Luke ~ 23:47 to 24:17

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our Book of Luke the light giver chapter 23 we're going to pick it up here in a moment with verse 47 Christ has just passed his spirit back to the Father from whence he came being the father and but which were the last words in the psalm of Psalms 22 we have the total and complete lesson taught by him even as he was on the cross paying the price for us he still teaches and taught whereby we have that hope of eternal life if we love him if we follow him he paid the way he paid the price for you and you especially if you want to elect to stand against the false one at his appearance all an example of how it would be even down to the Roman soldiers gambling for his clothing at the foot of the cross written a thousand years before the fact the very words coming out of the chief priests mouth stated a thousand years before the fact now man could not prearranged for the chief priests the Roman soldiers were which were of two different Elks to come out with the same actions and words men couldn't do that but our Father can and it was written and that's exactly how it came to pass that should strengthen your faith in the Word of God having said that let's pick it up as he passes on the cross chapter 23 verse 47 the great Book of Luke 4 verse 47 reads now when the Centurion saw what was done I mean that darkness from 12:00 noon till 3:00 p.m. he glorified God saying certainly this was a righteous man I mean with all these miracles taking place 48 and all the people that came together to that sight beholding the things which were done smoke their breast and returned in other words here we see the people connecting to this Savior beeping even at this time 49 and all his acquaintances and the women that followed him from Galilee stood afar off beholding these things now the women never deserted him they were on that little Knoll over there now John was the only disciple that did not desert him but Christ sent him away anyway with his mother Mary to protect her and take care of her but other than that the only people that remained was the worthy women Mary Magdalena probably being one of the better-known verse 50 and behold there was a man named Joseph a counselor and he was a good man and a just know the reason he's a good man he's a Christian he was a believer of Christ why because he was related to him listen carefully 51 the same had not consented to the council indeed of them he didn't consent to the crucifixion he was Arimathea a city of the Jews or the Judeans of Judah who also himself waited for the kingdom of God why he was a Christian now we know not from Bible but from history that he was the uncle of Mary Christ mother meaning also he was Christ uncle gives him the biblical right for kinsman-redeemer which means he's he is the closest of kin that has a right to claim the body of Christ and this is the reason we show the little commentarii traditions of glastonbury for in Glastonbury England you will see these all ancient pieces of a man in a ship with a little boy up in the bow and that boy being Christ when he was growing up and his uncle Joseph in the back because Joseph had ten mines in in this area many of them he was a very wealthy person and they still sing this song about Joseph two tin men in in Glastonbury England this is not just a fairy tale its history and that is the reason being the next of kin and being an official God arranges everything that he was there and that he would make this kinsman redeemer claim verse 15 this man went unto Pilate and begged the body of Jesus as kinsman redeemer of course 53 and he took him down and wrapped him in linen and laid him in a supplication and stone were in never man before was laid it was it was Joseph's own tomb this wealthy man I mean you know a one human the supplication in stone which is no easy task or inexpensive task and fresh and new for a rich man because even though Christ paid that price and even though he was hung with Mal factors he was buried with the wealthy do you understand that that is prophecy it certainly is and so it was but Joseph asking verse 54 and that day was the preparation and the Sabbath drew on and naturally this was the land 55 and to women also which came with him from Galilee followed after and behold be helpless except Luca and how his body was laid they were eyewitnesses to this they observed it and took all this in and being well accounted for it 56 and they returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment in other words it was necessary to do this now I want to fill here when was caught what day of the week was Christ crucified on Christ was crucified you with companion Bible do you have an appendix with all this laid out minute by minute practically he was crucified on a Wednesday and it was necessary before sundown which at that time started the new day you could not have someone on the cross F at after sundown so he was taken and placed in the tomb on Thursday which would be after sundown on Wednesday the way they account and then he was in that tomb from Wednesday sundown to Thursday sundown one day he was in that tomb from thirsty sundown to Friday sundown two days he was in that tomb from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown three days and sometimes after sundown in the in the nighttime he resurrected he blew right from that temple and came to life so therefore you have the reckoning on the calendar as to what day why he was in that tomb three day a lot of people try to make this Friday that wouldn't work okay and it's not according to history so if you're going to teach truth teach truth chapter 24 verse 1 now upon the first day of week very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre the spices which they had prepared these women did and certain others with them they were going to prepare this body and and preserve it to and they found the stone rolled away from the supplicant it was huge it had been rolled with verse 3 and they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus he was gone what he was ascended resurrected verse 4 and it came to pass as they which were pre Plex they're about to be helped two men stood by them in shining garments there's two young people their appearance was young why they were angels verse five and as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them the the angel said to the women why seek ye the living among the dead now I want you to absorb that real good because our Father is not the god of the dead but the god of the living quite frankly no one has died spiritually you either are in a flesh body or you're in a spiritual body but nobody will die spiritually until the second which is the last verse of of chapter 20 the great book of Revelation after naturally the judgment the great white throne judgment how could someone be sentenced to death without a trial God doesn't operate that way so that's why these angels direct from our Father would say to them he's alive why are you out here looking in the tombs for him in the first place remember Christ had told them I'm going to be crucified but on the third day you return to our place and I will meet you there he's going to be resurrected okay verse six he had warned them of this did they listen well let's find out verse six the angel continued speaking he is not here but is risen remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee he told you this is how it would happen you know always remember you can believe the Word of God if it's translated properly you can you can ride on it because that's exactly how it's going to be never argue with the Word of God if you're a be believed verse seven saying the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and he was and be crucified and he was and the third day rise again he warned him on that third day which that was Wednesday through Saturday night out of and in that night of the fourth day which would be three-and-a-half he resurrected he told them he would if they were believers they should have believed I feel big bond caused even Peter to deny him thrice to give us a warning because Peter had just before that lobbed the year off of Malthus the servant of the high priest he was no coward but I feel he did it to give us a warning be a watchman don't go to sleep on watch keep alert as it is written you can count on it every detail but half a crucifixion was written in Psalms 22 a thousand years before the fact even down to the words that would come out of the chief priests mouth and that chief priest was not appointed by God but a Roman governor how perfect it can be if you listen and if you believe the Word of God so these angels told them he told you this is what was going to happen that's why he's not here he lives verse eight and they remembered his words it came to them you want to always remember his words verse nine and returned from the supplicant told all these things unto the eleven and to all the rest I mean they went to that where the holding place was and they were letting them know he's risen verse 11 it was Mary Magdalene ax and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and other women that were with them which told these things unto the Apostles you know what they're going to think that these women have lost it isn't that not strange that Christ told them on the third day I'm going to resurrect and I will meet you back here and they're going to doubt this mary magdalena is one woman that had seven demons seven evil spirits in her was possessed christ touched and healed her drove them away and she was ever ever so very loyal a lot of people say she was a prostitute she was not it's not written nothing to back that but here they gave that report that tomb is empty verse seven and their word seemed to them as idle tales and they believed him not I bring a delirium that is strange that or silly that even after the Lord told them that they would still take this attitude that they would still do in this way or react in this way and and so it is that our Father our Father would do this and and so it was and it was this suppli come you know that he was placed in 22 to verse 12 rather then arose Peter and he ran into the supplicant stooping down he'd be helped and clothes laid by themselves and departed wandering in himself at that which was come to pass he wondered well how could that be what I want to do why was Jesus laid in a rich man's tomb why was he crucified between two male factors I want you to know that also was written long ago I do it to strengthen God's word in our minds whereby if God says it if it's prophecy you can count on it well where was that written well it was it was written of course in Isaiah chapter 53 I'm going to read quite a bit from this Isaiah 53 you're not going to have it but I want you to listen I want you to listen to Isaiah 53 which would even tell that this tender plant would come from the root of Jesse which was David's father through David bilkul cord the umbilical cord through the mothers here would come from Mary's womb the Lord Jesus Christ and it tells how he would live I'm going to pick it up in verse three of chapter 53 and he just he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him and not they ran away all 12 of them with exception of John ran verse 4 surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted hoped of the cross he was wound and he was pierced for our transgressions not for his for yours he was bruised for our iniquities our shortcomings the chest Iseman of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed and so it is he took those stripes why because he loves you and this is he men you well God with us as it was written in Isaiah chapter 7 way back in chapter 7 verse 14 that this verb would conceive and bring forth this child and this would be Emmanuel which is to say God with us don't ever ever doubt one moment how God loves you he paid an awesome price that you could have your sins just washed away simply for the asking and returning the love verse 6 and we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all but you know something he could carry it he could cut it why because he was perfect he had no sin as we do verse 7 he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he didn't whimper he didn't complain but he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer's is dumb so he openeth not his mouth at the hearing when pilot he wouldn't say a word and pilot would say in one of the Gospels don't you realize how serious these charges are and you do not defend yourself and he did not open his mouth y-yes sir written right here he was doing this for you verse eight he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation we will God's elect shall the generation of the fig tree for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of what transgressions of my people was he stricken not as not his own when he had no transgressions and here's why we came here listen carefully 9 he made his grave with the wicked he was crucified between two mill factors and with the rich in his death and Joseph of Arimathea is tomb a rich tomb because he had done no violence Heather was any deceit in his mouth it was for that reason he was innocent that it could be written long ago long long ago many years before the fact that Joseph would come and claim the body would have that fresh human stone a very wealthy man's tomb Joseph the Tin Man and he would place him in that tomb but just as what did he accomplish with the male factors don't you ever forget it even in paying the price even then when one of the mount actors repented Christ forgave him and said this day I tell you I shall see you in paradise and so it was that he brought salvation of his innocence and humbly as he went through what he did for us that this mal factor was verted and many have converted sins because God's Word is always true no this was written long ago that Joseph would give up that tune that there would be no reason they sold his body for thirty pieces of silver and it was cast and purchased the potter's field which is where old broken pots are thrown which his blood bought that also is prophecy from this book and other books that thirty pieces of silver were by when people have broken hearts and broken bodies he can put them back together with the blood money now what how much he accomplished in this suffering this passion his passion for you that he loves you to this point verse 10 yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he had put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed that's important children he shall prolong his days and the and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand every time someone converts even the Angels rejoice certainly the Lord does why that's why I paid the price how can that be verse 11 listen carefully he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge don't you eat over that by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities that's it for you do you know why because he loves you you can believe that he did that for us now he asked that much from us but to witness as God's elect against the false one and that makes it almost a pleasure to be able to stand and witness with the Holy Spirit his spirit speaking through us against Satan who brought all this to pass were passed it is written in chapter 2 verse 14 Christ came to this earth to be crucified to destroy death with justice the devil Oh death where is thy sting Christ jerked that stinger out of death and why as the Angels would say why are you out here looking for the living among the dead he did that for you why because he loves you he defeated death for all of us verse 12 to complete therefore will I divine him a portion with the greatest greatest and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he has poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors those mouth factors and he bared the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors he made intercession for all of us that we have that right on repentance asking forgiveness for our sins and meaning it having a change of mind that he reaches down and touches you right I mean from the price paid on that cross touches you and raises you up and gives you of each and eternal life simply for the asking why would he do that because he loves you he loves you enough that he brought that to pass and these very angels that appeared to those women and comforted them reassured them that he was with the father just as he had said he would be and yet at the same time he will reappear to them after the resurrection he will walk with them for 40 days and nights that's the time of probation and he would tell them whatever you do don't leave Jerusalem until you receive what I'm going to sing Jew and naturally he was speaking of the comforter that's the Holy Spirit and not some spook not some ghost but his own Holy Spirit to dwell with us when and in us when you believe and when you follow him naturally that would happen 10 days later on that tenth day which would be the 50th after that Passover would be called Pentecost which is what fifty is the fiftieth day how precious it is that our Father brings all this to us and for us to absorb and to know and to understand to see the tenderness and the price he paid so that you can be cleansed his body took the stripes they beat him but your body gets the healing when you believe when you follow him and when you ask him now returning to the to the 24th chapter let's pick it up with the next verse please verse 13 and behold two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus it means warm baths okay they had a hot springs there no doubt and it was warm warm baths eminent men in masa which was from Jerusalem about threescore four Long's a seven and a half miles down there went down let's go down I mean here there's all this has happened they crucified the Lord and they're talking about how wonderful was walking with him and hearing him and now he's gone let's just go get some warm baths verse 14 and they talked together of all these things which had happened I mean they recall every detail all the things that were happening at that time in that town the crucifixion the malefactors 15 and it came to pass but while they commune together and reason Jesus himself drew near and went with them he actually appeared and was walking with them verse 15 to continue I'm sorry 16 but their eyes were holding that they should not know him and I want you to see the power of God within this to teach you a lesson God withheld the recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ for your benefit don't ever doubt the word of God it's going to come to pass as it's written you know how many times was Christ when he walked the earth asked the question a particular question and he would say it's written haven't you ever read it and that's what he wants you to know have you read it with understanding the the message that he brought of believing for you see God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son Emmanuel God with us that whomsoever would be Eve see how important that is whosoever would believe upon him what he said what he did prophecies that came to pass should not perish not gonna die not gonna go to hell would have eternal unending life so it is that's why it is so very important that you believe but here this belief was taken from them where they could not recognize him for that moment as they walked along and they were they were so mystified and wondering and yet Christ had told them exactly how it was going down the crucifixion and everything connected with it verse 72 continued and he said unto them what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as we walk and are sad well why are you so sad I mean after all you know he had just paid the price so that any sinner on repentance could have eternal life it's not a time for sadness it's a time of celebration it's a time to see the love of Almighty God and as these two as this was withholding in front of them don't miss the lecture the next lecture whereby we learn what he was accomplishing here all right bless your hearts you this in a moment won't you please Ezra and Nehemiah these two books are necessary to understand the returning to the Father in that sense of the example set forth in the end times of the rebuilding of God's most favorite place on earth also within these two books you find the hidden secret hidden from most people's eyes that the study in the Hebrew and the Kal deed that is given in these particular books will teach you how that the priesthood itself became polluted during this period of time this is to say about 400 years before Christ walked the earth to the time that he did walk instructing you very wisely setting the example of how it is that we gather back to Christ himself Ezra and Nehemiah fantastic Beulah enjoy them and there we are back again let's had the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question you share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people we have judge that's our Holy Father and he'll do the judging and we just do the discerning you discern who you should study with who you should fellowship with that is a gift from God this spiritual discernment is it will always keep you out of trouble it will it will always aid you and help you in your walk here in the flesh body those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking just talk to him that's what prayer is is simply talking to our Father from your own heart not some written message but being honest with him and letting him know your needs your love your understanding father around the globe we come West that you lead guide to Rick father touch in your shoes precious name thank you Father amen ok in question time we're going to go with Shirley from Illinois I've learned so much from you by watching everyday but as they learner I have three questions can you explain to me the advents well there's two there's the first Advent where he came borned a child innocent to bring salvation that's why he would pick up the Book of Isaiah and say salvation is here and stopped reading in the minute the middle of the sentence and he did not say and bringing the day of vengeance because that's the second Advent and the second Advent he comes not a babe to be crucified but he comes as king of kings and Lord of lords and to rule with the rod of iron that's the difference first and second advent you can read of those in zechariah chapter 9 verses 9 and 10 that's 1 & 2 what first Advent and second Advent I if while I'm on earth still in this old body if I talk to someone who is in paradise can they hear me well naturally I think our Father sometimes allows things in prayer and requests when the Antichrist comes well our bodies instantly be in spirit no it will not if you had said our spirit I could have said well the Holy Spirit wants to unite with you but our bodies stay the same until the true Christ returns you see that's fine that is every important that you have that straight as long as you're in a flesh body he who claims to be Christ is lying to you if he appears on earth in person it's a false Christ because we do not change bodies until the seventh Trump when the true Christ returns himself okay Doris and Gary from Maryland okay my husband and I have looked for enjoyed your teachings okay I'm looking for your question it is easier for us to understand well if that's what we enjoy teaching the word for we are in our 70s and with everything cost the going up and up constantly that what little income we get in our poor health we can not tithe much anymore will God forgive us well God God is not a slave driver and God sees your love and your understanding and he wants he knows this when when you don't have much you don't give much okay so no he's not going to hold that against you don't you even don't please don't worry about it for one second this is why many people can't give anything but a love offering if that makes you feel good but when you make zero a tithe there's a team when you make zero what is a tenth of 0 its 0 also so many ministers like to well I won't go there but don't worry about it Louise from New York is it a sin to wear a wedding ring and an engagement ring two of my friends said their mother had to donate or give her rings over to her minister at her church because wearing them as a sin this this I've worn mine for years I even after my husband's death I haven't been able to find anything in my Bible about it the church wasn't and she mentions two particulars you know I've heard just about every racket and con preacher on earth I really have of how they ripoff senior citizens and how they rip off people but this one takes the cake when some preacher actually takes the wedding bands off of a woman's hand for himself and tells her it's a sin because that ring in circles that that is encompassed between father and Abraham that too would become one in an inning the unending circle that preacher not only showed his ignorance his selfishness his coveting for he committed one of the greatest sins of all he coveted your virtue the woman's very ring so I've heard of a lot of preachers with con jobs and ripping people off but that one takes the cake it really does you wear your wedding rings and be happy don't ever when don't ever let some man con you out of anything and you did the right thing I'm real proud of you you couldn't find it in the Bible so you still keep yours own you wear it in good health well Cindy from Arizona you often say something we find confusing as there are draw as there are no drawings or pictures of Christ please explain why you say when you've seen the Sun you've seen the father well I'm quoting scripture isn't that good enough Oh frankly there is a description if you know how to read it it's written in that same chapter I was reading from today in verse one which I didn't cover simply in saying that out of Jesse would come that sprout he lacked nothing as far as Beauty was concerned neither did Satan okay but john 14:9 john 14:9 st. john that is you heard hear christ himself saying if you've seen me you've seen the father that's how it why I say it it's biblical Lance from Michigan thank you for your wonderful teaching you or so very welcome I recently watched a documentary on Bible Code they say there are special specific events and detailed information hidden within the text of the Old Testament as a Bible scholar what is your view on this thank you and god bless you you're so welcome it's a bunch of malarkey okay the Bible Code is now there are messages hidden in acrostics in the Hebrew manuscripts I call attention to many of them such as Psalms 37 in the great book of Esther the sacred name is mentioned five times to show that God puts his hand on that book for reasons that might shock son but these are acrostics placed there by God but the Bible code itself oh you know what they're doing it's the law of averages naturally if you take how many times a letter is used in a certain sentence and so forth to make a word out of something that's going to happen that you can that's that's called you can go to any kind of game and the law of averages is going to turn up certain things but that's not the way God operates that's why we have the Maserati the MA server locks in the manuscripts were and gives us the messages that God would have us receive in acrostics it's beautiful but the way they tried to do it it's a bunch of malarkey Vicki I'm not judging it's just a fact Vicki from Arkansas I'm glad you watched the program since Satan and his angels have never been born a woman and are being held captive in heaven which is in the spiritual dimension then Satan and his angels must be spiritual bodies when even God himself wanted to enter our dimension he obtained a physical body by being born to a woman as jesus he's been here a lot of times besides that okay and no peso debt Christ appeared he didn't have a flesh body okay you want to be careful so I listened and fallen angels do Satan and the fallen angels get physical bodies in uni other way not work what was that a mate in the perfect image of God and the angels same body okay different substance that's all they're going to be kicked out in person de facto right here on earth and they will be in their own bodies they don't need to be born a woman they want to seduce woman that's why you're warned that's why Christ said in Matthew 24 it's going to be just like it was in the days of Noah those fallen angels are going to pick and then giving in marriage again Rosa South Carolina shepherd's chapel I'm writing to you all to ask two questions we're in the Bible we're in the Bible it is sin for a woman to cut her hair second we're in the Bible you are not supposed to visit the grave after you someone this was said to me because I visit my husband's grave often you you go ahead and you that visit but do you know he's in heaven his spiritual body is but it's ok out of respect if you want to go there the fact that a woman should not cut her hair is a mistranslation of 1st Corinthians chapter 11 but verse 10 tells you why that a woman should always be covered it means over her head not hair but Christ she wants to keep Christ and the true word over her head because of the angels 1st Corinthians 11 verse 10 fine because as long as you have Christ over you they can't they can't offend you deceive you or take advantage of you when they're here those fallen angels that's what it's about it has nothing to do with hair the same as it uses in a verse or so past the tenth that it's a shame for a man to Wyant because it's a shame for a man have to depend on Christ to keep perverts away from him that's what it's saying and in the meaning there of brandon from florida i watch your program at 6 a.m. in the morning before school thank you watch with my granny tell me if we're supposed to watch for the sixth and seventh Trump's was there ever the other five Trump's oh absolutely the fifth truant and fifth seal for teaching and how precious it is well it's good for you to be watching with your granny why do you watch for the sixth and the seventh because of the sixth the false Christ is going to appear at the seventh the true Christ is going to appear and your your you do me real proud that you're aware of those and thank you for writing Donna from South Carolina pastor Marie if a person has done everything to keep their family together brothers and sisters but all they want to do is talk about one another they never have peace with anyone should I dust my shoes off and move on and will there be hope in the Millennium for my family I love them very much but there is so much confusion being around them especially and I won't go into there is just no peace at all well don't mainly don't ever talk Bible to them if they don't receive it but you always have second Thessalonians chapter 3 beginning with verse 6 if a family simply does go against you and against the family separate yourself let them know why is what just just read read it for yourself 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 you begin reading with verse 6 we as Christians we do not take necessarily hardships but at the same time there are people that are non-believers but by the grace of God there go I and we can be more mature and be understanding of them but don't participate in their folly ok that's the main thing from Puerto Rico we have Charles what do you say to someone that under the influence of drugs says to you that he now serves Satan well he probably maybe he does maybe he's doing him a service I would say you're talking to a lost soul and you want to be very careful be careful of anybody that uses drugs they're headed on a slippery slope and they're going to hit bottom always Satan knows how to use people like that alright or not but the best thing you can do is pray for them and don't let them involve you in trouble okay running from Tennessee if I anoint my head with oil and ask God to heal me how many times must want and want themselves and ask God for a healing once just sufficient but at the same time give God a break and go by the health laws if you're ill because there is something going wrong or you wouldn't be sick in the first place maybe we live in a polluted world and you've got to be very careful but God tells us what we should eat and you go by the health laws and at the same time you pray in other words God may heal you but if you're taking poison within yourself then you're going to get sick again so you need to go by the health laws don't eat scavengers they will make you ill Donna from New Hampshire I went to a church yesterday for the first time in many months I stopped going because of the time wasted listening to man's porter's I am hungry for the Word of God so I listened to your program I'm in closing well thank you we appreciate the gift to help continue your broadcasting thank you in my area there are no churches that teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse my question to you is do you know of any church in my area that teaches as you do I'm willing to even travel well I'm sorry I'm not I am not too familiar with any church that teaches as we do there but continue studying with us until you should find one there's just not that many people that teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse because many preachers think that the word to them to their chagrin that the Word of God is boring I don't find it boring at all I find it vivacious vigor rating leading helpful and exciting when it's taught properly but that's the way it goes unfortunately in seminaries they are taught not to go above a fourth-grade education you can't cover too much word at that level but never deal with the controversy well the controversies between Satan and Christ so the Bible is a controversy it's between good and evil and you're gonna have to get down where the rubber meets the road to help people out so we'll be remembering you okay we got crystal my name is crystal I am a divorced woman of two beautiful kids one of my daughter's is mentally disabled divorced my husband because I found out he was doing extremely bad things to her lewd acts child endangerment and administering intoxicating agents to her after I reported this to the police and he went to prison for it someone told me God would not like it that I turned him in and divorced him that I should have stood by my husband and helped him repent and not divorced him because God hates divorce well don't listen to an idiot do you realize that God is a divorcee in Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 God divorced Israel giving over her out a bill of divorcement and she didn't do anything as bad as your husband did so you did the right thing no and and listen to some clown that were with where was their compassion for your little daughter that they would tell you that you and her had to put up with this just all I can tell you is do not listen to idiots you get you know some people read they read a chapter in the Bible and they considered themselves to be scholars of the word and they're so ignorant they don't know come here from sick up and start giving advice injures people don't worry God will hold it to their account don't you let her hurt you in that way or him or whoever did it you did the right thing and remember Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 God is a divorcee also divorce is not the unpardonable sin there are reasons for divorce and certainly you had one ok desi Randy from Tennessee my husband and I watched your program day thank you since we have not found a local church that teaches chapter by chapter and verse by verse isn't that sad it really is that we don't have that many teachers but like you do we feel blessed to listen to God as truth and here's my question my husband understands that the generation of the fig tree is like the millennium years a thousand years I thought it was a generate it is a generation of flesh people okay flesh and there are three mentioned in the Bible forty seventy and two and in one hundred and twenty which one will it be well we'll have to find out okay we got they from Michigan I'm a 75 year old woman who has had problems with my eyes all my life because of a birth injury I now have giant cell arthritis it is making my eyesight worse I enjoy listening to you every day thanks for program I'm able to at least hear the word and get daily bread of life well bless you it is good I knew as a teenager that I what I read in the Bible did not coincide with what I was being taught in Sunday school and from the pulpit it is a shame that I didn't have the learning tools and our dig deep enough to know a lot of the truths back then well thank you for writing and thank you for hanging in there it's good to have you with us you're in church here and God takes good care of us and you'll take good care of you we love you God does too Kenny from Fargo from that would be Dakota give his town you have a wonderful program keep up the good work well thank you we're gonna work at it we sure are my younger brother has drawn as Down syndrome doesn't understand the good Lord at all does he have the green light to heaven he's innocent and he's heaven bound this is why we have the Millennium in the spiritual body he will beeper fect and and will will in that innocence a overcoming marry from california and and also God has a blessing for you for helping take care of him married in California how will we know our loved ones in heaven will we have eyes or how will we know them of course we have eyes we're completing home we're made in the same engine image we were as angels only in there's just one big difference there's no such thing as age so you never get sick and you never age but you look the same as a young person and that's for an eternity and I am out of time you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word chapter by chapter and verse by verse I love teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse because then it's important what God says not necessarily what men says when you read that letter and study it it makes God's day that's what's most important when you make his day boy is he gonna make yours bless him he will always bless you we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you but now most important you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good - even when troubled you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word here in God's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold myrrh if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would dense vehicles those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color amber traced back to the hebrew highly polished bronze what an exciting thing that god's word informs us on all things Ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman Gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it the Book of Ezekiel [Music] grab it Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study of God's Word [Music] now here is pastor Marie okay good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our praise God for this great nation America you know when we see our nation pulled together especially on weekends such as we have this weekend that Memorial Day that day set aside when we remember those that made this great
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,089
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Chapel, Pastor, Arnold, KJV, Luke, Shepherds Chapel, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Bible, Book of Luke, Murray
Id: -JTR502Jrik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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