MacBook Pro M1 Pro for developers and programming | Review for Web, iOS, Android, Flutter, Load Test

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hey guys welcome back to programmer and today in this episode we're gonna talk about the new macbook pro m1 pro for programming so guys there have been questions in the last few days a lot of questions by the way so we are trying to test this machine this is the base model variant that comes up within 16 gb of unified memory along with the 10 core cpu and 16 cores of gpu so we have tried to test this machine for a very long time now for programming prospect and we have tried to test almost everything now into it so today we are going to review this machine for programming perspective so coming down to the very first thing and very common thing that is general level programming so if you're trying to do programming into c c plus plus java or python so that is fantastically all right so there is no issues there is no problems in doing any of the general level programming in this machine it serves really good and this really amazing compilation speeds and everything coming down to the next thing that is web development so if you're an front-end developer or a back-end developer into web development if you want to use a laptop for those purposes so for those purposes either this machine is really great into performance and there is absolutely no problem because that's just in general way of like how do you treat internet as your programming perspective so there's absolutely no issues if you're trying to build it into php or any other language you can comfortably and very easily try to manage all the things in this machine coming down to the next thing that is the most favorite of every programmer that is visual studio code now there might be a question that whether visual studio code is supported on this machine or not so quite frankly speaking visual studio code is now available as a native version for apple's silicon and it supports almost all the extensions so there is absolutely no issues into the extensions and visual studio code performs really seamless onto it so there is absolutely no mess around over here because the native version for the visual studio code is already available and by the way if you want to download that the link is down into the description below coming down on next thing that is android studio so if you are doing android programming and if you want android studio to be working onto it so android studio is now available as in now available as a native version for this machine for all the apple silicons but if you talk about the stability so the stability has not yet been achieved yet because the right now the arctic fox version that is currently available for the mac m1 it gives out in slight issues and errors when you are trying to install that but we have tried to use and stable version that was released on 28th of july 2021 so that was in stable version that we tried installing on this machine and it worked really well so there is no absolutely there's no problems into it but yes the latest version the arctic fox version it gives out a little bit errors and little bit issues while installation but we tried installing the stable version and if you want to download that version and install that in any one of the mac machines the link is down into the description below you can try installing that and you can perfectly go with up with any other like any project that you want to build on android studio so guys it had been really good experience on the android studio on this machine and the first thing that i would like to tell you all about is the speed with which it compiles and builds the project so it just takes around six to eight seconds for building the projects in android studios that is pretty fast like that's incredible and we haven't expected that to happen but yeah it builds and compiles the projects in just six and eight seconds and that's really amazing coming down to the emulators emulators are either supported on this machine so there is no problems with the emulators partially when the mac m1 was released there was no support for the emulators but now we have the android emulators running on mac m1 on any of the mac m1 machines if you're trying to use emulators you can perfectly use that because now that's available as a native version and completely arm version has been now made available and we have also tried testing out so specifically for the emulators the speed has been really good into this machine so on to the previous mac m1 that was the macbook air when we tried testing on that machine it took around 30 seconds 40 seconds for loading the emulators but now on this machine it takes around just six to seven seconds and that's pretty fast so if you're doing android programming so for that purpose either this machine is really great and really efficient so if i compare this to the intel core i7 version that i was using before this so that took a little bit of a while for compilation building the projects but this machine is a real beast into it so for android development it's in good use getting to the next thing that is the home brew so if you are using home brew for package management for those who do not know what homebrew is that is in package manager that keeps you updated and very easily you can install any of the packages like for example for java jdk then sdk for android and all those packages you can very easily install using the home view so homebrew is also now supported on apple silicon and there is absolutely no issues into it so i have tried testing in packages for jdk as well as android sdk so those all packages just go very smooth and very easy and seamless so there's no problem with the home brew and for the x code now if you talk a little about all about one of the best and best and most optimized software's ever you what you can get onto a mac os so xcode obviously because this is and primarily made by apple and maintained by apple so they have all the optimizations available for this so there is no problem with the xcode either so if you want to go with the xcode xcode just runs very fine and amazing over here then coming to the support for flutter even now flutter is also now supported for the mac m1 apple silicon so if you are trying to test or use the machine for flutter because i preferably use flutter a lot for development for of the applications and the websites that i make so i had been using this machine for flutter development for quite a while into the past few days and it served really well there's no absolutely no problems right now but yeah there are some tools of plato that still don't have the native support of the apple silicon they are using rosetta too but that's completely all right and fine there's no problem while installation while doing any of the work so as part of my perspective what i have got into an experience like using this machine for the past few days there wasn't any quite like significant errors or bugs into the flutter development kit so that works completely fine and we have also we also have some test results over here so when we tried testing this machine macbook pro m1 pro for compilation of the android so when we tried to build the projects for android it took around just 15 seconds so in the 15 seconds of time the projects was really built into it and sometimes even like it just pops up into six or seven seconds so building time is significantly fast what compared to the core i7 of an intel version would used to take around 40 seconds for the building of the android projects now that has been reduced to almost 15 seconds of time so we can say at least at least this is two times faster than the core i7 version now coming down to these simulations and the building time in ios so if you have been building the applications for ios so this machine takes around 30 seconds for building the applications in ios so if you're trying to build an application and test that into a simulator in ios so it takes around 30 seconds on an average and sometimes either it goes for 10 to 12 seconds that's pretty fast and if we compare that to the intel core i7 version in which we are trying to compile the code so it goes around two minutes on an average so we can say specifically over here this is at least three times faster so if you're compiling and building codes that is for ios so it goes around three times more faster into flutter now coming down to the cocoa pods so for running the simulators you need the cocoa pods that has been currently supported on the mac m1 so any of the apple silicon currently supports and we have tried and tested this on this machine it works really awesome and amazing there's absolutely no problem into the installation neither into compilation of the codes so everything just goes way beyond the expectation now guys these have been some of the tests that we have done on this machine and now as in general perspective of and feature what we would like to tell you all about is the ram and the cpu efficiency so the ram and the cpu efficiency on this machine has been really amazing so if we try to show you what this machine can actually perform so if you just get into the machine right now so if i open up the activity monitor over here you can see that the memory is currently utilizing 11 gb because there is currently some of the applications like android studio is now open over here as well as we have got in simulator that is running along with tan project for flutter along with that we have also got notion running and then visual studio code running so you can see that the memory is currently being utilized at to around 11 gb along with that the cpu utilization is just around 25 percent and 75 percent is still ideal so just to show you what the limits of this machine is so i'll be trying to test i'll just try and try to open up some more emulators over here so getting to the android i'll just try to open up open one of the emulators over here so yeah the emulator is now running up here so if i just try to compile the code so yeah the building has been started so you can see that there is absolutely no specific joke so the it has been done by the way so if you're doing trying building applications it is now done so now if you just open up the cpu monitor over here so if we just open the cpu monitor yeah so cpu monitor is now open you can see there is absolutely no mess into it the efficiency cores are getting filled up but the performance scores are still sitting idle so there's still space for more performance so let's open up something called parallels let's hit parallels open so let's boot up windows 11 so currently we are running on twin trial version by the way but let's open it so now windows is booting let's check the memory consumption right now so memory consumption is around 13 gb now swap memory is just started to 246 mb so we have got windows 11 running onto parallels now if you have a look at to the memory management it says that windows 11 using parallels consumes around 16 gb of memory but still the memory used on this machine the physical memory used on this machine stays around 13 gb and if you see the core efficiency the core over here so if you just have a look at all the cores you can see that the efficiency cores are getting pushed to the limits but performance stays over here so we have got still more space for performance and we currently have 77 percent of idle cpu so let's try and test and run something more demanding cpu consuming and everything let's try to you open up youtube so now let's open up youtube and let's run and video that is in 4k video so pushing it to the more limits yeah till the time it loads up we are still looking haven't have a look at the cpu so cpu performance still great enough there's more space now into the cpu still and the ram consumption is around 13 gb as usual now i'm trying to open up one of the most power consuming cpu consuming memory consuming application that is autocad we are also trying to run autocad now so guys we can see that there is still more space into the cpu because the cpu still has 62 percent of more space for efficiency and performance so we have opened up autocad and the memory is still around 14 gb so let's open up and project and so we have an project that we are trying to open up so now the project is open we are trying to just scale zoom it and rotate it nothing more right now so we are trying to just scale and zoom it now it is building slightly a little more amount of pressure on to the ram now but still everything is smooth and snappy and everything goes on very easily the videos are running into the background and the 4k resolution along with that we have got emulators running for android along with that we also have the simulator running for ios along with that we have the android studio running with the visual studio code also we have got some more applications open around over here but everything still till now is very snappy very easy and very good looking so everything is very functional and everything is going really smooth right now so there is nothing of an issues particularly what we can see right now there is a little bit of more amount of pressure being built on the ram but everything is still good now to push the limits even more further on to the cpu as well as on the ram we have opened up final cut pro now final cut pro isn't most cpu intensive as well as gpu intensive and requires more amount of ram for running and for performance so now we have already opened up final cut pro as you can see we already have an project down over here that is of around four minutes of time so this is shot into 4k color edited color and there's color grading done on this so still now with all the applications open we have got the final cut pro along with that we have autocad along with that we have gotten 4k resolution of nvidia playing into the background we have safari with some tabs open we have got parallels still puff running and performing so we have got windows 11 into parallels along with that we have the android studio and emulator for android then simulator for an ios and we have the visual studio code and a notion application open so guys we have got so many applications open up over here and still the ram consumption is just around 14 gb yeah the swap memory has just opened up for 500 mb but that is not yet huge amount because as we consider right now so parallels is already consuming 15 gb of memory it means 15 gb of memory but i don't know what is happening into the background how the entire optimization has been done over here because in spite of having so much of memory been allotted to parallels as well as to android emulators than to simulators and everything the memory utilization is just staying around around at two for ngb along with that we have the cpu still having an idle space of 76 percent so now let's do one thing let's try to render up a footage that is 4k into 4k resolution so we just go over here and we are rendering this into apple prores 422 and we just go ahead and try to render this next onto the screen and save let's see what's the difference right now so it will by the way render very fast in spite of everything now the idle space that is moving up in the cpu goes up to six percent of idleness so that's an use huge consumption over here the memory is also pushing around to 14 gb that's it there's nothing more different but but around and but the only difference that is coming up over here is into the cpu cpu is getting to an idealness of four percent there is only four percent idle list and the video is rendered done so video is already done into it so you can see that with so much of things running around into the background still the machine performs so much great and guys one thing that one thing that i would like to specifically talk about in this everything so since we had done everything out over here so one thing that i would like to talk all about is the thermals the thermals on this machine is just amazing one of the best machine what i have ever got from macbook into macbook so that has got one of the best thermals so quite frankly i will say this one thing that since the time i have bought this machine and i've tried running everything intensive on this so never had been a time when this machine got actually heated up as well as there had been no time when i can actually hear the fan noise so fan noise is absolutely very silent so almost like i have never ever heard the machine's fan sound because if i had been using the 2018 model macbook pro so fan just kick up all the time and they also run when i'm trying to just browse through some of the tabs in safari so at that moment of time also the laptop gets heated up and there's fan noise but in this machine it's completely stable there's no mess around anything now coming down to the the next thing that is the display support so as being in programmer we need more number of displays so this machine that is the m1 pro version it currently supports two displays that can be connected to this machine directly so the two displays can be often 6k resolution and guys if you had been upgrading this up to m1 max so there you can get in support of four displays three could be 6k resolution and one could be in 4k resolution so unless you don't need much more extension to four displays so you don't need to jump up to the m1 max model so that would be in consideration from my end and as well as coming to the keyboard typing experience keyboard typing experience has been really amazing because as programmers the one tool that we required for writing the programs and the codes is the keyword and on this machine the keyboard experience has been just amazing the typing experience is just smooth enough i can just go on and on for a complete entire day timing typing on this machine as compared to the 2018 macbook pros and the previous macbooks so on that machine the keyboard was good enough but on this this is incredibly one of the best keyboards what i have ever got because typing experience has been really great over here and the feedback that we get from the keyboard is just tactile enough and it's really great and awesome so considering through the trackpad either trackpad is just great because the one of the best trackpads what we can get in any of the laptops is on to this macbook pro so guys this has been a complete experience what i have got into this macbook pro for development perspective so i hope i have answered all the queries down right over here and if you've got any more issues and any more queries that you want me to answer do comment down below so guys the final opinion would be that if you are even going up with a 16 gb based variant of the unified memory along with the 10 cores of cpu and 16 cores of gpu so that will serve you for within greater extension for all the development perspective so you can just run any program into it without any issues and without any lags by the way so this machine can be one of the very good machines over any other upgrade for you so guys this has been the complete review of this macbook pro m1 pro for development perspective so guys if you liked our video do hit that like button and subscribe to our channel for more such updates and meet in the next episode till then goodbye [Music]
Channel: ProgramHub
Views: 8,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programhub, Technology, Programming, MacBook Pro m1, MacBook Pro m1 pro, MacBook Pro m1 pro for developers, M1 Pro for developers, m1 max developer, macbook pro 2021 developer, macbook pro for developers 2021, macbook pro m1 pro for programming, macbook pro m1 pro for developer, macbook pro m1 pro developer review, macbook pro m1 pro programming review, m1 pro for android, m1 pro programming load test, MacBook Pro 16, m1, pro, MacBook Pro 14, m1, pro, m1 pro developer
Id: Y-hJtv8j15k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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