Cooking The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal For Our Family

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Good Morning! Are you Apple? No. Why are you getting involved, you're no cooking the Thanksgiving meal? I am the star, she has no twinkle. Wow, so mean! OK, Cherie Hil. I am Sharon! Good Morning Apple! Good Morning! How are you doing, you're so busy you're so prepared? Not like other people. Be quiet Oliver! What are we going to go today Apple? This is what we traditionally cook on Thanksgiving. Today we're going to cook roast turkey. Then we have potatoes au gratin. Bacon wrapped asparagus. Cornbread stuffing. What are you wearing today by the way? Crocs. The dress is by? Target! I thought it was Mark Tumang! Not yet but soon! I want a mermaid dress. What are you going to start with first? We're going to start with our turkey. Our turkey has already been brined. I brined it last night so it has been there for at least 12 hours. For my turkey brine I use 1 gallon of water. One cup of salt. Peppercorns. About 2 tablespoons. I also put oranges, mandarin, and lemon. Italian seasoning. Chopped rosemary or thyme. Or whatever herbs you want. The turkey were cooking today is about 13 to 14 pounds. Let's go ahead with our turkey because it takes about 2 to 3 hours to cook and I'll go ahead with the ingredients later. The brining that we did it so that the turkey will be moist. That's why we brine it. If you also want you can use whole chicken if you don't have turkey. Let's just get paper towel and dry it a little bit. We do not want the excess water. It's important to take out the excess water OK. You're going to roast your turkey didn't want a lot of water. Some people don't dry it enough, so make sure to pat the excess water so that the salt and pepper can stick. And the pepper. This is what I'm gonna put inside a turkey. Some people like the actual bread stuffing inside the bird. I only put the vegetable I actually like. Sometimes the bird is so raw and the stuffing is already cooked. Based on my experiences I prefer the stuffing separate. I'm going to put in one whole onion. Going to put celery. It's really good to put it inside and the juices will get on the meat. Put in carrots. That's the kind of vegetables I like. I have rosemary. That's never goes missing because it's the most flavorful vegetable we have. There I put it in. Now the mandarin oranges, you can use lemon or calamansi or whatever you prefer. I like this a little better because it's more sweet. The whole thing I cut in half and I'm going to put it in. The other one I'm going to squeeze. I'm going to put it there. I have another celery Just stick it all in there because the flavor gets in the meat. So basically anything you want you can put in? Of course whatever preference you want a vegetable. Can I put Twinkies? What the heck? No. The final ingredient is our butter. This is unsalted butter. This is for moisture for later, it's going to melt and absorbed by the turkey. We're not yet done with the butter. You can use butter or margarine, whatever your preference. I'm going to get half and you're going to slather it all over the turkey. The turkey already has flavor because our brain contains salt. Just slather it all over the scale. Then the other half you're going to put it inside. Do you have to insert the butter inside the skin. While it's cooking so that it can become crispy. So that is golden brown. The wings just put butter between that. This one tuck in the back. The wing is really good if you really like this part and chew on it. This side you have to turn around so that doesn't get burned right away. When you roast it later that's the first thing usually that becomes posted We hid it underneath. Let's do the next. It seems messy but it's worth it worth it after you roast with a butter. Let's get a little bit of salt. Pepper. And our italian seasoning. Italian seasoning is a combination of herbs and spices. If you have it fresh you can also use that like thyme, rosemary. Also oregano, marjoram, nutmeg. I already appreciate the oven at 375°. We're going to bake it for 3 to 4 hours. First two hours of the turkey is covered by the aluminum foil. Let's cover it. Put it in the oven. Do not open the oven and let it roast. We're going to put a timer in for two hours. When we migrated to the US 20 years ago, it became our tradition to celebrate Thanksgiving. In the Philippines we don't have Thanksgiving, so we only celebrate Christmas. So we learn to cook hearty meals and turkey and we adopted as a family. We're just showing you how it's prepared. Maybe you can adapt this during Christmas or any other events you're going to celebrate. While we're waiting for our turkey we will start on our other menu. Let's start with our cornbread stuffing. This corn bread I make from scratch. You can also use ready-made corn bread from grocery stores. I prefer to make my own cornbread because I prefer the day-old cornbread texture. It's more dense because it's been exposed to air. What I did is I bake this last night. I use this corn muffin mix for my cornbread. You can also use any other brand. It's easy to just follow the instructions. This one only requires 1/3 cup of milk and one egg. I add half can of cream style corn. Because I like the taste of the corn. It's only half a can per package. This is 8.5 ounce or 240 grams. I didn't show it because you literally just have to make the ingredients together and it's done. So this is my finished product. You can actually use bread for your stuffing. Some people used to loaf bread. Usually French bread is OK or tasty. Just cut it into little pieces and put it in the oven and toast it. Our stuffing we have bacon. Onions. Garlic. Chopped celery. And chopped carrots. We're also going to put butter. Our pan is already on. We're not going to put oil we're just going to put our bacon. We're going to render the fat until it's crispy. 5 to 8 minutes until it's crispy. Just mix it all together so it doesn't burn. We're going to take out some of the fat later, but it depends how fatty your bacon is. We're gonna put this because it's really delicious with the cornbread Let's remove the extra oil because we don't need it. Our bacon is already crispy. Set it aside. Let's add half of the garlic. The other half I will put in the potato au gratin Let's put our onions One whole onion. We're putting our carrots next. This carrots. I put three big carrots. 2 to 3 minutes and we will put the celery. The carrots is half cooked. You don't need to wait for it until it's soft The technique that we have is we're going to bake it later as well. If you don't have fresh carrots you can use frozen carrots. We will put one stick of butter. More butter? This is our binder when we bake our stuff in later. We don't have to use egg. That is the moisture of our bread. At the same time, our butter is unsalted but you can also use margarine. Margarine has more flavor because it's more fatty. I'll put more pepper and a bit of Italian seasoning. Because that's a flavor that we want. Like a rosemary, it brings us warmth. At the same time our bacon is already salty. Just a bit of Italian seasoning. Our pepper. Add just a bit. Let's turn it off this is OK. This is cooked. look at our vegetables is not mushy. That's a texture that you want. We have a bowl here. Let's put our mixture. At this point you can add your corn bread, croutons as well. You can also buy packaged. Like the muffin stuff. The stove top brand. They already have the corn bread stuffing mixture. I just really prefer fresh. Let's mix it. Look at our mixture. The butter is the one absorbing the bread. We just need our bread to be a bit mushy. Bake it again so that it will be crispy and turn into bread again. Look at the corn. That's a sweet cream style corn that I put. In our corn bread mixture. It's optional, if you just want to cornbread that's fine. Let it sit for 30 minutes so our corn bread mixture sets. Because it's still hot. While we're waiting for our corn bread mixture to cool, let's start our potato au gratin. Creamy potatoes with cheese. Our ingredients. Heavy whipping cream. 2 cups, this is one cup. Our melted butter. This is same as butter, I just melted it for 20 seconds. Let's put it in. It's your preference if it's salted or unsalted butter. For this mixture it has to be melted. Let's put our garlic. And our fresh thyme. Our first steps is slicing our potato thinly like this. You can use regular knife or mandolin if you have it. We'll just layer it underneath. We don't have to get the pan because it's nonstick. Just fix the layers so that it evenly cooks. The sizes of the potatoes should be all the same As much as possible cover the gaps. That's our first layer. Let's get our mixture and cover it. If you think the size is not enough and you want more just make more. I need to cover it because that will help cook the potatoes. That's our first layer. Usually people don't put cheese but I like it. So I'm going to put it in the first layer. Can you use any cheese? Yes you can, sharp cheddar, gruyere because it's melting cheese. Just save a bit for the top. Our second layer is the same. Just layer the potatoes. It depends in the shape of your pan, you can use circular pan as well if you want. But this is easier because it's a rectangle. We are using russet potato because it's starchy. That's the best kind to use here. I used about 3 pounds. Another layer of our mixture. Our second layer let's put salt and pepper. Our salt is a little bit so just 1 teaspoon. And then cheese again. Remember your cheese is salty. Mozzarella is a bit lighter. But later on top we will put sharp cheddar. We're going to put another layer, so we're going to have three layers. This is our last layer. Just shake it a bit so that it evens out. OK this is our last.... Not enough! If it's still not enough it's very easy to make. More whipping cream., I'll show you. We're just doing half a cup. Half cup. And we have leftover garlic. Just season it a bit because we have no garlic. Just salt and pepper. And then just makes it a bit. It still has butter so we won't add any butter. Remember this make sure we're just using to cook our potatoes. What we're gonna do is cover it. If you notice I didn't put cheese yet. I want it to cook for us for 30 to 45 minutes in the oven. 30 minutes check if the potatoes are soft. Last 15 minutes uncover it, we're going to bake it again so that our cheese is crispy on the top. We're going to do that later, I'm going to show you. While we're cooking the turkey we still have two hours. We don't have any other oven. So we only have one oven. We plan to cook our turkey because it's the longest to cook. So now we're prepping the potatoes au gratin and our cornbread stuffing. So this is fine we're going to cover it so that we can put it in the oven right away. So our corn bread muffin is already cool and we can put it in the pan. Usually we have a lot of guests during Thanksgiving or any other gathering. The longest to cook is always the first to prepare. We set up the table or we can prepare drinks. We can let our drinks our table is ready for our guest. I'll see you guys back when the turkeys done so that we can see the process. Today in our scheuled commercial. Cheese cheese can you handle this? Sharp! Cheese! What was that? Did you cheese my dad? What the heck? Is your stomach bubblin? Use peptobismol! Peptobismol! It's backwards! Do you have a child that's loud? Drink chocolate, so that they can be quiet. You can also drink it. Mang Tomas over ice! Icy Tomas! Previously.... You're not my child. Ma'am I'm only washing her dishes. Back to our scheduled programming. What are you doing right now? I'm going to transfer it to our baking pan. So that it's ready to bake later. So tip we have a tip. That's me! Tip! Since this is in the baking pan, when you're guests aren't here yet and all your other menu is cooked, you can cook this last. You can just broil it. Set it aside with your potatoes au gratin and will cook it later. While waiting for the oven to open up let's prepare our bacon wrapped asparagus. There's one left? You have to have greens because some people have salad. This is really easy! You just cut your asparagus about 2 inches. You don't need that one. When you can pinch the end of your asparagus then you can already eat that part. Our ingredient is only bacon and asparagus. Just a package bacon is fine. We only bought the really thin one. Is there a preference how many you want to put, I like putting three. Just wrap it. That's all the preparation and you layer it. If you don't have any bacon ham is good. When you wrap your bacon make sure it's even. So that it's evenly cooked. Some people cut asparagus shorter but this is fine. Look it's beautiful. OK Our bacon wrapped asparagus is done. Before we bake it with a brown sugar on top. Just a bit, we don't want it to be too sweet. Don't add any oil because our bacon will get oily later. The dishes were going to cook later is done and prepared after the turkey. Bacon wrapped asparagus. This is our corn bread stuffing. And of course our potatoes. That's already covered so we're going to put in the oven. See you in 40 minutes. For anyone asking, this my husband. This is him. This is my husband. That's Michael. We've been together for almost 10 years. But we've been married for five years. You think I'm lying I'm not. My husband is here. Our two hours timer is done. Be careful because the steam can burn you. That's what I turkey looks like at this moment. You see the bottom? We can use that as a base later. I don't base it but some people base it. Another one hour uncovered. Start a timer again. Still 375° to our oven. After one hour let's check our thermometer. When you reach the temperature around the breat part And it reached 165° the turkey is cooked. So what is the purpose of covering it? So you can cook it with steam. Have the steam while covered to cook it. So you want the crispy skin after an hour and the inside will be cooked. I'll see you in an hour and we will do the rest of the dishes. Oliver let's see if this is ready. Mommy get out of the way. I'm going to look if it's ready I'm hungry. No you can't. No I'm going to check. Let's check it. The temperature of our meeting to be 165°. Our kitchen thermometer we need to stick it in the breast. Don't let the thermometer touch the bones. It's done! Success! Our temperature is 180. It's cooked. Let's take it out of the oven. Let's now put our In the bottom. That's going to be about 45 minutes so the potatoes soften. Our stuffing. And of course our bacon asparagus. 45 minutes up to an hour. For all of them? Yes. Timer starts now! So here is our turkey. Remember we covered it for two hours. And then one and a half hour uncovered it. So if you see the roasted vegetables you can eat that. I don't make gravy because we're not a big fan of gravy in this house. Except for my husband. So usually I only use canned gravy or bottled. The gravy is optional if you really want it. We browned the skin. The bottom is not crispy. Now if you want to crispy, you can turn it around and put it on broil to make it crispier. Just let it rest for 30 to 45 minutes before you carve. Tip! The bottom of the turkey does not crispy, I keep it so that the next day I can make it into sopas (Filipino chicken noodles soup). I pull it apart and then boil the bones. It's so delicious! You will forget that you have a turkey because now you have sopas! While we're waiting for our other dishes to cook in the oven, let's set up our table. This kind of placemat when it's on clearance, you should stock up on it so you can use it every year. Like maple leaves. We got this at Marshall's and it's a discount for $3! The serving plates I also buy and they're very beautiful. It's really beautiful presentation when you have plates like this. Or bigger serving plates. To me is very practical because I spend the most in the presentation. Like the bigger place like this. And other shaped plates. But when we have friends that come over we only use paper plates to eat. The important thing is presentation and your family with you. So that's it. It's really beautiful to see the decorations on the table. And our table is very great for Thanksgiving because it's wooden and very outdoorsy. And then the leaves are like jumping. The design is very homey for us. I also into plants. We can just put it on the side so we have room later. The dishes I cook I prepared it in a baking pan. If you have pyrex and deep dishes that's really good for presentation. That's also good from oven to the table. But since I use just baking pans we have to use a serving plate. That's really it for our preparation for the table. We don't need anything fancy. If you're very comfortable with each other you can eat in the sofa, you can eat in the living room, you can even the table. We are on the 45 minute mark. So let's get our stuffing first. There. Look at the top it already has crust. So that's what we're waiting for. If you wanted more brown you can leave it for an additional 10 minutes. We will just let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before we serve it. And then we will wait for our appetizer asparagus. The potatoes is a bit tricky because it takes about an hour to an hour and a half. We need to have it very soft before we take it out. Look at our asparagus is already cooked, look at the brown sugar caramelizing on top. At the same time you also don't want to overcook asparagus. We will not take it off. If your oven is too high at 375 to 400° Just checked the doneness of the asparagus if it's if you're liking. So our potatoes are still not done, it still has 30 to 45 minutes to go. Look at how crispy the top of the bacon is. Let's look at our potatoes au gratin. Let's take it out of the oven. That's our potatoes. Look at our potatoes it's soft you can poke it with a fork. It's so creamy look at it. Let's put cheese topping on it of mild cheddar. Earlier I put mozzarella. It's your preference if you want it reduced, but I prefer it creamy. Let's change it to broil on high. This woke up very fast because the broiler is on 500°. About 5 to 8 minutes. Let's recap. This one I browned in the oven for about 30 minutes. This is our asparagus. This is about 30 to 45 minutes depending. Because the bacon we put is on the thicker side, it's a bit longer so that I can cook. For the meantime while we wait for the cheese to brown on top of our potatoes au gratin, Let's serve our asparagus. Then let's also get our corn bread stuffing. It's cooked! Look at it! That's what we're waiting for the cheese to brown! Let it rest first. When it gets warm and that's when the cheese solidifies. Right now it's a bit watery because it's still hot. The tray right here we can just put on the table as is so that when it cools you can just get it from there. It's like lasagna with potatoes with layered cheese. It's delicious. Let's put it on the table. There you have it! We have the complete meal on the table. This is potatoes au gratin. Bacon wrapped asparagus. Cornbread stuffing with bacon. Our turkey that I decorated with grapes. The one that you see here is the store-bought turkey gravy. And our turkey drippings. They dip the bread here or pour it all over rice. And our dinner roll. You can use pandesal (filipino bread) or any bread you prefer. So there you have it, a simple Thanksgiving meal. Let's serve this to my Mommy. Mom are you present? Present! Let's slice of turkey from my Mommy. Isn't the meat so juicy? Look at how moist our turkey breast is. This is delicious. If you can smell how good our brine smells. Stuffing. Asparagus. OK two. Potatoes in Graton. Mommy be quiet! That's a casino in California (Graton). I keep hearing from her potatoes in Graton. Our are potato au gratin. Yes yes yes. Thank you. That's our Thanksgiving meal that we prepared for today. Very good. So delicious. That's what we wait for from Apple every Thanksgiving. Turkey next. I didn't wait for a knife, this will do. It's so juicy. The flavor of the brine really stuck to the meat. 100. Next is potato in Graton. Very creamy. Just the right flavor. Not too salty. But you can taste the creaminess. And also the goodness. Asparagus as well. It's really delicious. The bacon is cooked well. It's crispy and asparagus it's not too cooked. If it's too cooked it will be soggy. So it's just right. 100/100! There you have it! This is our complete Thanksgiving meal. It's time consuming but the recipes are very easy. So you can duplicate this very easily. Don't forget! LIKE. COMMENT. and SUBSCRIBE! EEDJIOTS! The butt of the turkey is so good. I got away with it.
Channel: otakoyakisoba
Views: 679,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanksgiving, cooking, turkey, recipe, potato au gratin, cornbread stuffing, bacon wrapped asparagus, thanksgiving meal, christmas meal, otakoyakisoba, mama lulu, apple, family meal, DIY, filipino, american food, home cooking, black friday, comedy
Id: 93zN5OtzL0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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