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dream about finding you you make me want to sway and you say dance with me not I'm TR true L I don't care about where or when pick a song that never end dance with me not I'm to L close your eyes just move your body living with Auntie Good Times beating ass on her free time don't talk back or get smack y'all sit the hell back life with Auntie yes we are living life with Auntie yes we is behaving life is Auntie living yeah okay life is atie yes we are living like with atie yes we is behaving like with atie yes we is living yes we live in that life with aun it's official your girl finally has a star code so you star Cod are when buying roblo to premium hazy fam quick disclaimer as I enter this new era videos will contain some profanity that may be uncomfortable to some viewers stay strong somebody tell me what we want somebody tell me what is gone somebody show me CU I'm lost I'm ready to Le get l so baby in the in the world in the world world oh we thank you so much girl for taking me last minute you don't know how much I needed this my man is picking me up tomorrow like oh okay it's all right girl I see you at 11 and don't forget to bring your wig I have to bleach your knots okay all right I got you guys thank you so much mhm see you later all right bye oh child got another client period for to make that money all right now wait I don't forgot I got them dang on kids what the hell I'm going to do with them now okay dude I hope you got a dollar because Z like I need the dollar really bad hello zude you in there zude hello anyone home zude open up I know you're in there oh my gosh that better not be dude what the hell is she doing here girl what the hell do you want zude I need another another dollar dude please I know you didn't come all the way to my house early in the morning to ask for no money dude you know I've been craving Takis and some hot Cheetos dude I need some you know what Rosa you know what that's fine listen I'll give you yeah yeah yeah it's fine listen but listen I'll give you some talkies if you can watch the kids with me while I go to my shop zud I don't know how The Babys said zud okay well then your ass just going to be hungry bye Rosa no Z that's fine zooe but if you do anything it's not my fault zud okay uhhuh whatever in case dude well I'll be back in 20 minutes dude okay all right bye better I get my dollar okay we'll see okay let me get these kids up for breakfast all right y'all come on come downstairs I know damn why they hear me come on downstairs oh uhuh I know they ass ain't sleep right now it is 10: in the morning Junior get your butt up come on junior junior junior get your butt up now damn man who are you to be wake me up I don't give a damn just get up come on get up are you my mama apparently I'm not I'm not a handcuffs and I'm not wearing orange so get up that's what I thought get out Junior I ain't going to tell you no more get your ass up so you can eat breakfast let's go all right fam I'mma get it but next time you going to be the one wearing an orange shirt and it's going to be your blood what who the hell you talking to you know what just go downstairs let me get these girls up all right y'all come on get up who is y like that it better not be you who else would it be it's my house I can do what I want now go downstairs you can eat breakfast annaya get up come on come on little girl y are my sister I don't want to wake up anyways I can just take a nap it's not like I'm going anywhere what you mean so you going to be hungry all day you don't want no breakfast yep you know what that's not going to work for me come here get your ass up and I'mma take you downstairs to her but when it come to me you yelling because you're how old you don't know simple English like get up and go downstairs girl that's what I thought let's go come on go downstairs y'all get some breakfast what y'all want to eat I want some Junior get the hell out my fridge you not making nothing get out you got some beans no you're not no you're not eating beans early in the morning get out my fridge too late a okay how about y'all sit down here sit down Ana I'mma make y'all something to eat Junior go sit the hell down so I can cook man what you cooking eating them stink behind beans I I'll figure it out go sit down I don't think she know how to cook and Destiny can you go grab my bag out my office please um for how much money 0 now go get my bag I thought you said we not allowed in there so why well I said she can get okay do y'all want to eat or do you want to Star you know what I'll gladly go get it I'll see what I can grab in there no don't grab nothing out my office little girl bye all right right so y'all want some eggs and uh bacon I can do that as long as it a burnt it's not going to be burnt I know how to cook little boy I want eggs and bacon all right I ain't making no P up your own body and look at your body your little scrawny ass natur yeah natural and scrawny all right let me go ahead and grab these ingredients y'all said y'all want grits and eggs too or bacon eggs whatever it is all right Zary I got your bag or whatever um call me auntie not I saw some stuff in your office it was like this briefcase how like I saw what was inside like what are you hiding I'm not hiding nothing you probably saw some money something y'all not used to um sit down thank you I put in Peri I ate her up didn't n y at her yeah mm all right let me get started on yood something I can think I'm just scared falling don't want to [Music] so got to use my spy trainer I'm sticking tired of her attitude Junior what are you doing I'm getting her a card for what because I'm sticking tired of her attit so I'mma show her who's boss H where's this card magazine here oh got it black card too spy move activated I got a card did you really just steal that lady car she's going to figure it out sooner or later well too bad but I won't snitch if you let me use some off of it well I'm sicking tired of them rooms we got she ain't even put no effort so we just going to have to put our effort in ourselves oh my gosh you're right we can use the card for our rooms I got a few stuff in my Amazon list I can buy that lift up your B I'm going to put the card under it okay okay hurry up all right y'all I just made y'all some organic eggs and bacon child and I put them in little hearts too oh no no no who's eating organic I don't want organic food what's wrong with Organic it's healthier we don't eat that at our house I don't care no healthy what y'all used to eating is old pizza boxes and stuff in that Motel y'all need to get used to this good old cooking now come on come grab some here me get pizza boxes are better than that organic eggs and bacon that's probably not bacon it's probably grass you know what your asses can starve cuz I don't give a damn what y'all eat let me go ahead and take my bag let me make sure I got everything it's okay it's okay you want me to help you put in the car I I can help you why you want to help me you just look so lovely and Prett I feel like today you get you man Junior I can carry my own back thank you no I'mma Be A Gentleman My mama taught me I think I think you should um do my hair yeah what girl I don't got time to do well we're just being nice you know I think she deserves it how about y'all listen y'all be nice if y'all eat my food cuz I worked real hard on it we will we will it tastes Lely sorry they was whispering something about a a card or H what are you talking about uh what happened was I saw your business card and I was like oh you liked it yeah you look good you know i' been working hard on that I was actually thinking about book you wasn't y'all wasn't talking about that y'all was talking about Ana stop it yeah buying some hair from her buying a new hair dude yes oh I'm going to be late okay okay uh come on bring bring the bag to my car come on okay okay let me come on oh hey Rosa hey girl why is this fat blob here again Watch Hey girl different clothes all right um Rosa is gonna watch out for me while I go to my shop with you dang zo you got a BBL here you actually no it's natural I forgot it's natural I got one too I got one too you see you see oh girl anyways Ros is going to watch y'all thank you uh little boy put my bag in my car I don't know well she's going watch hold on zo what zo I'm just saying dude these kids better be good dude because if they bad then I need more than a dollar I mean they're Angels right look at them they're Angels right Angels yeah they're little angels angels okay dud trusting d all right zo [ __ ] me now all right I'll see y'all later move before I hit y' with my car bye Auntie uh bye Z okay you know what bye bye don't destroy my house now where is she at I need my head done so bad and she's not even here like oh my gosh oh she's standing outside oh my gosh oh my gosh girl I'm so sorry I'm late girl it's totally fun I was about to cancel but let's not talk about that oh I'm sorry girl okay let me get my keys come on in girl come on come on oh so much to tell you oh my gosh girl I didn't know your hair was that messed up what happened you got in the fight um something like that oh my gosh okay take a seat let me take my stuff out oh girl you won't believe the day I've had y I had to take my sister kids in it's too much going on right now oh my gosh yes girl okay let me PR my tools and let me go my apron on um so dude what's your Auntie M nasty eggs yeah she organic so she still boring and healthy so like as y can see I don't be eating that good be making some good food zo we can tell how about you get nice and comfortable in the lovely living room and we can get you a nice drink some nice water you know I in here yeah I was about to ask for that Zoo um where dude let me see let me see open the door these are Gan dude she got GIC I don't want that dude yeah that's why we said maybe you want some um some Blue Chips um I'll get or we got some cocktails on on top of thege Zo yeah okay so I'm G get this right here zude and don't say nothing okay can I have some please no dude I'm not gonna get in trouble dude jail who is this that's my pet you know what Destiny how about you take Miss Rosa to Li I get if you miss Rosa okay okay baby um dude hopefully it don't Sak when I lay down I hope it don't either and I hope it don't stink oh I can't fit wait dude do you like give massages okay some of this also some of these pills in my pocket okay dude so like where's the remote oh hey I see like baddies here you go a very nice drink zo that don't look too normal Zoo it's it's okay it's okay it's just a new we got the Platinum you know Auntie is very rich let me C on a nice relaxing TV channel for you yeah that's zo right here so all right so let me just take a test um I'm kind of scared as Z no it's really good trust me I had a license zude it's kind of like it tastes kind of odd zude what do you mean it like has like a little taste to it dude like you want to try it dude come here oh no thank you no thank you okay dude well I'm just going to lay down here dude don't mind me if you need me then just like I don't know don't bother me yeah I won't that not thought what's all this noise why is this why snoring I think she just a little bit tired she literally just had a drink how is she tired you know what start a grown folks business andario y not even grown so where is y'all talking about uh annia do you want a new room yes or no I do want a new room but why did you guys do this like she just drunk just shut up and let's go she loud sometimes I love to hide all right girl I'm done with your glue now let me get you to come over over here and sit down under this dryer real quick so it could dry this girl literally got me in a wig cap and she was light does you what she's doing um are you on the phone I am and what about it okay well you can get out my shop talking about me in front of your friend on the phone okay cuz I'll have you leaving up out of here with just a wig cap on girl anyways yeah okay child let me check on these kids at this house they better not be tearing up my [Music] house me what's that oh go me hey Rosa uh how the kids doing hello Rosa it's me Zori can you hear me oh hey dude what's going on hey um how the kids doing I just hope my house not burnt down uh zo no it's fine I'm still alive um Z but like I don't see them around um what what you don't see them I think they're just playing around zo like don't worry I got her I got her in charge Ros are you sure I can call home fast zude it's okay zude I know I'm like the best bitter dude I know I said I have no experience but I promise dude like just kind on me okay whatever you say Okay Z talk to you later bye all right bye bring me the dollar no I don't have a dollar bye all right Zoo let me go check on these kids um wait wait a that minute what the hell Lord have mercy dude no way kids I I cannot believe this dude I'm going to get in trouble I'm going to get sued I'm going get some gel oh my God okay calm down calm down calm down Rosa I can't wait to buy all this skin care my skin going to be looking so good I want drunk elephant go recipe mm make sure ooh get that IKEA bed frame it's 700 right you're right no I want one Barbie doll set it's only $12 okay I got you I got you I got but you sure you don't want that more expensive like I I want a 9 million uh trophy huh I don't think she got that much money how about we just get you like maybe a $1,000 like you know a Barbie doll a limited one oo I'm going to get me the Jordan 97s well I got to get me a real chain too yeah you need people don't bully you at school talking about your F your chain is fake yeah um I buy me uh let me get a iPhone 15 yeah I need one of those I'm sorry give me one of them iPhone 10 no just get y'all we can just get an iPhone 15 I'm going to give me an iPhone 15 cuz I'm tired of my Android I'm get 14 I don't want to do it that I want an iphone8 oh let me find out dude hey gosh Rosa Rosa where the hell have you guys been I mean over right here here well right now you're seeing M Rosa and you don't want to see M Rosa number one Rosa calm down and you supposed to be sleeping why the hell did I fall as SE so fast what did you guys do to me it's not what I did to you it's what they did to you anay you not you throwing us under the bus now I know I can't trust here I'm getting my cell phone and I'm calling zor tiis and how do I know you guys online you come boxes is it going to be organic uh-huh from Mexico I don't want I don't want organic dude uh um uh no it's come not it's not import it's important not organic I need all the flavors red you got itot Cheetos yes those too yes want and all the chips you want just agree okay y turn d d you're going to see even more Rosa damn chill Rosa you know what okay fine let's go ahead and pick up the boxes come [Music] on fine you'll be fine you'll be fine all right girl leave that wig been on for about like 2 to 3 hours and you should be good okay thank you I guess but my hair like it's going so good like my man W be able to stop me yes now yeah it's cute girl let me just comb it out hold on who why is my phone blowing up what why is my bank sending me notifications hold on girl I got to call my bank I don't like this all right all right I'll be outside all right all right all right oh I don't like this hold on child you have reached Riverside bloxburg bank for FR PRI plus one for espol PR two please press three press four okay hi hello you have reached bloxburg Riverside Bank how may I help you um hi um my account sending me a lot of notifications about money being spent and I haven't been spining it what's your first name um Zary oh yes your card has been used on websites huh yes the packages have actually been used with Express deling and are actually at your household are you sure this is not you with s um no I'm sorry you have the wrong person that is not my account that is not my card so is your address now Crystal laks yes but that's not me spending the money I see a name on this Destiny and junor Destiny and Junior oh um um we there's a misunderstanding um those are my nieces and nephew and um they're spending my money is there way I can get my money back well right now on your card 11,9 oh gosh I'm about to pass out now um we can go ahead and cancel the card right now we can cancel the card stop all purchases okay now for you to get a new card or let or even speak about the refund sadly I don't know if we can do that because it is coming from your card your card was not stolen if You' like we will cancel it and it is an $1 fee to get a new car 11 you know what just cancel my car give me a new one I'm sick of this uh thank you thank you um bye okay you have a nice day our customer these damn kids always doing something where this girl at I got to go They're not going to spend all my money hey girl hey um I got to go home I'll see you tomorrow girl okay okay that's fine um uh I'll I'll give you the money another day yeah uh you better have my damn money now don't scam me uhhuh we'll see I don't know what the hell my bank is talking about but I hope they a't spend all my money I work to damn what the did all these damn boxes come from he taking out my whole living room y hello anybody home hello where's everybody at let me check their room see oh my gosh when did they decorate this room what they get all the money from oh uhuh um destiny whatever y'all name is what shoot what the H doing where did this stuff come from uh BL us Rosa what the hell Rosa we had a deal deal wait no no no get in here get in here now I think Ros is calling me boy get your ass back in this room get in here junior what hold on I got one question where the hell did y'all get all this stuff from God blessed us I told you dropped from heaven from your card what annay an is that why my bank called me no get back in here is that why my bank called me talking about some my car got declined they also put sleeping thingies in her and and and and Miss Rose's drink did you drve shut up you used the card too no I didn't you this is where my money went you got shoes everywhere you bought all these damn shoes with them little ass feet you got all these boxes everywhere you got all these bed and decorations and stuff you got three monitors if I die she dying with me what what the hell okay but look at his bathroom it's nice I want one like this I mean it is kind of nice but why would y'all steal my money and take my damn card yeah you steal her car if you would have noticed that your C was gone you know Auntie right Auntie chees say cheese ain't no cheese give me that damn camera is that why y'all was acting so nice and I tried to leave no nice because aunti when I said they said something about a car an shut up so annoying sometimes I'm I think my mama just came back from jail I gotta go no she ain't back well what you going to do we used to M beating us so go ahead I'll myself now yeah oh oh okay I got something for y'all it's going to be worse than whoopings oh ow ow this hurt so bad fre y'all tripping it's not even that serious this is a good exercise oh really so how y'all liking this punishment horrible I don't like this well y'all said y'all was used to whooping so but yeah you should have just whooped me I never said ji your stink ass boy you ain't Tak a shower before you did this punishment man y'all tripping for real it's not even that hard it's a good exercise oh it's not hard okay how about you give me 2,000 more then no no no bro that a fair they 200 no it's not hard you want to grow your abs you know cuzz you is scrawny you know I am not going to put up with you I don't know what you think you but I am not the one or the two oh so you must want that whooping then bye get your ass back all right z family that was the end of today's video and I hope you guys enjoyed and the question of today is what are your kind of chips I think Rosa likes Takis but let me know in the comments and don't forget to like com subscribe and hit that Bell to notifi when every girl post a video and I love you guys so much of course we love you guys so much bye Zam Bye by Z don't to be I
Channel: Zaryee
Views: 520,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxburg, Roblox, Bloxburgroleplay, Roleplay, Zaryee, Bloxburgfamily, black family, houseshopping, house, house hunting, Moving in, Moving Day, Pregnant, Gender Reveal, Birthday Party, Birthday, Church, Report Cards, toddler, Tornado, thunderstorm, Baby, Twins, Newborn, Preschool, Summer, Pool day, Family Reunion, Hurricane, beach, Beach House, Vacation, back to school, Target, Moving, New House, First day of school, Night Routine, school, Halloween, neighbor, Brookhaven, Break up, Airplane, skin care
Id: 3lyjrFFLUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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