Goto, Tokwa't Baboy & Champorado Recipe | Home Cooking With Mama Lulu

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Mooncake, nuts, popcorn. That's only popcorn. But I want moon cake and nuts. What's up mommy how are you today? Here I am getting ready to cook. What are we going to be cooking today? We're going to cook goto (porridge with innards), with a side dish of tofu and pork. That's not all, we also have Champorado (chocolate rice porridge). For the desert. Because in the Philippines right now it's raining and it's cold. I have two grandchildren there, Tricia and Sean. I'm thinking if I was there I'd be able to cook for them. And they'll be happy because I'm their idol and cooking. That's so sweet of you! Of course, I'm a grandma. OK, let's now tell you about our ingredients. So that we are able to finally start cooking. They're all very easy, but let's start with porridge. The main ingredient is sweet rice. Salt. Knorr chicken powder. Saffron. To color our porridge. Ginger. Onions. Quail eggs. To make it a little different, so instead of whole eggs, quail eggs And of course our tripe. This is what's considered called "goto." All right we will now cook the goto. And then later I will show you how to cook the side dishes. And then the Champorado. I put our stove to high. While we are waiting, I'm going to get water for our soup. We're just going to estimate, as long as our water is the level of our rice. A little more than when we put water or steamed rice. We're now going to put our oil. We're now going to put our gar- this is actually ginger. I didn't peel the skin because they say it's for vitamins. Onions. After we sauté it, we will now put our water. There. We will now put our sweet price. We will not wash our sweet Reyes because it's already clean. And also it's vitamins because we also put the rice water in other soups. One, I bet it's only about 1 cup. Let's stir it a little bit. There. We're going to wait for it to boil. Until our sweet rice is tender. About 30 minutes until our sweet rice is soft. If you see it and it's not yet tender, just put it on slow fire so it doesn't get sticky and burnt. Let's close the lid. So it boils immediately. While we're waiting for our sweet rice to cook, I'm going to show you the ingredients to our side dish, tofu and pork. This is our pork, but I chose to use pork ears. This has already been boiled and I cut them up. I boil it for about 30 to 45 minutes because pork ears are very tough. It's actually better to cook it in the pressure cooker if they want to it's much easier. You're not going to wait any longer. Of course it's our tofu. I already sliced it so that is easier to fry. Our chopped garlic. Red onions. Vinegar. Datu Puti. Low-salt of soy sauce. So it's not a lot of sodium. And of course, the never ending sweetness of sugar. We're now going to fire our tofu. Hold on just wait a minute, the porridge is already boiling. We need a sturdy so that it doesn't get stuck in the bottom. It's OK. Let's lower the heat to medium. Because it might get burned. It's going to take a while it's hard. In the meantime we will now fry our tofu. It's on high and now we're going to flavor it. Our side is a tofu and pork. It's easy we're just going to make all of the ingredients that I told you about. The onions and garlic are raw? Yes Darrell, we're going to mix it on top. Let's now put our oil in the pan. There see only a little bit. Of course there has to be a lot of oil how will my tofu cook? I'm already not doing deep fry. There it is, it fits. You made the other one crooked that's why it's not fitting. No that's straight. You're the crooked one. The tofu is soaked in water so I cut them up first. I strained it in here so that the water will come out. 20 to 30 minutes on one side, 20 to 30 on the other side Of course how to take a while, it has water retained. Patience is the key. We're going to open our street right and see if any is cooked. This is cooked. It's tender, now it looks like our water is less. So we're going to put more water. When it boils again we will put our tripe. And quail eggs. Then it's cooked. And then we're going to put the ingredients that will make it yellow. The saffron. We're going to cover it. About 10 to 15 minutes. Let's take a look at our tofu to see if it's brown. Oh no, not yet. Takes a little longer because it retains a lot of water. Just be really patient in waiting. We're going to wait about few more minutes until it's cooked. What would be fair this is the last thing we need for a side dish. Our sweet rice is boiling let's see it again and mix. We're not going to put our tripe. The quail eggs. Knorr chicken powder. About two teaspoon. Other people like it with a lot of soup. But it's also really good for it to be a bit thick. You can put salt, but it also depends on your palate. But for me I don't think I'm going to put We're going to divert and we're going to say goodbye to the salt. We're not going to put the saffron to color it. About 1 teaspoon. Mix it to color it. Instead of salt we are going to put fish sauce. Because fish sauce is not only salty but has an umami flavor. Not too much just a little bit. Let's mix it. And we're going to turn it off. Our goto is now cooked. Let's flip our tofu. Only a few is ready. Others are not ready yet. They're still good. Just more patience frying this because it's watery. Let's wait for it for a few seconds. You know there's nothing wrong with cooking, tell her by trial and error. And struggles. But don't judge me, we all have mistakes in our cooking. I'm just showing you so that you won't be embarrassed if you make a mistake we all make mistakes sometimes. This stuff is taking forever, so we're going to start our champorado. Or else we're going to wait forever. Here is the ingredients of our champorado. Sweet rice. Hershey's chocolate syrup. In the US there is no tablea (cocoa tablet). Evaporated milk. You put it on top of the champorado before you mix it. And of course for sweetness, we have sugar. This is different because chocolate gives you more of a different flavor. But the sugar gives the sweetness. So you mix it in with the champorado. But not too much, it all depends in your taste. First, let's boil our water. The water is about half of the pot. Of course we need a lot of water to make sure our rice is cooked. Then we are going to put our sweet rice. This is the woman who bought the ugly tofu I don't blame myself for the cooking, I blame her. Hi guys. There's many different kinds of porridge in the world. But in the Philippines, the plain porridge and very popular, goto with innards, and arroz caldo with chicken. My tip for all of you! Do as you want! Look at the tofu, it went horrible but we fixed it. That's all there is, whatever you want to put it's up to you. Because you're the one who's cooking it. Look at what's behind you Ma. Success! Sometimes we really need Apple here with us. Let's not put our sweet rice! Because our water is boiling! Hurry up! Hurry up! About 1 cup. What one cup? Ma that's 2 cups. This is 1 cup? What are you think of all these people? Sorry mistake. I thought it was only one car because it's so small. Stir it a little bit. Just let it boil it's only gonna be a little bit. Now let's move on to our tofu and pork. We are now going to make our sauce. Vinegar. Just guesstimate how much you want. Our low sodium soy sauce. Onions. Garlic. This is our pork ear. Oh no I forgot to put the sugar. I don't have any coordination today. Sometimes our mind is a mess. Now let's put 1 tablespoon of sugar. Keep stirring and stirring until you get dizzy. When I was going to put our tofu. We're going to cut it because this is what the Koreans do. Why didn't we learn this before? As they say, you may be less but you're great and will catch up. Cut! Mix it. So it'll be more delicious, let's add some of this too. Green onions? Yes. Finished! We can now eat it. Champorado only. Tip! This pig ear I've already boiled it and you can use it as food. You can do fried it or put it with your other dishes. It's delicious. Or you can freezer ahead and use it for another porridge. You're full but it still fills your stomach. It's overflowing. It's overflowing? Turn down the heat a little bit. Let's lower it. About 15 to 20 minutes until the rice burst open. That's right. Right now it's still raw. Right Apple. My tip for you so it doesn't get burnt. My tip for all of you! Besides tablea or hersheys;. You can use ovaltine, milo, nesquick. Or anything else that's appropriate to use. The bars of chocolate you can always use that too. The one for baking? Yes. I thought you achieve the chocolate flavor. I'm tired, so I'm going to give Apple a chance to cook who is very messy in the kitchen. Look at her there's a splatter everywhere. There's splatter everywhere. We're not going to put our Hershey's chocolate syrup. Squeeze it all because I don't have the strength to do it anymore. Only half, let's look how how sweet it is. Because our street race is only one cup. That's not enough you should put more. It needs to be very vibrant the color. There's a lot of cook, we have a lot, we're already three. Just wait for it until the rice pops. About 10 minutes let's wait for it. I just stir it so that I won't get burned. With champorado you just have to be patient and cooking the rice. The chocolate is for sweetness and flavor so we don't really need to cook it. There, our champorado it's now cooking. After one minute let's put the 1 cup of sugar. This one doesn't really have any sweetness. It's more on the chocolate flavor. So the taste of it it's very bitter sweet. It's not sweet. The tablea it's in a sweet either. The sugar is for a balance. When we serve this we're not going to put sugar anymore. We're only going to put evaporated milk. You're correct! JAAAA DAN! It's cooked! I'm tired. This is my helper for the day, hurry up hurry up! Yes, Ms. Minchin. Look at it, it's delicious our goto! The tribe and the quail eggs are popping up. Give me some pets not waiting longer. Put the sprinkles! There. This garlic, I already toasted earlier. Crispy garlic oil. Delicious! But this is my tip! The tofu and pork for the side dish, Let's put it in the side so that we can eat continuously. Call Apple. What "alips" (abbreviated term for servant)? I'm just joking. You know how much I love Apple. It's ready. OK. This one has tripe. Tofu first. Tofu first. Delicious. This is for my two grandchildren. I'm sure they'll be happy with this. I need to have their mom cook this. It's really good because this has a lot of layer of flavors. And they're going to be happy because of the quail eggs. That's their favorite. Now Champorado! Hurry up Alps! What's that? Let's start again so that our chocolate is well incorporated. Let's get our evaporated milk. That one add a lot. Add a lot. Does this have a whole Ma? Who poked this? There's no hole! I'm not used to poking holes. Oh my, that's nasty! Let's see. It's just got jammed. You just have to poke it again. What's wrong with you all? You just poke it, and it came out. A lot of milk is good! Wow! So delicious! Chocolatey and sweet. This is for Patok, Dorothy, and my 2 grandchildren, Tricia and Sean! And also for my honorary children who watch out vlog. I cooked this so that you will also have something to cook in the Philippines. Copy this! Don't forget! LIKE. COMMENT. and SUBSCRIBE! EEDJIOTS!
Channel: otakoyakisoba
Views: 295,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: otakoyakisoba, Mama LuLu, luto, Recipe, Diy, Pinoy, Filipino food, goto, Tokwa’t baboy, Pork dish, Porridge, How to cook goto, How to cook champorado, Filipino dessert, Sweets, rice dish, Sweet rice, Tripe, Cooking, Family
Id: 9kCJK9EbT2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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