Madison Beer "Home With You" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

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I’m busy. I’m a busy girl. If I’m going to invest myself into a person, it has to be for the right reasons and it has to be for somebody that actually is gonna be real with me. I’m not the kind of person that’s like, if someone texts me, I have to wait seven minutes to reply or whatever. I’m like I’ll text you back if I’m on my phone right away. It’s just little things like that that I want to make sure that any guy or girl or whoever knows like I don’t have time for games so if you want to play games, see you on the flipside. I’ve had so many times where I’ve been out and I’ve seen so many dudes be so up on girls. And I’m just over there like, “How are you not taking a hint that this girl is literally texting on her phone while you’re trying to talk to her or whatever?” And I just wish that when this song came on, girls could, you know, have it, and feel empowered and feel confident. And they could scream it at the top of their lungs and you know, feel sexy or whatever. And be able to tell someone, “No." "I’m not going home with you.” When a girl wears a short dress and a lot of makeup or you know, looks like she’s out and trying to have fun, guys assume she’s down. Just so you’re well aware, I’m allowed to dress up for myself and feel cute for myself. It doesn’t mean I’m trying to sleep with you. There’s nothing wrong with people like being close and having a conversation. That’s cool. I’m a very affectionate person. I love hugs. You know, it’s all good. But I think that there comes a point where I’ve been out and there’s been people that are so aggressively in my area, that I’m like, “Bro." "You have to take three feet that way.” And I’m not being rude. You just gotta, you know, take a hint. Shout out to my previous single, “Dead,” that I love. That song is like my baby and I figured I’d shout it out in my new single. Everything you’re saying has been said a million times. I’ve heard it today, yesterday, this morning. Three guys have already said this to that girl. It’s just like c’mon. If you’re gonna hit on me, at least try a little bit. Us ladies, we deserve a little umph in the flirtatiousness. I hate when I see people, women, men whoever being treated as objects or you know, not taken seriously. You know, like I said for what someone’s wearing or the way someone’s dancing or acting or whatever it might be. I deserve respect. If you wanna even talk to me, have some respect. And I just think that like everybody deserves to feel that way. If someone’s not down for you and you’re being aggressive and you’re in there space and doing things that are a little too much, it’s like, “Why are you being so persistent right now?" You know, it’s like, I’m not giving you anything back so you’re beating a dead horse. This is weird. There’s so many dudes that I see that are just like, “Didn’t you hook up with him last week?" "Didn’t she like get his number two days ago?” Blah blah blah. And there’s so many players that I see that I’m just like please don’t act like I’m blind and that I don’t see you all over town talking to everyone, doing your damn thing. Like I see you. I just think it’s so funny. So many people think that just because I’m young, I don’t observe everything and I don’t literally see everything how it is and call it as I see it. And I just am like, “Don’t act like I’m blind." "Don’t underestimate me." "Don’t belittle me." ‘Cause I will come for you.” Congratulations on your face. That’s what I always say to people. I’m like, “Congrats on that smile." And those eyes that your parents blessed you with. But like, work on that personality. If you’re super hot, great for you but now you’re gonna act like a douchebag and you’re gonna be this guy who’s running ‘round town being gross, like… What a waste. I remember one time when I was like sixteen years old, I was in a big meeting with a bunch of people. And half the boardroom emptied out and there was like 2 dudes left. They locked the door. Immediately, I was like, “Uh what just happened?” I ended up just having a really weird, uncomfortable conversation of them asking me really weird stuff that made me really uncomfortable. And I literally ended up getting up in the middle of the talk being like, “I’m uncomfortable." "This is weird." "Unlock the door please or I’m gonna call the police.” And I remember in that moment obviously feeling so scared but then afterwards, feeling so proud of myself for getting myself out of such a weird- Cause who knows where that would have went, you know? So I just pray that this song can put a little voice in the back of their head that’s like, “Have some respect." "I can say no." "I can get up right now and leave this uncomfortable situation.”
Channel: Genius
Views: 1,884,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genius, rap genius, verified, official lyrics, lyrics, lyric video, Lyric videos, pop music, hip hop, rap, new pop music, vevo, official music video, justin bieber, official audio, madison beer live, madison beer home with you video, madison beer justin bieber tweet, gbwc12
Id: VZp9ada4tcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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