Magic of Rahat Returns

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This needs to blow up. Rahat did not deserve all that lost years of his YouTube life for a kindness that he wasn't even obliged to give yet gave out of his own heart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/archerthegreat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDR: Don't give money to homeless crackheads.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tumbleweed911 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The saddest part to me about this video is Rahat just giving up on YouTube and spiraling into depression for 2 years because he didn't think anyone would believe him? When his side of things makes way more sense and he had tons of evidence?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asongscout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do yourself a favor and watch this on 1.75 speed. A 49 minute video was explained in a fraction of the time, and still able to hear everything.

Sucks this happened to him. Can’t believe it’s been this long he’s been gone and how long it’s been since he found Eric.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OmgNoodles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is what I try to tell anyone who thinks the terrible problem of homelessness is so simple and they can't believe its not fixed. The mental illness, lack of education, drug addiction, and a plethora of issues involved in this problem just goes over the heads of a lot of individuals.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Epocast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I loved watching this guys videos. It's been so long I'm unsure I even heard about the drama. He probably just stopped uploading and I forgot about him after a while of not seeing new videos. Looking forward to new videos if he decides to start up again.

2x speed is your friend for anyone who plans to watch the entire thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kizoja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

People are usually homeless for a reason... sorry Rahat had to find out the hard way

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pokpokpok123pok πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just saw his video and he gave a lot of proof with those 50 receipts. Eric is pretty much done. I'm just kind of worried bout homeless people as there's already a lot of individuals calling out the homeless as "a bunch of addicted and lazy people."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Quadromind πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone uh it's been a while it's been a long while um man i miss uh i miss everyone i miss all you guys and uh i want to explain uh what's going on with me and the reason why i left youtube the way i did and explain the uh controversy around surrounding me with uh me and eric from the homeless lottery winner video and the homeless man gets a home video and i know there is going to be a a lot of you that don't know what is going on and you're probably in the dark and you're watching this thinking this is a very different video from all my other videos and if you want to kind of get a brief summary of what's going on there is a link down below that will show you a documentary that jlaw made that summarizes everything and if you don't want to watch that that's that's great i will tell you very briefly what is going on um about two years back uh eric made a video claiming that i did not give him any of the fundraiser money and that i did and i took away the home that he was living in um and it was it wasn't just one video he made uh several different videos after that i want to go ahead and tell you guys my side of the story clear any confusion and address any rumors and uh again the purpose of this video is to get the truth out and also to get closure for me so if you would allow me to take uh a little bit of time out of your day i would like to explain what the six last six years with eric has been like um i'm going to fast forward to the moment where we were setting up the fundraiser for eric after the homeless lottery winner video i had a lot of people reach out and ask me how they can help eric and at the time i didn't really know what people can do to help him out and then we were thinking uh you know what what if we set up a fundraiser for eric and uh you know i've never done anything like this before and i thought yeah let's let's do that let's set up a fundraiser and see how much money we can get for him and we will take that money and present it to him when we first started the fundraiser we had the goal of reaching two thousand dollars i believe it was two thousand um i remember we shot past that two thousand dollar goal and we ended up uh raising it to i think it was about four thousand and again we shot right past that the money eventually got close to uh a little over 40 000 and i didn't know really what to do and then uh me and my friend we were talking about well what if we you know what is one thing he's missing and that was a uh that was a home and we kind of thought of a crazy idea well what if we took this fundraiser money and actually get him up get him a house and uh that's what we ended up doing so we started planning together how we would able to pull that off and again i've never done anything like this at all i started talking to a couple of uh apartments a couple property managers to see if i was able to get them a house and uh and i explained that this is sort of a surprise he doesn't really know that we're getting him a house a lot of the people didn't want to help they didn't really understand what i was trying to do then i found an individual that said yeah you know i do have a house that i'm able to rent out for a year and i explained that you know we would give them the money up front for that entire year which was uh i think a little over seven thousand and once we had that piece of the puzzle solved um then we were trying to plan out okay um how can we fill the house up with uh like clothes furniture household appliances you know household items and again we were trying to put this a very rough plan together now the pie chart that you see in the homeless man gets a home video a lot of people have brought up that pie chart what you see in that pie chart are very rough numbers this was before we started spending money on getting him the uh getting him the house and all the uh the necessities so we ended up uh securing the house we filled the the house up with furniture all the household items and uh we went ahead and surprised eric with with the house now one of the deals was in order for you to get this house you need to get a job this doesn't just come for free that was our deal and he actually ended up getting a job at 7-eleven now before we surprised him with the house before that um i had a friend one of my really good friends approached me and he explained that he actually knew the manager at 7 11 where eric was hired and he explained that eric actually came to orientation um seemed like he was uh intoxicated he explained that the manager smelled um alcohol on his breath and when my friend was telling me this i thought no there's there's no way that's nonsense you know um i was just denying him the whole entire time like no eric wouldn't do that um i've seen his kindness there is no way that he's going to show up on orientation day in that state and so i i brushed it off i didn't um i didn't take uh too much thought into what my friend um told me and so the day came where we moved all of eric's stuff from his motel he was staying at to the house that we got him and that night he had his very first day at work and i thought you know it's good it's this very first day at work i thought about surprising him going up to his work surprising him telling him you know how proud i was that he uh was working and that he's turning his life around i uh go to the 7-11 that night and i go inside and i notice there's just only two employees working behind the counter and you can tell that the employees were not happy they seemed like they were scrambling and i asked one of the employees uh where's eric and he explained that he never showed up to work and at that moment i was very confused i jumped back in the car and i had immediately drive to eric's house that was a very tough car ride because a lot of things were going on in my head from what my friend was telling me that was starting to run and run through my head thinking well maybe there is some truth behind what he was telling me i get to eric's house and i noticed that all the lights were on and i thought that can't be right something's something feels a little off here so the next morning i call up eric and i asked him i asked him why didn't you go to work last night and he told me that he was tired and he didn't feel like going to work and i told him that well that was your very first day on the job and you know showed you can't do that that's not a good excuse after that he lost her job um so he started getting settled in to the house and um you know the fundraiser was still active um and that that money when i set up the fundraiser that money was actually going into my own personal bank account and i ended up transferring that into another account so i can just kind of keep track of things easily and the idea was eventually i was going to open up a joint bank account with him so he was able to see the money and um see where all that money is going and i would still be able to help him manage that money i wanted to create a level of transparency with him he was starting to ask me for a lot of money in a very short amount of time and i was starting to wonder where all this money is going and i i sat down with him and i asked him like hey uh what are you what are you doing with all this money and then he started getting uh upset that i would even ask him and then i started catching him in these uh small lies and um i would confront him and again he would just blow up uh get angry at me aggressive and he he was also asking for a lot of money to help out his friends and i thought great that's a kind thing to do i get it but then i started meeting some of these friends and i can tell that something was off they didn't seem like friends at all they seemed like they were just kind of using eric for their for the fundraiser money and i explained to eric like hey um you know it's it's great it's it's a very kind thing what you're doing but also keep in mind this money is not going to last forever he didn't really care about that at all and then he started asking he asked me one day if he can get money for a limousine and i thought that was a little strange but then it kind of made sense to me uh because when we were filming the homeless uh lottery winner video uh we had various news media um come in interview us and uh one of them actually flew down to where i live and they wanted to interview eric now they actually ended up calling a limousine for eric and they actually picked up eric uh uh for from his motel uh with with the limousine to my house for the interview and again uh fast forward to him asking for a limousine ride um i thought okay maybe he liked that experience uh back then and i thought okay no problem i'll get you the limousine you can have fun then he asked me for money again for another limousine ride like the next week and i told him like okay i i can give you this money but again this money you're you're using this money for luxury you're not using it as a tool um that didn't matter he really wanted that limousine ride then came the third video uh the third video was the uh video where he helped another homeless man uh his name was andrew and the idea was he was gonna give uh eric was gonna give andrew a thousand dollars and get him a uh hotel room for him to uh live and live in for about uh uh i believe was like two weeks and um you know him and andrew kind of striked up a kind of a small friendship and then he eric asked me again for another limousine ride this time he said that you know it was going to be him uh you know his friends eric's friends and he wanted to actually bring andrew along uh with with us um with his friends on this joyride and i thought okay fine whatever that night um andrew actually ended up texting me explaining like hey um i just want to let you know that eric has been kind of talking behind your back uh really disrespecting you i um a little hurt um i thought maybe i did something wrong i noticed that afterwards that uh eric's behavior started changing um the eric that i met for at first um that eric was non-existent i didn't know where he went there was this new eric in front of me and i didn't know who i was talking to talking to at this point i would get a phone call from eric every single morning almost eight o'clock on the dot asking him asking me for money and he would get uh pretty aggressive with me over the phone even in person yelling at me cursing me out and uh i didn't want to deal with that and i said okay whatever i'm just gonna give you the money if it makes you happy it makes you happy and whenever i gave him the money with it's just a flip flip of the switch he's just back to being happy and i'm the best person ever for helping him out and he loves me and all this stuff and the next day when he would ask for money and i would deny him it's just right back to him just disrespecting me cursing me out and uh then it came to a point where he uh started bringing up issues with the house um he was talking about something with the natural gas there was a water problem there were very small problems but he was making a very big ordeal about it we ended up we ended up um looking at those issues um i remember one of them was the the water problem he was making a big deal about the water pressure um he said that it wasn't a hard enough water pressure for him which i thought was very odd i turned it on and the water pressure was fine so after that he didn't want to live in that house anymore he told me that he wanted to move back to the motel that he came from and i said fine if you don't want the house if that makes you happy that's fine all he was asking about was the fundraiser money so i ended up writing him a pretty big check for about i think a little over 22 000 and you see that on my twitter i write him the the check we move all of his stuff from the house back to the motel he took a couple things that we bought for him for the house with him and after i wrote the check i did not hear from him for i want to say about a couple months and uh during this time he started uh sending me like inappropriate text messages him and his friends and i just ignored it i didn't want to deal with that and then came the one night where he calls me i was uh just leaving dinner with one of my friends and uh he calls me and uh you can just tell he's just uh he's he's drunk he's uh questioning me about the fundraiser money he just kept asking me like where's the money you know i want the money um he wanted the money from the one-year uh rent that we paid he wanted that money back and i explained that you can't get that money back you signed a contract saying that you were going to live in this house and you were going to pay this money up front you signed that he didn't care he wanted that money he tried to talk to the landlord about that they denied him and when i told him that he started threatening me he started threatening me saying that if i didn't give him the money that he was going to make sure that he got the money i uh hung up the phone right there i was not comfortable at all my i felt like my life was being uh threatened because i didn't know who i was dealing with dealing with at this point i hung up blocked this number and i didn't want to do anything with them i ended up shutting the fundraiser down writing one last check and that's it i didn't want anything to do with eric about a month after the uh the phone call he left me a voicemail explaining and this was from a different phone number that i did not recognize he left me a voicemail explaining that that fundraiser money the the check that i wrote those two checks that i wrote them all that money is gone and during this time i i started noticing something right before this phone voicemail i noticed that a couple people around town were telling me oh hey i saw eric the other day jumping in a limo and again i haven't talked to eric in months and this wasn't just one um one time i had several different people around town explained the same thing oh i just saw eric um just just looking great you know dressed up nicely jumping in this limo and i thought is he spending money on limousine rights fast forward to um after the the voicemail he uh started talking to some people about um going to the paper or the news and uh telling them the story about how i never gave him the fundraiser money and uh from these individuals they would explain like you know he's he's really out there to get you he was um really dead set on uh ruining me ruining me and my life my career because he was convinced that um i somehow kept that fundraiser money it uh started to feel like he was blackmailing me uh i was afraid i was afraid because i had no idea what he was capable of so this was all going on um around uh 2015 to 2016. and um there was a while where i didn't really hear from him at all then came uh february of 2017. i was just driving driving around town and um i would i actually got a phone call just a unknown number and i pick up and i didn't really recognize the voice on the other other line and uh you know he said hey um do you know who this is and then i was like no who is this he's like you don't know who this is and then i was like is this eric and uh he said yeah um and i asked him like well how are you doing he said um you know i'm not doing that great uh on on that phone call he uh he apologized to me he told me that um he is sorry for the way that he treated me he told me that i was right saying that um his so-called friends were um he told me that they were using him for his for his money and now they just don't even talk to him anymore and i told eric you know hey listen man um i get it you know uh you made a mistake uh you know we try to help you and everything and uh you know um we gotta take this away as a learning lesson and um you know move forward here but um you know i i saw a different side of eric you know he was generous he was um you know apologizing for everything he's done um then he started asking me for money right after that you know still still um we were talking and at the end he was asking if i could help him out and i respectfully told him that i can't do anything at all um you know again this is 2017 everything happened back in 2014 it's done i gotta move on here fast forward to the summer of 2017. one of my worst fears comes true i get a uh i get a message from one of my very close childhood friends and he explained that hey one of my friends has a video up with eric explaining that i did not give him any of that fundraiser money and at that time that video was starting to gain traction and my friend was able to connect me to the person that produced that video and i ended up talking to the kid um explaining like hey uh you might want to get you know you might want to listen to my side of the story before you put anything out and again the video is already out um i explained like hey uh don't believe eric what you're what you're hearing is not true i have everything to prove that i gave him all the fundraiser money he listened to me um and he respectfully took that video down i also want to mention that because there are a lot of different numbers out there how much that fundraiser had and i'm just gonna set it straight the amount was sixty six thousand eight hundred fourteen dollars and that could be provided here on this 1099 k form now keep in mind um this money was under my name and that money doesn't just simply come for free you're gonna have to pay taxes on that money so i ended up taking about 30 of that money to set aside for taxes and uh the real amount was i want to say it was around 47 000 somewhere around there and again we were going off the idea of 30 and at that time in 2014 i was in a much higher tax bracket i ended up paying all the taxes on on that money i've collected all the receipts uh from from this project and um if you go down in the link description below you will see a link that will show all the receipts during the end of 2017 another video pops up this video was um and the the very first video from the other kid i was i never saw it i've never seen it so i didn't really know what he was talking about but uh the end of 2017 another video popped up and it's just eric sitting there and you you hear this individual this cameraman in the background uh talking to or interviewing eric and i didn't understand what was going on here um i saw the first couple minutes of the video a little bit of the the middle and then a little bit towards the end and i i i got the idea of what's what he was talking about i was afraid of watching that whole entire video my heart was pounding so hard that i thought it was going to just be out of my chest the video was live on this individual's youtube channel that channel is red boy tv animals ran by roz this individual filmed a series of videos with eric roz is the cameraman of eric roz never approached me asked me for my side of the story went ahead and filmed eric's story which basically defamed me and was very slanderous towards me i ignored that video it wasn't gaining that much traction at all and i thought okay it's just kind of there whatever that didn't stop them they just kept deleting that video re-uploading it then it was the uh i want to say spring of 2018. the video ended up uh eric's video ended up going viral reddit picked it up i think a couple other sites picked it up and i knew that i'm done that's it you can't come away you can't come out of this there's no way you can come out of something like this i uh i started watching the video again seeing what he was saying about me and i noticed that eric actually ended up making his own youtube channel and i started finding another video that he made about me when i watch the videos i thought there's no way um anyone's gonna ever believe my side of the story at all i felt like the damage was done and this was a period in my life uh my youtube career where i was burnt out i was burnt out with uh making all these videos and you know i was contracted to make three videos a month and i still were i was still working with all these brands and that became a lot and then i started realizing like this is not what this channel was supposed to be i thought what if what if i did come up here and reveal that i've been telling the truth the whole entire time i have all the receipts that i can prove my innocence then that's going to make him eric look bad and i didn't want to make him look bad and i get it he's making me look bad but i kept remembering that very first video where he was trying to try to split one thousand dollars with me he was willing to give 500 to me who does that going from that to this it's a very hard pill to swallow you know from time to time i'll log into twitter instagram and it's just nothing but hate comments and death threats then i started noticing he was just continuing to make videos about me and he was just not gonna stop even though he says that he forgives me and you know he wants to be done with this he didn't want to he just wanted to keep dragging this on and on eventually all of this started affecting me mentally this started affecting me mentally and it was starting to affect me in my everyday life and even my businesses as well i couldn't even talk to people at all i couldn't even i didn't even want to go outside at all i didn't even want to do anything fun i was my life was spiraling out of control and i couldn't get a grip at all i was feeling like i was changing into a different person i was blowing up on people yelling at people um i didn't care about anything uh uh i started thinking dark thoughts i thought about ways to just kind of end it all and thought what is the easiest way to what is the easiest way to just go there were mornings where i just didn't want to wake up there were just days where i just wish i wasn't alive at all and i never thought like that i never thought like that in my life i thought who am i uh soon i was diagnosed with severe depression never thought that would happen but here i am uh started going to therapy and i just kept looking at what 5 10 20 years is going to look like for me and i thought i can't just be alone by myself for the next 10 to 20 years that's not possible one day uh one of my friends messaged me explaining hey did you know that there is a documentary about you and i just kind of thought yeah whatever i'm not surprised because at this point it's just i just kind of became numb to it and uh that night i just i literally just sat on this couch thinking like who what what has my life become now somebody's made a documentary on me so the next day i thought okay how much worse can this be i ended up watching the documentary that was made by jlaw and i watched the entire thing and it's very uh strange to see your youtube career condensed down into a 20-minute video is an amazing thing to see but the one thing that i did not expect was seeing my former cameraman trey up there defending me when i saw him pop up there my heart stopped for a second there and uh i couldn't believe what was going on he was sitting there defending me he defended me saying that whatever eric is saying is not true at all ever i mean trey was with me the whole entire time when we were doing this project he was there from the beginning helping me set up the house filming the videos he saw everything jay and trey i want to say probably saved my life if it wasn't for that documentary i don't know what would happen to me at that point i knew i had a fighting chance i knew i had a fighting chance and that day that night i logged on to all my social medias and it was different people were actually tweeting me defending me and i thought what is going on here i felt like i was dreaming that day i i reappeared i said uh on twitter i'm still here you know the thing is i've been watching the whole entire time i've been in the background watching the whole entire time i've been collecting all the evidence that eric and roz have been leaving behind and i knew that enough is enough and it was time to it was time to fight back i started i started feeling alive again i started feeling like i can i can do this i can come back i can make this video this video that i'm making right now this is the one thing that i've i've been dreading for the last two years i never wanted to make this video this is not me i don't do drama at all i entertain people that's what i'm good at doing not drama but unfortunately they force my hand so i want to go ahead and address the uh two individuals that uh have really uh turned my life upside down i'm going to start with you roz i don't know what your agenda is at all i'm not entirely sure what your thought process was when you made that first video you never came to me consulted me asked me for my side of the story and you took everything that eric said and you ran with it i don't understand why you had to do the thing you did film this video destroying my career my reputation my life do you understand what you've done to me you probably don't you probably don't even care so roz i'm going to go ahead and have my attorneys send a letter to your home address i want you to read it and i want you to understand that you don't have a leg to stand on eric i get it i get why you did what you did at the end of the day it is about survival you were out there on the streets you were trying to survive i understand i understand perfectly but when i bend over backwards to help you get a roof over your head raise all this money for you and then you turn around you stab me in the back that betrayal that betrayal changes a person forever eric i'm gonna also send you a letter but but not for my attorney no this is a personal letter from me explaining how you made me feel within the last six years i try to make your life better and you turn around and you try to destroy my life i just uh i hope you watch this you read the letter and you come out and you tell the truth i'm going to leave everything down below all the receipts everything that you see is everything i've kept during that project i've been gone for a long time two years is a very long time it feels like more than two years at this point i'm not the same person that you guys have seen in the older videos that version of me is gone i've learned a lot within the last two years and i feel like i've grown as an individual and i knew that whatever happened is sucks it sucks what happened but i gotta move on but damn it's hard to move on sometimes now a lot of people are probably wondering one of the biggest questions people are asking am i returning to youtube
Channel: MagicofRahat
Views: 2,175,891
Rating: 4.9466949 out of 5
Id: P4WsEBgj108
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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