Don Draper fires Lane Pryce
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Channel: PSUVB
Views: 1,686,042
Rating: 4.86097 out of 5
Keywords: Mad Men (TV Program), Don Draper (Fictional Character), Lane, Fire
Id: s30xeVSVrls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2013
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Just rewatched Mad Men. Such a great show. Up there with The Sopranos. Great music too.
That guy seems pretty distraught, hope he hangs in there.
Never really liked Don. Dude talks about trust and his name isn't even Don. Dude talks about trust and he's porking his secretaries. Dude talks about trust and he lies all the time. I never really liked Don.
Don Draper is one of the greatest protagonists in television history.
God this is the greatest show ever
I can't remember which episode, but Pryce makes a quip in which he says, I'll be working here til I die!