LTTPR | Doors League Async Week 5!

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[Music] yeah should be fun i'm really looking forward to guessing even if i gotta destroy my body for it [Music] worth it [Music] okay so [Music] yeah we don't leave until our flight's at like three four o'clock tomorrow [Music] so we gotta don't want to get up at like the crack of dawn or anything tomorrow yep yes this is a doors week uh sports league week five [Music] um [Music] yeah uh we're doing okay i guess not great week four was better than the rest so we need to keep it up for week five [Music] um so let's do it uh three two one go gotta gotta remember that i can grab bombs right from the beginning since that's been a problem um this is a solid thanks part please get it get out of my way oh hell yeah this seeds free [Music] real though i really need to remember that i can grab bombs immediately because i haven't done that in the last two weeks i think okay so lost woods is trash oh god what's up soon and yeah i don't know if i'm gonna do week six or not it'll really depend on how i feel after we land when i get back um i think i have like i'll have like 12 to 14 hours when i land to actually do week 6. he's town with 13 tracks [Music] oh hell yeah shadow crazy how small the uh the collection rates [Music] bounce monkeys [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] all right so we need a glove um okay [Music] oh hell yeah doesn't suck anymore bless the pokeys in the bomb pack dude oh wow okay so we're just gonna need a glove to advance interesting [Music] very interesting pt 11. [Music] and humble jack cool actually free [Music] i can confidently state four minutes into the seed that this is gonna be the fastest seat i've ever done oh woods and desert [Music] uh we'll come back to that as well desert has 13 things [Music] one shot come on [Music] solid oh hey bro [Music] we got our money [Music] also need a glove for eastern okay [Music] okay there [Music] oh castle pretty big this time [Music] 17. [Music] yeah only 281 checks this time around i will buy another map all the potions are viable in kakariko as well not that i really care about that but neat i guess oh i don't really want to go into here right now without a big key air was pretty small but like guaranteed we can't clear that dungeon right now [Music] lots of dungeons and aqua pack rico as well and we got the thief here oh probably grab that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay good thanks there is lion appreciate it [Music] he's gonna start though okay interesting [Music] more bombs [Music] [Music] okay see if this door is locked i guess [Music] [Music] oh this is the big key door [Music] [Music] okay sure actually very weird lots lots of access early on [Music] funny vt has the floor that was a desert entrance [Music] ice rod cave [Music] uh okay [Music] that that desert entrance required strong fire sores [Music] okay old man's not here then old man is in [Music] sucks [Music] the other dark cave is here [Music] i can't believe old man gets lost in a dark cave and then also just lives [Music] [Music] okay so the right direction there just requires small keys no matter which way you go [Music] okay [Music] oh okay so we don't need the big key for this dungeon anymore at least not for that [Music] i mean you've always been able to randomize it settings for this league are random i'd prefer if they were zero but [Music] okay there's a big chest in here unfortunately do [Music] okay so big key was down down upright that might just lead to the big chest possibly [Music] oh there's another big key over [Music] locked by a small kind of sucks hmm i did save and quit okay gross um i am phenomenal [Music] i had to fill out some like paperwork and [ __ ] today [Music] okay a way to like fill out a bunch of stuff about like vaccination statuses and things like that to make uh customs easier i'd assume [Music] [Music] one [Music] hmm okay this is in here [Music] uh okay i hit you on 40 run your stop dang dude [Music] hopefully nothing [Music] this room in particular just sucks massive bass [Music] uh great now we get to do it all again [Music] it just bomb jumped across wonderful [Music] [Music] is that really a recommendation [Music] and the well is here [Music] all right so the unknowns are gannon and bat ones that uncle one's appeared [Music] now the foodie [Music] do i want the cooling [Music] is this even randomized [Music] yells bland [Music] also you know i can't believe you couldn't stay awake enough to watch chen break the [ __ ] world record unbelievable [Music] what kind of [Music] that's true it was i don't think he skated until after midnight [Music] haven't been around a lot but him back for more it was like after eleven i just can't uh just call me p's thanks for the 14 months i appreciate a lot welcome back [Music] good old west side breeze [Music] nice [Music] hmm interesting thieves town [Music] all right interesting interesting choice for a first message that's just me though i guess he was probably looking for for asian amd i would guess [Music] um see he attracts all the best people uh [Music] love sharing a name with with big [ __ ] content treat [Music] or just kept my name as a neb this would never happen [Music] [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] ooh another desert entrance yes desert entrance number three [Music] alrighty nice carry wow back to back 10 packs [Music] i'm excited to regret not hitting that switch oh [Music] how did that first hammer [Music] um [Music] okay well because of the ice palace room if that's the only other way to progress in in here from this entrance anyways uh i definitely don't want to hit the switch and chains are gone they're sad [Music] good [Music] all righty [Music] [Music] if we if we can find the stairway to the back of the ice palace room [Music] like so um [Music] then desert that one doesn't mention says garbage let's update [Music] but you gotta make it look like you're not you're officially moving on soon oh yeah get a you get a hot new job offer [Music] [Music] i can't believe nate's moving on from minecraft to make roblox [Music] [Music] how nice oh almost died [Music] oh yeah oh i need to be extremely [Music] what extremely careful i just use the potion dude god that's such a [ __ ] long trick bro [Music] thanks for the 690 and the 69. so okay the water bubble that launched i thought was the one from the bottom left corner but it was a different one so i just got [ __ ] [Music] the worst part about that is that's the last [ __ ] chest in this whole section everything else in this whole section of desert is done i had a hook shot we could just hook shot across instead we have to go [ __ ] this way at least i don't need to take damage again in the for this room we're just going straight down this time oh god [Music] okay so two of my three known desert entrances are just done um epr fed [Music] there's the meyer babe okay e house [Music] uh smiths [Music] [Music] yeah i had to yell at myself to make sure i remembered i can pick up bombs right off the bat um there's been a problem in the last like two asyncs i think oh dude okay i thought my tracker's about to crash [Music] okay yeah so this kind of sucks for flute five cave but i like it either be going back to flute 5k if we're going back to eastern entrance both trash so eat the lesser of two evils [Music] interesting [Music] the one overall glitch i wish was just always allowed just clipping into that [ __ ] cave right there dude let me do it [Music] okay so meyer needed a lot of small keys and it had at least two big key chests for big chests so oh i lost my meyer small but one of them i just can't do let's go this way oh i didn't do another slash [Music] it's been a rough season for me [Music] dude what i sword [Music] it's fine we've only wasted like five minutes in the first 33 from dying [Music] that's not the hammer [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] all right time to explore one of the six dungeons [Music] uh swt dog thanks for 20 months [Music] dude the ice woof [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay i need a big key for this [Music] i really don't want to use my one [ __ ] small key already oh that's actually uh that's fine as long as i don't take damage in the next room [Music] [Music] all right [ __ ] it all right see ya [Music] i love it dude [Music] never died in my life [Music] uh [Music] all right am i going to be exploring any of these dungeons in kakariko i don't actually know no [Music] blue um [Music] hello [Music] how are you [Music] in my pocket [Music] wait i don't have a big key [Music] uh the goal is to get seven crystals and kill gannon [Music] all right we need to go let's say random all the items are in different places this also randomizes all the dungeons the doors are random um random which dungeons have crystals and which ones have pendants um you know two of the crystals and one of the pendants at the moment hell yeah [Music] i'm gonna just laid out a fab um yeah more like a puzzle uh keeps the vanilla game ooh game fresh this is different every time big thing we're looking for in this dungeon is finding a way to the drop down chests perfect that's helped mimic clipping [Music] that was play time uh essentially it's like one frame you move the mimics one frame into the wall and then the very next frame you need to hold up or down so they don't pop out [Music] relatively simple um not super easy [Music] okay there's the hair big [Music] we already got the one chest that's the for the one thing from the pond past that room so a reason to continue there okay there's one of the items behind that lock e for that locked door iron torches i don't want to accidentally open a door okay full woods is right there we saw this already um i need to go down here still oh this is an entrance okay that's fine [Music] a desert [Music] why yes i will buy 300 for two thank you not too uh interested in bunny walking at the moment [Music] huh uh where am i going [Music] um i can advance in thieves town and in eastern now [Music] i almost dashed up in there to pick up the pot dude not gonna lie very close to happening [Music] yeah cape's always nice to have [Music] if we ever end up at the top of hyrule castle or find bumper entrance love to see the cape [Music] then watching the adventures of kisses in its quest to scratch the irresistible itch does kisses get to make it to the next season why would i spoil the ending for you thanks for the 10 months painting arrow was locked by flippers so we can't touch that yet i'm just going to go straight back to eastern even though it's fire locked got two guaranteed items that we know about already and uh i don't have thieves town big key yet so there's already stuff i can't get in peace down uh i don't think so i'll have to check it out [Music] oh god they have a lot of big keys already i do need to beat gt at some point [Music] and we have a small key door don't care about we do care about that one those we're going to be done here after this [Music] um [Music] and early's glove makes me feel a lot better just going to check entrances and stuff i need to make sure that i go north [Music] and right and eastern with that small key i don't want to [ __ ] waste that [ __ ] [Music] okay we need a small keys galore to do anything else in here [Music] [Music] okay well there's one of them of course [Music] hmm [Music] oh god uh like a tower [Music] or they want to use this monkey there just yet why did i jump down [Music] uh yes exactly correct allen not all dungeons have big keys either there's no way to really know that until later fine [Music] [Music] better get to what for gt monkeys no this one all the small key everything on the tractor is automatically tracked though this is not correct big keys no there's only one big keeper dungeon if it has one i got a castle tower big key that's what the uh gold lines around v8 are for this dungeon doesn't normally have a big key but because it has a big chest somewhere it does [Music] [Music] oh all right looks another small key like that [Music] you know you're a good calendar [Music] good [Music] and another small key his dungeon's kinda big you guys [Music] we've saved multiple small key doors already though i don't know how the pegs are oriented currently [Music] [Music] uh [Music] holy [ __ ] dude [Music] [Music] there's still the one item that i skipped for maybe finding a hook shot there's two small key doors here okay oh god you know what whatever let's just kill him we need samaria via left desert hub font left desert uh top left fire i samari is out of logic so [Music] i think that means my pearls out of logic uh yes you you may be you maybe have to kill again one to get access to the lumberjack drop down we've already found the chests that are at the lumberjack drop down [Music] um ice palace and has eight things four of them are just right there so very small then [Music] yikes dude [Music] okay let's go to a pot area um that way i can mirror the flute 5 cave and stop worrying about it the real boots mario's out of logic because it was in the eastern palace that started with dark rooms so we need the lamp have some mario we need some mario to have one pearl [Music] [Music] i can get back to this area relatively quickly so i'm not too worried at the moment especially checking a 14 check swamp just uh [Music] just one small key my name knowing that there's big key doors in there um i'd rather not just put it off for now don't forget the mirror [Music] i mean dark rooms are always out of logic without some sort of fire source [Music] and like you know the grand scheme of things logic doesn't matter too much like in your more general seeds you know doing dark rooms and stuff out of logic doesn't matter as much but fire sources are significantly more important in a mode like this you know various rooms that you need the light torches to get through or just like not wasting 30 seconds in a random dark room you stumble into um uh fire does not give you dark room access in this mode in any entrance mode uh fire rod does not give you dark room passing logically [Music] oh this is gonna put me on the pyramid it's okay [Music] uh nice red boomerang even those torches yes even the rooms with torches let's go save old man yeah entrance entrance shuffle doesn't really have advanced logic [Music] so even like your cross keys dark cross is always locked by the lamp stuff like that [Music] okay okay [Music] yeah we'll do this out of logic because old man saving quit is very powerful [Music] there's a lot of i mean doing your basic rando you don't need to know too much information but as you as you start adding more more settings that are randomized you start needing to have more of a baseline knowledge to do them potentially at all maybe just do them like decently but uh [Music] yeah for a seat like this it's definitely significantly more complicated than your average rando seed [Music] [Music] [Music] wow is this even randomized [Music] okay how did i get the paradox from brother connector which was at smith house we have the mirror and the pearl now so i can do the shop and stuff down there um that's a lot of items 10 items in total [Music] um we don't have hook shot or we do have real boots though if i can hover today [Music] okay so now now i care less about the lamp logic because we actually do have a fire source now [Music] [Music] wow boy can hover today [Music] okay this actually takes me straight to paradox so i'm okay with it [Music] one crystal all right hi chris um that's dead [Music] pipe cave that's so much happened [Music] um i don't remember the high rollins actually i needed my boots which may have been hammer locked possible um the [ __ ] was i doing paradox uh we found book cave and hype cave then hook cave took me up there [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] be [Music] hmm i've had to track so much [ __ ] in the last like four minutes feeling okay for uh getting through i haven't i haven't done the business yet but we're feeling alright [Music] [Music] and we're not gonna do [Music] i'm the grass man [Music] um um [Music] we're not gonna do ice rod cave because i can just do that with dark our guys are cave same time [Music] okay i've done a lot of shops already dude having normal darkfield access already is super nice [Music] ah [Music] this really sucks i um i don't know if i should actually take this or not but [Music] uh okay i'm sure [Music] what i'm just doing this now i forgot to do the bomb cave just doing this now so i can do the light world version not do it earlier i just remember to walk in the cave this time let's go [Music] came back to super bunny [Music] [Music] i have an empty bottle oh yes i love three text boxes all right pyramid fairies done i did find social as well powder bat was at uncle [Music] hey is uh okay um got these entrances to do [Music] oh i found that already we don't need to take that connector uh picking between one and ten of three [Music] sorry that's crazy [Music] play play wait [Music] uh yo goku ran with the 33 33. thank you so much it's incredibly kind does that happen when i look on bonus wow [Music] what what are you licking all right well spiral cave there i picked three because you wrote free and binary not a chance [Music] do subliminal message no i don't know binary dude [Music] i would not have been able to tell you that that was in binary or you just said something [Music] so no not about you [Music] [Applause] yes like i said we're not the reason i think [Music] no it's hard to take take that as an answer hmm see where the back of old man goes [Music] okay we did not talk to him i suppose [Music] um i could go to hair now i should also check my light world map at some point i have eastern inhere maps okay [Music] [Music] don't really need any more money uh ninja troller thanks to the 19 months [Music] we're doing well dude i haven't seen i haven't seen this in hyrule castle oh [ __ ] now i gotta go through this log room again [Music] okay i'm down to do this [Music] uh he knocks die to other he knocks his bombs i believe but not their own [Music] i know i know he knocks this can kill other enemies with their bombs but i'm not entirely sure about like what exactly their bombs can and can't do slugs that i don't know enoch's bombs cannot break walls [Music] there's one more item in here and it's down here so you're done with hyrule cast that's also all of the hyrule castle nice you don't need to worry about having to use it as a connector or some [ __ ] um let's see how i'm feeling afterwards but i'd still have to pack and stuff so but probably just this if i had to guess enjoy your vacation [Music] my okay i think we have everything in this dungeon as well um we know about a chest i'm pretty sure um the misery meyer bridge chest we can hook shot um [Music] we have more swamp small so i feel more comfortable going there now that's enemy has the mob [Music] brewery [Music] oh oh dude this is not where i wanted to be excuse me [Music] [Music] get out of here [Music] okay so [Music] we have like all of the north park world stuff to do so i'm a south park world as well uh i do want to activate my flute i haven't touched skull woods yet we know there's a skull woods entrance south catrica that i didn't go into because i uh eat again one instead i'm winning trying [Music] please please doing all right though be worse what a pretty decent spot key wise big uis item wise [Music] things too huh [Music] few more shops i believe i really enjoyed the uh six dungeons that are in kakariko [Music] i also loved immediately getting locked out of three of them pretty much my first uh pendant and crystal okay do i have any other information holy [ __ ] yes i do uh swamp ice pod tr what the [ __ ] uh swamp ice pod tr okay well we have more information i guess um jesus christ [Music] okay so i definitely need ice rod this is a connector um wait oh i guess this house is also fenced in but i guess it means the other fenced in house you know i um [Music] i can probably be a hair right now it's when you we need hook shot as well okay oh i knew this was here um the hook shot ice rod are the two things that i definitely need this is the connector take me to turtle rock ledge [Music] okay [Music] that wasn't it but like honestly that that kind of just like evens things out now i don't need to mirror to do that entrance so like it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things i do still need to mirror and do uh king's tune though it was a ledge not turtle rock ledge [Music] oh come on didn't react fast enough [Music] i have two red potions and a blue potion i need this fairy i should retire so uh meyer shed [Music] missing mini moldorm spike cave hammer bay hammer [Music] here's one of them oh i did walk up here yup there's a reason that that entrance was you know marked crazy all right so i'll have all the south dark world to do except for like near bombshop i really should start doing dungeons now though because we definitely can beat some of them i haven't found pod yet um that's the big one i guess i haven't found turtle rock yet either actually pod and turtle rock [Music] this might be like my least favorite dungeon opening just i'm literally never ready for that room ever [Music] of course you drop the theory [ __ ] head okay give me that i don't like that i only have one small key well [Music] find things totally [Music] [Music] another direction to go yes i only went to the right [Music] do [Music] oh dude instantly come on i didn't even have time to try and leave [Music] i can stairwell [Music] okay there's only two unknown things no there's no unknown things left wait we have no there's one unknown thing left because there's the there's the trap room two things near the boss and then one more thing this is also okay oh come on bro [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] whew go go grant i think that 1337 [Music] perfect don't be a locked door [Music] [Music] uh uh thank you so much i appreciate you [Music] i don't like any of this dude what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] okay uh yeah [ __ ] that that should be the entrance that's south of kakariko that i never went in so we can have that small key back and get the item get [ __ ] [Music] um i will go get we're probably gonna need that if i had to guess ice palace is a small enough dungeon that i feel like it would just be in my way you know like a big key thing so was i right you bet i was the question is do i want to use the small key on the north port [Music] [ __ ] come on bro hello oh no dude i don't like this uh no hello is it working my monitor is not on my controller's not even working dude well uh that's gonna lose us all of our data though well it's not wait how um i'm extremely confused [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is the last unknown thing there's literally no reason why i should have had my save file [Music] [Music] hell yeah saves gum in the small key was worth it who cares if we did it twice and the save file saved on the sd card yes normally but because this is using msu one the msu-1 takes too much power for the save file to be handled properly or normally compared to a normal seed do it for aim do it i need to look at wall live because i tagged in it like a while ago because i may have already seen it just not responded [Music] oh literally right now i'll take a look at it when i'm done if you're not using msu one just saving your game will [Music] will uh will save but with msu one generally you need to [Music] power cycle the cartridge by holding down the reset button to like send it in the sds back that apply to emulators as well i don't believe so but i don't actually know [Music] i've never used msu on with emulator [Music] my emulator knowledge is very very limited i never use them [Music] so if you're on a nasty dismas and you want to save a seed for later make sure you hold down that button legitimately i have no idea why maybe it's because i like hit my reset button and then the the game didn't like come back on maybe that saved the file odd uh but i i have no idea well yeah but i had already turned my console off and back on which wouldn't save it like turning the console off you just lose your file [Music] possibly it's [Music] that's a miracle okay [Music] [Laughter] uh thank you filing uh minimizer frost pot sanity win what we did yesterday and the day before that [Music] if eileen's actually not allowed to chat unless he's roasting zebra [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah hmm [Music] you did that okay so there's a chance i'm in go mode i just need to find pod [Music] so you're saying there's a chance [Music] [Music] oh i actually haven't even i haven't even found any turtle rock entrances yet i probably shouldn't be uh excited just yet i still need to find pod as well [Music] we definitely also know there's definitely a big key for this dungeon also eight small games okay i think the chance of being in go mode is gone we'll see [Music] [Music] okay that's one saved [Music] [Music] um yeah that's another small keys [Music] i don't want to go that way yet actually [Music] okay i'm just kidding yes i do [Music] [Music] all right i don't know why i thought i had scores [Music] oh right okay [Music] all right let's go this way instead if i need a small key for this door is he not cool [Music] [Music] what oh god i don't know what my pegs are looking like right now please don't be a door [Music] dude okay it's open good oh [Music] oh no [Music] do [Music] okay um okay so pretty decent chance i'm gonna need the big key for this dungeon [Music] although okay [Music] [Music] oh it's oh [ __ ] [Music] and gone [Music] do [Music] nice panel is only having one small key at the moment is also kind of uh [Music] perfect thanks video game [Music] i didn't know that was him yeah odd big would be nice more pot smalls more ice smalls we should be able to beat this dungeon not necessarily from here but we have the big in all this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay not bad [Music] hmm okay we do have a split here the other small key door okay [Music] what are the other entrances to turtle rock if we have 11 of 14 things from this one engine [Music] this might be an entrance [Music] oh very nice okay and pod is here even better okay so we're missing two small keys for this dungeon it's small though hopefully we can get around it [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] that's one small key save that's very good [Music] [Music] eh [Music] [Music] okay find a peg switch i can go down without using a small key that's not good [Music] oh i don't actually know where a peg switch is so okay that's actually fine there's a peg switch in this [ __ ] nice palace room just a couple rooms this way oh okay i guess let's go this way for now knowing that i can save two small keys uh is also really really good nice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] for this boss though [Music] oh god damn it i knew i should have kept the blue pegs down okay that's fine that's the only other path in this dungeon i'm pretty sure so boss has to be that way just have to go back and hit the switch knew i should have kept the blues down [Music] hey hmm long way whole reason i needed to hit this palace [Music] [Music] i do need to beat gt as well i need to hit the button wow [Music] yeah these palestines are on the same tile oh okay so this dungeon is cleared [Music] more entrances to do here um that's a grown-up god dang it finally how did you pass the grown-up test if you die to that boss sometimes truly mind-boggling [Music] i'm gonna do the mini moldorm cave [Music] entrance while i'm here roll [Music] i got a hint about hammer pegs being a bounty of five items that's the last bounty five items left um just in case it's got ice smalls [Music] so [Music] nope what's left for go mode i don't know to be determined [Music] need to be able to beat turtle rock i need to be able to beat ice palace and i need to beat gt [Music] okay one [Music] wait oh [Music] [Music] okay um we just go straight to ice palace here [Music] i think it's ethical to farm pugs [Music] is this like a did you get your dog from a breeder question [Music] as long as they're only used for love oh this is bad [Music] just give me the boss dude right here i burying ethnically you copy i'm sorry please forgive me [Music] okay last question is gt [Music] [Music] any clue where gt is uh yes [Music] that is not me or that is the mirror but i didn't want them [Music] um [Music] holsters hmm bro [Music] hmm all i need to do is find again two and i bet it's gonna be this way [Music] [Music] this game this game doesn't lag too often visibly but that is one of the rooms that lags every time that miri it's even worse if you uh shuffle all the enemies that room is like unplayable if you have enemizer on all right come on give me ag i get to let's go rainbow pug uh if the emulator is good oops it should lag the same on emulator as possible some emulators are bad and uh they generally aren't allowed for competitive things like snes9x's is uh is uh you know probably the main one that people use it's not super resource intensive and it's uh slightly slower than console actually and emulates lag the best bartloma this nest runs at a slightly higher frame rate than the emulators as well [Music] all right [Music] okay that's this runs at a 60.01 frames per second emulators generally run at 59.94 some emulators run at 260. um [Music] i'm sure some are not like the actual native snazz rate as well i'm just not super um familiar with emulators very very much the super nts have a they have a mode where it'll run at this nest rate but it'll have occasional screen tearing uh other than that they run it [Music] a little too far away [Music] good time though definitely my best time of the league so far i need to find out if i put lock in the dumpster or not [Music] what's my monitor deal with it jesus [Music] wow rude why is nintendo so bad at emulating their own stuff um because they they no longer work with the dude who made the wii u or the the wii u emulation stuff [Music] um the person who made all like the the uh like specifically the n64 n64 on the wii is really [ __ ] good then they just uh started working with other people to make like the wii u shop and the switch n64 stuff and it's just not not good comparatively um [Music] so yeah wii u is so [ __ ] bad i remember i bought i bought dk 64 on the wii u e shop and i played it literally one time i couldn't handle it it was so bad that story real yeah i think nintendo like hired people who made emulators to make the wii vc and then they stopped working with them for wii u vc and very clearly the switch n64 release hello forum nickname a d what was my time 210.41 did i take any breaks nope what was my go mode item um was it ice rod i think ice dry was my go mode oh the ice mall actually that was just on the way in turtle rock which i ended up needing that second one oh collection rate 194. all right let's take a look uh oh hell yeah i think we're actually first place right now um wow dude i might have just saved my playoffs with this one this week i get to win by 20 minutes oh god um yeah lag time so the way lag time is calculated in this um like within the rom itself is anytime the game is not running at 60 frames per second it adds to the clock and that includes like screen transitions um like the time you don't have input in menus um and then obviously like when the game actually does lag um [Music] that includes a lot of stuff it's usually a pretty high number no matter what um yeah nearly had to forfeit i still have no [ __ ] idea how how my save file saved i legitimately have no idea [Music] lots of fire on go modes is really interesting [Music] oh okay um yeah we're still kind of feeling meh today um i'm probably just gonna cut stream i still gotta pack uh it's gonna be the last stream from here at least uh i will be in europe from the 9th until the 20th 11 days um there is a chance that i stream a couple times from esa winter uh they will have streaming setups for us oh wait hold on i forgot i promised zebra i would look at this thing [Music] um [Music] what [Music] [Applause] oh god [Music] have a nice flight all right hold on save image hold on i'll show these on stream dude i even i even saw i think i saw this this movie poster on twitter today so it's really funny that i'm just seeing it again um hold on okay so yeah as you guys see i i have an andy commandy emote all right me and me as as buzz lightyear yeah okay we're all we're all up to speed image so um so some good friends of mine you know made made some movie posters for me since you know i've got a hit movie coming out pretty soon um uh so here's here's one of them and then obviously the the other one is actually way better i really like the other one b1 v1 was a little rushed v2 though v2 though look at that handsome man dude [Laughter] me too got 12 minutes of my time worth it dude all right anyways um yeah we're gonna we're gonna call it um probably at least one stream from esa because i think that'd be really fun to do um yeah we're going to barcelona for a couple days um and then going to sweden for esa so um my run is currently slated for like 10 p.m eastern time on wednesday or on thursday um so i'm gonna be [ __ ] exhausted for that uh because that's like four a.m uh sweden time um yeah we'll be it will be in malmo um but yeah thanks for watching gamers um we'll see you at least a little bit uh in sweden um follow me on twitter and insta i guess i don't post on insta too much but i'll i'll try to post a bunch of a bunch of pictures on instagram um i'm really excited to go though yeah i mean we're flying into copenhagen and copenhagen's also removed their um their need for testing like before if we wanted to go into copenhagen we were gonna have to like get tested um but we don't have to anywhere also the day we land in spain is the day that they're removing their masks required for outdoor uh outdoor out mass required outdoors uh mandate we don't have to warm us while we walk around in spain anymore either um but yeah it should be fun so yeah follow me on all the social medias um i'll play an ad hold on 30 second ad we'll find someone to raid multi gamers uh pope squidward my homie is doing a majora's mask randomizer because he recently got the any percent no major glitches recorded in majora's mask but now he doesn't know what the [ __ ] to do with his life so he's doing much worse mask randomizers um go check him out uh thanks for watching gamers i'm glad we finally put up a [ __ ] good time um in one of these seeds uh hopefully i get to just skip week six because i really don't want to do week six super jet lagged i could maybe do it while i'm in sweden actually but that sounds like a pain in the [ __ ] ass so uh probably not but we'll see anyways thanks for watching gamers i will see y'all later have a nice night guys bye
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 6,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alttp, criss, cross, crosskeys, door, dungeon, entrance, games, keysanity, lttp, lttpr, rando, randomizer, twitch, zelda
Id: LlkP-3G7hZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 22sec (8602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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