Southern Style Macaroni Salad

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a V that you guys read that title so you know what I'm making I'm making a southern style macaroni salad right listen just super easy to make not a whole lot of ingredients but you want to have that kick this is it right here so listen I'm not going to over talk it we're going to get right into these ingredients with that being said let's get it okay so here we go look at these ingredients right here there's one thing you don't see that's cuz I got my elbow macaroni I got that in the sink you know it still in my colander you know Drina i'ma show that to you last and by me saying you know what I'm gonna go ahead just show it to you now since I didn't mention it here it is right here right that's just two pounds they already ready and I'm gonna tell you one of the things that I do not do because we're gonna mix it which is male in this miracle we're right if you can look I don't know how I'm gonna be able to show it is better you can see it's kinda like sticky don't add no butter or no oil you want to be it you want it to be tacky because you want all of our ingredients to adhere to it so that was two pounds of that obviously you can see I got three eggs right but these are already been horrible you guys uh I did all that stuff off the camera you know I mean so you guys can just see just how simple it is you do this and then it just go by just like that so we got three eggs these are already horrible right I got one can of light tuna this was in water I got two teaspoons of kosher salt three stalks of celery right you can cut them down how you like them you can cut them down and smaller than this I'm gonna go ahead and put it up like this so you guys can see you know I mean that's how I did it you can cut these in half this gives it that nice little texture that little crunch when you do it and I got an onion right here right I'm gonna say just get yourself like a medium onion start with a large on you let's go with a large under get yourself a large onion and then what you want to do is cut it down and you put it in however you you know how much you would like to this is actually some leftover red onion and yellow onion mix but you can see it's diced and then right here I got that real crowds male just what we got out here on the west coast I know some of you guys will have that dukes that's good too it's all the same company there's just different names on different sides right and then right here you got a miracle we'll listen I know a lot of y'all say I don't do you guys gonna do the mirror who will but you got to try they try it like this first and then tell me if you don't like it like this it's gonna give it a nice unique that southern that southern kick that's what you got to have and for the amounts I'm gonna start off by just adding a cup at a time so we gonna add it all up together right now this right here paprika this right here is gonna be for the garnish you know we're gonna sprinkle it over the top make it look like a potato salad you know I mean and we got there fresh ground pepper right here and then for those you guys been watching me you know it's it's not inside of here this is a smoked black peppercorn courtesy of our sweet smoky Joe hey thanks bro this is not like my go-to now now you seeing all of the ingredients like I said so look now we're gonna go ahead and start assembly okay so what I did was off the camera I started you know just dicing these down right using three eggs what I would have to do it like this look look at how much pasta we got that's a lie right that's just two eggs in here so you can imagine what one more is gonna be you know I mean it's up to you how many how much eggs you want to put in there I'm gonna give you the recipe we're gonna start off with three and the reason I did this like this and I kept one out because I just want to show you you can make these however big you know your dices when you do your hunt I mean excuse me when you do your egg you can do them however you like to for that right there I like that size and I'm not trying to be have it feeling as if it was like a potato salad so you guys can cut this down any kind of way you can cut them down in the slices and cut them you can cut them get over slices like this it really doesn't matter I will tell you this though because I don't like super hard boarding I like my egg if you guys look you guys get it to focus I like mine to still be yellow sometime when you over boiling I'm not even gonna say overboard some people prefer them that way when they become that dark his color so just get them like that really you ain't got to do nothing you can just cut them like that but I don't want to make them like super fine right now we'll just put them in like that now we will move on to the next step okay now what you saw was I just did the edge right just showing this size now what we gonna do is we're gonna start putting everything in our bowl and what you want to do is get yourself a bowl that's big enough right this is cleaning big enough for what I'm doing so now we're just go ahead and dump these and then when it comes to these onions right here I'm gonna go ahead and just put a little bit over half and now I've already drained the water off of the tuna I'm gonna go ahead and add this let me show it to you this is we'll be working with right and then we're gonna add our celery now when you come to the celery it's up to you guys how much crunch do you like you know I mean so I'm gonna go here right now I go by the sight it can't be crunchy enough for me like so i'ma just go ahead and put in about a little bit over half on this too so I can show it to you right now I'm gonna set this over here because what we want to do is I want to get it a cup that is Miracle Whip and a cup of this and a cup of this Mayo so let's go ahead and get that going there we go one cup set that over there we'll go ahead and add it and then you know what always tell you guys nothing like having a right tool right you got to have yourself one of these rubber spatulas so you can get all your in group you know your contour now look at that now before I mix this up I'm gonna set this off to the side we're gonna go ahead open up our Miracle Whip and we're gonna do the same let me go ahead and rinse my cup off and we'll go from there all right and here go to Miracle Whip so that's like two cups but don't forget we add in two pounds of elbow macaroni right so listen you want it to be you don't want it to be dry you know so we got it like this now you remember our salt I'm gonna go ahead this was two teaspoons right I'm just go ahead and just give it a couple of pinches for now that's good we just save the rest what I'm gonna do is just start working this in almost like I'm folding that you guys you don't want to just like beat up your tuna you know I mean so we're just gonna fold it just fold it a few times that's good right there now for the main thing right here we got to put it just this black pepper in there just so you guys can see right and now we just gonna fold it in give it a little mix up now this part right here I'm just gonna take a handful of this macaroni put it in like that let's go with two handfuls right then we're just gonna fold you what I'm tasting forward to see if I can taste that pepper you know just get a couple of these onions with this little macaroni and then combining the mayonnaise and a Miracle Whip together let's just see where we are like I see it needs nothing so what we gonna do is we're gonna start adding some more of this if this doesn't say spring to you guys Easter you know like summer picnic I don't know what wheel okay so now I'm gonna go ahead and just add a little bit more I'm probably gonna put half of what you see right here in here like this and then we'll just continue to fold and then we look and we'll come up with you know we'll decide like do we need to have any more Mayo do we need to add any more you know Miracle Whip stuff like that and the way I'm looking at it and after I'm folding it I'm gonna say yeah so we don't go ahead and put you know the rest of our onions in our celery and the rest of our salt and what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to add just a little bit more not quite a full cook maybe we would do a half a cup of each and then we go from there okay as you can see right here I just went ahead and had it a half a cup more you know for the amount that I have now this right here is where it becomes customizable and you do what you like it depends if you want it to be more on the pasty side you can that make it a full cup you know me so that would be two cups of each but for me I like it just the consistency that you guys are gonna be able to see right here so we just keep moving this around go ahead and hit it again with this fresh ground smoked black pepper just hit it on top with them just for a little garnish now you saw it there it is again so you got to see it up close right so now just go ahead and get yourself with you know however you gonna serve it I'm gonna put it right here in this little dish that I have right here and what I'm gonna do is the transfer and this would be the serving dish okay so it depends on how your presentation is gonna look once you put your you know once you put your macaroni salad inside of a dish I just like just just right here now I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with just paprika let's go ahead just a little bit you know I mean you can't say summertime or spring without having this on top of some type of salad right that's it right there folks let me just check hit it with a little green and then we kind of taste it hey so you guys seen the presentation and as you can see over here to my left I got my wifey here you know what I like to have her in here so she could taste these you know it taste this but so look I'm gonna show it to you guys one more time maybe just go ahead and get it up close to you let me get it so it'll focus we're doing like this then I'll bring it up close so you guys can see listen when you put this out look either way you put it out for Easter or you put it out you know for like summer or any of your function you know any event that you have hey you know what I'm not going over target open it and we for the let colorful Camille do or bang my bad yeah alright so we don't see she's gonna tell the truth Heidi is high go down and I got somebody else shooter right crazy right now this is good this is really good nice combination a little bit of tuna in there yeah I know you guys was looking at that little small can and thinking like a just to know is that gonna be enough listen you just want a hint and when I tell you southern style macaroni you know salad this is it right here so with that being said checkers on listen if you new to my channel go ahead don't forget to like this video and hit that subscribe button until everybody out here there's a channel out here that simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and don't forget go by and check out colorful Camille she does that make up you guys can get to hey just a twofer house right here I can get your belly food she can fix that face and then will you go from there I don't even know if that sounded cool but you know what I'm sorry I ain't trying to offend nobody buddy you know what let me keep my mouth shut and I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 255,741
Rating: 4.9350524 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Southern Style Macaroni Salad, macaroni salad, macaroni salad recipe, how to make macaroni salad, recipe macaroni salad, salad recipe, macaroni recipe, easy macaroni salad, best macaroni salad, tuna macaroni salad, southern style macaroni salad, pasta salad, tuna salad, pasta salad recipe, recipes, recipe, salad, summer salad, easy recipes, food, cooking, easter ideas, easter food ideas, salad recipes, dinner recipes, kolorfulkalmele, eat
Id: JS0uSpU99pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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