Luis Elizondo on unidentified aerial phenomena, extraterrestrials and the Pentagon's UFO programme

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Even if the DoD shuts the door on the Gillibrand amendment, I think it'll be a stopgap measure at this point. Too many people are asking now and too many legitimate academics are looking for data. Somethings got to give

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Few-Juggernaut-656 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He mentions hyperspectral imaging around 20:06

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/C_Daze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Say what you want about Lue but he's a great communicator

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 114 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trowaway998997 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a truly great presentation of the topic, concise and clear.

It should get a far greater audience, since it is well suited to convey at least some of the relevancy.

One gets the distinct impression though, people just don't get the magnitude and implications. It is incomprehensible to them, why ETs would behave so unexpectedly different from their depiction in the movies for instance.

They have no clue about the technology side of things and cannot see at all what social implications this might have. Essentially their brain shuts down with a "does not compute"-error.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hanami2001 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video.

It will be great to learn more about our neighbors if they'll allow it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sweet_Refrigerator_3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really interesting interview by a mainstream publication, thanks for posting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/llamaesque πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


Luis Elizondo had a trip to the UK about a month ago.

A very provactive and controversial article out of British GQ was published here:

Today, November 25th 2021, British GQ has published a live audience interview conducted with Lue Elizondo.

He is very blunt and candid.

This is real.

Regardless of where you are in the world, show your support by writing an email or raising awareness of the current situation to your government representatives.

This is a global discussion.

Happy Thanksgiving to our American Friends. I hope some of you have some interesting dinner table discussions. 🀘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MossyMoose2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought his comments about the kingdoms of life were very interesting. Imagine trying to explain germ theory to someone from just a few hundred years ago.

"Hey there's billions of invisible life forms covering everything, you interact with them on a daily basis, in fact your body is filled with them, they can kill you easily, and they're also the most abundant form of life on the planet."

You would sound insane. Flash forward to today and washing our hands has become a deeply ingrained practice, among countless other measures we take to wage war on these invisible entities. They exist right alongside us as part of the natural world. They've guided evolution, they've changed history, and it was only recently that we developed the science to interact with them and study them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VolkorPussCrusher69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I kinda wished there was more audience questions, but then again it didnt seem like they were running up to the mic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wendigo79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what separates these from anything else that we have in our current inventory is quite simple there's five observables that associate when you look at something as a uap an identified aerophenomena as being truly unique that's instantaneous acceleration hypersonic velocity low observability trans medium travel the ability to operate multiple environments or domains and last but not least in the vernacular would be anti-gravity the ability to fly with no wings control surfaces no obvious signs of propulsion even frankly not even a cockpit [Music] before we begin i'm just going to bring everybody up to speed on what's been happening in the news for like for the last few years so last year the pentagon made an extraordinary statement they said that ufos are real and it has videos to prove it it released three pieces of footage shot from the targeting cameras of us navy fighter jets which show close encounters with fast-moving strange-looking craft that the navy pilots later said defied the known laws of physics the pentagon's statement which is up there was just one in a run of extraordinary recent developments that have turned ufos from a punch line into a serious talking point in may barack obama said there is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are and in june this year the u.s intelligence services released a report to congress about the government's work on the ufo issue so clearly the conversation has changed radically the us government's policy used to be to deny and discredit when it came to ufos so how did we get to where we are today well one man who was instrumental to this is our next guest luella zondo uh he is a former counterintelligence agent who from 2010 to 2017 ran the pentagon's secretive 22 million dollar program investigating military reports of ufos these days the military don't call them ufos because the term has become so stigmatized they instead refer to them as uaps standing for unidentified aerial phenomena so lou joined the pentagon's uap program as a skeptic but during his time there he became not only convinced that these things were real but that they were interfering with military weapons platforms and operating in protected airspace with impunity he also became convinced that they did not belong to any earthly nation state frustrated by an action on what he saw as a grave national security threat he turned whistleblower and spoke to the new york times which revealed the existence of the pentagon's uap program on its front page in december 2017 alongside interviews with pilots who had encountered these things and since that 2017 new york times expose lou has been briefing officials in washington and working behind the scenes to compel the government to firmly establish a more transparent thorough investigation into the phenomenon and that's actually starting to happen the new national defense authorization act currently making its way through congress requires that the government sets up a permanent office to study uaps on a defense department-wide basis so lou welcome charlie thank you you have a lot to talk about thank you very much for having me and thank you folks for being with us here today really looking forward to this so first things first rationally there are three options for what these aircraft are they're either a us military black project they belong to a foreign government like china or russia or are they are they of non-human origins so talk us through why you think the final option is the most likely sure this was actually one of the fundamental questions we were trying to solve while in the pentagon the first obvious question is is it one of our secret technologies and the answer is quite succinctly no and how do we know that well for several reasons first of all i had access to to all those programs and those type of programs you don't typically uh test these type of secret aircraft in and around areas where you're doing active maneuvers you tend to test them at secret test ranges like area 51 and uh you certainly don't endanger uh pilots lives by testing this type of secret technology uh without without coordinating that through our joint staff so we very quickly realized it wasn't our technology the second option as charlie you mentioned is is it uh foreign adversarial technology is it russian is it chinese and of course when you when you go through the historical documentation certainly in our country and this documentation is official documentation one realizes very quickly we've been seeing this technology for decades and when you compare that to where we were let's say in the late 1940s and 50s we were just exploring and learning the secrets of the atom we were unlocking its secrets we had just entered the jet age and we hadn't even been into space and yet these these technologies were outperforming anything and everything that we have uh so if this was some sort of foreign adversarial technology that's been around for 70 years this would be considered probably the worst intelligence failure my country has ever experienced perhaps even eclipsing that of of 911 on an order of magnitude so the last option is well if it's not our technology and it's not some sort of foreign adversarial technology then then whose or or what is it and that's where we are now in the conversation certainly with our lawmakers and our legislative branch and our executive branch and so that's precisely what we're trying to figure out now is is what exactly are these if they're not ours so what's the most persuasive documented uap encounter that you can talk about sure that's first of all it's a great question it's also a loaded question because there's a lot i can't talk about which to me is probably even more persuasive if you had a chance to see just just some of this data what i can't talk about is probably the most famous case that we had it was in 2004 it involved the uss nimitz carrier strike group this is a nuclear-powered if you will aircraft carrier along with a fleet of other vessels nuclear powered and in some cases submarines and so they were doing what they call workups or they were practicing before going out on a deployment and they were out in 2004 in november conducting operations off the coast of san diego california and there you have one of the escort ships with the latest spy one radar capability beginning to pick up some sort of weird anomaly in fact not only was it the uss princeton at the time with this brand new radar system looking at this which one could argue maybe was a radar glitch but you also had an e2 hawkeye that was also in the air providing airborne radar and both are now looking at some sort of object we'll call it an object coming in from 80 000 feet and within within less than a second now hovering 50 feet over the water so so certainly something very perplexing so perplexing in fact that we decided to go ahead and launch two of our f-18 aircraft super hornets and so as you had commander dave fravor and commander alex dietrich this is commander dave fravor by the way a top gun graduate and instructor these people are trained to identify and and determine the difference between an sg22 a mig-25 and a f-16 from 20 miles away and by the way make a decision to to shoot it down if necessary so they get vectored to to the area and the first thing they notice is some water roiling on the ocean and so dave decides being being the the kind of pilot that he is he's going to go in and take a look at this so he conducts a very very evasive maneuver to get down and close uh to what he describes as this white looks like a tic tac literally like the breath mint and it's about 40 feet long there's no windows no no real wings or control surfaces no obvious signs of propulsion and yet this object is witnessed now by four separate individuals and two separate aircraft um bouncing back and forth almost like a ping pong ball right over the surface of the water so as he goes down and to take a closer look at this all of a sudden this thing begins to react to commander fraber's uh evasive maneuvers and really as as commander framers coming in for a better look this thing begins to maintain its distance and almost parlay if you will and keep a distance from from this aircraft so that tells us first of all it's intelligently controlled and so as he decides this time okay i'm not getting i'm not getting anywhere here i'm just going to go aggressively and go for this thing full throttle goes in and if you will for that quote-unquote kill to see what this thing is and all of a sudden like that it's gone it absolutely disappears over the horizon with within within about a second now what's even more scary which is in about five seconds afterwards and we we know this conclusively we did the investigation this object now is picked up once again on radar 60 miles away and in fact it is now at the rendezvous point waiting for them and that rendezvous point by the way is a point that nobody knew other than the pilots where they were supposed to be so somehow this not only anticipated their next move but was able to get literally 60 miles you can do the calculations if you want how fast that is in five seconds so something certainly well beyond our capabilities even today hypersonic velocity instantaneous acceleration and and whatnot and that's that's dave forever up there that is that is commander dave framer one of our best pilots and also i suppose what's been particularly compelling in the news stories is there's also these videos um so i i wonder if we uh in a second can show the two uap encounters from 2015. these are the videos that the pentagon authenticated as being real last year so why don't we play those and then you can tell us what's so incredible about what we're seeing can we roll the tape wind's 120 knots west oh thank you that's not our ls though is it's rotated [Music] uh so what's going on well quite a bit actually so in the uh the first video that you saw there it is uh known as the gimbal video and because of the the if you will the orientation of this object that it is it is is it's it has when you look at this video a couple things to the train die you'll begin to notice first of all um is the the telemetry that you see on the screen is altitude now when an aircraft banks 90 degrees you hear what they say wow this is compelling and the thing is rotating well not only is it rotating but it's not losing lift so aircraft to have wings whenever you're going to do a bank and you're going to turn when you do that you lose lift and you lose altitude and yet this is not losing altitude and as you hear them say it's going 120 knots against the wind right so we're not talking about a balloon at 25 000 feet we're not talking about a quadcopter or a drone and we're not talking about an aircraft and if you look at that it doesn't really look like an aircraft does it it looks looks peculiar looks almost like a like a top and then furthermore what you don't see on the video but you hear in in the exasperation of the pilots is that there's a whole fleet of them and so what's important to know here sometimes not just what you see on screen but it's the complete picture it's sometimes it's what you don't see and also what you can hear and so part of our investigation was to go talk to the pilots and say what exactly did you see right when you said there's a whole fleet of them what did they look like how were they maneuvering what were they doing right and this is this is probably one of the the better videos that was released to the public that will tell you there's a lot more videos that are in my opinion even far more compelling they just haven't been released yet uh because they they still remain quite quite sensitive classified to some degree um but that's what you're seeing in that video there the other one if you want i'm happy to walk through that one as well but it's up to you i'm not sure we have that one here there's there is a video which is i would say a bit less uh dramatic because there's no audio of um of the mitts encounter correct isn't there yeah and what that shows is basically the instantaneous acceleration if i may i'll just take 10 seconds what separates these from anything else that we have in our current inventory is quite simple there's five observables that associate when you look at something as a uap an identified aero phenomena as being truly unique that's instantaneous acceleration hypersonic velocity low observability trans medium travel the ability to operate multiple environments or domains and last but not least in in the vernacular would be anti-gravity the ability to fly with no wings control surfaces no obvious signs of propulsion even frankly not even a cockpit and that's of course what fraver saw when he was up close because he was much closer than these cameras are right that's what all of our pilots are reporting yeah um so look i think we all want to know do you think any government has recovered or crashed uap so what i've said for the record uh which is unfortunately all i i can say is that it is my belief that the united states is in possession of exotic material and unfortunately that's that's that's about all i can i can say at this time how worried are you about a foreign adversary uh getting hold of this or maybe understanding this technology before the u.s i think that's my greatest fear um you know we're a species that tends to be violent towards one another and my job with national security uh was to try to anticipate what the enemy is going to do if there is an adversary that has this type of technology and the ability to to operate without impunity in our controlled u.s airspace i think that's problematic we spend millions of dollars ensuring we have what we call air domain awareness and control of our airspace and uh clearly we don't have as much control as we we think we do so you know you were working for the government for a long time you then chose to turn whistleblower um were you worried about repercussions why haven't they shut you up well probably because i'm pretty public at this point um that's a that's a multi-faceted question that requires several answers let me let me if i can be as frank as possible um there is a strong undercurrent in our country of uh of uh individuals in our government particularly that know the seriousness of this topic and what i've said before is this is not a topic that is similar to let's say fine french wine where the longer you keep a cork on it the better it gets this is a conversation rather more like spoiled vegetables in the refrigerator and the longer you leave it there the more it is going to it is going to smell and so we should probably begin to address this issue sooner rather than later because whether or not these are real you that's no longer up for debate this is this is a fact this we're here folks the question is what is it where is it from what is its intent uh and and what can or should we be doing about it and it was a pretty extraordinary statement by the serving administrator of nasa a few days ago wasn't there do you want to talk us through that yeah well um he's one of many we've had uh now uh former directors of our central intelligence agency former directors of national intelligence uh former presidents of the united states uh former and current members of our congress both senate and the house of representatives and now uh our current administrator for nasa all uh acknowledging the reality that this is real um again i think once you you take away the the tin foil notion of tin foil hats and and you know nonsense like that and we look at this from a national security perspective we can start having a fair and rational conversation without the associated stigma in taboo so supposing these are of non-human origin do you think these are like drones remotely controlled or do you think there's something piloting them well they're certainly intelligently controlled as we saw with dave fraver and other examples i can't discuss here where they are reacting to our action so uh there is uh there is a stimulus and there is certainly a response so this isn't some sort of random atmospheric anomaly or something like that they are intelligently controlled the question is what and who is controlling them and and that is precisely what we are trying to figure out today you want any theories um you know let me let me let me say one thing um there have been moments in our species paradigm moments um in our lifetime not so much but as a species it happens quite a bit uh there are these paradigm moments that that push the evolution of of of our species mankind the first one perhaps is when we came out of the cave and we looked at the stars and we realized our universe our world just got a lot bigger the second time perhaps was when when two stones were struck together created a spark and all of a sudden we we began to illuminate the the the darkness around us the third time was probably when a couple folks probably like us were standing on a beach and someone said you know what i'm going to sail over the horizon and of course people said no you don't want to do that the earth is flat and there's sea monsters out there and of course now we kind of chuckle and look back and and laugh about it but in reality you know what there really are sea monsters they're just called great white sharks and blue whales and the great squid of the pacific and we realize that they're not really sea monsters they're just part of nature they're part of our reality they're part of our paradigm and so perhaps perhaps this topic maybe maybe we're just standing at the precipice of yet another paradigm moment for our species maybe this is just another beach and we're looking over a yet another horizon so you said what we saw there was arguably the least compelling evidence that you've seen what can you tell us about the most compelling evidence you've seen can you describe a kid any of its characteristics is it pictures is it films is it what kinds of things yes yes and yes it's videos it's pictures it's it's the the intelligence reporting um you know it's quite titillating when we look at a video like this and we say ah oh but but there's actually a lot more to it we have hyper spectral technology we have radar technology we have capabilities that are airborne capabilities and low earth orbit capabilities in high orbit geosynchronous orbit and when you when you put all those resources together to collectively look at the same thing at the same time at the same place it can paint a very compelling picture and to put that on the backdrop my country spends billions with a b billions of dollars each year investing in just one of those areas to get a little bit of an advantage remember i mentioned low observability as being one of those characteristics of uap well the stealth technology will spend two billion dollars on a single aircraft just so the radar cross section is a little bit less and yet these things not only are harder to see with electro-optical devices and radar they're hard to see with the naked eye sometimes and they can perform in ways that we can't they can drop out of 80 000 feet hover over the water and then pop right back up again i mean you're you're talking about the energy requirements to do that in a in a in a conservative way we we still don't understand we can't do that today so a lot of people might look at this and say look if these things were alien why aren't they landing on the white house lawn and demanding a meeting with the president great question so uh let's let's let's detangle that for a second um how many times have we watched a nature show and you look and you see uh the wilder beast in africa migrating and all of a sudden uh a couple of humans flying over a helicopter scare the hell out of the herd everything goes running and stampeding and all of a sudden we dart one and we take measurements to see the health of the herd and the migratory patterns and the diets and whatnot and we leave um you know i i don't think it's far-fetched to to think that um some sort of intelligence would want to be disruptive necessarily we don't necessarily behave that way even as humans so to assume that something's just going to land on the white house lawn i think i think i'm not sure that's really that i mean look we don't we don't land right now on the in you know red square by the kremlin um you just don't do that you you sometimes you want to be non-disruptive how long do you think we've been visited for is this since it seems like flying saucer the idea of the flying saucer seems to be a sort of post-war phenomenon do you think it's you know the last century or do you think it goes back further than that fantastic question let me share with you an experience that i had at the um in rome not too long ago i had the honor and pleasure of sitting down with some individuals that were out of the vatican and there was a scroll and in this scroll it was written in latin and it was a communique between a roman soldier and a roman general some 2000 years ago and what they described in this communique was um the the name for the roman shield is eclipse means like eclipse like a sun and so they described these flaming roman shields in the sky that would follow them from battle space to battle space so it is quite possible we are dealing with something that could be could be potentially not necessarily even from outer space believe it or not it could be from right here could be right from this planet and we're just now at a point where technologically we're beginning to interact with it i'll give you another case in point up until very recently the last hundred years or so we believed as a species there were only two types of kingdoms of living organisms and that was animal and plant and then about 150 years ago we realized that fungi was its own kingdom of life form and about a hundred years ago we realized there were these little microorganisms that someone famously screamed little beasties little beasties and there's a whole another kingdom of life form that has been invisible to us since we've been homo sapien sapien and we just now realize and by the way the biomass of that one kingdom alone outweighs the total biomass of the animal and plant kingdom put together and it's been completely invisible to us so we have to be very careful going down that road when we say well if it's not ours and it's not from earth it must be from outer space it could be but there's other options as well now we're almost out of time but i'd like to have a couple of questions from the audience does anyone have a question that i'd like to ask lou i'm a gemini i like long walks on the beach [Music] anyone at all any hands there we are yeah oh sorry there's a mic coming for you i think yeah it seems like um we start talking about the evidence of aliens in quotations that people automatically assume they're coming here to you you sort of touched on this um they're automatically coming here to fight with us to start a war with us to take over our planet or whatever i'd just like to hear more about your theory on um or just touch on whether you think that is a common idea let me see if i capture that so the question is you know do i think this is a threat and of course i'm a product of u.s national security so we tend to think everything is a threat until we're sure it's not okay let me give you a very quick analogy here i think most of us would agree at night before you go to bed you might lock the front door just to be safe you probably live in a nice neighborhood you don't expect anything bad to happen but just to be safe you lock the front door and maybe you even go as far as to lock the window before you go to bed and you might even turn on your alarm let's say you wake up one morning and you come down to have a nice cup of well say coffee but here it's tea right um and you come downstairs and there are muddy boot prints sitting that are on your on your floor in your living room floor under carpet that weren't there the night before now no one's been hurt nothing's out of place nothing's been taken but despite you locking the doors and the windows and turning on the alarm there are now muddy boot prints in your house that were not there the night before the question is is that a threat well my response is that it could be if it wanted to be so we should probably figure out who's leaving the boot prints now there is a fundamental difference between i don't want to fear monger i'm not saying these things are hostile intent threat and hostile intent can be two entirely different things hostile intent is the willful uh if you will desire to to to to create harm whereas threat you can have involuntary threats you can have environmental threats if i if i get on an airplane there's no threat but if i get to the back of the engine of that same airplane while it's throttling up there's definitely a threat there's a biological threat to me right i can i'm gonna get burned i might lose my hearing so um we're still trying to determine that that's a great question i've literally got 10 seconds so very quick question very quick answer not to be facetious but the fact that we keep sending billionaires to space to feel there's any connection um well sure um the fact that we've been seeing these at least in my country since the late 1940s what you see is described as a tic tac was described in the 60s as a white flying throat lozenge in the 50s was described as a white flying butane tank where it's clear we're dealing with the same technology and i'm not aware of any billionaires that would have that type of technology again temporally you have to look at this from a time perspective way back then it just doesn't make sense sorry that we have to wrap this up lou thank you very much indeed
Channel: British GQ
Views: 3,323,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extraterrestrials, luis elizondo, luis elizondo aliens, luis elizondo extraterrestrials, luis elizondo gq, luis elizondo gq heroes, luis elizondo interview, luis elizondo interview 2021, luis elizondo pentagon, luis elizondo pentagon interview, luis elizondo pentagon ufo programme, luis elizondo uap, luis elizondo ufo, luis elizondo ufos, us government ufo interview, us government ufo interview 2021, us government ufo programme, us government ufos
Id: 4yX6ETCKyPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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