BAFTA Celebrates Downton Abbey's Success | Downton Abbey

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right in the beginning it was the attention to detail its of all added to creating this world but why do the rituals the clothes and the customs matter so much because without them we would be like Borneo we work very hard on the scripts to make sure that we we cover the big events of the day we are at war with Germany so although the show is based at Downton and about these characters they're not living in a vacuum it has to all be there to create this experience for the viewer if you've got that you've got a really good basis to make this drama come alive every department when the script comes in does copious amounts of research it's those details that make the world feel real obviously the lessons proved successful I'm a terrible one for putting my hands on the dinner table your hands have to be on your lap if you're not using your knife and fork they'll say you're not doing things properly anymore there have been many very interesting historical details like you never took your hat off if you went to visit if you did take your hat off you have terrible hat hair so everyone kept their hats on that was all fascinating in terms of the historical accuracy we rely on our Oracle Alastair Bruce we turned to him and even if he's making it up he's very convincing and then you place the thing against the table and bring the chair back to it thank you sure they all understand what they're doing and why they're doing it is helpful for their acting don't whack him manners and protocol important because adds to the atmosphere of the show is flambe alikom did you milady there's little details and if they're immaculate and precise then it just gives a whole different feeling I love the detail I absolutely drive down into finding out exactly what was hanging on the back of a door who had what on what they had in that pockets and I think that helps you make sure that every single person in the background is carrying something that's right for that time of day Sophie or I are feeling a tiny bit insecure we asked for a dishcloth a dishcloth seems to give us that kind of comfort blanket so that's my favorite prop the main thing me and Leslie have to struggle with is making sure we look like we're really good at cooking because both of us are not great at cooking what I sing the praises of the art department endlessly I always love it when we do a scene in which either a newspaper or a letter features because there are details in those items and the audience will never see but they have gone out of their way to make as vivid as possible I don't believe it please do it something nice just not seen by the camera or anything or why bother but actually when the actor reads the letter and it is the letter that he's reading it adds the whole occasion hi Claire custard eventually was the choice for Downton Abbey it was the first place we saw we then visit another 40 houses around England just to check that it was the one we really liked crikey the castle the home has been a character in itself again it all helps to make the world real everything has been meticulously planned and then it's just for the actress to come in and give all of these different parts of the structure a cohesive feeling very good I can't but applaud the people who work much harder than I do to bring Downton Abbey and keep it standard so high for so long [Music] the British Academy of Film and Television Arts celebrates the success of Downton Abbey the best of British drama and a show that we have all taken to our hearts to present the BAFTA special award one of our finest actors fittingly she can play upstairs as well as down she's at home playing comedy as well as the most nuanced drama and of course she is herself a multi BAFTA Award winner will you please welcome the wonderful Julie Walters [Applause] [Music] thank you delighted to be here tonight to present this very special award on behalf of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts the show is loved all over the globe and here are just a few of the people who like me have loved the last six seasons of Downton when I first heard Downton Abbey was to receive the BAFTA special award I was absolutely thrilled is one of Katherine's and my favorite programs I find of Downton Abbey I'm obsessed with Downton Abbey an avid watcher a great fan of the show I watched the entire series didn't miss one episode it's like a movie it's like an incredibly gorgeous film is it too late to audition for the show I would just be the black man I showed up you know Lord Combs down to so special for me because of the storylines the storylines just pull you back in one of the things that makes Downton so special to watch is just the performances you just fall for these characters and everyone's playing them with such integrity the show was excellent the writing was incredible I'm a fan of British actors in a style of acting and the effortlessness of it we saw ourselves I think in each of these characters some part of ourselves and so that's I think why people gravitated towards it [Music] this Baptists really a thank you I think from the whole world to this cast and to do that because it's it's super [Music] it is a remarkable achievement congratulation Julian and everyone thank you for allowing me to watch you guys be brilliant actors and that great riding has not gone away thank you as the president Ibaka I'm delighted that we are paying tribute this extraordinary series that has flown the flag for British drama both at home and internationally few British series have ever managed to achieve such worldwide acclaim and many millions of people myself included have enjoyed the life and times of the Crawley family my congratulations to everybody at Downton Abbey and as a fan thank you it's presented in recognition of the outstanding global success of Downton Abbey this recognition from the Academy today is testament to its huge popularity with audiences in Britain and around the world and shines a light on the incredible achievements of the whole cast and crew Downton Abbey is a genuine global phenomenon and we'll miss it when it's gone this award is very very much deserved so please can I ask Gareth Neame Julian Fellowes missed Windridge and the cast of Downton Abbey [Music] thank you very much indeed to the Academy for this very special award you've seen Downton Abbey has won so many awards right around the world but this is a British show and for us to be presented with such a prestigious award here at home it really means more than anything else so many thank yous this evening but firstly Julian we talk of your talent creating the show the characters these wonderful scripts truly none of this would have happened without you my fellow producers Liz Shoebridge Nigel Marcin and Chris croucher to all these fantastic actors to our directors and each and every member of our outstanding and dedicated crew but most of all to our fans in Britain as well as right around the world thank you for coming with us on this journey and for welcoming the Crawley family into your own homes we're sorry that we're coming to the end of the show right now but we're only here in the first place because of all of you thank you you know I'm often asked what exactly does a producer do in fact I'm sure there's quite a few of you in the stalls who may still be wondering the very same thing obviously now is not the time to go into the answer but I do want to say two things on the subject the first is that as a species we tend to work at our best behind the camera and so you will correctly conclude that right now I am NOT in my natural habitat which leads me to the second point I would like to make a good producer needs to know when to delegate and luckily for me I find myself surrounded by people who can perfectly perform the next very important task so I am going to turn to our cast led by the head of the Downton household our very own Lord Grantham now okay which cameras on okay I'm looking at you our audience at home because you have either taken to heart the characters that we play or you've taken to throwing things that they tell you on the Sunday evening either way we on this stage are the visible faces of Downton Abbey but there are hundreds and I mean hundreds of people you don't see and to whom we owe more than you will ever know but on behalf of all of us on this stage in this cast thank you all for your part in making this an unforgettable adventure so please will the crew please stand up come on stand up ladies and gentlemen [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 279,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Movie, Downton Abbey Series, Downton Abbey Season 6, Downton Abbey Season 3, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Carson, Cora Crawley, ITV, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, The Best Of Downton Abbey, The Dowager Countess
Id: BqE9evJWxuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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