Luminar Neo, the Next Reveal: Getting Closer! (Full Demo)

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hey guys welcome back hope you're doing well this is my first look video at luminar neo what they are calling the media version it is not a complete or final version of luminar neo it is just what they're calling a media version which is based on the new engine which is running great as far as i you know can tell so far and all of my tests and it also includes a lot of the tools filters that are coming over from luminar ai and of course it includes the other tools for neo that are new that you've already seen me demonstrate relight ai the dust spot removal and the power line removal so it's not complete it's not finished it doesn't have all the other new tools we'll get that in the future but this is a good first look at kind of what luminar neo is shaping up to be i want to walk through that give you some observations some things to think about and to be aware of that sort of thing let's get into it on the left hand side you're seeing your catalog unlike in luminar ai and luminar 4 and all that where you had everything on the right hand side so it's on the left hand side i should be clear the user interface is not locked i you know i said already that this is not a final product but i also want to point out that the ui or user interface is not locked so some things may change this is what we have today but it's a good i think indication of where they're going and what they're doing with neo and you know hopefully it gives you some idea of what's coming so on the left hand side you have your catalog at the bottom you still have the little eye so when you click on a photo like that one or this one you can click on that eye and open it up you can see it's a raw file etc etc that's the same that's all um pretty basic stuff and across the top you have catalog and edit you don't see anything for templates or presets or export and all that because that's not in this version so again not complete but i think you'll be happy with what you're seeing i've got a photo here if i want to edit it of course i just click on edit and you will see it opens up the editing menu on this right hand side now some things are a little bit different i'm going to talk about them and try to cover as much as i can but if you have questions don't hesitate to hit me up down below and by the way they also have their holiday sale on luminar neo which you can find at the link below if you have not yet pre-ordered so starting at the top you have tools which is all the the filter well if you will and you still have the four categories but some things are a little bit differently or done differently i'll point that out and then you've got history that's new and different having history is not new but the way it's done is different i'm going to show you essentials creative portrait and professional you're going to look at professional and say yeah but where's optics man that's that's kind of smaller well here's what happened so if you look at develop it used to be called light it's called develop now if you have a raw file it will say raw up there okay and by the way crop ai used to be composition ai it's now called crop ai very similar in terms of how it works but if you click on that you will see that there's a whole lot in here in the develop module which i'm personally very excited about you do have camera profiles but you've got a light section so maybe you want to add a little bit of contrast pull down the highlights lift the shadows you know do well maybe not that much do something like that if i want to adjust the blacks and whites i can do that there i've got curves here as well which i like that's there i love this color section being included this is nice you've got temperature tint saturation vibrance all right there you've also got sharpness noise reduction and here's your optics module where you can fix distortion or do manual corrections that sort of thing so all of that is included here in the develop tool now which i think is great because some of that used to be down below either in other sections you know a little further down or like the optic stuff was all the way at the bottom and professional and so if you're working on your raw file in light in luminar ai you did a little bit there and then you had to go down and get optics and those are the kind of things i always do first i crop and straighten my photo first i like to do optical corrections and i like to use kind of the developed uh what they're calling develop now used to be called light that's kind of the order i like to go all that's right there at the top now so i love that and then you can come in and do other things you know enhance the eye whatever it might be i'm not doing a full edit here i just wanted to give you an idea of some of the things that are different about luminar neos so far now i've been going through a lot of these filters and looking at all of them they all seem to be operating fairly similarly to how they worked in luminar ai so i'm gonna go ahead and bump up the color saturation i'm gonna go into landscape and get a little golden hour and do that just trying to bop you know bump up the colors just because i like it they still have color harmony which has all those great things and super contrast two of my tools uh favorite tools in luminar ai are here thankfully in luminar neos i'm very happy about that you can see if you want to come down to relight ai it's right here and i've been through that especially in that video i talked about it quite a bit you can check that out and of course the advanced settings are down below as well now here's the thing one thing that they have said to us repeatedly about luminar neo is hey guess what you're going to be able to use a tool multiple times what if you want to do one color thing here and mask it in a different color thing there and mask it in we only have one color tool and remember i use the color tool hey but look it's back at zero what's that all about jim well if you go over here to history you can see here are the tools on the history tab that i've used i use develop raw i used enhance ai right for the xnai which is there by the way you'll notice as i clicked on like when i click down here the ones above it automatically turn off so if you want all of them in the history to be showing you'd have to be in the top filter but you can of course reset or go back in and further refine that or if i wanted to go to color again i can go back to tool click on here and i've got color so then i could come in and say oh you know what i want to do i actually want a little bit more vibrance but i want to remove a color cast you know i'm just kind of winging it here making it up i don't have a plan for the photo but as soon as you close the tool it's basically saying okay that's your you know you're committed to that you know committed um but it shows up in the history here's color again where i did a little bit more vibrance and color cast but down here here's my original use of color where i bumped up saturation and vibrance so you can always reset these to zero to get rid of that and go back up here and do something different if you need to so that's how they're implementing the ability to use the same tool multiple times now let's say i've edited that i want to move along and i want to show you some of the things that you can do in terms of how well luminar is performing for me so let's say i want to come in here and do some of these things i'm making this up i don't have a plan for any um of this photo here i am just kind of bum you know kind of bopping around and just doing some things and all i'm trying to do really is just move quick and see if i can break things for like a better word so i'm going to go in here to edit this one needs to be straightened i'm gonna go ahead and hit alignment and that didn't really quite get it you know remember this is a still a demo version i'm gonna get some accent ai i'm gonna maybe get a little bit of structure and i'm to get a little bit of vibrance as well actually i'm going to go back up here to develop and what i want to do is maybe take that temperature down a little bit so maybe something like that maybe a little bit of a tent i'm just kind of playing again just winging it don't have a particular plan for any of these photos what i'm trying to do is show you how well this app is performing in terms of speed because i find that it's moving pretty darn quickly i'm going to go ahead and bump up the contrast i need to lighten the shadows take care of the highlights i'm going to give it a little bit of warmth a little bit of saturation and vibrance you know let's pretend i'm happy with that photo i'm going to move on i'm going to go get this photo i'm going to click edit it's a raw file i'm going to come over here and do a little bit i need to take the exposure down bump up the contrast maybe lift the shadows a little bit maybe a little bit of temperature intent work a little bit of saturation and vibrance you know let's say i like that actually you know what i'm going to bump up the shadows a little bit i'm going to go out of here i'm going to get accent ai and i'm going to move that up a little bit you know hey let's say i'm done with that photo i'm going on to another photo i'm going to go ahead and click edit i'm going to pop over here start editing this one this is a jpeg otherwise it would have said raw i'm going to add some contrast take down the highlights you get it you saw me i don't know how many photos that was but if you're thinking about how long it takes you to load and edit and do some simple edits in luminar ai or in luminar 4 i think that you will definitely agree with me that the performance in luminar neo is very fast i find myself being able to just kind of go trucking through photos as quickly as i'm doing here and i'm not having any crashes or any issues anything like that i'm literally just moving through photos now to be clear i'm not here advocating that you hurry up and edit photos i'm a guy that loves to edit photos i make videos about it as you obviously would know if you're here on my channel so i love to take my time and do what i want but what i do want to do is make sure that everything is moving quickly when i'm editing so i can move a slider and get a real time adjustment move another one move on maybe go back i i may edit quickly within a photo but i'm not always bouncing photo to photo to photo but what i wanted to show you was even editing quickly within a photo and then bouncing to other photos you can quickly churn through these this new engine is very fast that's what luminar neo is based on that's one of the main things i'm super excited about is that we're going to have so much power and performance with this new engine underneath it i'm excited about that and i hope you are as well having said that that's really what i wanted to walk through basically demoing the new engine and the performance behind it showing you the lineup of the filters and things like that on this right hand side for whenever you're editing your photos i want you to talk about the history and how that works and how you can go back and forth and use you know the same tool or filter again and again you just have to go to history to change or remove previous versions of it or previous uses of it and i'll come back and do more videos about this mostly i just wanted to let you know that neo is getting closer it's looking really good it's very stable and fast i'm very excited about it and i'll continue to share more information about it and of course whenever we get an update with additional tools the new stuff that's coming i'll share that as well if you haven't yet subscribed do that down below i'll see you soon my friends thanks for watching i appreciate it and until next time adios
Channel: Jim Nix
Views: 4,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Nix, travel, photography, post processing, editing, training, tutorial, photo editor, photo editing, Luminar Neo
Id: U6uEXV1yY2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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