Don Draper on Compensation
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Channel: Joshua Keen
Views: 1,282,568
Rating: 4.8766136 out of 5
Keywords: atlanta homes
Id: w2MV-x924KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2010
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I think Peggy's character arc is one of the most well-developed in television history. Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't watched the show but you really feel like you watch her grow over the course of seven seasons.
Huh. I should watch Mad Men.
Also the best episode imo: The Suitcase.
My favorite is the scene where Don has to let the British guy go for embezzlement.
The writing is superb and it hits so many beats in a five minute conversation. And the British guy (the actors name escapes me at the moment) he plays the part so well like a caged animal with no escape.
"THATS WHAT THE MONEY IS FOR" Chills. Miss this show so much.
I feel like madmen is filled with scenes like this where you can appreciate the actors and writing without knowing the backstory.
My friend and I still quote this scene. "THATS WHAT THE MONEYS FOR!"
You know what other scene was spectacular? When they all got the cocaine shots so they could work through the night and were running around the office tap dancing and other awesome nonsensical things. I loved that episode.
Great scene. I think Mad Men had a bit too much Don Draper drama near the end but other than that this is one of the best shows of all time.
My favourite Peggy scene: Mohawk