Luke ~ 22:9 to 22:47

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word Book of Luke light Giver and certainly he does spread that light truth upon the nation and the world as to exactly how it's going to be Christianity not a religion but a reality and he lays it out where it is a reality Christ has come to that place where he's preparing the place for the Last Supper and probably the thing I want you to really notice about this is God doesn't do anything by happenstance it's all pre-planned that's why you can depend on prophecy because God has it all planned out and if you can read that then you pretty well know the way things are going down so he has just instructed Peter and John saying you go on into town and this is how you and find us a place for the not the Passover Feast but the Last Supper is what most people would call it the correct name is CagA da okay and but he sends them away and tells them go find a place that we can do that first pick it up with chapter 22 verse 9 and this is what they said to him and they said unto Him will wilt thou that we prepare question and again note how this is all pre-arranged 10 and he said unto them behold when you are entered into the city there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water follow him into the house where he enter at the end now we all know that the Last Supper was held that saying at mark John's mother's house now what is this man then we're meeting no doubt it's mark John's father okay because he's going to turn in at at the mother's home but what would there be what would be unusual about this a man never carried a pitcher of water men carried water and wine skins women and women only carried pictures of water but here was a sign that's going to stand out like as we might say a source thumb whereby people would know and understand this is not a normal thing and it is a sign placed there by God himself pre arranging whereby man could know and understand and where did this man enter into well his own house of course this is why most people think according to Acts chapter 12 verse 12 signifies naturally that it's mark John's mother and father's home verse 11 and you shall say unto the good man of the house again this man the master saith unto thee where is the guest chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples question what would he say 12 and he shall show you a large upper room furnished there make ready in other words it was all prearranged he knew which room it was he knew it was going to be the upper room and here would be this as you've seen the picture or statuettes of and makeup of the Last Supper with Christ and all the disciples sitting at this one table in this guest chamber this was pre-arranged know well how could that be well our fathers in control that's why you can love him and trust him and know if you'll just understand and listen to him if you have faith in what he says you won't go down so many blind alleys stump in your toe and getting in trouble listen to your father again all prearranged thirteen and they went and found as he had said unto them big surprise not at all exactly as he said it into them and they made ready the Passover it was all set verse 14 and when the hour was come he sat down the Twelve Apostles with him and here you have them all seated and you have the twelve and you have the last supper 15 and he said unto them with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer in other words he is letting him know that this is it this will be the last one for I say unto you I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God that is the kingdom of God that is God and his the king and his Dominion taking power defeating death and then it is written in another place that he would take this path this passover anew with us again which is today the lord's table as he's about to bring into existence the new covenant verse 17 how did he bring that into being well listen to it and he took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divide it among yourselves this was the common cup 18 for I say unto you I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come in other words it's here this is the time he had prepared them verse 19 and he took bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave it to them saying this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me and so it is this certainly was not the crumbs picked up from beating the 5000 this was the true bread of life and Christ was that bread of life and it was this body that took the stripes it is our body that gets receives the healing and from that cup it is it is that cup that is his blood shed on the cross that's the Covenant that washes away our sins on repentance whereby they don't exist any longer he did that for us he did that in remembrance of us and that's why he said do these things in remembrance of the fact that I do this for you and then he continues verse 20 listen carefully and verse 20 reads likewise also the cup also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament this is the New Covenant in my blood which is shed for you and this is not just a happenstance it is a covenant it is the Testament verse 21 but behold the hand of him that betrays me is with me on the table in other words my adversary is sitting right here and naturally they're going to wonder this this had to hurt him I mean this also was prearranged to the sins he knows it's going to happen Judas has already approached the the chief priests not appointed by God but by a Roman general and arranged to betray Christ and even as Christ is making this new covenant to heal our bodies and to forgive our sins we have a betrayer in the midst 22 and truly the Son of Man goeth as it was determined as it was written but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed well where was it determined that this would transpire well Psalms 22 that he would be delivered up that he would be crucified and that a generation would be set aside in which would be the the final generation actually the generation of the fig tree to perform that that must be formed for that also is pre-arranged different subject for a different time Passover is approaching how precious it is that that he would do for us verse 23 and they begin to enquire among themselves which of them it was that should do this thing I would never betray him I wouldn't betray him they have no conception Judas knows 24 what do they do when trouble like this starts what what really begins to happen then listen carefully and learn don't let this happen to you 24 and there was also a strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest here do you have the Son of God baking the New Covenant letting them know I'm shedding my blood and my body for you and they're wondering which one of them is going to be the greatest when the greatest of all was right there in their midst he was still with them and they would have the audacity to murmur among themselves which of them would be the greatest when he was before them that would that made this covenant which is eternal even to this day and I'm sure it hurt his feelings I'm sure it disappointed him greatly this was his disciples these are the men he had taught had lived with them led them he instructed them and I mentioned that our Heavenly Father has many disappointments especially when his he let go bad verse 25 and he said unto them the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and they that exercised authority that's power upon them are called benefactors I mean that's the way they operate that's the way the ungodly operate verse 26 but ye shall not be so you don't do it that way but let that but he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he that is chief be as he he that does serve in other words let it because what he had served them he served him the cup and and as he is serving that cup and and humbly coming to them giving that covenant and making those promises of eternal life they want to know which of them is the greatest that's why he tells them and sets the example he served the cup to them they didn't serve it to him and he was the greater 27 for whether is greater he that sitteth that meat or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat question but I am among you as he that serveth 28 ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations in the trials that I've gone through where we've hit those old trails I've been cursed I've been spat at been called names you you have been there you have witnessed it you also witnessed all the wonderful miracles and wonders that I have performed 29 and I appoint unto you what are you saying here this point means I covenant unto you a kingdom a king and his Dominion as my father has appointed unto me and I make this available verse 30 that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel how fantastic and here he is the one that serves being the greater of all and yet having the patience and the love to share with these that will soon scattered of the winds when he is delivered up unfortunately but they will gather back together the leadership will prevail verse 31 and the Lord said Simon Simon he didn't call him Peter the pathologist to say the rock the rock no he called him Simon Simon behold Satan has desired to have you and he may sift you as wheat you know what that means sift you as wheat it means he's he's going to look for every weakness you've ever had he knows those weaknesses he knows your desires he's observed you he's sifted you Satan knows God's elect you want to make a mental note of that and you want to stick with it I know that Peter loved the Lord and I think that God used him as an example because it would be he that would lead into the church but yet at the same time he will deny Christ thrice before the crow in the morning twice 32 but I have prayed for thee talking to Peter Simon here I have prayed for thee think about this that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted not converted but recovered when you have recovered strengthen thy brethren you knew he would he would conform to the building of the church and that he would have to strengthen the Brethren for they would scatter 33 again remember you might say well how would he know this it's all pre-arranged that is to say the execution and the establishment of the kingdom here on earth not necessarily what each individual will do that is not pre-arranged for you have the freedom to make choices unless you be one of God's elect and how precious it is verse let's go with the next verse 33 and he said unto Him Lord I am ready to go with thee both into prison and to death I'm gonna stick with you I'm right by your side and I know Peter must have meant that I really think that God used Peter to teach us a lesson for there would be another place that that Christ would say Peter lovest thou me and Peter was the Lord you know I do Peter loved us down meet the Lord you know I do and each time the Lord would say well then feed my lambs first that's the little ones the next time that we feed my sheep and then one more time he would say Peter loved us down me pile o Lord you know I do feed my sheep in other words the idea was you passed this word along you've been taught you've been instructed it's important that the children have this knowledge that the church be established Peter would accomplish that but I feel that he went through this to teach us a lesson for the false messiahs coming you're going to be delivered that before him what are you going to do you're not going to run and you're not going to deny Christ you deny the Holy Spirit the privilege of speaking through you that's unforgiveable so that that is totally out of mind and out of the question I know quite the contrary that that will not happen but at the same time you want to fortify yourself with faith and knowledge and understanding to know you have a destiny and a purpose and that position must come to pass and and it shall and I feel that God let us look into Peters own heart and emotions as he went through this because he looked straight at him and he would say in verse 34 and he said I tell thee Peter and here he called him Bethel of the rock the Builder the rock he will build the church on that is movable but Christ being the immovable rock I tell thee Peter the shall not crow this day before that thou shalt Dreyse deny that thou knowest mean I know that had to break his heart the way he loved the Lord he didn't mind two going into action for the Lord that's one of the reasons I think this also was predetermined as a lesson to us to prepare us for what is coming verse 35 and he said unto them when I sent you without purse and script and shoes lacked you anything and they said nothing I sent you out there without money and I didn't give you a begging bag you didn't have to beg and did you lack anything by having faith in me and they said no no we didn't like anything and that's how it is so that strengthen your faith in him and know regardless of what happens he is with us verse 36 then said he unto them but now he that had the purse let him take it and likewise his scrip you take a little big in bag if you have to and he that hath no sword let him sell this garment and buy one in other words if you don't have the faith and the knowledge and the wisdom to understand these things you better take a bag in bag you better take something else Mike well if you don't have faith in God and many people do many people have to beg to have a ministry going and this is a this is sad it is a really a sad thing because if you had the faith and if you teach Christ's word instead of man's traditions you will never have to beg and at the same time you will never lack anything because God always provides for his own it is written it is documented it is proven over and over and if you don't have that faith you might as well go the way of the world and you better get you a sword but what kind of sword are we talking about what kind of sword gives you the victory if you are a minister if you are a pastor if you're a servant of the Living God it is not a sword lashed to your side which that's fine if you have to protect yourself and your family no problem but the sword you use where the real power comes in is as it is written in Revelation chapter 1 verses 15 and 16 Christ tongue is a two-edged sword meaning the truth is a two-edged sword and if you can't have the truth and the faith in that truth you better go the way of the world because you're going to need it what does that mean well God's not going to be with you you're gonna be up there by yourself he's not going with you if you do not have the faith and the knowledge to indeed of the Lord that means the truth of this work to have absorbed it in your mind and from the word itself whereby you know the ramifications and you know what it is our Father would have you do then you better beg and you better do the other things because you're going to need it but as long as you stick with the father and have faith in him and use the correct sword that's the word of the Lord is powerful it conquers it cuts down the enemy it drives that sword straight into the heart of the devil and he runs from you because Christ gave us power over him but it takes faith to do that when you exercise that faith you have no problem all things fall in place you will lack nothing verse 37 these poor poor guys what do they say Christ continues for I say unto you that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me in in what now in me and he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end and and so you have it where is that written well it's written in Isaiah chapter 53 verse you'll find it in verse 17 and 53 Isaiah 53 not 17 make it twelve isaiah 53:12 and it reads therefore will i divide him a portion with the Great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he hath poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors this is what he was quoting and bear the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors he made intercession for you made it possible for you to say I love you Lord forgive me of all my shortcomings and used me back up one verse to the eleventh he shall he shall see of the travail of his soul he was crucified and shall be satisfied by his knowledge by what now this is what's important by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities he stands for their sin Lane forgives them when you repent he erases it his blood washes it away and and there you have it how precious it is that he is that he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an inn and so it is there there washed away when you repent 38 and they said they'd not quite with it listen to these poor words they said Lord behold here are two swords and he said unto them it is enough let's stop this he was he was hurt he had to be they did not understand these that had walked with him there was this cloud placed there for a purpose so that you could learn from it today I think so they were armed they carry they went through very dangerous areas and they they did carry weapons you know it would be proved in this very same chapter that Peter had a weapon and he sliced off the ear of Malchus one of the chief priests servants whack I mean he you know it takes a pretty good swordsman to do that without just cracking a skull wide open if you're well enough of a swordsman that you can slice an ear without breaking the skull you're pretty good so Peter and everybody was doing back to his teachings 39 and he came out and he went on as as he was worn to the Mount of Olives packed back over to no doubt Bethany and his disciples also followed him this is Gethsemane okay the garden have guests M&E forty and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that you inner not into temptation that's what you wouldn't remember today don't be tempted by the false one he's coming he's going to perform some miracles that are going to be astounding don't be tempted you pray for knowledge and wisdom for that is what frees you from the anxieties 41 and he was withdrawing from them about a stone's cast he pulled away to himself and he kneeled down and prayed What did he say 42 saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done you know it is real sad that many teachers they absolutely teach Christ was praying that the crucifixion could be removed from him that's not what he's talking about he's still thinking about the children and and when he says this what is he talking about that also is in Isaiah and you'll find it in in 51 and it is the one where we're going to go to verse 17 what cup is he talking about if you've ever studied the book of Revelation you should know what cup he's talking about is the vowel listen to it verse 17 awake awake and stand up o Jerusalem which has drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury thou has drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling and run them out there is none to guide her among the sons whom she had brought forth neither is there any that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she is brought up well there's God's elect and I hope that and pray that they stand up here in the end times it's the cup of trembling he said is there some other way we can do other than for the seven vials the cup of God's wrath out upon them is there any way we can bring him to salvation there wasn't it had to be done so he wasn't praying that he should escape crucifixion he was doing that for us the body in the blood already promised but now the conclusion that is to say the end where that cup needed to be poured out and and so it was then he would say nevertheless not my will but thine be done nor was you the supreme knows verse 43 and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him in other words to invigorate him that's what 44 and being in an agony that that's acute anxiety not agony acute anxiety he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground 45 and when he rose up from prayer and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow oh my don't ever go to sleep on watch 46 and he said into them my sleepy rise and pray lest you enter into temptation not understand we're right here at Gethsemane which means what it's the Olive Press it's when you press the very oil out of the olive through all of our people and the pressure is there and they sleep don't you dare go to sleep on watch verse 47 and while he yet spake behold the multitude and he that was called Judas here they come one of the twelve went before them and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him here we have that kiss of the traitor this one Judas Judas knew where they would be there at Gethsemane Judas knew where they would be on the Mount of Olives there would be no people around it would be very easy to betray him here in this place and what did he betray him with a kiss a time a sign of affection the kiss of love but betraying as a and and bringing forth the very tragic beguiling and going against what you really believed that is to say to be a counterfeit ER right in the very heart of the disciples to betray the Lord Jesus Christ with a kiss of all things the sign of love alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling you free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box for sixteen Gravett arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number good from porto rico throughout the US alaska hawaii a all over canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that we can never answer all the questions but will take a handful he knows yours may be there and never please ask a question about a certain reverend or denomination or organization we do not judge people god is judge leave that in his court and you stay clear of it at this time our Father loves his children he gives you the gift of discernment to know who you should study with who you should socialize with and always pay attention to that gift it keeps you out of much trouble those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number don't need an address why well god knows what you're thinking he's a mind reader cardio nor in the greek knows your heart and you don't even have to say it out loud you can pray anytime you want to no one can prevent you from praying because they don't even know you are praying but god does he hears you father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay in question time are gonna go with Jason from Georgia mine God teaches us to forgive people that has hurt us and/or others but do you think that person should also try to ask for forgiveness what it's a good thing if they should if they would if that person doesn't care about what they have done and flips you off should you go different routes well I would hope so you know second Thessalonians chapter three verse six tells you how to handle a person like that you don't necessarily have to treat him as an enemy but separate yourself from them you don't have to put up with that you can forgive them but if they don't ask for forgiveness that set them off to the side don't let them run over you that interferes with your serving God if you let somebody around you that gives you trouble it interferes with the ministry of the Living God you do not let that happen you don't have to let it happen God doesn't expect you to been from Maryland where in the bible does it say that Satan is coming first well all through the Bible God made it real simple where even a child can understand that he's coming first because he's set up seven periods of time and let you know in the book of Revelation what's going to happen in each of those periods of time well it so happens that in the sixth period of time Satan comes Christ doesn't return until the seventh period of time that's why a child can understand it and know that Satan comes first the book of Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke 21 that you know that the false Christ comes first that's why he said if they tell you is it out here or there don't believe that don't go you stay in the field working don't be that first one taken by the Antichrist but many will be taken because of their ignorance of God's Word and but God makes it so simple again that a child can count from 1 to 7 in my from Texas are there any prophets or apostles today well there will be the moment we have a lot of prophets Ezekiel Isaiah Daniel on and on the list goes David was even a prophet Moses was a prophet Aaron was a prophet and on and on it goes but we also know that after the false Christ appears and the Holy Spirit begins speaking through God's children when they're delivered up both sons and daughters that they shall prophesy and shall teach so then it comes alive well it's not them that talk but the Holy Spirit a Christian from Tennessee and what if what if you had a secret and you want to share it with your friends what do you do well just know once you share it with your friends it's not going to be a secret any longer okay I figure you're a school child I don't see an age on here but I am I'm sure you are a school child and what if you don't know what talent you have what do you do well you keep studying God's Word and God will show you everybody has gifts and you'll find out what that gift is and pastor armory how do you know everything well not nobody knows everything all right and pastor Murray I see on I see on can't make that one it says when you die you'll go to heaven or they right they are correct when you when you pass away you go to Paradise which is where God is and where regard is that's heaven but many go there to be judged and sometimes when after the judgment they ended up in another place and here I have another good drawer of the cross and this is Christopher from Tennessee pastor Arnold Murray thanks for teaching us the Bible but why do people in Cuba hate and kill people who pray and believe in the Lord well unfortunately Christopher's let's say that not everyone in Cuba does that because not there there are Christians in Cuba but there are also Communists and communist they do not like for people to pray when they don't believe in God and they try to drive God from the midst and this is why that comes to pass there are some bad people there as there are in many places Louise from Oregon and I'm glad that you and your husband are blessed with the ministry your question in the very first Earth Age were the heavens destroyed not that the age was destroyed not heaven okay it's the same way with the earth the earth age was destroyed but not the not the earth itself the heaven is eternal and earth is eternal but there are ages that the word translated many times world is eons okay and it means time periods there are three the one that was this one and one that will come will be eternal Christopher from Washington I have a question to ask is what exactly does the Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 5 when it says for the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything now there have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten well it's that most of all you have to understand the book of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes was written to whom to the man that walks under the Sun meaning in flesh bodies and what it's talking about is that once this flesh body dies it goes into the ground and it goes back to dirt and nobody remembers that why it's a it's dirt that's all that's all it consists of is dirt therefore it is gone and and good riddance quite frankly because you have it's not your real body your real body is your spiritual body it doesn't get old it doesn't get sick it doesn't wither it doesn't it's it's eternal so that 9th chapter is written to the flesh body but if you want to know what happens truly going to the 12th chapter where when the silver cord parts that you die instantly your soul is going to return that is to say your spirit the intellect of your soul and your soul to the Father that gave it the Ecclesiastes is a fantastic book but you've got to realize it's written to the flesh men telling you how to find happiness in these flesh bodies and still be a servant of the Living God Tommy from Tennessee you know if all that dies are already risen why are we preach to that will be resurrected from the grave at Judgment Day ignorance is bliss I suppose Christ tried to make this so simple in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 where he said if you believe Christ is already risen from the grave you better believe all those that are dead have risen also they're out of here and then he says there's no way that we who are alive and remain can precede the dead they're already gone so they're with the father our Father is not the god of dead but of the living and they're all living with him awaiting judgment and at the end of the millennium and that's as it is we have a father that certainly is a father of love and that doesn't mean everybody's going to be saved they're not because it's written also that many will fall but our Father does love his children and he hopes they will return that love and live eternally if they don't hey a bad trip LA from South Carolina and I'm glad you enjoy the studies here is my question why is it that I can't remember all that I study in God's Word when I'm when I'm asked a question concerning God's Word deep down I know and I know it but it just won't come to me at that time could this mean God has not accepted me no not if not at all no one no one can remember all of God's Word some of us are gifted for teaching reasons and the fact that we've studied so many years that we and we're blessed we have to give God the credit for a good memory and so forth but it is necessary that a teacher have a good memory but this is why a layperson should have a strong concordance this way if you can remember one sentence let's take the shortest sentence in God's Word jesus wept all you have to do is take the word Jesus you know as mentioned many times but wept maybe not submitting so look up wept like you would in a Webster's dictionary and it will tell you exactly where that scripture is you can find whatever scripture you want if you can remember one or two of the main words but God God does not he did not bring salvation because we're the smartest people in the world he brought salvation because he loves if you have faith in that son then you will have eternal life nobody's going to take that away from you leave for Montana in Revelation chapter 22 verses 18 and 19 God warns of adding to are taking away words to this book or those who incorrectly translate the Greek and Hebrew text and change words in the Bible to fit their religion in danger of this warning let's divide what you have said those who incorrectly translate if it's an accident or ignorance then God would forgive that if they made correction but to do it purposely to fit their own religion for Christianity is not a religion it's a reality and that probably you would be in a heap of hurt but naturally the letters were originally written in a different language and if all you can cover is English then you've got to have help in understanding of the the scripture and so it is this is why again I really highly recommend a strong spin cordis because it gives you an English reader the ability to go back to the original language and check it out for yourself okay Valerie from Georgia finally a teacher who has turned on the lights thank you and that low light giver will do it too okay Valerie baptism is for a person at the age of accountability who of their own choice decide to make a public statement that they believe that Christ went into the tomb but that he resurrected that's what's going under the water and coming out of the water signifies and they make that a public statement but there only one baptism and each person must make that decision for themselves your parents can't make it for you no one else can make it for you you must make that decision it is a beautiful thing mark from Virginia my question is when the Fallen Angels come to this earth again will they be mortal or supernatural they better watch coming after my daughter as I'm a country boy with a lot of guns it's good to always protect your family they are supernatural but I think mark you've already taught your daughter how to tell them where to go in the name of Christ and they have to obey he gives us power over them she will have power over them and I got a feeling you've already taught her about 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 10 and she'll know how to handle it and also Luke chapter 10 verses 18 and 19 giving us power over all of our enemies including those fallen angels and Satan Leslie from Mississippi questioned they are saying that the ice is melting in Alaska I'm wondering if it's God's plan to give our adversaries better access to our border no the ice is not melting in Alaska except in the spring and summer in the winter the ice does not melt in Alaska and quite frankly Antarctica is iced over from one end to the other more ice and there's been in years and years and years and the polar bear in Alaska or happy happy happy and multiplying multiplying multiplying all in God's own way in time you know I would think with severe winters all around the world that these Jekyll's that chirp about global warming I would think they would be kind of ashamed by now and realized that a lot of the data was monkeyed with that they were fed or they monkeyed with it themselves but they've been proven liars and so it is God himself States will always have hot and will always have cold and guess what now is the time for cold but guess what it's wintertime and whatever God sends we can cut it we make plan around it and it'll be just fine but I'm sure there are a lot of these larger cities that have a lot of grumble bums about snow and ice stacking up and maybe rightly so they've run out of money to clear ice and snow this winter maybe maybe the global warming boys could go up and blow a lot of that hot air on those streets and maybe help the people out in the big city who knows am i jesting well it's not funny global warming has been it's strictly strictly a way for our government to try to bring taxation on carbon emissions because they want to rip us off for tax money more money more money spin-spin-spin rather than save save save that's where it comes from okay if this is Patty from Maryland please answer this question for me if our flesh is left behind when we die and our spiritual body returns to God then why did Jesus take his body from the tomb when he rose was it so that he could teach his disciples to prove that he had defeated death exactly and so it is written that that was the reason it would be he defeated death and this is one of the things that it stipulates in 1st Thessalonians 4 you have to believe that Christ defeated death why he took his body with you it was transfigured that has happened also it happened to 2 Enoch and happen to Elijah but it certainly happened to our Lord and Savior so we would know Jeanne from Arizona okay I'm glad you enjoy listening I believe as you do only one this strippin see I would like to think that there will be babies in heaven my first great grandson was a stillborn I love children as much as I love life I would be sad to get to heaven and see a third young man when it came could be my baby grandson where is this found in the Bible please God said we would have the desire of our heart if that is the case I pray that God will remove that desire from me well it is true that all angels that we have seen are young people okay and we know that all of us are the same age even your baby grandson is the same age you are his soul was created in the first Earth Age and so it is excuse me we're live and so it is but that's that is we know that what stops the end of this earth age is that all souls are born a woman and that's it there's no more God only created so many and that brings about the end you're gonna love him when you see okay and you will see him Joyce from Kentucky the Bible said Jesus was crucified on a tree or a steak is this the same or is this different from the cross please explain he was the way you decipher what he was how he was crucified is who did it and naturally the Romans because the Judean nation at that time could not crucify anyone they did not have the legal ramifications to bring that to pass so the Romans had to do it and a Roman cross it would have taken a special a dick from Caesar to have put him on a stake or anything other than a Roman cross so he was crucified on that cross the Roman cross and so it is a name from Virginia was job a real historical person or was this book a parable no he was real it is to show us a look if you would at how Satan can tempt you if you allow it and God gives that example poor job God was so proud of him he knew he wouldn't give in to Satan 38 chapters of Job listening to a bunch of Ratchet jaws and I suppose one of the biggest lessons God wanted you to know from the book of Job is why would you listen to a ratchet job instead of listening to God that's why in the 38th chapter he finally said Jo get up from there you listen to these people that know nothing Rudy where were you when I put this whole earth and universe in the position it is Almighty God why don't you talk to me that's what it's all about and hey I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse but you know what most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you study the letter he sent to you to you personally instructing you and showing you how to get buying these flesh bodies and how to attain eternal life you make his day he's going to make yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you now most important though listen to me you stay in his word every day his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas seventy seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would there's vehicles those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color amber traced back to the hebrew highly polished bronze what an exciting thing that god's word and informs us on all things Ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman Gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it The Book of Ezekiel [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's Apple Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey we're ready to get back into our father's word talking about the rupture doctor I'm sorry the rapture theory as we get right into it here today and and document now look men say this and men say that if you're going to follow
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,024
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: KJV, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Luke, Pastor, Book of, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Arnold Murray, Arnold, Bible, Luke, Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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