Maggie Smith Discusses the Downton Abbey Documentary | Downton Abbey

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"Oh, no, he wasn't crazy; he was foreign."


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Renimar 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
Countians incredible story has had just about everything it's covered 14 turbulent years of Crawley family history now we can't do it all justice but I took the liberty of writing to a couple of distinguished experts to see if they would help us out strange request this morning some geezer from London wants to make what they call a documentary film about this family what family what the Cronus hi he says people are interested well what are we ever done to deserve that we've just lived perfectly ordinary lives in a perfectly ordinary house he says so many things have happened to us oh no I suppose there was the Turk who died you did Mary's bed I don't remember that I thought died somewhere else entirely well only because Cora Mary and the maid carried his body the lengths of the house but why had they put him in Mary's room and where was she sleeping Robert I sometimes wonder if you should get out more well now I think of it we did have that man with a new face claiming to be cousin Patrick and therefore the air that was quite something yes well everyone has tasks and relations then I lost my money and Matthew inherited an even larger fortune from a man he barely knew and he put it all into the estate wasn't that lucky he broke his spine except except that he didn't he didn't he bounced out of his wheelchair like a jack moments before his girlfriend died of Spanish flu playing Dangerous Liaisons in a Liverpool hotel we needn't bring that up but we could say the neatest beloved was murdered by the Nazis oh no don't just get involved with them were bound to regret it just stay stay with the baby hidden on the estate being said by the farmer and dear Tony Gillingham gifted in so many ways except what at all those deaths we've had to intro her for William in the war darling Sybil lost in childbirth ma feel smashed to smithereens minutes after setting eyes on his newborn son and then there's the servants I mean Cora's maid trying to entrap Tom with a false pregnancy and Ethel's baby leading her into prostitution yeah Bates nearly hanged for murder Anna in prison for another killing yes two murderers in one servants Hall yes such is quite unusual I agree blackmail and thieving and crazy Russian Prince's oh he wasn't crazy no he was far oh when I think of all the prejudice we've witnessed all the blinkered Tommy Roth we've had to listen to sitting around the dining table being served by Barrett nah a barrow deserves a documentary all of his own do you think we should do it then well you'd have to ask us we need his permission I need his permission to get up in the morning but I think he'll agree to it if I promise to behave as if nothing has changed since 1850 but we do still have a problem fact they want to know Bates is secret does he have a secret yeah what selfless act of valor did Bates commit in the Boer War did he do that saved my life for which he earned my lifelong gratitude but left him with a limp to this day they say the audience has a right to know Musso tell them I can't I don't know what he did it hasn't come up in a script you need the writer but he says the precise nature of Bates's heroism must always remain a secret why because you haven't the faintest idea what it was and the Dowager Countess of Grantham of course Hugh Bonneville and Dame Maggie Smith ladies and gentlemen [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 257,616
Rating: 4.9659338 out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Movie, Downton Abbey Series, Downton Abbey Season 6, Downton Abbey Season 3, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, ITV, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, The Best Of Downton Abbey, The Dowager Countess, Maggie Smith on Downton Abbey, Maggie Smith BAFTA, Maggie Smith Harry Potter, BAFTA AWARDS 2019
Id: vvaSFryJFs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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