Madison Beer Tells Her Most Embarrassing Stories With Emojis

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hey guys it's Madison Beer and I am here at 17 comm to celebrate the release of my new EP as she pleases and I figured what better way to celebrate than to tell you guys some embarrassing stories with emojis so my first kiss was very awkward and weird basically it was this kid that I really liked and I was so nervous to kiss him let alone even look in his direction and we went into a closet at my friend's 13th birthday party and he was chewing bubble gum like really bubbly bubble gum you know when you have really gross aftertaste of bubble gum in your mouth and like that's what it tasted like I was like it'll pop that this is how I felt about him nacho there was this guy that I really liked and we were hanging out for a while and he told me we were gonna go for dinner and he was gonna take me on a date which of course I was very excited about and I thought that was super cute and he was like yeah my um dad is at dinner so let's go meet up with him and I was like oh cool I don't care I'll meet your dad that's fine and he was like yeah he's with like ten of his friends at this dinner restaurant so I was like obviously a little nervous to meet his dad but I felt better that it was like 10 of his dad's friends were there as well we pull up to dinner and it's his dad and his mom in a booth alone and I'm like we're all your dad's friends where is the like hangout I thought this was chill and he was like no it's both of my parents and they really want to meet you and I was like oh cool that's not happening and it was the most uncomfortable dinner of my life and I was just really taken back that he would like trick me into meeting his parents when he said it we were just going to hang out with his parents I was this is how I was feeling this is how I was feeling this is how I was feeling I was just not feeling it at all I was like dude that was weird I'm going home goodbye a moment that inspired one of my songs I'm not gonna say which song it was but I was in the studio and about two weeks after me and my long-term relationship boyfriend ended we were both in the same studio recording at the same time and we obviously both didn't know about that so when I went out into the kitchen area to get water he was standing there and we was just like hey how you doing and it was just kind of like a really awkward moment but then we spoke up for a minute and then we both just went back in the studio I always say that like God or the earth or whatever it is puts things in your way to like you know inspire you and do things for you in your life and I think that that was something that did because one of my songs ended up you know flourishing from it for music every time I've gone on stage so far I've embarrassed myself in some sort of way because I'm just really awkward when I'm on stage I've helped echo before like when I'm dancing and singing I feel very much so like this and I'm like this and I just feel really sassy and I just feel confident but then once the music stops and I need to speak I'm literally up there like this and I don't know what to do the other day I had my listening party and it was going great music awesome and then I ended my set and before I end him I said I threw my jacket off stage and right when the music stopped I was like okay thanks for coming guys peace and I literally went peace and ran offstage and tripped over my jacket like fully tripped no one noticed I was kind of offstage but it was still like visible to a certain amount of people so I was literally backstage like this I was like there's no way that just happened I'm the most awkward person alive that was insane and all my friends were like that was so cute it was like not cute it was really embarrassing that it happens to me on a daily basis so I'm kind of used to I throw parties at my dad's house a lot when I come home because he has a really cool house and like my friends I don't see them often so he lets me throw parties there and then I remember one time I was super young so obviously he wouldn't let us go without parents at the party but I was like dad you can't be visible I was like I'm gonna be so embarrassed if you're just chilling at the party so can you just dress up or something he's my dad fully dressed up as a security guard with like a hat and a jacket so like that's how I felt I was like yeah that was like that's just my security and it was letting my dad really embarassingly my dad saw one of my friends kissing a boy who's he's known since she was like a infant baby and so to this day every time he sees her he's like oh so how's what's his name like so you guys making out in the corner and she's so scarred you can't believe that he saw that but well done for my dad so wasn't embarrassing but it could have went south for my EP I obviously pulled inspiration from a lot of places but funny enough Rick and Morty had a lot to do with my songwriting process so every night before I go to sleep I watch her get more tea so it's literally playing all night in my head and I hear all these songs in my head all night there's so many really dope musical moments and Rick and Morty that I like picked up on like if you watch every morning evil Morty's theme song is so cool and the chords that go along with it are super sick there's one song where we literally sample evil Morty and and I think that's really cool because it's like my favorite TV show yay for a good morning [Music] I haven't necessarily had a wardrobe malfunction the other day I was getting ready and my stylist had bought me tights that were so expensive and I put them on and they completely ran right away and it was right before my performance obviously didn't know what to do so I like dug in my drawer and I found my my own tights from forever21 and I put them on and they didn't run and I was like this just goes to show you that what the tights are tights regardless but luckily on stage you know nothing's really happened yet I think one song I'm probably really over singing and don't love anymore is probably my song melody is this is how I feel about melodies and people always tweet me and they're like are you gonna sing melodies on tour I hope to sing melodies on tour and then that makes me feel like this and like this because I want to sing it for you guys and I want to make everyone happy but I also cannot hear that song one more time it drives me insane so you know it's a double-edged sword I don't really know what to do but you're gonna have to come on tour to see if I perform that I think the song that I'll probably never get sick of is teenager in love because it's just you know sweet it's great I love it it makes me feel like this too and I don't know I think it's a timeless song and I love 50s music and it has a lot of 50s moments in it is kind of why I really really love that song so I mean listen and ten years from now I don't know how but right now I don't think I'll ever get sick of that song [Music] I have a lot of nightmares that are like more scary but I feel like I've had random ones where I've been on a roller coaster before with a bunch of celebrities like I remember one time I got into a fight with Taylor Swift like like actual like not like physical fight like a real like bickering back and forth fight so of course I woke up like that's weird I don't even know Taylor Swift and have nothing against her so why do I feel this way towards her in my dream in my subconscious but then I also had a dream one time that I married who was it that maybe it's like Bradley Cooper or something and I was like would it be so mad about even is he married I think he's married when I was pulling up to Justin Bieber's concert I think it was for the believe tour at Barclays I'm pretty sure of him remember up correctly I was my friend Nicole we were on our way and we pulled up to general admission and only like five or six of the girls there knew who I was like because I Justin had only really recently tweeted out my link and I got out of the car and there was like a few girls asking me for pictures which I was like this over I was so happy and so excited to be taking photos of people and then in front of like 30 girls this one girl was like you're bleeding are you okay and I looked down I was little black Schwartz and I looked down and I was like and I looked at my mom and I literally started crying and I ran to the bathroom but like I said I was in the general admission area which means that you can't just walk in you have to wait in line and do tickets and stuff so the bathroom I rented was literally about an entrance to the artist area backstage and I'm like knocking on the door this woman comes to the door and I'm like ma'am I just got my period can you please let me in I don't know what to do my mom doesn't have any tampons or anything I please help me and she was the sweetest old woman and she was just like come on in she was like I'll help you out but then you have to go through regular way and I was like no problem and she let me in she gave me a pad and she was so sweet and I like will forever be grateful to her because she saved my life that day seriously [Music] so luckily for me I stopped going to school in sixth seventh grade and middle of seventh I started getting homeschooled so I never had to do senior pictures or this or that or anything but I have the worst most embarrassing camp photos from summer camp because I would wear like a tank top with a bra over the tank top and it was like neon blue and tutu is like pink and I had my hair in pigtails and this is like pre braces where my teeth were all messed up and really guys this is not how I dress but I miss camp a lot so speaking about it shoutout point oh buns [Music] one time I pants ripped in front of this guy that I used to have a crush on but it was just like it was funny we were all joking around and I was in really tight like vintage Levi's and I just crouched down and I just like heard a huge rip and it was just not fun and I had to like run awkwardly to my friend's room and borrow a pair of her Gina this is how I felt but I also was like I wish there was a crying I'm a crying laughing face because I was dying laughing and I think this is my friends reactions because they were like you handled that really well because I was laughing so hard I was like I can't believe that my flat butt just ripped a pair of jeans that was like I was like seriously guy I got invited to a Fashion Week party at that Rihanna was hosting so this is how I felt I loved her and I was oh my god I'm finally gonna meet her I'm finally gonna see her in person only time I've ever seen her in person was at her concert and I was with my friend at the time and he was like be cool don't worry she's a human being it's all good and I was like no I'm bi and don't even trip it's all good and we walk in and I see her in the corner and she has purple lipstick on and she's dancing and she's chilling and I'm literally just standing there like this for a few seconds and I look at my friend I just hug him and he's like are you good and he looks at me and I'm hysterically crying like bawling my eyes out like whew she's right there what do I do freaking out and I left the party I couldn't even stand in the same room as her it was just too overwhelming for me and made me really like I'm not even joking talking about it just making me want to cry again I literally left the party I was like I've seen enough I can't be in the same room as her I'm I do not deserve this all right guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed some of my ridiculously embarrassing stories and I hope you guys are really loving my new EP actually please you haven't listened to it yet please go stream it is available on pretty much every platform a big thank you to 17 com for having me here today and make sure to follow them down below
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 1,050,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madison Beer, madison beer as she pleases, madison beer heartless, Madison Beer Dead, Madison Beer Songs, Embarassing Stories, First Kisses, Seventeen, Seventeen Magazine, madison beer live, Madison Beer covers, madison beer selfish, madison beer interview, madison beer embarassing herself, madison beer songs, madison beer party, madison beer awkward, madison beer embarassing moments, madison beer first kiss, seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube
Id: pMz6IvrnV7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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