MacBook Pro M1 Pro vs MacBook Air M1 for developers & programming Xcode Android Build Time, Flutter

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hey guys welcome back to programmer and today in this episode we're gonna talk about the most demanded topic that was comparison between macbook pro m1 pro versus the macbook air m1 so guys today for development perspective and for programming we'll be talking about the both of the machines what's the difference between them which one should you purchase as a beginner or as a professional so we'll be having a look about the both the machines both the laptops and their comparisons for various different things so starting up with the very first thing for general programming if you're going for general programming there's absolutely not a lot of difference between the both of the machines you can run c c plus plus python java or any other programming language very easily on both of the machines without any delay into compilation or execution so both of the machines are pretty much fine there's no big difference between them coming to the web development either there's no pretty much big difference so there might be some few um like a minor seconds of indifference but no huge differences between both of the machines now let's come down to one of the most demanded things like the reason why we purchase in mac os not windows is xcode so guys we have tested hugely xcode development on both of the machines and we have got some crazy results over here so now when we tried to build an project that wasn't by the way a completely stress test to the development so we try to push the limits of both of the machines to the extent where we can actually get the best of the best results so we took in project from github that is actually for the benchmarking xcode so we took that project and tried to run on both of the machines with the environment setting so the build time that we got on the macbook air m1 was around 2 minutes 42 seconds that is 162 seconds in total and while the code was compiling it took around 80 to 90 percent of cpu utilization along with that the memory that is the ram consumption was around three to four gigabytes and coming down to the macbook pro m1 pro so the results change over here drastically now in this machine the complete compilation and the build time that it took was 100 seconds that's it that means one minute 40 seconds and during the time of compilation and building the project it the cpu consumption was around 80 to 90 percent and the memory consumption that is the ram consumption was around 8 to 9 gigabytes so we can see that in both of the machines the ram consumption was around 50 this machine that is the macbook air m1 this is with the base model variant in which we have got eight gigabytes of ram and this is the base model that comes up within 16 gigabytes of ram so in both of the machines the ram consumption was around 50 there was like nearly no pressure no load onto the memory but yes the cpu was into constant utilization and it took around like more than 80 to 90 percent of the consumption now if we just compare this both of the machines for xcode development so we can say that there is pretty much 50 to 60 percent increase in performance when we go with the m1 pro but m1 also performs really good if you just look at to the timings that is the 100 seconds in m1 pro and 162 seconds in m1 so that's not a lot of difference but yeah if we go on for bigger projects than this so the time gap will be huge that is a 50 to 60 at least there's a difference between both of the machines now getting to the next thing if you want to even test out android so we also got some benchmarks for android by the way installation of the android studio in both of the machines takes the same steps and will be very soon coming out with a new tutorial for how can you set up android studio and by the way if you want that video to come up very soon do comment down below so before actually running the build time test in both of the machines there is one significant thing that actually matters the build time that is the java installation so for example if you have java that is the intel variant so the build time goes higher and if you have java that is available for the native version arm processors that is for the apple variant so the build time is lower so we tried testing the both of the java installations so firstly when we tried testing out with the java for entel so the build time that it took in m1 that is the macbook air it was it was around five minutes 26 seconds and the build time that it was taken into the m1 pro was four minutes 39 seconds so there is a difference of all about 50 seconds in both of the both of the build times now during this period of build time there was actually rosetta working in the background for translation of the codes because the java variant that we used was for the intel based macbooks not for the arm processor then after that we switched the java variant from enter to arm processor that is for the apple silicon if and if by the way you want to download it the link is down into the description below now let's come down to the test results and the test results are really amazing over here we tried to test from a multiple of times in both of the machines so that we can get a more better results so first we'll be talking about the macbook air m1 and then let's get to the macbook pro m1 so guys first thing over here so when we first tried to build the project in this macbook air m1 the timing was 3 minutes 23 seconds after that we tried it again once again the timing was 2 minutes 25 seconds and finally the best time that we got in this macbook air m1 for the android studio build time was 2 minutes 1 second and now when we switch that same project to the m1 pro the build times were considerably lower first time as compared to 3 minutes 23 seconds it was 2 minutes so there we can see almost a difference of all about 40 percent now when we come down to the second bill the time in m1 processor was 2 minus 25 seconds whereas as compared to the m1 pro it was just one minute 38 seconds and finally running on to the third time we get the best time for m1 pro that is the one minute 34 seconds so one minute 34 seconds was the best time in m1 pro as compared to the best time in m1 that was two minutes of one second so there is a difference of all about we can say 30 to 40 in each of the compilation and building time so if you're doing any project if you're making up any project on android studio for android mobile phones or android platforms so the build time will actually differ from 30 to 40 percent and that's really a great margin simulator and the emulator performances in both of the machines so if we talk about all about the android emulators in both of the machines the android emulators work really fast there is a very slight difference in the loading time if we just boot it up over here and also put it above here it takes just a slight difference if i just show it to you so if i get to android okay and in this machine either if you get to the android so let's try building just let's get it over here to avd manager and same over here so let's try to cold boot both of the emulators at to the same time and have a look at the difference so three two one and here we go so you can see that this emulator has already started by the way the emulator on the m1 is just starting up so yeah so on the m1 it is done and on the m1 pro it's now done so there's a slight difference between the loading time by the way you must be amazed that the m1 is actually performing better now for the emulator results but that is all just a difference in the matter of the time so if we just close this up okay if we close this up and let's try one more time so sometimes the emulator actually runs faster in the m1 pro and sometimes the emulator runs faster in the m1 so there's no pretty much big difference between the emulator loading time let's do it for one more time let's do it so cold boot cold boot and three two one here we go so it's already starting here also it's starting let's see it started it's done so there's just a fraction of second of a difference in between the both of the emulators loading time so that's clearly we can see that in m1 and also in the m1 pro both of the machines emulators are running really great so that's just a slight difference marginal difference no big difference so clearly we cannot make any results out of that okay now let's come down back to what we have to talk all about is the flutter so if you are actually using flutter one of the most used and most popular by the way frameworks so we also tried building flutter on both of the machines because i specifically use a lot of flutter apps so i actually develop more into flutter so i'll be talking all about that so we also tried testing flutter build time in both of the machines the build time that we got in the m1 was all around 78 seconds and that on the m1 pro was all around 66 seconds so there isn't just a little bit of a marginal difference of all about 12 seconds between the build times and that is by far the best results what we have got second time when we tried to test building time in both of the machines in the m1 pro it was three seconds whereas in the m1 it was just four seconds one second more that is just a negligible time but yes this results does not matter a lot because there is just in twenty percent of indifference so twenty percent of indifference just not makes it a right sense to switch to and such and heavy and an expensive machine now getting to another things we also tried testing for all different things like cocoa pods home brew for all those things both of the machines are performing really well so guys this question was actually demanded by you for only one and one reason that should we switch to the m1 pro or should we go with an m1 macbook air or a macbook pro that will be with 8 gb or with 16 gigabytes of ram so the one thing that i would really like to like recommend it to all of you if you're in student if you're just getting into college and if you're just getting into programming so for your use this m1 macbook air is still the best macbook so if you just want to get started with programming so you just don't need to get with this kind of a machine because this is an actually recommended or made for professionals so the people who are professionals into development because this is also got a more faster gpu that is actually made for the people who are trying to work on the more bigger projects that requires the gpu power but this machine this machine is also on one of the very best machines for being an intermediate programmer or also being a professional programmer because i've been doing professional programming on this machine from acquired for a long period of time so in no way everyone is not a good laptop to go with if you're just starting out your cse degree or any kind of an university degree for computer science or anything for programming you can just go around with having a macbook air and that will serve you with all the things that you just need so guys this had been the complete difference we talked about all things and lastly coming down to one more thing that's one more big difference between both of the machines that is the display connectivity so many of you are bothered with what is the display connectivity in both of the machines so guys m1 can be connected to one external monitor whereas the m1 pro this model that is the base model 16 inch this can be connected to two different external monitors by the way if you just upgrade it up to the m1 max that i won't recommend you being a developer or in programmer you don't need to just switch up to the m1 max because the cp power in the m1 pro as well as the m1 max is just the same that is the 10 core cpu but there is a difference between the gpu so you don't need higher gp performance and unless you are not using it so i want that is the reason i won't recommend it to you to go with the m1 max model so here you can connect two external monitors if you need to extend the monitor so you can go up with the m1 pro model or else m1 air is one of the best things that you can go up with so guys this had been the complete difference for programming perspective and by the way if i have missed any question or if you have any more question that i can answer you so please leave it into the comment section down below and i'll be happy to answer that so guys if you liked our video please hit that like button and subscribe to our channel and meet your next episode till then good bye [Music] you
Channel: ProgramHub
Views: 10,266
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Keywords: programhub, Technology, Programming, business, Entrepreneurship, MacBook Pro m1 pro, MacBook Air m1, MacBook Pro m1 pro vs MacBook Air m1, m1 pro vs m1, m1 pro vs m1 for developers, macbook air m1 vs macbook pro m1 for developers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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