This Genius Man Was Thrown to The Jail for Carrying Out a Secret Mission❗

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this film series opens up with the main protagonist of the story his name is Jimmy Keane he is played by Taryn Edgerton Jimmy was a football player back then in high school but his life takes a 180 degree turn after he starts dealing with narcotics one day he goes to his supplier Rog because the drugs he received aren't in the right amount Rog is offended that Jimmy accuses him of reducing the number of drugs let alone a kilo he won't even steal a gram from his customers because trust is the most important thing to him Jimmy enters a room with Rog where he sees his friend Danny being held captive by Rock because he stole Rob's drugs his childhood friend tells him if he needs money to pay his debt Rog is furious he shoots his Firearms several times even though Dany is a troublemaker Jimmy still pities him and in exchange he gives three kilos of his drugs to Rog later that night Jimmy visits an expensive restaurant he meets a beautiful waiter and introduces himself to her what happens after I'll leave it to your imagination the next morning Jimmy is having breakfast when suddenly a group of DEA agents storms in these people are led by a woman from the FBI named Lauren McCauley not only the sleeping waiter but the DEA agents also find various pieces of evidence in Jimmy's house such as illegal drugs stacks of cash and multiple guns loaded with bullets he also has a shotgun an ak-48 rifle but he doesn't have permits the discovery of these weapons would inflict heavy punishment on Jimbo that's what Lauren calls him Jimbo is calm because he believes that he has a good lawyer Jimmy has to stay in a prison his father comes to visit him turns out his father is a former police chief who has searched for 23 years he has talked to the public prosecutor named Beaumont previously Beaumont wants to prove that Jimmy is a part of a syndicate in reality Jimmy is not a part of any syndicates but if he pleads guilty he will be sentenced to five years in prison if it weren't for those Firearms he would only be sentenced to two years instead the lawyer would try to convince the judge that Jimmy was merely a Lost Boy his father tells him to behave well if he's good they will probably release him in four years at the trial Jimmy admits all of his involvement in Narcotics he also confesses that he owns illegal firearms sitting in the back Lauren is watching the trial the judge sentences him to 10 years five years longer than his father's prediction guideline term of 120 months Jimmy is pissed and he vents his anger to Beaumont seven months later Jimmy is visited by the FBI agent and prosecutor Beaumont according to the prison record it is known that Jimmy manages to have a good relationship with his fellow inmates including some of the gangsters who ruled there jimin also has a side hustle there he rents porn magazines to them his calm demeanor and charismatic personality make him befriend any criminals and Lauren wants to give him a special Mission because of this she wants to move him to a Maximum Security Prison Jimmy needs to get information about where 14 lemons bodies were buried they were killed by a crazy psychopath so far the police only found one body it means Jimmy has to get along with the devil to find out where he buried his victims no matter how much money will be given to him Jimmy refuses this offer but instead of money they offer him his freedom or a full pardon for his sentence if he can retrieve the information still refuses it even though Lauren tries to persuade him the perpetrator has filed an appeal and if he's released a lot of women out there will be his next victims in the end Lauren gives up but she leaves the case files with him just in case Jimmy has a change of heart one day later that night Jimmy can't sleep so he decides to take a look at Lawrence Hall's records the suspected serial killer case flashback from four years earlier it was revealed how they found out about this serial killer case a detective named Brian gets information from the chief detective of Marion country about the discovery of the body of a girl named Jessica Roach a mechanic informed the police if he saw a suspicious man drive off in a gray Dodge 11 months later Brian found a new lead turned out a man named Larry on a car that matched the description of the mechanic he also had been reported Thrice in our asthma case back to Jimmy after much consideration he decides to accept agent Lauren's offer his father disagrees since Springfield is a special prison for crazy and barbaric criminals most of those convicted there has been sentenced to life and resigned themselves to their fate his father is worried Jimmy's plan would fail what if someone frames him and he will get an additional sentence after that a longer one maybe even though he doesn't know yet Jimmy's father promises that he will find a way to get him free faster continuing his investigation Brian sought help from a detective named Chris who happened to have grown up with Larry in his hometown according to him Larry liked to participate in the Civil War reenactments even though he's having a comfortable life in prison Jimmy still feels bored with his daily activities as he sees the files Jimmy thinks about taking the offer after checking with the relevant departments Brian didn't get any information about the permits granted by the Civil War reenactment activists but there was a permit granted for the reenactment of the Revolutionary War Brian was surprised after knowing the day of the reenactment was the same day as the day the body was found Jimmy is visited by his stepmother who tells him that his father is having a stroke which makes him very weak he keeps worrying about Jimmy in the prison that's the trigger of his stroke in his current state his father didn't have much time left Brian called Chris again Chris thought Larry was not a dangerous man he grew up in a graveyard his parents were gravediggers his personality was weird because of his intellectual disability he was bullied a lot back then when he was a child Brian also learned if Larry was lying he confessed to other investigators that he had killed a girl in Marion City the police did not believe him because the real perpetrator had been arrested Jimmy meets Lauren again to accept his offer but Jimmy's decision is not immediately accepted because Lauren has other applicants and she offers them the same thing Lauren will report this to her boss she orders Jimmy to study the file so he doesn't flunk in the next interview arriving at the local police station Brian met Chris he found out that Larry was being interrogated by another Detective from Marion County in the case of the Trisha real murder and finally are introduced to Larry the suspected serial killer seeing his appearance the two detectives didn't think Larry is the culprit Brian secretly tries to investigate Jessica's murder as well he asked Larry whether he joined the Revolutionary War reenactment Last Summer he showed Larry a map to help him remember but Larry was acting strange he didn't want to touch Brian's hand Brian became more Curious after Larry confessed that he had a Dodge van the type of car the witness had seen at the crime scene Larry was weird Brian was able to draw some conclusions from his confession he told other detectives that he often dreamed of killing women the film continues to the second episode a curly-haired girl was walking alone she walked beside a car then she disappeared was she Trisha Rattler one of the victims in Marianne Lauren is interviewing Jimmy about the women he likes including the types of women he doesn't like Jimmy is so confident that one day he would make Lauren his apparently Lauren had other motives this thing is important because the person Jimmy would later have to befriend was the murderer of many women when Lauren asks what Larry doesn't like about women Jimmy says he doesn't know Lauren is pissed why didn't he study the Case Files properly back to Brian during interrogation he confessed that he often killed women in his dreams at that time it felt like his soul was separated from his body it was also known that Larry has a non-identical twin brother his name is Gary Brian then showed him Jessica's photo Larry started acting strange he didn't want to see the picture at all and wanted to go home Larry's statement about his dreams and his responses after seeing the photo was enough for Brian to see if Larry had anything to do with Jessica's murder however the state detectives did not want him to take over the case Brian asked for help from an FBI agent Lauren they also asked prosecutor Beaumont to help them with this case meeting with Lauren again Jimmy is so confident the FBI will choose him as a former football athlete Jimmy is confident that he will succeed in completing his mission Lauren opens her laptop and shows him a ranger and boxing champion will be his competitors for this Mission Lauren is angry again when Jimmy doesn't give him an honest answer when she asks them about the cause of his parents divorce his father was a heavy drinker and often took bribes while serving as a police chief and his mother changed Partners every day they abandoned Jimmy causing Jimmy to be involved in Narcotics since he was a child Jimmy always felt lonely Lauren is not asking all of these without reason later when he's around Larry hell I'll have to position himself as when he was eight when Jimmy feels like no one understands his situation Larry's interrogation continued this time Brian brings an FBI agent named Mark to accompany him in another room agent Lauren is monitoring them before answering any questions Larry had to sign a statement letter first what is this talking with me answering a few questions what's interesting was Larry refused to sign a second letter containing the approval to do a polygraph test or use a lie detector Larry refused afraid he would not pass it when Brian went back inside the room Larry was uncomfortable and just wanted Mark to be there Larry admitted that he was lonely because he didn't have a girlfriend and he also had low self-esteem he had to suppress his urge maybe that was the reason for his nightmares Mark gate and Jessica's photo and this time he seemed calm he said he first met her when she was cycling and after that she got into his car Larry said he didn't have time to bury her the location in Indiana mentioned by Larry was near the location where the police found her body Larry admitted to killing several other women including a woman in Marion named Tricia reitler Larry shocking confession was enough for the police to charge him in court Mark immediately retyped Larry's confession when she first saw Trisha then pushed her into his car after strangling her to death he also raped her before he changed his mind again they immediately showed the confession letter to Larry so he could sign it but after reading it Larry denied doing that the cops were lucky that Larry agreed to sign it no wonder why I can't sleep the FBI acted quickly and Larry's house was immediately searched for evidence they found two Vans one van filled with stuff while the other one looked empty and had been cleaned thoroughly later it was revealed that Larry was a janitor and his boss told them that he was very good at his job Jimmy then asked about Larry's twin brother named Gary Lauren explained about the transfusion syndrome of twins in the womb while the babies will absorb more nutrients than the others as a result Gary grew up smart with athletic abilities while Larry had intellectual disabilities this is Gary who desperately tries to defend his brother your brother confessed to two murders okay we don't kill people we don't know people who kill people in conclusion Lauren wants Jimmy to act like Gary the next time they meet Jimmy is surprised when Lauren immediately takes him to take a private jet to carry out the mission because he has been chosen the agents who take care of him are kind removing the handcuffs and giving him casual clothes in his new prison later only the warden and the chief psychiatrists know about this plan Jimmy will tell everyone if he's an arms dealer since the prison is famous for being inhabited by first class criminals Lauren says that she will come to visit him in prison and she will pretend to be Jimmy's girlfriend Jimmy boldly flirts with this FBI agent asking her to practice being his girlfriend right now on the plane Brian officially moves Larry from the state police to the police station where he served on their way Brian tries to investigate this psychopath again strangely Larry behaves like an intelligent person forced to make a confession he simply didn't do getting off the plane Jimmy continues his journey using the prisoner's car as Jimmy approaches the prison Gates he feels scared and doubtful about this Mission he wants to back off his bodyguard tells Jimmy if this is an important Mission they have to prevent more victims finally Jimmy decided to continue this mission during the appeal hearing the judge outline several points especially Larry's mental disorders Larry also said he confessed because of the pressure from the detectives the judge grants Larry's appeal ous as intimidating Mr Hall's appeal is hereby granted it means Jimmy only has a month to get information about the places where his victims were buried as evidence otherwise Larry will be free again in this Springfield prison Larry is working as a janitor entering his new prison Jimmy must undergo a series of examinations first then he gets into his cell the officer told him to try his best for his first week here because it was the toughest thing to do in addition to being careful with cleanliness Larry is also good at repairing machines Jimmy tries his best to fit in a prison inhabited by first class criminals on his first day in prison Jimmy can't sleep at all he sees Larry enter his cell and they both stare at each other at the beginning of the episode 3 Jimmy still can't find a way to approach Larry Jimmy then goes to meet the prison psychiatrist his name is Dr Zuckerman he knows about the mission Jimmy is doing a week in prison is enough to make Jimmy anxious and doubtful will he be able to complete his mission even though he is in prison the practice of drug trafficking continues not only that conflicts between prisoners and gangster groups seem to be a common thing people die because of that but no one bats an eye in fact most of the prisoners have mental disorders which is why Jimmy found the blood stains of the previous occupant who had committed suicide in his realm the doctor then gives Jimmy his home phone number he can call him if he needs help when Jimmy is getting his medicine Larry happens to appear behind him again this psychopath is avoiding him Brian now knows that the person Lauren assigned to approach their suspect is Jimmy Keane a well-spoken drug dealer why can't she just send police intelligence to do it Larry isn't as stupid as he looks Lauren is pretty sure the mission will be failed if she sends the police instead of Jimmy so far Lauren has investigated various cases in different cities and many of them have not been solved but they haven't found the slightest hand of the case related to Larry Brian himself is pessimistic after Larry changed his attitude when he took Larry to Illinois his attitude can change 180 degrees from being shy sad and feeling guilty to being cheerful and confident even though it was clear that he had previously confessed to being a serial killer at lunchtime Jimmy tries to approach Larry at his table he introduced himself but again Larry acts cold and indifferent and pretends not to hear him if he doesn't remember his mission Jimmy will punch him right at that moment escorted by an officer Jimmy meets his father who comes to visit even though today is not a visiting day despite being an ex-comp his father shows them his badge Jimmy is disappointed because he previously told the officers that he has no family but now they know his father is a police officer because of his weak and senile condition Big Jim admits his mistake not wanting his father to be sad and continue to feel guilty Jimmy tells him if he's a great father who is willing to risk his life while he was still active in the police force because of his love for Jimmy his father has rented a motel around the prison after the visit Jimmy asks officer Carter to keep it a secret from other inmates if his father is a police officer Lauren and Brian are reviewing the cases they suspect are related to Larry a few years earlier a woman named Rayna was found strangled to death and her ball of contraceptive pill was found in Larry's van they also found a hunting knife ropes a mask and gloves surprisingly a missing person's poster was also found there the poster said please pray for Trisha reidler due to insufficient evidence Larry was given a light punishment and was released again Brian thinks it's so strange that Larry decided to plead guilty to being a serial killer but after that he said that he was not a murderer their brains and skills as a detective and FBI agent were really put to the test is Larry really a serial killer or are there other suspects taking advantage of Larry's personality back in prison a senior Italian mafia named Vincent giganti who is the most powerful in this prison meets Jimmy both of them are of Italian and Irish descent this gangster leader has an injury in his shoulder he invited Jimmy to work with him when many other prisoners would do anything to be able to work with him he tells Jimmy to keep his shoulder injury a secret from the other prisoners or Jimmy will lose his tongue the old man likes Jimmy because he is polite and calm Jimmy is following Larry to the TV room and suddenly an arrogant prisoner switches the TV channel Larry and the other old prisoners are annoyed with his act but they can't do anything then Jimmy stands up and switches back the channel The Prisoner doesn't like it and this is what Jimmy does to him [Applause] because of his actions Jimmy is thrown into solitary confinement after one night in his dark cell Jimmy is free again this time Larry wants to talk to him because Jimmy was there to help him yesterday Jimmy remembers Lauren's words to position himself as Gary Larry's older brother who is always there for him Carter comes to meet Jimmy and his cell apparently Jimmy's father tells him about Jimmy's mission in this prison although he didn't go into details now Carter knows that Jimmy is an informant he doesn't care whether Jimmy is a gun dealer from Wisconsin or the son of a drug dealer from Chicago but it will be a disaster if the other prisoners find out that Jimmy is a son of a cop ter knows if Jimmy is Rich he blackmails Jimmy to give him ten thousand dollars to keep his mouth shut Jimmy is lucky Larry doesn't hear his conversation with Carter he goes back to his cell and Larry is sleeping he is safe now when Larry wakes up he sees a photo of Jimmy and his brother wearing old military uniforms for the Civil War reenactment event the next day Jimmy meets his father to bring him the rest of the money but it turns out that his father has spent the money on his daily necessities not only that the remaining two kilos of his cocaine were taken by Dany who betrayed him again Jimmy's Last Hope is the remaining one kilo of cocaine hidden in his speaker if he failed to get the money his life would be in danger here Brian and Lauren pay a visit to the sheriff who handles Reyna's murder case after the previous suspect was released due to lack of evidence the police arrested Larry since he confessed to murdering Reina with evidence of a ball of contraceptive medication found in his van to the policeman's surprise at the time of the murder Larry was actually in Ohio for a Civil War reenactment event these two places are 700 kilometers apart it needs at least 100 hours for Larry to be there also they have witnesses and full ill evidence of Larry being there how could Larry be in two different places at the same time in conclusion Larry is a Madman who fabricates false evidence of an unsuspected crime to make the police believe that he is the culpers Jimmy and Larry are getting closer Jimmy charms Larry with his personality they told each other about their life stories but it was still too soon for Jimmy to find information about where his victims were buried later Carter comes to collect his money Jimmy hopes his father will come tomorrow with one kilo of cocaine and he will sell it to the mafia in this prison Brian doesn't want to give up on this case he still believes that Larry is very good at hiding his crimes but Lauren begins to have doubts that Larry is a serial killer maybe he's just a Madman who's good at making up lies Larry takes Jimmy to his office where he is in charge of cleaning and repairing water heaters Jimmy tries to ask him about what he does besides being busy cleaning stuff Jimmy almost hears Larry's confession about his relationship with women but unfortunately a prison officer enters the room Jimmy's father is visiting again but he brings bad news he couldn't find the drugs in all of Jimmy's speakers they believed Dany is the thief because he once stayed there without Jimmy's permission visiting with full makeup Lauren disguises herself as Jimmy's girlfriend so far Jimmy hasn't heard Larry's confession about the murder he has committed on the other hand Lauren began to doubt him but what is clear is Jimmy needs ten thousand dollars for Carter who threatens to reveal his secret since Lauren can't give him that the solution they have is he has to stay in a protective cell until they transfer him back to his old prison however Jimmy can't just let Larry go he believes him to be the serial killer he will do anything to complete the mission he's our [ __ ] guy he's our guy you're so long Lauren then we see Jimmy's childhood he is playing football with his father after the latter finished his job Jimmy sneaks into Larry's cell looking for Clues to his crime he is looking through Larry's magazine there he sees several articles about sexual crimes against women and heinous methods used to kill them then Jimmy goes back to his cell Carter is already waiting for him there Jimmy thinks it's strange that Carter looks calm even though he hasn't gotten the money he wants is he planning something for later as if he has a seventh sense Larry thinks something big is going to happen since the prison is eerily silent he also knows someone has broken into his cell though he doesn't mind that since none of his belongings is missing leader in the field Larry again says something is going to happen Larry knows that Jimmy is upset but Jimmy says to Larry that he finds him unpredictable and later this is what happens [Applause] a big Riot occurs in this prison the officers become victims of hundreds of prisoners who go into a rampage the prison facilities are damaged fortunately Larry and Jimmy are not involved or being victims in this rise the riot left debris and blood splattered everywhere as the head of the cleaning team Larry and his members including Jimmy are assigned by the warden to clean up everything well it's got two of them [Music] as they are cleaning the mess Larry tells Jimmy about his childhood growing up near the cemetery little Larry was forced by his father to dig Graves at night even though his older brother Gary was fast asleep in his room he had to do it because he was poor unlike Jimmy who had a happy childhood because his father was a police officer but surprisingly Jimmy didn't have any friends when he was a child and because of that he spent his days at home waiting for his father to come home then one day his father and mother started arguing every day ruining the happiness of their little family his mother was dissatisfied because his father could not satisfy him apparently little Larry was taught by his father to steal the jewelry worn by corpses who had just been buried as a little boy Larry was very scared when the ring on The Corpse's finger was difficult to remove Larry was taught not to hesitate to cut their finger Jimmy tells Larry that his father was a firefighter and his mother on the bar so she had no time for his family that was when the fight between the two began his mother was a flirtatious woman who liked to be praised by many men like a psychic Larry could guess that not all of those things are true Jimmy then tells him about his parents divorce six months later his mother took home an abusive man named Glenn with her the man often beat his mother Jimmy himself and his brother he didn't understand why his mother didn't want to leave Glenn it turned out that his mother wanted Jimmy to grow up to be a strong man to avenge her so he took Taekwondo karate and Jiu Jitsu classes at the age of 14 Jimmy felt he was ready to face Glenn but later Jimmy was still beaten badly by him to beat the psychopath Jimmy confesses to Larry that he wants to kill his mother by pushing her off the stairs then Larry tells him if he wants to kill someone he will soak a cloth with starter fluid and he keeps it in the Mason jar in his car if you use this on someone it will knock them out in seconds After Jimmy asks him again Larry confesses to having done that to the girls so they stop hitting him as Larry put these into practice for the girls again this is not enough evidence unlike Larry as a Playboy Jimmy will seduce every woman he meets and after that they will kiss at the end of the fourth episode Gary comes to visit Larry they talk about a woman they picked up in California in the morning the woman drove off on a bright green Harley was that woman to be Larry's next victim all of these have not been revealed Gary informs Larry of the arrival of the police at their home for more evidence they came because Larry had embarrassed them in the court of appeals episode 5 start with Jimmy wants to meet the prison psychiatrist but turns out it's not Dr the Zuckerman who was there waiting for him Jimmy is disappointed that this psychiatrist has no idea about his mission as a doctor this psychiatrist wants to dig deeper into the mental issues he is facing Jimmy is confused because he thinks his mental state is fine apparently this doctor called Jimmy because Larry mentioned Jimmy as his best friend the doctor asked Jimmy to sympathize with Larry she doesn't want Jimmy to be a threat to Larry Jimmy pretends not to know what she is talking about it upsets her then she leaves Jimmy Brian and Lauren continue their investigation this time they are investigating the murder of Tricia reitler they travel to Marion hoping to find clues about the location where the victim is buried in this remote location you can only see fields in a gas station back in prison Larry tells Jimmy about Gary he thinks his brother is no longer interested in Civil War reenactments Gary is now married to a woman who doesn't like the activity because Larry had previously told her about what he did Jimmy went back to get information from him when Jimmy asks him how young these girls were he slept with Larry asks him back in return Larry looks weird when Jimmy mentions that the girl is 14 years old unfortunately an officer arrives to take Larry to fix the engine leak after driving around the area Brian and Lauren finally go to the gas station the employee tells him if this gas station has been there for several years Lauren then asks him for the manager's phone number Brian learns about a mechanic called John Dickey who owns an auto parts shop nearby Lauren is informed that this gas station opened in the spring of 94 while excavation started around the middle of the summer of 93. again they find nothing since the psychopath is good at covering his tracks the senior Mafia leader hears that Jimmy previously tried to smuggle drugs into the prison turns out Carter asks for his help to pay off his debt after he failed to Blackmail Jimmy apologizes for bothering him Larry is having a session with the prison psychiatrist this psychopath doesn't want to be asked instead he wants to ask the doctor some questions Larry is confident and proud after his appeal was approved by the judge one more hearing and he will soon be released sometimes people with mental disorders are smarter than their doctors the doctor says that Jimmy is a charismatic person but he is arrogant Larry thinks his friend has suffered a lot but Jimmy didn't let that stop him arriving at an auto parts store Brian and Lauren meet John Dickey this man knows Larry he refers to him as creepy as old [ __ ] after buying auto parts from him sometimes Larry would come just to look and watch the girls in the end he kicked him out for making the girls uncomfortable with his attitude his daughter Audrey was one of those girls Jimmy tries to contact Dr Zuckerman he tried it several times but failed because his account is unknown a gangster who is waiting for his turn becomes impatient because he has waited too long luckily they don't fight in the prison field Carter begins terrorizing Jimmy by leaking his identity as an informant to other inmates including the head of the Italian mafia this of course endangered Jimmy's life Big Jim is anxious because he can't contact Jimmy he is worried that something has happened to Jimmy apart from being the heating engine room Larry also likes to spend his time in the workshop recently he has been busy carving crows out of wood after the carvings are finished he will send them to his house when Jimmy asks what they are for this psychopath changes the subject he asks Jimmy why did Jimmy get into trouble in the phone booth this is where Jimmy tricks Larry he admits that he has a problem with an officer who has something to do with Larry the officer says Larry is a predator and a murderer of young girls Larry laughs at that admitting he had never raped anyone in his life he only slept with grown-up girls again this story is cut short Larry wants to know the number of women Jimmy has slept with Jimmy confessed that he had slept with about 80 women Jimmy is good with words the women were Charmed by his charisma in contrast to Jimmy Larry always feels insecure women won't even look at him twice let alone talk to him Larry admitted that one of the women was named Jessica roach a woman that Brian found in the field her bicycle's tire was flat at the time so Larry offered her a ride in the van Jessica tried to run then Jimmy asks him why did she do it Larry gives him a suspicious look why do you ask Jessica asks him about the beard on his face when Larry tried to kiss her that's when Jessica reacted badly she slapped and beat him he had no choice he smothered Jessica's face with starter fluid and after that he took her to an isolated place Jessica fought back scratching his hands until the skin peeled off Larry is very smart he is not as stupid as he looks and he knows how to eliminate the evidence he cleaned the Flesh of his skin that stuck between Jessica's fingernails to prevent the DNA from being discovered he smothered and beat the girl until Larry felt like he lost Consciousness like he was dreaming all he remembered was that they were both naked at the end hearing this story Jimmy tries to control his facial expression to look as if he enjoys hearing the story deep inside he is so perturbed by Larry's heinous act it didn't end there Larry dragged the girl to the middle of the field using two leather belts around her neck a stick was used to spin it like a tourniquet and he could hear her neck make a crack sound that was when Jessica roach breathed her last breath Brian and Lauren interview Audrey about her encounter with Larry that creepy man persuaded her several times he even asked her to get into his van also he gave her two earrings a pendant and ballet shoes the items aren't there anymore after being sold at the Lost items auction it turns out that there is one more item stored in the warehouse much to Brian and Lauren's surprise it's the bicycle that belonged to Jessica and here she is with her bike Brian shows the evidence to prosecute her Beaumont but the evidence is not enough to catch the perpetrator since the serial number of the bicycle has been erased with acid it is impossible to find the Fingerprints of Larry or Jessica on that bike after four years since this is not enough Jimmy's the only hope they have that night Jimmy's father watches the prison from outside we can see the sadness in his eyes thinking about his son back in his cell Jimmy ignores Larry when the latter calls him it's because he's trying to control himself after hearing Larry's confession Jimmy has a nightmare later that night when he wakes up Larry isn't his cell he is surprised when Larry says what he said yesterday was just not true hearing this disappoints Jimmy he feels being lied to Jimmy asks why did he murder Jessica but he did not bury her even though he was a gravedigger Larry explains it was dark at that time and he saw a man near his van if you remember that man was a mechanic and a witness at the crime scene when Jimmy says that Larry is a liar he gets angry he isn't lying and the story is true but Jimmy doesn't believe it the look in his eyes doesn't say if he was a murderer Larry takes Jimmy to the wood shop to show him his true self that morning Jimmy's father who was having breakfast is rushed to the hospital because of a stroke entering Jimmy's wood shop he sees Larry working on his map with dozens of scattered dots at that moment Jimmy tries to remember it in detail because he is sure if the map is related to the location where his victims were buried there are 21 points there he also has 21 carved crows which is a symbol of death the map and crows will be sent to his home shipping these to Gary home yeah do you know what they're fortunes they watch over the Dead this time Larry admits that he murdered Trisha reidler by stabbing her several times because she kept hitting him then Larry immediately strangled her again he lost Consciousness while raping the lifeless girl when he woke up he was naked Larry confesses to murdering Trisha and burying other women without anyone knowing since the time is running out Jimmy tries to persuade Larry to give peace to the victims and their families by telling them the location of their graves Larry refuses to do it because he wants to get out of this prison this man laughs he thinks Jimmy is joking Jimmy is running out of patience he snaps and says that he will make sure Larry loses his appeal court and rots in this prison for the rest of his life when Jimmy lashes out Larry realizes that Beaumont has sent him here and suddenly this happens oh my God because James right out those doors and keep on living my life you'll never get out of here [ __ ] monster oh my God you [ __ ] your mother I know you're fine back in his cell Jimmy tries to contact Dr zickerman but the officers refused to help him in the morning the female psychiatrist unexpectedly drags Jimmy to solitary confinement it looks like Larry has been spreading lies about him even the officer refused to give him a pen Big Jim is in the hospital he's supported by a ventilator since he's already so weak there is only one thing on his mind the map when the food arrives Jimmy asks for a pen again but they ignore him he doesn't give up and uses his blood to draw the map on the cell wall meanwhile Larry himself casually sends the crows and the map to his house although not perfect Jimmy manages to draw the map he is very weak after losing too much blood back to Brian and Lauren they travel to Larry's parents house to continue the investigation it seems like his father is burning something there since they don't have a warrant Gary only lets them talk outside the house these two people persuade Gary to tell the truth about his brother's true nature he agrees that his brother is not normal but that doesn't mean he's a murderer when Gary returns inside Brian and Lauren take their guns worrying that something bad will happen but it turns out that Gary brought a few photos with him tearfully jimin tells the officers about his mission assigned by the FBI but they don't believe him ten years ago Gary and his sister gave a drunk girl a ride the girl wanted to take Larry's virginity when the three were drunk in the tent Larry raped the girl Larry's Behavior at that time was very scary like a wild wolf at that time Gary could only watch in silence he was very shocked with what he witnessed even though the girl was fine and left the next day Gary couldn't deny that there was something evil inside his younger brother sometimes the girl says no but her body's saying is when this girl said no she goddamn meant it I see him and he looks like wolf what were you doing during all this in shock no finally Jimmy can breathe easily because Dr Zuckerman comes to get him out of solitary confinement Lauren who comes to this prison immediately hands him a pen so Jimmy could redraw the map at the same time the map and birds arrive at Larry's parents house still traumatized Jimmy can't draw it well moreover he knows where the graves are located Lauren smiles when Jimmy says he has heard the details of Larry's confession about the murder of Jessica and Trisha she thinks that's enough for his testimony at the appeal court either he thinks they are unimportant or deliberately covering up for his son's crimes Larry's father burns the map and the birds considering his success and his mission to uncover Larry's crimes attorney Beaumont and his team managed to convince the judge to release Jimmy out of the courtroom Jimmy meets Brian for the first time although the graves are nowhere to be found Jimmy has made sure the serial killer won't bury another woman in the hearing the judges decide to deny Larry's appeal the petitioner's appeal is hereby denied because of that Larry has to live in prison for the rest of his life since it's based on true story it's known that Larry has attempted to commit suicide in prison but he failed Big Jim is so happy his son is returning home Gary goes to visit his brother because he thinks this is the best place for him he urges Larry to tell the truth but Larry kept his mouth shut believing he's been corrupted on the plane a beautiful flight attendant caught his attention while gazing out the window Jimmy sees a field similar to the map Larry has drawn after confessing to 15 murders to this day none of the grave sites were found and Larry spent the rest of his life in prison and after that the film ends
Channel: Scifi Recaps
Views: 1,131,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gangster movie recap, gangster film recap, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap, thriller movie recap, Sci-fi recaps, Fighter movie recap
Id: 0ePo_nG8uDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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