebody better tell that bird this trees gotta go this is their home BJ many animals live in trees like squirrels and frogs do frogs really live in trees some do frogs can even live in the desert but that one lives over in the meadow [Music] [Music] swam and they swam in the streams [Music] animals live all around us and the earth gives us air to breathe water to drink and food to eat great place for a new playground I just wish they didn't have to cut down this tree there's only one tree like this did I ever tell you about the one-and-only one-of-a-kind higgledy-piggledy pear tree why don't let it what a tree the higgledy-piggledy pear tree oh there's only one left in the whole world would you like to hear about it once there was a very special tree it had the beautiful branches and leaves and at the very top a great big juicy higgledy-piggledy pear oh it was delicious but when people climbed up to get it they broke the tree I never heard about this tree before well not many people have to keep it safe mother nature planted a Magic Garden neck rule around it till the higgledy-piggledy tree was hidden deep in a rain forest what's a rain forest well place where there's so much rain the plants grow into a wonderful jungle [Music] higgledy-piggledy tree exactly well they say it's pretty hard to find oh I'll bet we could do it if we looked hard enough yeah but how could we get to the rainforest flush we could use our imaginations and there are so many places we can go there's just so much to see we use our imagination we can be anywhere we want a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day we're going to travel over this big world in exciting [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a rainforest huh everyone meet mother nature I hear that all hot and here comes the rain right on time no she's right the flowers and the trees and the pizzas and the seats the raindrops drop as they fall from the side to the ground when the rainbows kept up all the animals stopped [Music] nice cool drink but your water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now what brings you today we're looking for the one-and-only one-of-a-kind higgledy-piggledy tree that trees very rare you know hardly anyone knows where it is oh we can find it if we try would you help us no all right but you must promise to remember something what we share this earth with all the friends animals take care of them and they'll take care of you now which way do we go [Music] oh no you go on we'll catch out [Music] it's gotta be the one and only one-of-a-kind higgledy-piggledy tree I've never seen anything like it there isn't anything in the world [Music] just look at that thing I said it's delicious I got it taste we are not climbing this tree it might break maybe if I kind of bump all out I don't think that's a good idea sure it is well it harder I can't hurt this tree [Music] [Music] are singing a song I'm healing so what should I do should i do what should i do what should I do [Music] oh you found it is everything okay [Music] you weren't too careful now is a little accident and I sort of broke the one-and-only one-of-a-kind higgledy-piggledy tree [Music] I'm really really sorry this was the only one mother nature we are so sorry is there anything we can do maybe you see inside the higgledy-piggledy pear there's a seat if we plant it will it grow it will take a long time and a lot of care but someday the seed inside this pear will become a full-grown tree that's right Tracy we can plant the seed now and Mother Nature will watch over it and protect it I certainly will but you know I can always use some help when it comes to watching over this big beautiful earth how can we help well some ways to care for our earth include picking up trash and planting new plants and protecting the animals let's get started by planting this seed I'll protect our earth and keep it clean yes we will will you have protect our earth and keep it green yes we will but the time has come to start let's begin to do our parts there are lots of different things that we can do there are lots of different things that we can do yes if we really truly care and we all will keep our share there are lots of different things that we can do yes then the time has come to start let's begin to do our pilots [Music] [Music] it's really small cuz we can all help take care of our earth well that's right BJ everyone can do their parts well I think we better get going now by mother nature the perfect place to put a new playground there must be some way that we can save this tree it would be a shame to lose it yeah maybe we can't save it we've got a great playground right there why do we need one here yeah maybe there's a better place for a new playground well any suggestions well there's a nice open spot on the other side of the pond oh that just might work I never saw kids so happy about moving a playground Barney oh I think they're most of all happy that the tree can stay BJ's around right it's the future you know that's right Tracy now where's that open spot come on I'll show ya alright everyone it's time for the Earth Day Parade costumes we can celebrate saving this tree oh we never finish my costume well here we can use this on it okay let's give it a try okay come on let's go [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we can see and we can all watch it grow [Music] [Music] [Applause] that was a tree ripping parade I turned that old soda bottle into a snazzy new bird feeder what do you think where to hang it how about this treatment okay let's give it a try you remind me of someone I hear that a lot thank you for taking care of that tree you take care of plants they'll take care of you butterflies this has been a great birthday Barney well every day can be Earth Day if we remember to take good care of the world around us if we love our earth the way I love I love you we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too I love you you love me we're best friends [Music] bye Barney thanks for added bye-bye I'll see you soon he'll happier thank you whoopsie-daisy will you look at this mess always something to do [Music] I was on vacation what see grandma what are you guys doing I see creamy ice cream really ice cream [Music] what'll be today my friends got some super specials raspberry rainbow and peppermint pistachio all right let me see what do I want I'll take a raspberry rainbow excellent choice no no wait peppermint pistachio sounds better no no no make it a raspberry better make up your mind son summer won't last forever well would you get if you were me Barney hi mr. Brantley hi Barney oh there's nothing like nice cold ice cream every day yes it's a perfect day for having fun we'll run and play out in the Sun let's jump and sing can do anything it's a fun fun sunny [Music] we can do everything [Music] place cap revive a tree but my kite if we catch every day do as you please it's a bunny [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a beautiful time [Music] [Music] let's jump them say do anything it's a fun fun [Music] not too many ice cream kind of days left day Barney you're right mr. Brantley summers just about over well enjoy get your ice cream how do you smell that there's change in the air when the leaves start turning colors that says falls on the way I wish it could be summer forever summers a wonderful time of year but the other seasons bring their own kind of fun the winds of autumn make for great I like drinking hot chocolate a cool night I like playing in palsy wings that's my favorite and don't forget that's right when the weather turns chilly the pumpkins grow big and round and orange there's a lot to like about autumn I like to roll in the leaves feel the cool breeze stuff a scarecrow top but you can call it ball if that's what you please but I say my autumn yes you can call it fall if you please [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know but there they go I think they're migrating like they do every fall well that's right Emma these are monarch butterflies and they fly south for winter just like the birds because it gets colder in the winter what if things warm in other places in the butterflies like to be where the weather is warm I believe it is Monty [Music] how did you get it to do that Baby Bop oh I have known Monty since he was just a little itty-bitty baby had a pillared caterpillars grow up to be butterflies and these must be Monty's friends too that's right three little butterflies looking at you one we're happy all day [Music] [Music] there was one [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's the matter with him seems canal worked up about something I think he may be looking for his friends and family oh yeah they can hide but we can't see come on we'll find them there was a whole flock of butterflies a minute ago but now they're gone where'd they go we don't know that's why we're looking Oh maybe while we were playing with Monte the others went ahead and flew south for winter and left Monte behind [Music] what should I make [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's see if we can find these a butterfly yeah I'll be there in a minute okay let's go together I don't know he still seems sad I think he misses his friends oh and and when it gets cold the flowers the butterflies like anymore butterflies mac and cheese well they go to Mexico every winter where it's warm and there's plenty to eat they go to Mexico do you know what I have a pen pal there you do yeah her name's mo Tita she tells me all about Mexico sounds like a fantastic place maybe Monty would like to go to see his friends and family I have an idea why don't we all take a little end of summer vacation too [Music] it all we need is a little imagination and that's right is everyone ready to go are so many places we can go there's just so much to see star imagination we can be anywhere we want [Music] meet a friend or two that's what we'll do and learn how they live each day we're going to travel around this great big world in a new and exciting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ganba neither Barney welcome Barney oh why thank you me llamo Federman my name is sediment go with the EMAs hope they're not is asking what your name is me llamo Barney can you say my name is in Spanish me llamo Barney what's your name yeah Melissa welcome to Mexico this is my little sister mammal I have a pen pal named mo Deepak I have one too you're just in time for the fifth and will not get every year we give them a big welcome home party oh is this their home yeah they spend winter time here with us here that this is where your friends are why are you talking to baby Bob Monty I put him in here so he'd be nice and safe come on well show your ass now you wait right here okay okay hey look everyone the butterflies have come back to us [Music] well maybe I can help over that way maybe Bob what is it Baby Bop I think oh I think so too really like butterflies don't they yeah it's so great parties forever yeah I think this is where you belong Monty come on shoo now we'll be with your friends [Music] yes I love you too I always rule there he goes [Music] [Music] goodbye little friend said none I'm whoa DITA come help me get ready for the music alright grandfather I know it's hard to say goodbye to a friend maybe something it can be hard to let it go but learning how to say goodbye is another way we grow no matter what happens there's always tomorrow bring in the sunshine wash out the sorrow the friends you can count on and people who love you feel better when tomorrow comes though you may feel down inside it's okay to let it show these feelings that you're feeling sure and [Music] tomorrow bringing watch the side with friends you can when tomorrow [Music] Barney [Music] [Music] turn on and I will go into the forest every day and check on him you will see yeah we will thank you daddy sounds like the business starting up again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good and we begin is a great big party always lots of fun with [Music] special name [Music] a fiesta is a great big party always lots of fun [Music] it's for everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] there are so many nice friendly people here well there certainly are no what else what else I think Monty belongs here I think you're right baby Bob's and now it's time for us to start back do we have to go really it's getting late I hope you can come again sometime me too for 9:00 and Baby Bop Bayamo day 100 Bama oh what's that mean Barney it means I love you oh hey ammo ammo Deepak I love you too okay we better go monkey hey wait for me [Music] thanks Barney that was one of the best vacations I've ever had you're welcome hey guys we're looking for the butterflies everywhere but we never did find that's okay we found them where well you take a left of the game head down the sidewalk and don't stop T it's a nice it's a long story these amigos come on I'll tell you all about it keep going with them baby about maybe later are you still feeling excited about Monty Oh a little even though you're far apart you two will always have a special friendship though always be our friends we can count on that and you can always count on us to be your friends [Music] you can count on me I'll always be when you're feeling down [Music] when it's sunny it rains [Music] you can count on me because I am your friend [Music] together to begin you can count on me because I am your friend [Music] maybe when winter is over and Monty flies back this way he'll stop by the park again oh and you two can have another whole summer together thank you for making me feel better Monty is home with the friends and family he loves you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] Tiamo Barney te amo Emma [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 16,902,304
Rating: 3.6106687 out of 5
Keywords: Childrens TV, Kids Cartoons, Kids Shows, Barney and Friends, Barney I Love You, Barney, Songs, ABCs, Learning, Barney Episodes, Barney Official Channel, Official Channel, Barney Playlist, Purple, Dinosaur, Purple Dinosaur, Full Episode, Barney Dance, Sing Along, Best Episode Compilation, Home Sweet Earth, The Rainforest, Big Brother Rusty in China, A Bird of a Different Feather in Hawaii, The Music Box in Switzerland, Sweeter Than Candy in Greece, Bienvenido Barney in Mexico, BJ
Id: SZ8v8-XmrFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 9sec (13689 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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