LTTPR | CrossKeys Tournament Round 2 vs Bonta

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[Music] it is pouring uh here we are for uh i need to turn my alerts off i forgot [Music] to turn my alerts off [Music] never worked for me [Music] i just need to do it while i'm also playing the video game i don't like that at all uh all right [Music] all right uh we got cross keys swiss stage round two against bonte hooray cool [Music] lower right there wow a wall [Music] uh [Music] money time oh god hope you're all having a good uh good friday it's a pretty chill day for us we're not to lunch [Music] uh a brewery got a steak sandwich and some beers and then we took a nap it's been my day so far friday today's saturday uh yeah [Music] don't worry about it meyer [ __ ] [Music] nice big okay [Music] i went to topgolf last night for our neighbor's birthday turn 40 a lot of fun [Music] two bottles of champagne i think i don't know they went hard yesterday dude thank you okay pretty standard early cross he's routing i'm a little worried about that old man saving quit uh sanctuary saving quit is not favorable um then we're movement's gonna be pretty gross this seed that ends up being the case [Music] having ice panels big key and already knowing rice palace is is very much not what i want um there's that [Music] okay library with samaria no saying it's not the best thing but it's also not the worst i don't know why i wanted that hurt [Music] nice give me all the bombs please why did you do that mr crab okay lady house here [Music] okay sure whatever all right we're coming back here when we get a we get a moon pearl huh [Music] that was a fairy dark world dm top rights [Music] top right and bottom right uh it's also good to know that that's there now i suppose um because like a mirror that'll be something i want to do relatively quickly [Music] vanilla lumberjack okay don't need to kill like it too always a nice thin rag one was nice [Music] mrs and meyer was up there and in the woods [Music] oh we're just going to throw the bomb here so i don't really want to take that [Music] yeah um if you don't know the way if you don't know how swiss style uh tournaments work uh i believe there's going to be eight runs of swiss for this tournament so uh what that means uh is that everyone who is in the tournament if they choose can play eight rounds um you will always play people of the same record as you so i lost my first week's match so i was on one banta also lost his first week's match so he was on one um you will never play somebody that does not have the same record as you um so uh because of that uh the next round cannot happen until all of the previous rounds matches are done that way everyone's records you know update and all that stuff [Music] power key and a glove that's nice [Music] back upper with a potion oh let's leave that for now [Music] what [Music] [Music] oh [Music] early is always nice [Music] the glove is also always nice uh we do kind of have to double back to uh death mountain ascent cave we've walked by three times now we'll be walking to it for a third time uh but that's okay [Music] i'm more inclined to go to hyrule castle now that we have a sword uh and a glove as well both of those things are very nice smith hole is the thief with nothing okay so what are we missing we're missing bats and trash drop so ideally we want bath at uncle [Music] that was nice [Music] ice mask arabic is always nice [Music] oh that was a big part of the ramp uh what i say nice palace yes that is what i said all right where are we okay [Music] we're gonna do shovel here [Music] [Music] boom [Music] early eastern huh and that's death mountain i wanted a death mountain out of logic right now [Music] you want to do harold castle let's do death man that logic out of the saving quit points really that good but bank of old man can be [Music] solid [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] without taking damage that's crazy [Music] okay um see all this is potentially analogic we don't really know yet um i don't know if like you know hyrule castle connector is going to be here or like the other paradox connector um so we don't really know how do we see these entrances we also can't rule out hera i also need to not die here we got very lucky god cave excuse me um yeah so as as far as we know for now uh it's either flute or lamp gets us this logic flute lamp premiere actually gets us this logic for sure because we already have a way to the to uh the top of dark world death mountain [Music] hmm i'm gonna die if i didn't die in here it was pretty likely i was just gonna die trying to the dark room [Music] this one [Music] solid [Music] i could save and quit from here but i think i'm gonna do the dark worlds caves here okay so yeah you know because we don't have access here entrance we can't really know whether this is in logic or not we've got a fire rod and a skull big which is always nice to have out of this so it could be worse i could actually go beat could have gone uh no i just go with smokey so we can't beat sports yet but ugh wow sea house all right let's go through the back of a man cage and see where it goes [Music] all right so we have three chest entrances on dark well death mountain after this we're gonna do back to escape real quick okay we have pretty nice dark world access everywhere [Music] [Music] whoops damn that's unfortunate [Music] uh at least we didn't wander around in the dark world so that's a plus in terms of like going into like you know we did find paradox lower towards the village of outcasts or you know that house uh near darpa link's house with the bank of old man so it's nice that we didn't you know waste more time doing bunny stuff that way [Music] um okay of course it's a connector dude plan was if this was nothing i was just going to go back into the old lady house to the top of the dark left mountain check the entrance we have two chest entrances right there um it's probably faster for me to walk into this cave than it is to save and quit again so the only really unfortunate thing about that is the sea house really because i really don't want to go back there um until i have the ability to do more stuff then oh man yeah seahouse is going to be a problem [Music] at the very least i will have a reason to come back here when i get mirror i guess so like you know they're you know it's not like the uh oh okay okay the fairy come on small hmm [Music] the fairy united chess game oh this is weird i don't really like it honestly [Music] this will be okay though i kind of like this routing a little bit um that's too many pixels i don't know when did i start buffering that i never select buffer that and i shouldn't gross [Music] what [Music] wow there's magic in one of these i maybe there's not i was gonna go out and go back in and get two magic jars but that way i wouldn't want to have to waste another bomb there's one there we're not getting that a second time though so gotta make do our bomb counts fine as well we're not really too worried about bombs [Music] you want a little bit more like you know we have the fire rod i would really like magic until we get boots uh we're done with turtle rock until we find uh laser inventions i forgot about that magic dude i'm an idiot [Music] [Music] wow [Music] all right four things in turn rock done we're gonna finish up hyrule castle here [Music] and see where it takes me [Music] [Music] good thing about putting this that sucks uh good thing about putting this off is that i have firearm for it so getting the dark chest is gonna be a little bit quicker uh not by much but it will be quicker um our castle will be done here [Music] okay so everything uh this far into the dungeon is locked by the cast for the hyrule castle small key anything past the first chest in here is locked by pyro castle small [Music] four five six seven [Music] two myers smalls locked by a hybrid castle small so that means a lot of the hyrule castle smalls a lot of the stuff in meyer is gonna be locked by that ah there's still a bunch of stuff that's locked by basically nothing in meyer including the boss um but like left side essentially will be locked [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh it's also way easier to die if you have lights on [Music] [Music] [Music] well now's a good time as any since we came back here against our will um you do you see house it's also a very very nice entrance to have dead all right so checking this with that one didn't end up hurting me that badly which is very good [Music] mm-hmm [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna actually apparently uh bonda's stream went down so i'm offering up streams audio if they need it which would require me to mute my microphone so i'm waiting to see if they need [Music] anyways okay big whole bunch of nothing over here [Music] all right so we do have an act we have we do have logical dark with access via that paradox connector so coming this way is not necessarily out of logic since we have access to this area logically let's just fast and walk into kakariko [Music] okay [Music] wow [Music] [Music] all right now we're done in turtle rock until we get smarter which means until we get boots nice get out of here please die okay neither i think neither um they are fine [Music] doo doo doo i do want to get this bottle i don't really want to check this connector right now hmm do i want to check this connector right now [Music] yes fine whatever i can always just take paradox to village of outcast instead and then work my way down to the rest of the stuff ouches [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] okay so now i want to go to hyrule castle just in case that's magic bath [Music] oh man you have a lot of solid items already which is very nice i would like a little more movement fluter boots would be very very nice considering our uh saving quick points aren't the greatest [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] please excuse me thank you [Music] not [Music] okay i'm gonna go out paradox upper in this trip uh as far as we know [Music] uh this fire rod is still out of logic and the skull big [Music] yeah i'm gonna check a product's upper here just to have like this one of the last connectors that i know about uh that i can do right now um [Music] it's a nice entrance to be dead but i really didn't want i didn't want to get put into a uh no coming back scenario right there um yeah the only connectors i can do the only other connector i can do right now is hook shot cave which should be going back to dark death mountain um there is the paradox oh i actually could have knocked your knocks that bumper camera could i had cape um so that's fine that's where we'll we'll end our dark trip pretty much i think since i've done everything else there i do have the bow now which i guess i had them both in as well but uh i could fake flipper to darkhold shopping mall as well then also fake flipper to like catfish dark witch pyramid pod area but [Music] i think kelsey's looking through bonds to plays uh to play next week while we're gone and uh i think we just found the baby juno video really need money zora is in logic but i don't really need money right now i'm going to go this way because i don't want to deal with the bird right off the bat or but i don't want to deal with both birds i should say or if i go this way this meyer and pod okay i have either of the meyer pod maps [Music] it's so rare [Music] coffee ground uh it's we're gonna come into skull woods area with fire on already little sketchy but it worked out [Music] okay should be the only rock small i need for anything in there so that's very good [Music] i snagged the smokey hey [Music] i'm stupid oh god [Music] please don't spit me out somewhere i can't come back pretty please take me to my area or something okay that's fine it's another miss entrance that's done [Music] okay only one small key there's a little bit of an issue here with one small key there is the guaranteed chest small key oh man this kind of sucks [Music] like ideally i use it on that door okay that's good go beat ice palace [Music] we are fine i'm just being stupid i just need to make sure i go grab that small key okay [Music] okay doesn't matter i just need to make sure that i don't die before i get this key [Music] here so one two three four five six seven or seven out of eight here [Music] yeah having hammers very nice [Music] obviously we have more dark blue access now um i'm not entirely sure if that's going to be faster than saving putting old managers walking through the back um to get into like essentially the same location hit the wall [Music] small [Music] [Music] hmm all right so i can beat ice palace i can beat skull woods uh i don't know what i'm doing i don't know how i want to do this like i don't know what the best way to do weld entrances is mostly because this hammer house is awkwardly placed oh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh my god beautifully timed desert small team dude gotta be kidding me what the [ __ ] god this sucks this is trash [Music] [Music] okay so very obviously you do super bunny here instead of spiral right because it's two items to one but on the flip side i could do spiral first knowing i'm way more likely to come back for super bunny connector than i am spiral oh we're just going to get trapped checking a desert connector that's also a viable option [ __ ] okay [Music] uh chicken house there [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh how do i want to do this [Music] hey we haven't done this in the light world yet either so this would be very obvious choice to just get all six of these entrances done very very quickly [Music] and go to pod area from here you can mirror to do ice palace and we can go to pyramid it's very efficient i suppose thank you i love you that is very nice [Music] all right well now getting back to dark uh or village of outcast isn't terrible because i just flew to three we would have to go around two separate times to go there to do uh super bunny and spiral which kind of sucks but [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my hand is so sore from topgolf yesterday ripping a golf club tightly i suppose not a muscle that my hands have anymore after you know years of playing baseball and softball having not done that in regularly anyways uh in like seven years six years so my fingers are a little bit i'll try this again you don't idiot [Music] please i'm scared [Music] wanna meet her after this oh hell yeah let's go [Music] there's also a crystal can take off hera okay with flute i don't really care about going to pot area uh because i have i have a flute now i can just flute define whatever the hell i want [Music] [Music] i mean it is something i'm going to do very soon but probably not before eastern and activating my flutes [Music] okay so the only maps i have are desert nice palace right now um crystal doesn't matter if i look it or not because i'd be looking at it after eastern anyways uh before when i had desert and hero obviously uh as maps i was kind of waiting for either the eastern map or the ability to beat eastern to be something that i'm probably going to do anyways [Music] this is also locked by the flipper the boss is locked by the flippers technically uh everything else is not so uh we are definitely just gonna come in here and full clear i hope it's a crystal [Music] my flippers could be in here for all we know [Music] other pond smells very nice [Music] i think that's four actually i think we found another one i didn't market pretty sure it's four i'll haven't found it yet but uh i will definitely take a look at that um i haven't found gt and i'm from pod um and i'm still missing i have to remember to actually activate my flute after this [Music] okay so nothing else in here is in logic right now because the big key is not in logic it's flipper locked [Music] so if we get anything important in here i will know that it's flipper locked [Music] the flute also being flipper locked is important [Music] although our mirror was in logic so we do have access to the fire rod and castle tower probably go back and do that soon honestly i can do hair entrance easily [Music] okay that's good we did that so even if this is a pendant that is good for me um all the desert entrances are pretty trash [Music] desert left is the best destinations for me actually so it actually won't be that bad to get i forgot the menu [Music] me [Music] hmm okay so what i want to do next [Music] we have wow that ended up being really nice [Music] nice okay so i know five crystals [Music] i can beat skull and ice right now as well [Music] [Music] oh maybe i go do that right now just to get those two out of the way it's worse we can get here whenever yeah let's do it whatever spike cave isn't logic for me as well it's a hyrule castle entrance i can do that when i go to pyramid [Music] oh very nice very nice [Music] rock map good [Music] on big that's where thieves town is [Music] okay right now for maybe con i don't know i'm probably gonna do skull woods either way it's very quick with a flute we also i need to flute to one anyways the sick kid we're gonna do that immediately after [Music] this [Music] [Music] that's like all of the buyers small keys in logic [Music] [Music] wow [Music] don't grab me [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] dude okay so [Music] it's turtle rock nice palace maps [Music] so i need boots for sure [Music] both are pendants okay all right so finding sahaja will give me my information [Music] bunny okay definitely need boots [Music] uh definitely need meyer big it's the only guaranteed stuff i guess because boots lead to mario that's why i need them damn this really sucks i didn't want this i wanted to come here with the mirror later uh super bunny lowers right there this is king's tomb [Music] now i'm less inclined to come go see the pyramid is why this is bad it's like really not bad it just means i'm less likely to go to the pyramid for the pyramid item um [Music] okay there's my info [Music] leaving spike cave there to make me want to go back there more these towns the green pen okay so all right so now i need flips i need hook boots flips hook mire big it's my go mode and to find pod and find desert back [Music] uh [Music] okay no i was thinking in my head what this is vanilla pod yes we have four small keys very good [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] oh hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] no fifth pawn small let's go dude being able to full clear pond with it being a crystal in your first pod visit in a cross key seed chef's kiss [Music] [Music] ugh i didn't really want to find the harrison mall ever [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] okay [Music] i three want to see something stupid [Music] instead of picking up the heart pots i'm gonna use this red potion to give myself [Music] [Music] is [Music] ugh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] that about mirroring and fluting to five again [Music] [Music] want to stay high there when you're walking from the right there snapdragon moves upright instead of downright full fun speed we are running out of entrances there is the hook shot cave connector i can go through there's also a handful more like what that mountain i can do [Music] [Music] it's 12 minutes out dark world of all either and there's a connector there i can do well [Music] okay i did find mammoth cave i found a king's tomb [Music] uh i we found hook cave and i found spirals we'll need to go do spiral big one we're missing sahaja yoga and then the dam we need to find the dam as well i accidentally went this way so let's do this [ __ ] i guess did not mean to go this way i wanted to go down to pick up the rock i do kind of want to do zora stuff as well um because of that brother connector from skull wood back to ice palace entrance um logically the luck fairy island is is available because of the mirror [Music] so [Music] hmm okay so i need to find desert wind and find the dam along with [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i do want those [Music] oh okay um okay explode [Applause] [Music] okay let's go get some maria [Music] hmm [Music] i can get into misery meyer now which is a little scary i don't really want to go in there [Music] i'll still do spiral [Music] i haven't done any of southpark [Music] i don't know why it went so far down god i'd used to want to check entrances here done i don't know why i went this way but whatever okay we got this entrance it's fine [Music] okay big thing that i don't have access to right now is like meyer area plus desert uh all the desert mirror stuff um i could go to do hook shot cave and check that connector that's the only connector i haven't gone through [Music] still all right so this way [Music] [Music] this light world [Music] [Music] on our way up here i can do bunk rocks [Music] [ __ ] [Music] i really don't have that much logic one small key i don't really know if i should do much of this but i don't know [Music] i don't know if i have enough magic for a fire rod either [Music] rather not find out [Music] uh [Music] i only have one more [Music] wow [Music] yeah there's a good chance not a good chance but there's a chance that gt is just going to be filled with [ __ ] because of the lack of smoke just the one small key no big key pretty much it's just hope room and then this room that's in logic and this isn't even in wander without a hook shot so we only need uh i don't think are there any miss entrances that might wow that sucks so upstairs is in logic okay that's a gt small [Music] that really blows um well i feel better about clearing this out now because we're just one small key away um from uh [Music] bro i'm getting to ice armor and we have the big key so i can just do big chests [Music] small this and fire on compass room are both locked by four small keys it's pretty unlikely there's been something here go mode wise uh tempered is always nice [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] all right [Music] um um [Music] okay hey [Music] hmm i don't know if dashing in here is faster or not in that room actually in that room it's faster because of the worst diagonals we can do all right we're finally coming around to this [ __ ] [Music] nice thing about this is we're coming up here with the book actually i'm gonna do hooks on cave as well i'm doing that a lot of [ __ ] might as well do more analogic [ __ ] um there's only one connector that i'm still worried about [Music] so i'm actually going to go out the other end of this [Music] [Music] [Music] dude what am i do my brain just turned off oh my god i should still turn in that mushroom pretty much you know uh [Music] as soon as possible which is now [Music] [Music] [Music] we haven't found the witch yet so just being able to snag that item even though it's that logic whenever we find it will be good because we're probably gonna find it very soon okay that's what that was [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's go to my area [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was the last goal was small i missed the small key that i got somewhere then [Music] whatever small key i got in a tile room in gt i thought it was a skull small whatever it doesn't really matter that much okay so that was one of my go mode things mining the dam here's the other go mode thing finding desert wind okay so i need hook my flippers admire big [Music] and we are done [Music] [Music] okay so we're missing bonk rocks entrances i have not found yet i may have found bonk rocks at some point but i def no knock downs postula [Music] i do still want to check entrances sasha is a pretty big chest pull um considering i can't beat either of my electric crystals right now as well diving panda dungeons wouldn't be a terrible idea uh diving meyer also wouldn't be a terrible idea here but good news about that is we didn't need the mitts in fact [Music] [Music] did not want the thieves town big though eastham boss isn't in logic without the small key anyways which is good i wish i remember to fight bonk rocks or not nope okay this is my last chest engine [Music] [Music] oh it might be wise for me to go check pedestal here i have the ability and it would give me you know an immediate sense of direction [Music] and if not we're gonna go to meijer [Music] okay that's you know the ability to get all three pendants and some of them having a large number of items in them that was just a you know a nice peace of mind thing that like you know honestly i wish something was there because then i'd be like okay we have uh eight things in ice palace to go do we have you know uh four things left in turtle rock to get and uh for three things out of four left to get in theme [Music] hey the hyrule castle small put all these wires god i'm dying all these minor smalls and logic so we can't like big brains skip this side okay [Music] no um [Music] no dipping swamp for a hook at least flippers uh flippers gives me full swamp all right flippers and mine are big oh i still am looking for the witch hop the witch shop ramp yeah so i am looking for that that is my last like chest entrance i have to go do spiral as well i haven't done spiral yet [Music] and then hook shot also put that mushroom in logic as well hookshot also puts the gt small and big that i got in logic that north stall first room is only in logic with the big key or with the hook shot i mean um that's a little scary [Music] hmm [Music] few more chests [Music] hmm [Music] me [Music] i also definitely never checked that so that's oversight on my part at least we got i don't want to go upstairs gt dude [Music] looking like it's gonna be flippers though that are up there um [Music] but who knows we still have an untouched ice palace [Music] okay so [Music] oh too many menus [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] all right entrances that i have left one requires quake which is mire um one is graveyard light which is just awkward go to it um one i need to find a connector for [Music] [Music] i started to go back to spiral we have a smith chain i would do smith chain with the spiral question i could do the smith at least with spiral [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] woof [Music] might be the thing that's a nice palace uh actually [Music] [Music] i don't think i need any more keys [Music] yes three things up here are locked by zero smalls and then pass this [Music] is locked by four at least was required [Music] okay flippers go mode which is really nice [Music] flippers go mode means that hara basement is dead um also promoting swamp when it comes to that um [Music] [Music] [Music] eh [Music] also logically a double dip in meyer hook shot for the gt big key for my big [Music] it's gonna go to sync get full healthy [Music] please help me i lost my full health too which really sucks [Music] i didn't want to go that way [Music] hmm oh we don't have lamp this might not work out too well we'll see [Music] mr [Music] [Music] easy [Music] [Music] um okay so we have ice palace untouched ice palace i have one thing in thieves town that's in logic without the thief small we have spiral and uh spiral and smith chain then also finding an entrance that leads to uh the witch [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] also without that many instances left the other side of this um could lead me to get rid of you know entrances i have available or entrance i have available i should say could also lead me to the connector i'm still looking for one more entrance available which it did okay don't care about this [ __ ] it's not the witch huts uh we're actually gonna stay in the dark world here and we're gonna check the one last entrance i have left and then we're gonna go to ice palace i actually didn't know you could go around that item so i learned something new today like you know this is worth a shot right [Music] okay um oh we actually do have access to pyramid fairy now [Music] so the only thing we need for an entrance is wait [Music] what [Music] for these flippies at though it's actually good for me as well because if flippers are in here this is available so early that like yeah bonsai could have gotten flippers looking from higher big [Music] that was me taking a peek at my small keys seeing if i uh if i actually had the feet down small or not i did [Music] let's do not [Music] [Music] yup it's a good sign for me all right where was swamp uh up there in the darkness okay [Music] [Music] ugh all right come what swamp and then ganon's in the lost woods so we should be done in the next like five minutes will i be done by 205 stay tuned to find [Music] [Music] out [Music] oh [Music] hmm 205 might be a little ambitious actually i can't really tell [Music] again it takes one and a half minutes not including the travel time to get there isn't that bad actually [Music] oh [Music] hmm where's part about this and crosby's once hit go mode usually like go mode to done is so short that like now for these last you know four or five minutes i'm just perpetually looking at the race channel i feel like i played this seat pretty well other than getting boots late but i think avoiding a good thing his desert that desert connector spit me out where i could quickly fake flippers to get dark ice rod area for hera early [Music] um so like none of the flipper stuff really cost me that much time to do without flippers um yeah oh come on these fences really lined up i thought this fence was lower than that fence wow okay so yeah i just i'm stupid [Music] okay we should be fine 205 wise [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] please please [Music] please [Music] whoa that was almost really bad [Music] okay i won our tournament life is not entirely in shambles you can still make it starting on two but you have to win six straight [Music] oh [Music] wow i'm interested to see what banta what happened to banta he said where were flips and i said ice palace spike switch and he said ice palace uh so oh no dude uh all right where is the zsr discord i found it but we are joined by the winner andy hello gg's hello ggs so uh your opponent unfortunately skipped the flippers in ice palace i i saw when he he asked where the flippers were and he said ip question mark after i told them where they were uh yeah all right um because he went into ice palace uh early which you know understandable he could he could clear it um but ran into some magic issues and so i think rather than going to the boss he he mirrored out um i assumed that he had picked up the the chest where the flippers were i guess he didn't and he just never went back for them interesting [Music] that's that's really unfortunate i i was a little worried about the um the early ice palace because we got the big key in like the first 20 seconds basically yeah and then we found it and i'm like oh well that's great [Music] yeah i was i was interested to see because you you definitely put off ice palace i'm assuming just because you knew as a pendant you just kind of wanted to hold off on that for as long as possible yeah at that point i like really hadn't done besides turtle rock i hadn't really touched any of the pen and dungeons and at that point we were looking for so few things that i figured like if flippers were a nice palace that would be best case scenario for me um which ended up you know being the case i didn't clear swamp palace uh i it flippers also being go mode made hair basement like off of my list of terrible things i had to go back to that's just that's true so yeah the the gt chain was pretty terrible oh yeah i'm beginning to be getting a big key and a small key that we're both hooked shot locked uh to get hook shot in meyer and i was like well that puts upstairs gt and logic let's go boys um yeah this is a fun scene yeah i would say we were wondering like if you were trying to keep it keep a firm grasp on logic when when it came to that either the hook shot or the flippers i was actually thinking it was going to be the flippers admirer um but it ended up being the hook shot yeah i was expecting something to be admired yeah and if it wasn't i was like well ice palace is the answer i guess and i'm boned but uh i mean it kinda was the answer it just was the last answer [Music] oh yeah boots boots being uh i could have got those way earlier uh once again yeah speaking of was there yeah we were actually curious why um you decided to not mirror after epic catfish uh because i wanted to i wouldn't have left from zora probably i would have just saved and quit and i wanted to do the six entrances in ice rod area all together more than going to check zora as an item yeah that's actually understandable if i had done ice rod area already uh that would have been like a 50 50 gut decision probably but um and then dark ice ended up leading to the flute which led me to zora like earlier than i would have else or otherwise probably but and it was uh it was actually nice to see you and salah your way to silver so unfortunate thing i guess on monte's side he had no bombs going in so he saw his movers and he couldn't get them [Music] yeah yeah yeah i had to uh shout out to futon for teaching me the easy way to reset my dumb mancilla value when it doesn't work the first time for no reason futon is a smart man damn i always i always give my thanks to futon when i have to reset my insula value by dropping dropping two bombs and failing to drop a third is is it is that is that just a uh a command in your chat now you have blame wall and you have thanks futon exactly [Music] but uh you now move to one and one of avoiding avoiding the the gauntlet that would be 0-2 at this point so you got to be feeling pretty good about that yeah uh going to uh you know it's a tall tall order to win six straight swiss matches to make it to a play-in for a chance to make it in brackets so the the owen ii is nice um apologies in advance for the poor soul that has to play bonte in the owen ii bracket next week i mean there are some lethal opponents at owen too because now bonz is down there dt is down there and gamer cal also neto and two goodness oh it's a little terrifying yes i also i think i've determined that the end of a cross key c in the tournament race is the most stressful because go mode to done is such a short amount of time that like the entire five minutes after i found the flippers i was just constantly looking at the race channel yeah that makes a lot of sense because compared to like a you know an open mode seed where you know you have like 20 minutes of go time before you get to ganon probably that's true but yeah this was a fun seed uh i wish we had some better movement options early uh but better save and quit points i guess yeah they weren't green never never liked seeing your old man at the witch's house 30 seconds into the sea up yeah and then like the back of old man wasn't terrible but uh it kind of became a moot point once you picked up hammer glove yes um i felt pretty bad uh with sea house specifically on darkfield death mountain and then immediately thankfully god what spit me out in turtle rock entrance hyrule castle thankfully that's put me out there because that was like the only other time i was going back up there was after mirror and so i was really worried about sea house because i was not going back there for a long time until i got here that's such a bad entrance if you have no way to super bunny because there's just no enemies there yep i thought about trying to lionel's super bunny in that pure that waterfall fairy cave up there but the only other it takes so long to get the lionel's over there and then if you mess up once at least in my situation you're just dead so i've seen you try it it's pretty impressive i don't think it's ever worth it um but yeah don't worry god that was a fun seed uh ggs to banta unfortunate would the result have been different if the flippers weren't missed a nice palace uh or is it is it hard to say because it was awkward hard to say because if banta gets flippers i expect he full clear swamp palace and which is something you don't do um his go mode becomes the mire big uh on top of gt and then he just needs to find back a desert which when you have a million entrances in the meyer area that's your first logical stop um so are definitely hard to say yeah it really would have been the the time difference between a full clear swamp versus uh you know the time it took you to go from the meyer big to flippers yeah that makes sense um did bonta find the witch house anywhere uh witch's hut that was you you found that didn't you on um graveyard pledge yeah i'm pretty sure he didn't oh yeah i did find it yup i forgot i never marked it and i was like i just like i just pushed it out of my brain like i never found it yeah that was that was oh yeah i never found that was probably deeper in ice palace uh the lamp was in the thieves town attic [Music] i didn't i didn't tell you the logic behind that one but uh i didn't want to go back there until i got a thieves town small yeah which was on trinex by the way oh god um wow that sucks uh okay all right uh any final thoughts before we wrap it up um i need to not miss boots for a third time that's that's the goal for my next round i believe in you yeah thanks for commentating guys um are you gonna make it a three for three streak next race wally uh you know i i gotta say shout outs to clear mouse for saying hey you want to come with me i'm like heck yes let's do it so we'll see we'll see about going three for three next week although you're out of town for like a forever so i don't know what you're doing yeah it'll be a it'll be a next weekend kind of deal well gigi's and good luck on your one-on-one matchup it will not be me sorry we're destined we're destined you'll lose you'll lose one of these races oh dear yeah thanks for if you haven't given me yeah in chat if you haven't given andy or bonto follow please do so uh amazing renter is incredible hello chat how are you um we did it i avoided owen 2.
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 6,185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: alttp, crosskeys, entrance, games, keysanity, lttp, lttpr, rando, randomizer, tournament, tourney, twitch, zelda
Id: y-vcOt7PAII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 17sec (8237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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