M20J GFC500 installation annotated

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welcome aboard this is a bit of a demonstration flight of a new auto final installation on the boondi here it is a windy and somewhat bumpy day got our i FR l tiller and our transponder sure it's done as of the 91 for 11 or 13 certifications were flying back home right now boy they're down in Wilmington as if our conditions with gusty winds pretty much down the runway winds to to 0.16 gusting to 20 750 went to 30 knots pretty much very compact one of the features you won't connect hotel the kind of health protection main things you don't just have 2,000 typically are now to rental a two-for-one rocky expect that health determinate it'll be a full stop thank you but anyway I won't just walk through some of the be more psychedelic lighting 135 vector on every week two for approach 135 vector for the aren't empty for all collect the down thanks alright so 135 gonna be on ahead II select I think that's selected it indicating at 5,000 or they go down to leave its gonna be our discussion we've got the ATIS both the approach chart here now walk as we're descending I'll walk through some of the features of autopilot Victor's prior to topically put it clear Topsy and then prior to Topsy for the bridge thank you and an inspector yes to Topsy now because the winds pushing us way did he direct pop see you back to nav mode and the autopilot will track that do it our crab is we've got a thirty knot crosswind essentially right now full-featured digital autopilot there are some limitations to in terms of 800 on departure AGL 1 200 bottom courage essentially can see I'm category what minimum City liked some of the nice features on this are the boat control panel it's very well organized and ergonomic pretty intuitive autopilot works very well with the rest of the Garmin stuff is really being lost integration it is easy to do something it's like for instance I adjust our fine altitude 10 foot adjustments by accidentally getting me up and down button here vertical speed mode that's primarily what it's used for it's also used to dusty indicated approach are the indicated airspeed mode for approaches and and/or climbs just starting to really figuring out what be really if the flow is for the autopilot haven't used it much and IMC just to be I'm seeing a bit of addition so far what I found so far is that it's useful to pick up and take off go around mode toga toga burr Toto if heading and altitude selected and then once we get up to 800 feet will clean up the airplane I put in two crews climb about 120 miles per hour and they're about 100 or so knots indicated and then at that point of climbing in to get here speed mode for crews climb that'll give me a about a 500 foot a minute climb right up to altitude say 5 and 8,000 feet and then for descents I've been primarily using the vertical speed boat and eat some airspeed on to set today or they'll probably want to stay around now something reasonable stay out of the lr as it is quite bumpy it's not a day where we have to stay right over at VA but it's definitely not a smooth air day all right I'm gonna brief the approach and then I'll be right back with you and look at some more features of the autopilot all right approach briefing is uh is completed huh believe that pilots discretion down to 2,000 will started ascent now just show you some of the blows of the autopilot all right so we've already got 2,000 selected in our altitude selector all we're gonna do is display vertical speed when I start down at about 500 feet per minute they put that and our Vina calculator here three miles before Topsy if there's a vertical speed record of minus 350 feet per minute so that's fine these are walking like a toque vicki85 down I just won't have all the contact they will mean the RNAV approach will be going from top so when you write inside Topsy and outside sub Lee is the helper fix we've got our destination 8 it's already pop up then you copy copy go let's go if we need higher one Papa 3 Charlie out the one can approach meeting via four four two one five zero three eye for an eye on arts business that dear if Utley what I do is I leave everything dialed in for a cruise line that's a ricotta cutter Lena peak operationally operator contact you want to clean up there for up there to mentor 4500 and we'll follow this down and then Walter it's a retail Creek then I cleared up in the Philly report notes I mean no party that's four thousand a thick dough now people will fly Lena peak all the way down to the natural go around flight I just leave it in the upper door and a final photo show that lead that enriches the mixture hi it's over 160 indicated about 185 miles per hour and then torturing on on 67 going to green art still our altitude atop C is a debuff 2013 the procedure attorneys broken two vectors inside of sub Li and they intercepted C 18 we're at nav mode right now for the lateral Eddie bass approach of the primary once he can also use a track you didn't have a heading and educated her a magnetometer hooked up to the system this one has one of the GMT Elevens that's part of the integration with the HSI at 4:30 if we were following us to this angular contact have to because this is an airing out as well as now want to the HSI but the SEC says we have to give up the CDI which I like to have as well so we got that separated right now the infringe on the output context Myrtle Beach approach a woman f12 today anyone collectibility rating 1:5 here what thighs are one quick to though one of the things I have to get used to is the muscle memory used to be when I was getting used to the G fives as I was pushed the button to get to the appropriate selection whether it's adding her altitude select or whatever and now they are efficient way is actually to use the mode control panel I'm here in the 507 one of the great features about this autopilot we have end up going with the fourth axis which is the yaw dampener god ampere it's really about me take and I just looked at the audience and we'll we get is Barb's elbow that's essentially what it cuts out and also star ball centered as you can see on the cents and climbs so it's a it's a foot off operation Al's gonna go for 2,000 I get tower dialed in I got our are never purge sets up activate me like it's something ops is something activate that we're in any mode on a vector this will be dialed in it get the LP outside assembling if these are hooked up with a 650 or 750 you have the option of BF both definitely IFR as well as the apart conditions and it will enough that the autopilot was inspired to be enough advisory path for visual approach guidance that built it now but it will do this step down fixes a spectral kids to mile outside about produce it's not totally seamless but in terms of integration from in red structure to approach friction to the final bridge six but it is pretty good all right so we're blasting down here on finally he's gonna have to give us so that you're pretty good hero or else we'll deliver shoots I'm gonna start slowing down now the minister the ones I could still turn right hitting two one zero and fifty final first course attend to join one to ten final all about many more sake Phil dick Malcolm's family maintain 2,000 2,000 of operative course clear tonight only to forfeiture of q4 crush six miles up suddenly mm mm Oh all right so we've got our lateral path we don't yet have our vertical path first I come in approach mode is armed right now you put your pulls are both like that this time just one mode approach from Thai food or two niner niner zero circle want one her about six miles to the north of here and I'd like to a bit left by planet go over to a little bit of town and LD blade length fo 1555 the woman Roger identified as a virgin what a lot more defined category be archives of the you know that our contact nano mouth and Westerkamp gorgeous wonderful town and what your delay there I'll be about a 20-minute one the one Roger and after that you're headed back to anything oh I appreciate that of us on the final three miles outside suddenly would think there's me the way the auto pilot flies it's pretty aggressive as you can see hands off on the yoke it makes corrections almost as if I would understand yet Liza's if I was pretty much like I would an approach if it was bumpy and windy the old autopilot was a century to beep that would not have been able to handle it like this it would have been a little bit all over the place no contact our throat our things to hear what Becca tell charities are wont to picket outside suddenly on the aren't have to who's doing one go back out when we can shower win two two zero one four two three runway two-four Buddha lands chipper clear lamp one picked up their speeds act a dot above yours now down down and it will check that again a little bit of porpoise up that's part of the are dynamics when we've dropped the gear and the autopilot is off by about 10 or 20 feet not bad for a very windy day err at top see my path is captured you can see that flash is there I'll start on her way down I slowed the flaps a sock that's me we're gonna have like oh it's a free inner corner but for mantis and parting our altitude that's also our straight ahead go around this can be 3,100 souls at death flaps me check and we're right on glide path right on lateral press but they're still on I'll turn that off when we get down lower all right we'll do our landing checklist sir seat belts are fastened or fuels on left this pump is French and our fuel is on right bills on right this Papa make sure to pull in alpha laps are open wing flaps or centromeres closed ears down green verified crop will bring that pole full for once we're off the governor wait all right landing checklist I'll just speed up a little bit to the top of the white arc just to know how the autopilot behaves arms of descent rate and corrections [Music] [Music] there's a little sheer level there and old autopilot I would have been I fly at that point and I'm letting this autopilot still fly actually doing a pretty fantastic job went straight ahead great at 32 9 Edwin component right now while she lovely now what checklist when thank you 0-1 fleming go to 700 170 something all right so get about a 10 those factors so we're in a plan for about 90 miles per hour about 83 84 knots birds flying over the fence I'll be getting like plus or minus five miles per hour miles per hour now there's a - five knots autopilots say a fantastic job still I have enough live from 500 by pun or for I want a feel for it as we are not accustomed conditions here's Dale traffic when traffic not available we won't put that gonna tell you're going to modern Evie the modern aviation today we're gonna go to Seahawk air parkis writer you make that look November tacky apartment thanks Rome Quebec that okay take care we can ground anyway thanks very much for joining today appreciate it feel free to direct message me or ask me on many Spade if you've got any questions about the autopilot especially does maintain VFR edibility 2001 8.25
Channel: bdpd1
Views: 4,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NuzmdUjZ8vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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