SMZ3 | Hard Co-op Qualifier #3 with Ivan #TeamFarts

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you do not have permission to type oh wonderful website that's just a race room setting stop hate it that way people can't spoil yeah well i just wanna talk [ __ ] at soul ski while i'm playing oh i jumped early anyways we started now hello hello stream uh this is qualifier number three for ivan and i nothing on the island oh my i've made every small mistake i could boston make so far yeah e-tank in link's house um we've pretty pretty s pretty handily locked in a two seat i'm pretty sure um we could take the one seat if we get like a perfect 105 today i think [Music] uh the ball is green oh god is it in the ceiling or on the pad it's on the on the pedestal i think i'm gonna get bombs and head straight to eastern then okay missiles in the ceiling i got him first try roddy uh nothing at uncle area i'm saving quitting to sank now [Music] okay andy it's a map it's unfortunate uh so you're gonna want to take damage when you get a pull okay i haven't found any bombs yet i'm trying the tier one pull is magic and the tier three that i got before was uh four rupees [Music] [Music] hello boy i hope i kept my stuff transitioned it just went black screen okay got my stuff good or yes it did save okay i would have been pissed all right well i guess i would be careful switching my controllers [Music] or at least wait until after [Music] uh power bombs in the woods drop [Music] there's zelda uh eastern is a good crystal a hair is a pendant [Music] going into kakariko with five dollars can't wait i'm going to get bombs from the bushes and i'm gonna save and quit and go to eastern okay i'll do my best okay [Music] missile pack maybe i can get one more please bomb yes [Music] um do one more farm for eight bombs [Music] one eastern with three hearts in just a moment yeah no you're fine i'm pretty sure i've done it before maybe but has something i don't like bothering checking what the green printed is probably not no it's way too slow yeah supers an e tank and a shovel [Music] nice shovel there it is [Music] um [Music] uh escape six things and a small key left ah that was just like a personal note just because the map was in the the map was in the first chest [Music] ah apple left cannonballs topper night [Music] let's go dude i found absolutely nothing so far cool i got two heart containers that you're never getting that's fine one of them is one of them is quick in the like the bottom chest and cackwell and the other ones behind the bomb wall and blind side that's not happening i found a quake okay that might be really good [Music] uh not uh it's not on the library money a bomb oh my god not race game good skeleton drops that's a map please don't be a compass wait [Music] i i still need two items anyway [Music] it's a missile pack all right i guess i go out yeah i guess [Music] [Music] where the damn chest okay i have one pack okay so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna be a doodoo head and i'm just gonna go to agina and leave south shore for you okay it's fine by me oh blue mail at the drain that would be nice now how much hearts do i need one and a half right to do this as long as you do the popo boost anyways we got it power bumps okay so there's nothing on armos but i'm going to try and finish it anyway i die yeah but i have power bombs now so that's good yay [Music] nothing at a gina i didn't check desert ledge i am very excited we made it upstairs hell yeah i'm very excited to regret skipping mini muldern cave very excited i do have two bombs i will head there make sure you have a way to kill them [Music] huh so make sure you have a way to kill them yeah obvious obvious andy oh i hope there's another pack arrows here would be nice there is i have a bow it killed many armors i don't even know they do but it ain't easy okay [Music] um there's nothing at all in cog uh nope just the power bombs at the last place nothing race game library nope the only thing i didn't do was a sick kid so all right um well i want to check the shovel anyway and i [Music] [Music] uh nothing at terminator back of gauntlet or bomb nut t so far i will leave retro to you since i need the ball yeah i found a bottle bottles that early supers crumble okay are you out of bombs no i just wanted to do like the since i was going to super metroid i was just going to leave you with past that way i could clear up more before you got here yeah yeah i don't think there was anything in it early it was like a bunch of ammo and an e-tank early supers so it wasn't like terrible but [Music] got him powerbomb [Music] okay i'm going to go to the cave [Music] oh no three bombs uh i'll check shovel real quick dude [Music] uh etta [ __ ] pb one of them oh [ __ ] gravity suits gravity dude yes okay [Music] should i go check the frontal gauntlet [Music] you didn't do that right i did not [Music] please dude i'm being so stupid uh gravity was at pinkbrin side hopper [Music] impossible mission impossible i think i actually have enough any tank to start doing color runs that's a piece of heart in the front so it's that's good i need that so i'm gonna do suppose [Music] you need more than one for that no i just needed the one to get in the one to get out yeah that's two yes it was a missile let's go okay jesus okay come on over boys [Music] where are you right now uh alpha peeves super and money why do i have supers equipped why am i oh good i just farmed some more peeps at x-ray i'm going to create hey that's where i am i'm gonna leave uh spacer to you just [Music] powerbomb really i should probably be going into meridia or something but oh well it's too late actually this is fine because i can do all the creed and let you know what's here and then you'll probably be like [ __ ] off god damn it by the time i'm done with creed you'll probably be done with business center so i can go to maria after that come on there's a quick heart container at the um [Music] like yeah the power bomb item yeah yeah i'm gonna start doing l runs [Music] actually i can't even do hell yet only do i speak you could like check cathedral or something but i can't i can't get through the first one all right yeah you right i'm gonna go dead mountain after this but oh a mirror at the croc item oh a croc escape yeah ah please climb samus that [ __ ] sucks dick uh crate area is garbage okay oh what do i do here oh well that was a waste of crabs get power bombs right yes god well now i don't know what okay i can always come back for either two it's not huge though i would like to not die again i have 85 health going into meridian so we're going to save just in case oh it's going to be tight he's sorry okay so just 74 to get through this room we can do that wait a minute okay [Music] that's nice x-ray is at main street what of this can i even do i guess i can probably pee mama turtley tank yeah i can't get it yeah there cabbage cabbage double cabbage oh triple cabbage oh my [ __ ] god it's boots oh and flippers i don't think we can get there yet there's a sword on top of spec rock super behind it okay i don't oh i guess i can gravity jump actually so i'm not done here i don't think not that high i can yeah because it's not even in the water no no i don't mean i mean like doing more of oh um i'm pretty sure i can oh you can yeah you can because you have to do one personally [Music] i meant to get boots no okay i jump from one lump too far i jumped way too early let's see if it [Music] [Music] works powder oh god oh my god more power bombs let's go dude um i might oh i should escape too huh yeah yeah i'll check the powder real quick can you can you uh can i write down mama turtle for boots and flippers for me then just in case it's behind the thing waterfall oh i can't pick it up never mind okay powder is worthless um i don't want to take damage from this crab with my hammer i never found out the second poll because i never went that way either that's fine that's okay doesn't really matter that's like the it's basically super wrong like it's only for your benefit so it doesn't really matter yeah [Music] well if you have a glove [Music] foreign actually small keys right there i might i have a small key for it so there are three items in bag of escape pen bombs and a sword [ __ ] where is that right pit oh okay it's not like useful yet but more power bombs is quite useful to me along with the sword yeah yeah i mean you can't go farther than this anyway right so correct so we're gonna check left pit [Music] i'm excited for left pit to have like [ __ ] grapple beam so i can get those boots or some [ __ ] make me cry nope nothing in left pit nothing in front of escape i'll let you do back yeah that's fine uh you said you got a small key in the front yes so there's something in dark cross do yes okay i'm gonna go you do retro uh no okay um i almost went a little bit in my loop so i can get my glove and start working [Music] um okay so i should probably stock up i can stock up with that again some thumb i'll just stock up here [Music] so what [Music] oh there's nothing in red tower right oh isn't he taking a super nothing super important yeah i could you take 255 no i didn't go down at all okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go down into retro and clear that way okay i was going to say like maybe i should take a forgotten highway to wreck ship but i just passed it yeah i can't do that oh ice beam okay that allows um rhaegar that too but also uh hell runs yeah i used to be 255. okay i i don't have my mirror yet um i'm gonna make my way back to retro right now i think i don't think we can even get them here i can't go back this way oh right croc escape yeah yeah you gotta go through the pits no i was gonna try to climb red tower from the bottom and i literally can't do that please don't kill me i'm dead that's not good i got grabbed by a yapping maw i lost sword peeps and flippers no i didn't i lost sword and peeps i forgot like that oh yeah all over the place that's not that bad then uh there's 300 bucks a construction zone uh yes i think i got 300 in like edicuan area maybe over here too all right sucks all right well if i'm just gonna do forgotten highway then i guess since i'm back here and you're in retro now [Music] okay [Music] ah [ __ ] happy mom did a ton of damage to me even with gravity i was surprised oh yeah your gravity too it's weird i mean it didn't do a ton i didn't have like a lot of health but it did more than i was expecting sounds like green hill all right do that area first because i need power bombs [Music] [Music] uh yes okay [Music] me [Music] there's an e-tank back there too pretty sure where uh the back of early supers i think it's like missile super tank like in the back [Music] you haven't done bottle right uh yeah i haven't been back no should i bother with the actual super above uh i think that's also a super yeah so it is i'm at what 35 15 15. [Music] i didn't get those muscles [Music] um i can actually this clear [Music] for real dude the only thing i didn't check was chapstick [Music] okay [Music] antoine is dead [Music] i jumped off the wrong side what am i doing [Music] please i guess i should probably get these on the way out actually but let's just tell you getting up there right now [Music] oh nothing in wreck ships the crowd i have failed to use the crab ain't gone actually love to see saving before wreck shippy tank and it being bad there we go that's good nothing at the beach uh two missile packs dude where are the power bombs come on uh right pit yeah i know i know they're there you didn't oh you couldn't do i can uh oh never mind no i'm stupid you don't need to freeze these things are you freezing nothing the snails no where are you shut up that's like i i could have sworn you were talking about aqueducts trying to throw me off your scent i see how it is i was talking about aquaduct you're right oh what am i doing uh oh god there's so many superstars oh no i gotta ride the spaceships oh no oh god man good thing i saved can you get a hit please one like two of these missiles did of the 21 i have things oh this is also dark world access i don't have a moon you're right man i have to use power bombs to go around this [ __ ] this sucks good lord this sucks check on the door okay i'm at bowling right now there's nothing outside wreck ship so thank you all right so where was the mirror all right [ __ ] escape so we can't get that yet um i'm gonna go down red tower i guess and then save my old man i got my hammer before uh meridia um please be nothing for once in your life okay good all right you can skip rickship yay it's good news i can't do plasma so that's fun i jump boots or at the moment they're not the moment oh it's 50 rupees at the moment uh the power bomb part not the where the power bomb is but where you use the power bomb that side offers that's not worth it there's a super behind alpha bars ah you're dead i killed you that's a missile back there's nothing behind this thank god where was ice beam uh 255. right nice i fell all the way down maybe i should have grabbed that e-tank and like done upper norfair with high jump oh my god can i i can't jump out of here there we go anything in hydra boots area so there's an e-tank we at least know where all the medallions are yeah hmm i might do that before link to the past [Music] what do you think i have no idea okay i'm doing that's not the direction ah i think i can make it with three tanks man oh okay all right he drills nothing and i'm not going to go back there moon pearl or some [ __ ] should i go back there i only had three supers and i used them to get rid of the side hoppers by accident so i didn't have enough to get through the super bowl uh yeah i'm going to leave bowl mountain for now um it's the big thing we haven't done flippers stuff first back of escape cross [Music] our crops being unknown sucks please can i just fall amiss you know what's funny is cordy said his their strategy was have him go to wreck chip early he's not gonna find [ __ ] that's always their strategy [Music] uh come on up here [Music] okay now you're ready to be frozen come on down you do bottle yet no i didn't have [Music] oh we can get the boots with high jump now yep i didn't even think about that i should have grabbed those [ __ ] nothing in back of escape okay [Music] oh there's more power bombs actually but didn't fake flip or anything [Music] correct uh no i don't know the mood problem okay i just wasn't sure if you went to hobo or not no i didn't know i am behind jack remember that you only have power bombs i have eight can you check it and then also get it with eight yeah okay a lot of those you can jump up no i meant like the i always forget and go like to the right side where you powerbomb the item yeah it's less than eight it's like four or five okay uh half magic is that hobo okay [Music] you did the shovel check right yep and powder i'm i'm not like resetting over here [Music] uh where is that waterfall okay okay so i'm gonna go to norfair i guess um i don't think we can get that mirror yet i think we need speed spring i don't think you can like reach that ledge with just high jump so we need can fly or spring i think um oh okay then i'm definitely not gonna go get high jump yet okay damn that would have been really nice if you'd fake flipper and just not done waterfall i guess but oh well i didn't have enough money anyway okay because yeah having that speed you could have gotten gravity and done waterway yeah but that's okay well now we can get that mirror for sure mirror and hammer to east mountain i'm gonna grab these power bombs take me to my house actually take me to sanctuary mushroom i don't even remember what the first thing there is i think it's a missile i guess um whatever more fair reserve that's good enough you'll understand mushroom wow hopefully you don't need it i just have super missiles pretty please [Music] there's a reserve on zoro edge you don't have to check it all right i could escape this nothing waterfall fairy right that's very oh right yeah of course it is oh high jumping ocean or the ocean missile sucks i don't want to go over there just to get a high jump and then not do fan tune just do fantune and leaf doesn't really matter too much it's not like it'd be that much faster if you didn't dark rock that's what i said you said right i knew that okay you got an aerial capacity upgrade [Music] good please don't kill me please don't kill me please i beg you thank you it's an easy gravity to jump into lower norfolk too [Music] with my current item set that's going to be a new job [Music] missile right of construction zone and like the one below billy mays i didn't mean to do that at all oh that means corey got high temporarily no [Music] okay he probably also did wreck ship without gravity [Music] almost certainly i just gotta go actually that'll be 30 supers while i go to kill crate 2. yay yeah i'm at 20 right now evan hey [Music] [ __ ] right off video game you piece of [ __ ] oh i mean this will inspect rocks though oh there's a sword on spec rock i didn't know that i threw it down i said it when i saw it and wrote it down where'd you write it down on the first sword it says right pit no it's this back top let's roll up scroll up oh there's another i was scrolled down one where you think the bow is andy i don't know i i knew where it was so i didn't recall i didn't need to know where it was we both got the right pit one right yeah okay so i'm gonna replace it all right i have my mirror i'm going to hera [Music] but andy you don't have a fire source uh it's okay i check it i can't do it i leave not here is there anything inspect rock supers i haven't been up there yet now i figured uh crystal pond thieves ice [Music] catch [ __ ] all right well that actually works out because i can just reset to get that and then also go get the bow and check uh shaft super um [Music] okay what am i doing what is the crystal layout uh pod is the good crystal and then thieves is pendant ice hey there's a [ __ ] fire rod and goddamn hera i'm leaving [ __ ] that [ __ ] okay well it's good to know this is all right i'm um basement was this turned together [Music] um the basement had the small key that's the reason i left because i couldn't do the rest of that doing tile room yeah there's only one thing left in there so it's probably not even worth for a pendant actually i'm just gonna go do this quick you can do whatever you want baby girl wait what am i doing i just went back to the old man's cave uh i'm gonna be here anyway i'm stupid go [Music] upstairs how much [ __ ] to do oh my goodness oh i should go i'm gonna go get those get your boots uh okay so that ends up working out because i can just work in waterway after a bow and then just go to meridia and get my boots and [ __ ] leave forever never going back not forever okay you're right till the end well something's in plasma the knot at the end uh flute and butter sword are in paradox oh okay well i'm not gonna grapple sword okay i will delete that um dupers [Music] okay [Music] um sword paradox lower both what else is there fleet uh where's flute where's float paradox though i really hope my area is quake oh because you don't have it over there yeah [Music] yeah that would be well we don't have somalia anyways and we have the notes so something could be in there before yeah that's very true is unlikely though but now i have four hearts so that's good no i i told you that was a heart yeah i [Music] uh yeah there's nothing of value it's all health i'm pretty sure in two heart pieces and uh no it was a heart piece a missile pack in the heart look at that oh i didn't even i didn't even write a hero good luck figuring out which lobby it is good i would have been able to do desert at least so that's good yes man i would like to have like another missile pack or a super pack and like just enough ammo to kill ridley if you're going into hera uh you go get that flute uh there's a super missile on the top of paradox we're gonna go get that um yeah [Music] i don't know what oh yeah [Music] i guess i could come out with the mirror and go do paradox yeah because it'd be nice to have a second sword or a thread a third sword in fact did you check um cathedral yes okay there's nothing about mountains at all besides some superior hero uh wave missile what was it he said preserve something though uh that was muslim mushroom oh yeah there's no fair reserve i'll get it um what was right of construction zone bombos i can't not get that while i'm here that'd be such a waste of time um is there any ammo here missile pack i think there's a missile in the ceiling yes [Music] get the missile god damn it that was awful i wanna die [Music] i'm [ __ ] terrible please get glitch what okay i must not understand how that works whatever okay uh when you speed ball and then you unmore fall angling and you get like echoes or whatever oh i lost them while i i lost them while i jumped i don't know why uh you have to move forward as you jump oh i probably just jumped well no i like lost it like instantly when jumping yeah you gotta like move forward okay i did not do that hell yeah oh that speed booster also puts uh plasma and logic great so that sucks i'm not doing that yeah it's not getting done [Music] a sword i have no that's idea i'm gonna activate my flute i'm just gonna go straight to pod eastern okay that sounds like a good plan i don't know nothing in eastern uh which paradoxes do i want right both bottom and then top left can i save it quick and then i'm going learn one more yes oh yeah the flute wow all of a sudden they have red sword crazy same except butter [Music] since you ended up doing all that stuff you could have activated the flute and gotten that quake just in case i can still go do that i should all right i like thought of that i thought of that as you saving i have the boots um don't worry about bonk rocks i'll do bunk rocks uh don't do bottle either i'll do that okay leave the zelda to me i say as i'm entering zelda for like the second time [Music] i think i might try and do like 100 sm runs or something yeah just to like refine a couple things since like i'm generally going to be going through areas with good items most of the time i think uh nothing in bonk rocks um that's a lie actually it was blue boomerang that's fine oh i also told you not to get a bug net in the top paradox i think that's okay [Music] uh did you end up grabbing that mushroom in norfolk reserve i'll do that as well i did yeah okay you did powder right yep okay the bottle is nothing space all right let me go check the mushroom oh screw attack anything we're looking for is the middies [Music] uh heart container that mushroom okay that's pretty quick so i'll write that down for you yeah i would appreciate it wow we're fine fine go below the head man gravity jump jump rabbit don't mind me i didn't just spill my drink all over myself hey babe can i have a napkin or a paper towel [Music] i should have saved i can do it 43 supers no problem um nothing i just missed my face or something [Laughter] yeah dude you know so tired after this weekend i saw her coming out of the corner where i shouldn't even come up to me thank you i appreciate you oh second try no doubt in my mind michael's killed gt now all i have is [Music] [Music] okay first [Music] charge beam is that the space jump locked item oh god that's a super pack on the other one that sucks that really sucks hey it's quake yeah glad i said something holy [ __ ] [Music] i don't think i can't beat myer anyway but hopefully [Music] [Music] i have six hearts there's a heart in myers you grab the blue mail i did that's good power bombs and knights our bombs on the ledge [Music] i have eleven by the way that's nice until i went to great i had three [Music] okay the only thing that you're going to need to do in pod is the boss no matter which is what nice for you [Music] [Music] ugh okay so i'm just gonna delete it out of the key drop down you just want the first chest and pod the drop down switch chest and the bridge with the big key and then you can go to the boss it's really nice for you [Music] okay don't worry about the small key [Music] what foreign [Music] [Music] uh um [Music] all right what's hell am i gonna have mitts all right [Music] okay um i'm not even gonna go into meyer then go for it [Music] that's a relief i don't even need ice rod and hook shot um ends mario oh yeah that too and space jump or a [ __ ] ton of ammo oh yeah let's face it [Music] the only thing i need in eastern just chest number one there's power bombs or something that i don't really need on the right side yet yeah um anything in desert worth anything [Music] uh no there's an e-tank on the torch okay [Music] um so after this i'm gonna do [Music] pipe cave straight to pyramid i think since i'm gonna have eastern and pod done um and then i can check pyramid and i can also do dark cross i think that's the play cover the um and then i'm gonna go check the turtle rock medallion okay well you have all of them right so it'd just be me checking if i needed [Music] either yes [Music] favorite thing to do [Music] oh [Music] arm a couple power bombs too you okay yeah i slam my hand on my back [Music] [Music] oh oh this is dangerous okay this is a [Music] oh my god okay okay you don't have to go to mickey mouse without bombs or a screw attack oh god i'm an acid [Music] ice rod is on pyramid [Music] okay [Music] very least we're not turtle rock diving yeah we could be mire diving or swamp diving [Music] um pyramid oh no uh cape [Music] was pyramid very right [Music] uh i'm gonna bail on catfish okay now be the time to do it but i'd rather do other things i guess especially if you have to come to pyramid for ice ride anyways you could do it later or something [Music] okay you left behind a heart piece in dark cross cool please don't be ether to rock or favorite it's actually really slow holy cow the super drops are insane regular missiles please [Music] [ __ ] up [Music] eh please don't be ether okay it's bombos they're both are turtle rocks bomb boats myers quake right yep it would have been really really bad if rock was ether and like mario was up here or something because i'd have to come back up here without a hook shot again you're dead so many supers give me six super okay [Music] oh that's nice for me uh screw attacking hook shot cave [ __ ] which one oh i was really hoping samaria was going to be there because then like shot can't be in turtle rock which would have been really nice i could leave it for later but the last screw attack is still really really nice i would gladly take through that yeah i just have nothing in this game left besides this escape so [Music] there's also a super pack at spike cave [Music] [Music] okay um you did a checkerboard cave right yep the only thing that we'll have left in sm is plasma i think yes chef was 300. [Music] um [Music] okey-dokey what am i doing i'll have your cape info by then by the time you finish pod probably i'm dropping in the moth now [Music] oh [Music] so for nothing in skull woods it's only to find one right [Music] uh there's nothing on dark death mountain right beside screw attack yep small key go the arena bridge drop down near back i would drop down first yeah and then get the bridge i meant that yeah yeah uh you have plenty of health right i if you want you can get the big key and then hover the right side if you want and there's a heart container and a small key over i'll there down first i said that's what i said i can still get the one from the well if i need to i'm i've been i've done it with six before blue mail it's fine [Music] okay it's always dead um getting your cape info now i'm gonna do graveyard ledge king's tomb i guess i haven't had to push this in a long time [Music] you do not need me it's good because i forgot where it was oh yeah yeah i think i'm just going to do these down here yeah i'm just thinking about doing ice what does this place look like you don't need red mail right all right then anyways [Music] where the [ __ ] am i [Music] jesus that was impossible forgot what that first room looked like in the dark [Music] it's not a hook shot i'm a little worried about swamp palace yeah just a little um that's a lie i guess i'm more worried about like ice palace having samaria or small palace having tomorrow yeah and uh and turtle rock having the hook shot that'd be pretty shitty [Music] i am in village of outcast now i am killing okay i haven't done any of south park worlds besides hype cave so i haven't done like stumpy k-45 all that stuff yeah um oh plan was to do it after thieves town um i guess but depending upon what you end up wanting to do i guess that might change i don't know i could do anything it doesn't matter you have all the sm bosses done right yeah yeah i mean i guess you know might as well you can swamper ice or mire whatever tickles your fancy um ice panels has four items with the green pendant yeah i can't do the black thing but that's fine i go do catfish really quick if you're gonna go grab the ice rod probably oh yeah that at some point anyway and i can just that's actually perfect because i could just uh take some work dice yeah yeah [Music] uh [Music] now [Music] did you turn on the mushroom yeah it was a heart container oh yeah i could have done that really quick there but i got it [Music] okay nothing and he's done so far i got two items left [Music] we also have the one item lingering in here which would be bad [Music] i guess after i do smith chain i'm gonna just go to swamp since i'm already there [Music] hopefully i don't have to do that without a hook shot [Music] one item left [Music] are you in ice yet yeah what was in the first chest i haven't done it yet [Music] because okay what does that tell you um if you get to freeze or and it's not a small key then right side is hook shot locked oh [Music] and then if there's a small key on cold stair that tells me that mario is required for it technically that would mean that it can't be on pedestal okay sure uh lamp is in the brewery a game smith chain k45 stumpy [Music] am i doing this without yeah if it's a small key you do freezer and come back up [Music] uh you drop down if it's the big key you drop down to the big chest it's not item you'd bomb jump across the pit where you can drop and do iced tea and kind of do it normally sort of [Music] yeah that works too and then i can't go through this door so i have to go off yeah yeah yeah okay so yeah anything you find over there is hook shot locked oh that's the wrong direction link i'm going in circles [Music] so you did powder right yeah [Music] okay so so what [Music] so samara can still be over here yes and that would tell us that hook shot's not oh i found some mario never mind uh smith chain i should not be over here at all i found grapple beam i'm leaving um i should get a key for iced tea yeah iced tea is the only thing left in logic for you without hook shot [Music] make sure i have enough [Music] where keys it uh smith turn in oh yes okay oh so that's not great because if hook's in turtle rock i gotta climb again the slow way um but i can go to meijer asap i guess [Music] and now i just really don't want to do small palace don't worry about it [Music] [Music] okay i've only seen one [Music] oh god am i killing cold stare we'll find out oh no i don't even know how to check one small key oh yeah okay i'm in meyer okay grab your ice rod yeah i did [Music] okay [Music] [Music] is the only one that can be the hook shot in there only issue i suppose if you um if you drop down the cold stairs you can just go north and go backwards to iced tea or the future so you stop at this ministry no i did everything after oh you would stop at the smiths yes i mean you stopped it you did everything yes i did everything [Music] um [Music] climbing i don't even have a book yet to check anything i guess that's where it can be huh why not all right on the right [Music] where am i going i wasn't paying attention um hmm and you only skipped iced tea yeah they're uh small key on the right side i got the one from did you find all the items that's a good question well i found the book so okay i guess if this isn't a small key then i'm just locked out anyway [Music] it's the big key i'm locked out right of what of uh turtle rock no you can finish it what you don't need the hook shot to beat turtle rock but i don't have a small key so do the fire run stuff oh yeah yeah good point let's go this way i forgot about that fire rod's the thing you need for this side again you hadn't said anything it's [ __ ] wet it would not be spooky [Music] that [Music] did not have the goods it had the it had the book so i should probably book it to book stuff um and then if i don't hear anything from you alive gonna do desert stuff first i guess since i'm here or desert first and then uh i don't think i have that much sm health so i'm gonna grab this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you've gotta be [ __ ] kidding me well everything going okay over there funny oh no uh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it would have to be if you didn't get to from right side very small keys [Music] okay [Music] it's so awkward [Music] oh full heart lucky me [Music] okay i'm going to be i'm going to do bombos tablet into the swamp i guess [Music] i don't know ether tablet kind of sucks here yeah i know but if i go all the way back up there for that i might as well like beat turtle rock and that's not something i should do right now [Music] yeah oh [Music] uh i'm lost [Music] oh i'm so lost what do i hold after i get on this is it right there down i don't remember i was here like what do i what do i hold whatever to get to the switch yeah you hold down and right and then just i guess after the right initial you just hold down [Music] there we go um how many dungeons do you have done in the past [Music] yeah i don't really know who's ahead [Music] it might be me i mean i guess i'm the only one doing unknown stuff so i should be checking for ammo i don't even know how much ammo i have [Music] maybe i'll go kill dragon after swamp just so i can find out that sounds like a good idea i'm down for that charge being locked behind space jump is just so [ __ ] bad oh i found wave beam [Music] that's nice [Music] garbage [Music] wow map and silvers heck yeah silvers are swamp flooded left [Music] and we beam is south of the big chest and swamp i'm gonna pause on earth [Music] i mean i'm likely not going back i mean [Music] what do you need for zeb skip without wave uh don't you like charge or something nice i actually don't know how how it works i know it's weird yeah you also i mean i have waves so it doesn't matter i was asking more for you but yeah we have speed i don't think so i think you just aim up from like underneath yeah i always is there anything at botswana you think aimo wise remember i don't think so there's um i don't hit me twice i hate this stupid bird uh a missile pack fine dragon i have 130 right now holy [ __ ] you're loaded um okay so if i need 36 missiles for mother brain one that means i have sixty four missiles 64 missiles so oh that gives me i need 10 more 10 more supers which i think maybe 15 more you can either go through the small key door or hit the switch and go i don't need to hit the switch for the chest if you open this monkey door okay i can't even use this blue suit there's a super pac uh firefly tank as well okay so i have two super packs that i remember there's that one in the spec one i haven't gotten yet uh firefly is on the way at least that cave is kind of on the way i guess not really [Music] um no i didn't you got to beat skull woods though so it's not too bad to get i'm already oh god what does this room look like oh yeah this is this room i'm gonna get that bag of supers before i go to [Music] cannot find the switch [Music] go get me a win wait what am i doing this for hello i just went in the lower i just went into upper norfolk i walked straight past it now i talked at the beginning of this video about how we're locking up the two seats well hey it's not gonna hurt us i mean it could oh i guess if it's our lowest score it just drops our lowest score yeah how i need to kill gt i can't get up there oh yeah there's supers in here so that's okay i guess that's true now [Music] it's a heart container i thought it was super anyway ah i don't think i've ever seen him away babies before gt he like opened his chest and babies came out there's no point in science breaking right now because i need something we're going to refill my health ivan do you know that screw tank removes your iframes off the spikes i'm not [Music] um i've been here before i hope i have enough ammo one more farm i guess be fine [Music] oh i don't have to do that [Music] i guess if you had gotten the book and then died then you know maybe that is i did yeah like exactly what happened yeah yeah maybe maybe getting the silvers first would have been fine holy don't kill me don't kill me i forgot i'm gonna tell that um [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] anything behind ridley i might check before i go into gt that's fine i need nope wave beam was south of the big that's the only other thing in there that i found dude what happened shut up [Music] let's train the spot for the first time today [Music] the second time you got that [Music] [Music] oh you're a space jump is it plasma [Music] uh is charged required in hard mode for the bosses for like ridley i don't know i don't know logic i don't know if space jump can be in gt or not i don't need it [Music] how much ammo or i guess you don't know yet um i think if you weren't stupid you'd be in the lead also you might still be in the lead actually i'm just ending turtle rock right now oh that was weird but it worked i like i don't know what happened i pushed the block around but i still made it down there [Music] turtle rock fourth laser is the last key okay you can just get the pokey can leave probably [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh good that worked perfectly [Music] [Music] then i'm back out yeah yeah you're gonna be ahead of me going into gt guaranteed yeah pretty close though yeah pretty close i'm getting the pokey key now all right what am i looking at 55.45 i mean at least you at least you have 45 supers let's find some anime [Music] oh ammo on park mountain no there there's a missile pack in super bunny i think what nope what am i doing you ever just turned your brain off yeah earlier i walked to the swamp oh pretty sorry it was tough i was gonna say tom but i didn't want to lie so i just said i don't know um okay so you have god you need what i don't even know so 45 i need 21 missiles you only need 45 no yeah that's right because you have 45 supers already so you only need 15 more supers of damage that's true 35 missiles and you have 24 extra i don't know can't believe what's the other dumb [ __ ] you did you died in meyer you went into swamp without the hook shot and you're still ahead of me [Music] and i found both of the last two go mode items [Laughter] [Music] oh oh give those go away plasma wow yeah only we can get charged all right three more four more [Music] shut up there's nothing over here okay uh any small keys or anything oh there's a super pack on spectacle rock inside i can get oh there's a torch too a super pack yeah okay so i think i'm good 100 more damage you need a ammo um you need to like hard call what you're opening i don't know if i can skip it skeleton there's a missile pack in stalford's room so i'm good now [Music] get out of here um i'm skipping right side on the right i'm already past you so i'm going straight i'm i'm skipping fire bar okay i'll do it oh god it's money good skip i literally i just didn't have a small key to go left side if i opened it there's another missile pack in the fire snake chest if you want to tell back up um i'm laying my bomb now so i'm probably not going to have random room done by the time you go this way probably um button is pressed i got money supers supers oh i'm coming you want the top two okay here i go where was the small key on right side right chest okay [Laughter] all right now i'm for sure uh nothing in bob chess you can just drop very excited for tyler [Music] probably hey a small key oh yeah big keys left it's monkey's front if you want it you might be good on small keys i don't know i have one i can give [Music] [Music] not going to check anything upstairs nothing will help us [Music] that's true like we're both pretty comfy on ammo now i think yeah i think i'm i think i'm two super packs behind maybe maybe just one i think that's why i was worried still because i was a super packed behind somewhere oh it might have been the um the red tower one that i didn't get the side hopper [Music] [Music] i thought you said robes and i was like [Music] i still made it through the spike somehow yeah cycles work out really nicely sometimes oh god oh shoot arrow left [Music] eh he was healed yeah [Music] just one shield remember from where i have one from skeletron [Music] oh like in gt yeah okay i don't know where i got mine but it was nonstop [Music] ah [ __ ] all right bonk on the door [Music] i am entering agatha 2 oh that was lucky that i had enough magic [Music] oh [Music] feel like that first cycle is really weird to deal with the same i think they should be so we didn't get the same blue balls in our seed before oh yeah maybe they're not then i forgot about that yeah i hope mine's better than yours i had a four cycle oh this is awkward [Music] i got one you get like two whiz in the top right and one in the bottom oh i did okay [Music] i got a fourth cycle too now that i found out that this is both finished and not average doesn't even matter [Music] for qualifiers no what there's just some confusing wording it was like in the wording words deciding where the what the hard time is they threw the word like average in there [Music] and mother brain be two minutes faster than me let's find out [Music] oh it won't be i would be surprised [Music] at the refill of the ship die you might have to as well i don't know i'm gonna have to i had like 20 supers on me when i checked hey i have 20 on me right now burn blue [ __ ] you i accidentally saved well that's fine i don't think saving really loses that much time [Music] did [Music] hmm 75.60 hell yeah hmm oh god well that's terminator up i didn't get that super hey i did that in room two get close enough so you can get killed by this somebody else well that was a not good baby skit because he didn't get there because i don't have the okay have a grapple beam that was a nice palace spin jump get up [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right i can miss [Music] 29. [Music] missiles yes [Music] foreign where are you i'm getting sucked me too oh wait no she's getting stuck okay so i made up a decent amount of time i guess [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh oh baby dead and my baby dead i mean mother brain dead dive faster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eh [Music] all right no other teams have finished yet i don't know all right stop my timer [Music] hey we got second we also brought that part-time way down so uh i think aussie and solsky get another 105 to add to their collection [Music] can you believe let's go can you believe the tampa bay lightning listen to their mayor and through game four so they could win at home they took it to overtime though to make it look like they were trying [Music] this basketball start up again [Music] and be a game one is tomorrow [Music] [Music] i guess if i can admire [Music] yeah but it's a double dip either way [Music] it was mostly like the uh the slow ice palace i guess and then uh yeah my iron swamp we're both pretty slow but i don't know that seat ended up just working out really badly for us i think oh we also never did x-ray oh yeah oh well yeah oh well oh uh all right anyways um thanks for watching this our last qualifier tournament should be starting up pretty soon i think this is the last qualifier that people can join we got second place wasn't even close um we still finished over three minutes ahead of the next team even with that train wreck so uh easy game easy life uh i'll see ya next time for tournament match bye
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 6,059
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: alttp, combo, coop, games, lttp, lttpr, metroid, rando, randomizer, sm, smz3, twitch, zelda
Id: C6ozAYm6HdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 29sec (9629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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