MAD MEN - "Duck is the man for the job" 2.13
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Channel: msmadgirl
Views: 1,554,831
Rating: 4.8294687 out of 5
Keywords: mad, men, amc, tv, duck, don, roger, bert, PPL, british, merger, jon, hamm, mark, moses, charles, shaughnessy, robert, morse, slattery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 03 2008
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Me too. Was he sacked there and then from PPL because Don was considered more valuable to the firn?
He didn't do his due diligence. The fact that the people buying the company had to find out in a face to face meeting that one of their prime assets was not locked in is pretty unforgivable.
It always bugged me that the show checks in with Duck every season to learn more about his bitterness, alcoholism, and eventual redemption but we never see Salvatore again even once and he was absolutely a main character.
It's clear that he stopped working there. As is typical in the business world, he would have resigned in lieu of getting fired.
I think the last time we saw Duck was actually in season 4 - The Suitcase. He tries to poach Peggy from SCDP by sending her custom business cards, but she realizes that he has no real plans, he's just drunk daydreaming. Later on in the episode he shows up to the SCDP office very very drunk and tries to shit on Don's chair. Don sees him, and Duck accuses him of sleeping with Peggy, I think he calls her a whore or insinuates like "I knew she was just another one of those kind of girls" and Don coldcocks him. Pretty sure that's the last we hear from him.