Infinite Ball Roll In Blender 2.83 [Tutorial In Eevee]

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hello everyone and welcome to another tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to make this really awesome infinite dropping a loop animation in blender 2.8 free we're gonna be using the Eevee render engine we wouldn't be doing some stuff with rigid body it's really fun I'm just gonna let you guys know I'm making this project file available in the description below if you do want to go ahead and download download it for a dollar on Gumroad you don't have to do that I'm going to be going step-by-step how to do this so you can see here this is the project file here this is what we're gonna be learning to make today I'm gonna be going for everything the modeling and setting up to physics and these basic materials nothing to complicate it so just follow along it is important that you have blender 2.8 or higher this is blender 2.8 free so let's get into it I know you guys are gonna like it I really liked making this it was really fun okay so if a brand new scene opened up in blender 2.8 free go ahead delete everything so we have a blank scene go into your front orthographic view we're gonna go shift a we're gonna go to our mesh options here we're gonna add in a cylinder once you've added in a cylinder hit s and in 0.25 and hit enter and that's going to make it just 1/4 the size it originally was so we're going to go ctrl a and we're going to apply the scale now we can tap into edit mode and what we're going to do here is with all of our vertices selected being in front orthographic view we're going to go G and holding in control we're gonna move this guy up to here yes here okay so as close as you can I can't get it to snap right now but I'm gonna just move it roughly in here so you can see that the cursor in that front orthographic leap it's now right where this corner intersects so just get it as close as you can and the reason we're doing this I'm going to show you guys in just a second it'll make sense go to your face select here select the bottom face make sure you're in front orthographic view we're going to be using a tool called a spin tool it's going to make things easy for us let's hit F free on your number pad then you're gonna go to your search you and you're just type in spin so type in spin and then hit the spin button here and then you go see this little panel pop ups I opened up with this panel and what we're going to do here is you grab this angle and drag it and we're going to see here around the cursor it's now going to spin up this new geometry and we're going to get to about here like that maybe 45 yeah something like this will be fine and what we can do is open that up again you can also come here two steps and just add in some more geometry to smooth that out so I'm gonna go over about 16 and 124 degrees it might be a little bit different for you but just something like this will be appropriate with that space it's still select we're gonna go X and delete the faces and automatically it'll now get rid of that box there so delete the guy at the top here as well that's face and now what we're going to do is go to edge select here so get edge select go to front orthographic make sure to select this middle loop here just got here yep that's the middle loop and then what we're going to do better your other orthographic view so this is going to be the back or Foe graphic and then go to wireframe and we're going to select that same one that's the opposite side so two like that and then you're going to hit V and right click so let's go then just go back to solid view and now what that V is done let's cut that geometry so if we go to our face select we select any one of these faces here go control L it's only going to select these faces and then we can go X and we can delete those faces so now we have this thing here that we've modeled quite easily go to our edge select here just grab these edges but holding and Shift + Alt selecting them and then go e to extrude and extrude up to about there and then just e extrude up one more time just like that so we can subdivide it now we can't add out of edit mode we can get our object we're going to enable smooth shading so go to smooth shading and then we're going to do is go G just to move it up to here and then we're gonna get our modifiers tab add modifier and let's add in a subdivision surface modifier it's gonna smooth it out a bit and then we're going to go ahead and add in a wireframe modifier not a wireframe sorry I solidifies it to add in a solidify modifier and then what we want to do is mess around at this thickness but we don't want to bring it into the positive we want to bring it into the negative and the reason for that is because we actually want our ball when it's rolling here in our robotics in simulation two interactive to actual geometry because this solidify modifier is not actual geometry T at the moment it's just data it's not any sort of physical geometry nursing so for that reason do that and you can get add and just add an edge split and that's gonna make it nice and sharp so I kind of really like this look you can make it as fin or as thick as you want doesn't really matter I'm just gonna go something like that now close all of these up a little bit just to make it look neater here we have our object we don't have to unwrap it or anything because we're going to be using procedural textures what we can do now is grab this guy and then go shift D and I'll shift D and a front orthographic view and an X just to move it over here and then we're going to go our Z 180 to rotate it like so and we're gonna bring it down to here and we can adjust this a little bit later if we want to which is something like that okay we should have this now so what's gonna happen our balls gonna come in here roll down jump up and hopefully hit here and roll down and jump out and in our camera view that's gonna look like an infinite loop because we can actually make it loop and it'll look like it's just a do ball keep that keeps coming and coming so it's gonna look pretty cool that's pretty much done for now so let's go ahead shift a we're gonna add in a mesh object and as you probably guess it's going to be a UV sphere go ahead scale that guy down for now to about here what you want to do is got your topographic view bring it here G said bring it up and we'll just mess around of it to roughly here okay like that and then we're going to add a substitution surface and which can enable smooth shading on that maybe scale it down a little bit like that okay now for all that done select everything in our scene go control 8 and apply the scale I want to emphasize that applying the scale is very important because when we ever do physics simulation it uses real the world sizes and scales to determine how it's going to run to physics simulation so if we don't apply things what's going to happen when we run a simulation oftentimes we're going to get frustrated if we don't apply the scale and rotation stuff like that in this case we didn't rotate anything so at least yeah I think we did we try to describe but I don't think that's gonna matter physics simulation so for now just leave it at this let's go to our next step and that's gonna be shift hey we're gonna go down here just add in a camera grab this guy to move it onto Y head 0 to go into camera view I like to do this at my camera setting you don't have to do it but I feel like you get more out of this if you go to orthographic I know it's not physically accurate but it works didn't go to go to my orthographic scale I'm gonna zoom in for now then I'm gonna go to my camera settings here my dimensions I click on this little printer icon and I like to make it square sorry I don't make it 1080 by 1080 you can make it whatever you want just leave it at the default but I like to do this I'm gonna just go ahead do that and then I could just give it a bit of rotation so I'm gonna move my key and my camera view hit R twice a double tap are you kind of rotate your camera and get it into a position that you like for now I'm just gonna go something like that and you can mess around with the scale to zoom in and out doesn't have to be exactly like this make it how you want I'm just gonna go off this for now while we so we can get ready with our materials and physics and stuff but this is our modelling down camera setup and let's get into the rest of this okay so now we're ready to start getting into our physics simulation what we're going to do is select this guy right here we're going to go into our physics tab here we're going to go to our rigidbody I'm setting so click on the rigidbody it's going to add a rigidbody and type to this and what we're going to do is set a type to passive we do the reason we're setting it to pacifist because unlike a bowl over here these objects are just gonna be sitting Doda are going to be reacting to the simulation they're just gonna be sitting there passive but not gonna be moving so said that too passive that's what that's all about then you're gonna go here to the collision settings this is very important currently it's set to convex hull we want to go ahead and make this mesh now just to roughly explain it the way I understand it the convicts hold kind of more approximates the shape or boundary of this mesh and it's a quicker for simulation times but it's not as accurate that's why we go ahead and we said this to mesh what's going to happen when this rigid body simulation runs it's going to be mesh on mesh contactors can be more accurate not not as approximated and that's the way I understand it just in case you guys were wondering what that's about and that's about all we have to do over here so let's get to our surface response and what we want to do is take this friction down to zero now the way I understand it once again I could be wrong because I haven't found a lot of documentation of this but if you set the friction on this lower what's gonna happen when this object comes the well and our sphere rules here it's not going to be sticking to the measure as much it's gonna be a little bit more loose if you drag the friction up all the way it's gonna be a little bit more it's gonna be hugging a little bit more close to this geometry here and for this simulation for everything I found that setting this desert just works better then get to the sensitivity and just set the margin to zero as well and I'll explain what the margin is in a second and if that done we're just going to do the exact same thing if this guy yes you could copy it over but it's so quick so we're just going to do that all again so just passive just set this to mesh and just friction to zero and a margin to zero so that's done for these two now what we can do is grab out a sphere here we wouldn't do the exact same thing get it out rigidbody but this time we're gonna set it leave it on active because it's going to be an active object in our simulation the exact same principle applies with measure the the shapes we're going to make that mesh not not convex hull and then we're going to do things a little bit differently here we're gonna leave the friction on point five I found when I made it a little bit too high for this scene it didn't work too well when I made it to load in worked well so we're gonna leave it at 0.5 nice and in the middle and the margin here I I'm going to explain how I figured out this works I'm not a hundred percent sure but I've messed around a bit I think what it does is if you increase this margin and you run a safe example I bring my cylinder up my sphere up a little bit now and I play this animation if my margin you can see it's not touching the geometry here because I've increased the margin so if I increase the Martian even more tip to my first frame and I play it it's gonna kind of as you can see there it didn't it kind of bounced off here because this it's creating like a margin between this sphere here and dismiss geometry so I found if he set it too low as well that exactly did it's here that's also a problem because what happens it is it gets embedded into the mesh so depending on the scale of your scene you're gonna have to mess around of this and if you didn't make everything exactly the same scale you're gonna have to kind of come in here and play around kill you don't get this sort of intersection here and also you don't want it to bounce off too much so I just want you guys to be aware of that so this D settings might not be exactly the same for you guys it's a dish mess around a bit but what I found works well is a value of point zero one and so if we go now we play it okay you can see it falls free and that's because I haven't done anything with mass I think I made the mass twenty that worked for me originally and what I also think I did is I didn't make the scale exactly the same I think I scaled it down even a little bit more and I applied the scale so if I go ahead and should plan it now okay it's a little bit better I can come here just bring the friction down and this is the thing with making these tutorials it's so frustrating is every time that the settings are not exactly the same so I'll just bear with me and I'll try and get this to work so if you mess around with the friction you might get a bit better result okay what we can do is they bring the friction down a bit and in one frame one go geez that and just bring your sphere a little bit higher so it has a little bit more full so if you hit the play button okay that works so here's what we have if you go to frame 1 where our simulation isn't being played and you move this up to about there it should be roughly there you can mess around a bit till you get something that works I'm going to go over a friction setting of 0.2 1 6 and I'm going to leave the margin as it is and you guys have already seen how we set these two up so if you hit play that's what you get but at the moment we have way too many frames to make this loop of balls we're going to do is go to our frames here and on the end we're just going to get 100 so now we only got 100 frames here from 0 to 100 so if we hit play now we should have this you can see from if you were actually to render this out as a video you could pretty much put and repeat and you'd never know it'll just look like a seamless animation or keep coming falling another one will come and fall you can even make different color ones put in multiple ones if you want we're just going to leave this at this for now this is our physics simulation once again I will be making this scene available below if you guys want to check it out it's gonna be for $1 on the gum road so this is it now we're gonna get into our materials and their lighting and just make this really look awesome okay now for the fun part we finally get to make this look cool by adding some lighting and some materials so let's do what we always do first of all go to our render settings now if you want to make this in cycles go ahead you have to freedom to do it I'm gonna just go leave it at evey render because that's gonna be quicker and works fine go ahead and able ambient occlusion and the screen space reflections if we're going to be using evey I like to set my render to 120 and the viewport I like to always increase to 64 you don't have to do that that's just my personal personal preference and then what we can do is get into our lighting so go to your front orthographic view there's shift a and we're gonna go down and get a light add in an area light bring it up here I like putting it over here I apologize for the crows in the background making noise so just laying guys know that's what that sound is anyway without light they're selected go ahead to the size here increase it to about 2.7 eighth meters and then we're gonna mess around with the power but I'm going to take it to about 230 so let's have a look in our camera view go Z rendered let's have a look what that looks like okay so this is what we have in our rendered view here well I can do I'll leave it at that strength from now what I'll do is my fun for you guys shift D but not for that guy I'll do that grab the light here guys shift D to duplicate the light rotate it about 45 degrees go to your top to you rotate it roughly 45 degrees as well we're just doing a simple three-point lighting setup I'm gonna make this string from this 120 for this guy and then just shifty bring it over here and rotate it I guess what we have here is just a simple three-point light setup I might grab this guy and go G is that just bring it up a little bit more so we should have this go to our rendered view okay this is what we have in the rural settings you can make a little bit more darker will miss around with that a little bit later but here is our lighting it's looking quite nice and what I like to do is go shift a I'm gonna add in a mesh add in the plane I'm gonna scale this guy up and it's gonna work quite a lot different than it usually would because we're using a orthographic camera but I'm gonna double tap our just bring my camera down a bit more and I bring this plane down quite a bit so I'll bring it probably down to about here maybe even up a bit more and just scale it and then go to camera view and you should be able to scale it up enough to a point where you can't see anything else except the backdrop so if I move my camera or bring it up to about here you scale the back okay I'm gonna go if that just scale that plane up a little bit more so this is what we have if I just go to my material preview maybe you'll see it a bit better okay so you should have this scene right here and I'm just gonna kind of keep it basic make sure my camera selected and this is always one of those things that's it's it's so finicky when you do tutorial because it's totally it's personal preference we all like different angles but I'm gonna go with this you guys can make it what you want okay so that works so now we can get into our actual materials now if we have our scene so I'm going to grab one of these cylinders here these on tubes whatever we want to call them slides go to the shading panel here and go to my camera view make sure we're in rendered and then I'm gonna go new I'm just going to call this material slide you can call it you want it's pretty basic we're just gonna go shift a we're gonna search and get ourselves a texture cordon a texture coordinate node place it over here you know go shift a we're going to search and just get ourselves a wave texture you can use whatever wave tech texture you want you can use whatever material want I'm just going to go if this grab an object plug it into the vector maybe grab this guy here and then I'm gonna go and shift hey again I'm gonna search and just get myself a color ramp node you take your color plug it into the factor here and it take the color here and plug it into the base color at the moment you're not gonna see too much so we need to just drag these values in to tighten that up a little bit more so I like to bring them nice and close like that and you can come around and mess up the scale I'm gonna make it something like that I got Outlook that works for me for now and then make the colors what you want I'm gonna go with something that's nice and soft and just paddle ball maybe a green you should kind of color like that not too saturated maybe make this like a blue that works and then to kind of see this a bit better I'm just gonna grab my plane here the floor got new let's gonna cool it the floor hit enter and we're gonna make this a color I'm going to go something like a green and make it light okay let's go to the world settings I'm just gonna make my world a bit lighter go ahead throw in a HDR I would actually recommend that it'll really make this pop but I'm just gonna I'm lazy somebody's gonna keep it really basic and you guys can do what you want so I'm gonna grab this guy here holding in shifts like this guy and then get control l and I'm just gonna make them share the material it's Natick both have that material now we're gonna grab this guy here and make it what you want I'm just going to hit new I could even just make it a solar color and make it glossy I think that's what I'll do just a very basic color like that so here it is and also you can grab this guy here and just make it a bit more glossy I think that just looks nice having these nice reflections in there and is our final scene so let's go ahead play that in real time there we go and I'm going to show you guys how to render this out as an animation so all you have to do this is paused as quickly go to your layout and then what you're going to do is go to your little printer icon here click on it and if you're happy of these render settings just leave them as they are but we have here 100 frames that's correct 24 frames a second that's what we want over here under output select this folder go to your desktop or wherever you want to save to video 2 and just go accept so I put on my desktop here and we're going to make the type and the file format and ffmpeg video go to your encoding we're going to just go ahead make this a mp4 right over here and over here under output quality we're just gonna make it perceptually lossless so now go ahead save your scene and all you have to do is go render and then go render animation it'll render this out to wherever you selected that little folder output there so I hope you guys enjoyed this once again this is available in the description below for a dollar I'm Gummer that's an Australian dollar if you guys want to check out check it out you don't have to I hope you enjoyed it subscribe look at them out of content I'm gonna be making heaps of stuff this year I know you guys are gonna like say I'll see you later
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 28,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender infinite animation loop tutorial, super satisfying animation loop in Blender tutorial, Easy Blender tutorial, Blender tutorial in BLender, How to make a Blender animation for beginners, Blender HD tutorial for animatino, How to do animation s in Blender, Blender animation for beginners, Blender 2.83 tutorial for beginners, Blender abstract animation tutorials Motion graphics in Blender, Graphics inBlender, Blender 2.8+ tutorials, Easy tutorials in Blender
Id: 8e_K2VjBhVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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