Macaroni Salad

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[Music] hi everybody welcome to cooking with karen i know i've been out for a while maybe six weeks but everything's under control there was no health issues or anything it was family um just a little uh renovation uh but anyways enough with that because i'm not gonna blame my sister for it you know i mean it's not gonna happen so anyways um it's getting to be spring now so we're going to do some salads okay so um today i'm going to do a macaroni salad my macaroni salad if you don't like anything that i'm putting in don't put it in well you could put an anything you want into a macaroni salad as long as it's macaroni right okay the first thing i'm going to do is cook my macaroni which i already did salted water i cooked it for seven minutes drained it rinsed it in cold water and um it's good to go okay so we're going to use macaroni i have peppers i use colored peppers you know you can use green you don't have to put peppers in at all i have celery i have onion capers olives eggs cucumbers carrots and mayonnaise mustard salt and pepper okay and i have italian seasoning and you're going oh no what is she gonna do with italian dressing okay let's get started okay um what we're gonna do is you know what let me clear this off a little bit and i'll be right back okay we're back um i just had to move some stuff around uh but anyways the italian dressing what i do is after i'm done draining my macaroni and and um cooking it um you ever have it you make the salad up and the next day you oh man i gotta add mayonnaise to it well this is what this is for okay um you don't have to use it i'm just this is what i do because i cannot stand adding mayonnaise the next day so i make up this um good seasoning italian dressing because i like it but i'm sure you can use anything you want and then i just pour some over okay just enough to coat it and then i mix it in okay i'll tell you what it is good believe it or not okay this is where this is where i add a little salt and pepper okay i don't put too much salt in because of the i do i am putting papers in this time and green olives so you got to be a little careful with that okay um i i bought this pepper at tj maxx and um it's it's like four or five different kind of peppercorns oh my god this stuff is good i mean there's a little you get a little hot a little you know oh it's really good so i'm put a little pepper in okay all right all right so now i'm just going to start adding all of my stuff okay i'm going to put some onion in now i didn't measure so i'm just going to kind of like eyeball it well so i have a pound of of hint of hamburger i got a pound of macaroni there's probably half a cup three quarters of a cup of onion it's um probably a medium sized onion okay i i just like mixing things together as i go you don't throw it all in at once do it this one's half a cup celery i like some peppers okay look at how pretty that's starting to look and had awesome that's why i use the color pepper it's all about look for me okay that's all i do just i mix it as it goes and then this way once i add the mayonnaise and stuff i'm not fighting with it trying to spread everything out okay i have probably a little over a quarter of a cup maybe of olive you put more left or none okay like i said this is you know we like a little olive some people put pickle relish in it you know i've made it with pickle relish that's not my favorite but i have and then my sister likes capers so we give her a little paper and there's probably not a quarter of a cup less than that you don't want that to overpower it and okay see what it looks like now this is the best part i wanted to save this part for last i do add egg okay let me tell you a little story about eggs um hold on one second let me just throw these eggs in here because i put carrot carrot and cucumber in also um i'm not a fan of carrots but like i said gotta have the color so my dad wasn't a fan of carrots either okay let me just mix this up real quick now see that oil that's in this dressing and of course it's italian dressing um i mean you probably could use like a caesar or whatever you want but i've never done it but i can always try okay now to the eggs um every time i make a salad you know i usually cut it up throw it in and it's done it's good to go well guess what if someone in my family doesn't like egg whites okay so when she's done eating you see a pile of egg whites on the side of her dish nothing more drives me nuts so i figured the solution out okay i'm gonna fix her ass and what i'm going to do is i'll put these eggs in here i probably should i probably should cut them first i'm going to put these eggs in this blend or this food processor like so okay i'm gonna go do three see what three does i did this the other day when i made a potato salad let me see her find an egg white now it ain't gonna happen okay so anyways there's the egg i'm proud of myself okay that now maybe there is may oh she might find that one there's a little bit of an egg white there okay now i'm gonna blend this in like this hey it really works i could have probably got a bigger bowl but that's all right you get the idea but by by mixing it don't tell me to hurry up already okay by mixing this a little at a time everything's all blended together okay let's do the mayonnaise part okay what i do is get the mayonnaise out i know she doesn't like when i walk away but i can't remember everything i'm i'm i'm getting back in the groove of cooking i'm gonna tell you what for four weeks all i've been eating is freaking pizza and more pizza and pizza okay i'm done with pizza okay i'm gonna just put a little mayonnaise in here and some mustard i probably do that was stupid i just put that mustard on okay okay so i'm gonna make a mess there i probably put a cup a cup of mayonnaise and a squirt of uh mustard now when when you're all done you can try this and see if it's i always mix this together so you don't get this glob of of uh mustard or in your mouth okay so i'm gonna throw that in there it's kind of like like nice and creamy you do what you want i just tell i just show you what i do i like showing you okay and just mix this in i might need more if i do i'll mix more up see how that looks now when this sets you're gonna go back to it and you're going to say you don't need no mayonnaise i'm giving you my i'm telling you my tricks a little oil a little mayonnaise and little mustard okay guys you know you can decorate this when you're done i you know what i think i think i got enough mayonnaise in there i i i really do okay so i mean you can decorate this so it makes it look a little prettier then i'm gonna get my my handy dan look check that out my little egg slicer i'm gonna put that in here i've never used it before it's the first time okay now i know she's gonna pick this out but with her she won't even grab it in her dish so i'm talking about my sister in the egg um but anyways you just put a couple slices on there however you want you know the kids like the eggs my nephews like the eggs okay just finish this up i hope somebody eats this okay now that i got my egg on there all i do is just sprinkle a little paprika we're done there you go guys there's my take on macaroni salad um so hey if you like it give me a thumbs up uh like me on facebook check me out on youtube um again sorry i hadn't been online i just been uh really really busy um family comes first so that's all i can tell you have a great day catch you next time
Channel: Cooking with Karren
Views: 2,227
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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