Lyn Payne's Million Dollar Question - Who Wants to be a Millionaire [Classic Format]

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one question separates you from the million dollars do the worldís question guys are we going to know this question all right Lin and actually audience on this one are you ready to play we're ready are we ready 1 million dollars Khrushchev's famous 1960 shoe banging outburst at the UN was in response to a delegate from what nation Australia the Netherlands the Philippines Turkey I would like to think I know this but I don't because I can remember him banging his shoe not that I was there but I remember seeing the actual news clip of it because I'm a journalist and I'm kind of look at these things and I remember the shoe I remember pound pound pound she's pounding a shoe and I remember he was mad at I thought it was mad at the US but guys we don't have that to choose from so let's ask the audience all right audience Lynn needs your help if you're ready vote now whoo all right 48% believe it is Turkey 29 Netherlands 15 the Philippines 8% for Australia I don't know what to tell you okay I I have my strategy worked out oh you do yeah these guys are so smart and I love them and I absolutely agree with them I really think it's Turkey it's one of those questions where you just kind of feel it and and feeling if this were a lower level question I would feel my way through it and I would come to the conclusion that it was Turkey too because that sounds right it's kind of like the 1889 things like turkey Turkey turkey and I'm probably going to kill myself because now that I think about it I'm thinking who was Russia mad at this was yeah Turkey was close by and I think it had to do with Turkey and Greece and the whole thing going on between the two of them see I'm going to show how smart I am before I walk off of here um I think it was Turkey and Greece fighting back and forth that was about the time period and Russia was mad at what was going on in the US and Russia were fighting over those two countries and the whole thing and I really think his turkey in my heart of hearts if it weren't a million dollars going on this I would just yell out Turkey and say what I don't want to say but I'm not gonna do it oh I'm not gonna do I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I'm sorry I love you and I appreciate that you answered it and it's it's just too close it's just too risky it's just too it's too much money I'm gonna walk away that a final okay Lin said she's gonna walk away I know what would use audience come on $500,000 what the answer I actually thought Turkey was right I was thinking why did you do that the confetti was ready to tell me I'm already ready at everything I'm Betty and Lynn has so many friends in New York but she didn't ask for any companions because she would develop you'd be too nervous so we're her companion so proud of you you
Channel: Mech
Views: 530,979
Rating: 4.8092928 out of 5
Keywords: wwtbam, lyn, payne, meredith, vieira, who, wants, to, be, millionaire, million, dollar, question, 1000000, syndicated
Id: iIzjWsn62hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 01 2009
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