Lumpiang Gulay Recipe | Filipino Vegetable Eggroll | Home Cooking With Mama LuLu

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Good afternoon Mother. What are you doing this afternoon? Good afternoon to you as well. Are you my son? You want to tell me something? What is this? A drama? What are you doing today? I am going to cook vegetable lumpia! Vegetable lumpia! What ingredients are you chopping? These are the ingredients. Cabbage Carrots Japanese yams. Yes! Because some of the other sweet potato are too mushy. The orange kind. That's too soft when you use it. Green beans. Onions. Onions and garlic. What's this, cooking oil, efficascent oil? Why is that there? That's for me. Special ingredients for my back and knee. And then we have bean sprouts. Of course bean sprouts! This dish can be vegan/vegetarian? That is right! Correct! Healthy! When you cut it, it has to be vertical. Yes, vertical. It's hard if the vegetables different sizes. They have to be the same size. so when you cook it it will cook at the same time. So when you wrap it it'll be easier and nice to look at. Basically you are sizing the other vegetable similar to the size of the bean sprouts. So that they all cook at the same time. We are done chopping! Our ingredients are complete! We are now going to my territory! Let's go! Oh no! The Kitchen of Mama LuLu. Ok. Let's cook! Let's open the stove! Is that high heat? High of course. That pan is a family heirloom? That's two! One from my Mom. One from my Auntie Tita. These are the remembrance of my loved ones. That's why I love cooking with these. When I have something special to cook, this is what I use. It is smoking. We now put vegetable oil. Just a bit. Let's wait until it gets a bit hotter. Your shirt looks cute! What is that? That's our merch! It's takoyaki and soba! There's different colors. That's Mom. Wow, I'm smaller than you. Oh my gosh. Takoyaki eating soba. Link the description if you want to purchase your own merch! It's now hot. Let's now put garlic. Do not burn the garlic. Onions. How many onions? Just one. Japanese yams. Carrots can be added later because you can eat carrots raw. Yam we have to cook longer. Because if not, it will be raw when you wrap the lumpia. Our yams are shiny and a bit soft. Let's put in carrots. Let's just mix it up. We just have to cook the carrots a bit. You don't need to cook the carrots too long. Warning. This is my recipe. Don't judge my cooking. Because every Mom has her own version of cooking, PERIOD! Without question. Every Mom's recipe is different. Because every Mom when they cook, it taste good according to their children. That's what I can chop into the cabbage, carrots, and yams. Let's put our green beans. Just mix, mix it. In between vegetables, just a couple minutes each. Don't cook it for too long. Of course. And you're also going to fry it. Right? Let's put a bit of water. Just a bit. 1/3 cup only. Why'd you put water? Just so you can mix it very well. Let's put knorr chicken powder. When I have knorr, I do not use salt. To sweeten up our lives, sugar. Let's put our cabbage. Just mix, mix. You just mix it all together. That's why halo halo is popular in the Philippines. We love to mix mix our food. Just mix, mix See look at that. If you don't have knorr chicken powder, what is an alternative? You can use magic sarap, msg if you want. Salt, fish sauce. Here is the bean sprout. Bean sprout is life. The bean sprout, you don't need to cook too much, just mix it in the hot vegetables. With all your mixing, where's your muscle? You haven't given me efficascent oil! Look at that. It's cooked! That easy! That easy! The only thing longer to do is the wrapping. It's cooked. We are going to wait for it to cool. Then we can wrap the lumpia. Let's see each other on my table again. Now that our vegetables are cooked and cooled down. We are now going to wrap it in egg roll wrapper. You can use many different kinds of egg roll wrapper you can buy. Other wrappers can break when you start wrapping so choose wisely. In the Philippines, there are circular wrappers in the market. That's what I used before. They are beautiful. Those were fresh wrappers? They are fresh! It's warm when you buy them! You can buy that wrapper in Seafood City? Of course. Filipino Market. But sometimes in Safeway as well. But those are usually the smaller kind. We're going to peel the wrappers a part. Because sometimes it's stuck together. It's a waste and also hard to wrap when it's 2, so we have to peel it one by one. Peel it slowly because it might break. You buy these frozen right? Yes. Not too frozen. But if you want a lot of lumpia, you have to stack them in the freezer. When it's time to use them, thaw it for a couple hours before cooking. But do not wet it because it will become weak and break easily. Because one time I wet it and they all broke. I couldn't use anything. Now I know. You have to just wait for it outside the freezer. Put it in the kitchen and leave it there while you're cooking. After you cook. And then you sit and wrap what you have to wrap. Ok, let's wrap. This is our lumpia wrapper, we're now going to wrap. Place it like a diamond and not rectangle. This is a serving spoon and not a table spoon. One serving spoon full is what I do. So they are all the same size. Now wrap it. Now fold the one side each. Now tighten the roll, so it won't open. I am using egg wash. Two eggs. So it closes beautifully. See look. It's so pretty how it wrapped. It's great to eat when you wrap it properly. Now, what I do, is I keep it in the ziploc bags. Sometimes you can fit 12 in these bags. I stack them in the freezer and can last up to one month. You get one pack when you crave and fry it. You do not have to thaw or wait before cooking them. I really just guesstimate my ingredients. And it's our family recipe. I shared it with you so that you can taste my cooking. Please show me that you're cooking is a success. It's nice to know that you learned something from me. Here is the lumpia, I finished wrapping them! These are 2 dozens. And now we can put some in the ziploc, so we have lumpia in the future in the freezer. Let me show you. Put it in the bag one by one, slowly, so it will not break. If it breaks, it'll be ugly. Slowly. Five each row. Then four on top. Just fix it a bit because it gets clumped. Just be patient Or you can put them on top. Like that. Ay! Horsey! There! This bag has twelve. And the other twelve? We are going to eat them! There you go! Twelve! You see? Beautiful right? Come on. Let's go to my territory. The kitchen! We're putting the bag of lumpia in the freezer. Before we fry. We are going to make a sauce! Of course that is important our food will be delicious. Vinegar. You can use any vinegar you want. There you go. Just guesstimate it. This is low sodium soy sauce. We'll put it in. When it colors it in. That's fine. We'll put in lots of onions to make the sauce delicious. Any kind, red or white is fine. Garlic. And of course, sugar, Some people put chilli's, but I don't like chilli peppers. We will put. a bit of ground pepper. Stir it all together so it'll incorporated. I didn't put salt, because we already have soy sauce. We now have a sauce. Let's now frying! So we can finally taste them! Let's put it on high. There you go. Of course, most importantly, how can we fry it without oil? What kind of oil would you recommend? Vegetable oil, canola oil. Anything as long as we can use it to fry it. It's ok. So, you're not going to deep fry it? No, that's ok. Because you don't even use all the oil when you deep fry. It's a waste. That's fine. Let's get our tongs. Is that the kind you wear? You can, come here let me put it on you. Let's put paper towel. So, it'll absorb excess oil. Our oil is now hot. Now we can put it in. Lumpia is easy to cook. About 3-5 minutes. Because of course you have to estimate it. You will see it if it's brown. Don't crowd the pan, because the heat won't distribute properly. If it's too crowded. It won't cook beautifully. It's easy to cook because it's not frozen. We just made it. If it's frozen, it's longer to cook because it has excess water. Oh, here, we can flip this one. Look at that. The stuffing you did can also be made for fresh (no fry) lumpia version. Of course, yes. You're just going to make a sauce. What's the sauce? Soy sauce, water. Instead of vinegar, you use water and you boil them for a bit. Once it boils, just put soy sauce. Then you mix them with corn starch. Put garlic. Put some knorr chicken powder or cubes. It'll add flavor so it's delicious. The wrapper is the same. But with lettuce. You will put lettuce and cilantro so it's delicious. They're almost done. Look, they're brown. They look beautiful Here is our Lumpia! They are cooked! I cooked it, so of course it's delicious. And look how crispy they are! Oh my! I'm excited to try. And here is the sauce. It's a little bit sweet..... There's not much saltiness because we used low sodium. Let's start. You might get jealous, but you won't if you make your own. Taste test! Dip, dip, dip. Is it good? My turn, my turn. It's hot! But it's still so good. OK fine, I'm your mother anyway. Oh, no, you don't find it hot? I got burned. I told you it's hot. It's so good! That's really good. Make sure you make this yourselves. Like. Comment. and SUBSCRIBE. EEDJIOTS! Here it is. The lumpia we froze. Here it is for our angels. I will give this away. Even if they are frozen on my chest. You get two packs each, no one upping each another. Here you go, hold it on. You guys graduated. Freeloaders. You get two more. That will be $50 each.
Channel: otakoyakisoba
Views: 2,406,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: otakoyakisoba, mama lulu, recipe, filipino, eggroll, vegetarian, food, diy, lumpia, pinoy, cooking, home cooking, luto, How to make Lumpia, Filipino dish
Id: 4zzhCbQE5iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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