LS wiring harness the easy way

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hey welcome back to random American and today I'm going to show you the easiest down and dirty simplest way that I can think of to wire in your LS into your truck and onto the engine and transmission so if you're interested in that go ahead and grab your favorite snack sit down and we'll get this figured out so first things first most important thing this is made by Big Timber which is here in West Virginia and pretty good beer but in all seriousness let's go ahead and get into this uh this is spaghetti soup and it's not nearly as bad as you think first thing you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and get your harness get it all dropping stuff all over the place going to get this all laid out and you're going to get it where you want it all right it still has a starter on it I need to buy another starter because uh the guy that I bought this harness off of uh this oh the starter he wanted to keep but I broke the stud off on it so don't let me forget to do that there's a lot of this that you don't have to have all right and there's a lot of different ways that you can go about cutting this harness down so if this is coming out of a donor truck that is the easiest way to do it you'll just have all this stuff unplugged uh you'll have two ends of this plug and two ends of this plug that will come in a little bit later and well obviously you'll have to into this plug because this is for your uh oh this is for your throttle okay so that confused me for a second this harness is for [Music] the 2004 to 2017s that have an electronic throttle this one we won't be using because this is going to be for a 53 for a buddy El Camino I probably won't show that on here unless you guys want me to because on there we'll be doing the quick down and dirty way to do it it won't be this long drawn out process should get it done in three days uh so if you want to see that the quickest simplest easiest down and dirty way you can possibly do it then that's what we'll be doing uh but anyway with this this is just the main harness uh you won't really be using anything off of of this or anything off of this you can just cut them clean off uh this one I used for my auxiliary stuff that comes off of this ECM and that would be your uh uh check engine light your data for your OBD2 which I highly highly highly highly recommend you hook up uh your cruise control speed sensor if you want to use that I have it for later on down the road and your Tac all of those are their own individual little pen on here uh right here I'll post a link to LT1 and I'll also go ahead and put up the screenshots right here of your pinout guide everything in yellow you completely get rid of you don't use it all and the easiest way that I have found to do that is you'll get your engine you'll get all this and you'll just hook this up to your engine uh hook it up to your engine with your alternator on it uh just anything you're going to need on the engine uh for it to run which I think really the only things that aren't on the engine itself is your alternator and your mass air flow other than that just everything's on the engine basic you'll just hook all this up so you'll have all these are all your injector plugs this is your uh uh throttle body control this is your uh spark plug or your coil plug and it'll just hook into your coil Rail and a ground don't forget this it will not run without it but just get this stuff hooked up super easy get this plug and this plug cut them clean off silicone the ends silicone the end of each individual wire so nothing grounds out nothing touches anything tape them up get this cut it off don't don't worry about this at all I would do that to this but this harness acum has to go back you'll get all of your pink wires and put them together and I'll show right here where I have them hooked up on on my truck you'll get them all hooked together and you'll have a coil wire coming off of your main harness you will hook every single pink wire into your coil wire then you have two little orange wires in here those go to directly to battery positive these get power all the time so I'm going to go ahead and splice this little section in here while we're talking about this up here you will also have your uh uh fuel pump uh signal wire and it's a gray wire that runs up here that runs from your ECM uh I also have it in my plug set up and you will run this to a uh relay always run to a relay don't run it to the pump you'll burn you'll burn stuff up but run this to a relay back to your fuel pump and all this is a little signal wire it'll engage your relay it'll uh Purge the way it's supposed to if you get into a rollover God forbid or any sort of really hard wreck uh it'll shut your fuel pump off it it'll work the way it should now you don't have to you don't absolutely positively have to it's just a good idea to you can run power to your pump you can run key on power if you want I don't recommend it I do sketchy stuff but for me that's a little little extra far so yeah fuel pump I'm pretty sure it's this gray one right here that uh runs the signal for that because it's the only gray wire up here and you will want to run an extra power for your OBD2 because your OBD2 you'll only have four wires on it you'll have your data wire you'll have a hot wire and you'll have two ground wires both of those ground wires can go to the exact same ground doesn't matter if it's body or if it's battery they can go to the same ground not a big deal uh in here you'll have your Tack and all of that um whenever you have that connected where this plug came in came in handy for me is my extra wires like my tack and all that that is connected into here I just ran them from this to the ECM itself and I have that separate so I can plug and unplug this at will if you don't have that that's perfectly fine you can continue to use the wires that are up here and you just Trace them from your ECM to here splice them in and move them where you want them uh every wire that you're not using either take out of your ECM itself or find some way to insulate it independently so you don't have just an open ground or whatever just floating out out there not an open ground but an open positive you don't want data wires from your ECM grounding out I don't know what it'll do I'm not a math magician but it probably wouldn't be good moving on from there you will go back to your oh let me get this organized we have your starter being hooked up there is absolutely nothing crazy or special about your starter compared to your factory starter you'll have your main cable hooking in right here on the same spot as it would for a lot of uh uh Factory starters and then then you have your um ignition or enable wire that will hook on right there if it didn't have a broke off stud and that's it that wire comes over to here you can just whenever you cut all this off you'll take your uh start solenoid wire hook it into the same Factory one that works the exact same uh let's see move on to transmission stuff okay so moving down the transmission side of your wiring you'll have a O2 sensor plug right here uh and then you'll have a couple extra plugs that you don't do a damn thing with then you have a where' it go oh okay that's right so on a 4l60 I don't believe you have an input and an output speed sensor on a 4L 80 you have a input and output sensor oh you have an input and an out output speed sensor and I use the Walters engineering uh speed sensor adapter setup from uh from them and that's for np208 so we're talking about a K10 stuff like that for for this at least so let's pretend that this is your output speed sensor this is your main tells your vehicle or your ECM how fast you're going uh you'll install their kit which is super simple I did a video on that go ahead and check it out if you don't mind um but on that it's easier in hell you just cut this off you strip it back a little bit and you just solder the two wires on there it does not matter which two you hook it to because all it is H because all it is is a pulse coming through there so it's going to read a pulse no matter what there's no no special tricks to it like I thought there might have been obviously your transmission uh main plug this is another O2 sensor plug chop that off don't need it your ECM doesn't care anyway next up will be your oil pressure sensor you don't need it not on this uh if you're going to say you're going to run a factory say you're going to run your your own gauge cluster your factory gauge cluster I don't know what you would do about your speedometer that's something I haven't done so I couldn't honestly tell you but you just cut this off you don't need that you can go on Amazon and get a factory uh square body adapter that goes to your uh oil pressure port there at the back of your block and you just screw a factory one on right there and plug in your factory one like it never went away reads perfectly fine and a lot of guys say that it works really well uh the next one is the same thing with your coolant uh but with your coolant you have to have your coolant sensor in the side of your head on the front driver side you have to have your coolant temp right there because your ECM does need to know how hot it is because it changes the tune accordingly and there's the same plug on the opposite side back towards the firewall on the head same thing there they make adapters that you just screw in your factory small block big block whatever uh coolant temp sensor and everybody says it works just fine uh my coolant temp and my oil temp or oil pressure are all mechanical right now I'm I'm using the old stuff so I think I kind of screwed up my coolant temp and it's not working quite right also have a coolant leak I'm G have to fix uh one of my gaskets uh I must have pinched it or whatever on my water pump so I have to go back in there and do that uh as far as your uh Factory volts you can hook that into any key on um any any Kon power because it's just all it does is it just sends voltage up there and it tells it what it is uh your fuel send your fuel sending unit you if you use the sending unit out of an 87 uh that is the exact same it's a zero to 90 ohm system that'll hook in just like Factory you'll never know a difference and obviously you have to use your I think it's a 97 95 97 I'll put it up here uh what I got uh fuel pump because that will run 97 PSI and obviously you have to have your fuel regulator but that's all separate stuff uh other than that that's pretty much all there is to it uh you'll have an AC plug and whatnot that you can get rid of and here's your other O2 sensor that that's the one you don't need it's the downstream side you only need the Upstream and that's pretty much it I mean there's not a lot to it the biggest thing is if you get power to your pink and orange wires here and you get power to your fuel pump and you delete or have somebody delete the Vats the vehicle and theft system off of this it'll fire up there's no questions about it it just will okay uh before I get to the last tip that I have and we close out the video uh I would like to uh thank the guy that recommended this video he was all turned around and backwards on what he needed to do B he was probably looking at this spaghetti soup and going man this is a lot of crap and he's right and he just want a little bit of clarification on how the stuff connects uh so you're watching bud I appreciate you and you are the example of if you have questions and it's more than I can just type out in a comment then by God I'll put a video out on it and hopefully I can clear it up but my last tip is monotonous uh whenever you so the best thing you can do is have a down truck if you can have a donor truck that is preferable and if you do the best thing you can possibly do is label everything and I'm not saying you need to go through and be like this is a ground wire okay we know you know that but like your injectors so if you're not super familiar with how these go in and what order it's a lot easier to get a marker and write right here uh two four six and eight or whichever side this is or 1357 uh your coil plug left and right simple stuff like that uh your O2 sensors uh left and right or Bank One Bank two because if not then you have to go through here and LT1 will tell you what uh color your injectors and all that are supposed to be but it's a lot easier to go and say okay well this one's number one because it's labeled number one instead of going okay red wire black stripe is this one um black wire with a white stripe is this one and orange wire with a black stripe is this one and where I'm pulling that from just another side note to the side note to the side note every one of these will have a pink wire going to them that's your power the other side is your signal and that's what uh initiates the pulse which is basically just grounding it and letting it open the injector and one side will have a pink wire this one looks orange whatever uh the other side has your off-colored wire and that's how you're going to tell all of them normally the off-colored wire is on the side that doesn't have the little push clip on it easier way to identify it uh yeah that's that's really all I have for you and again just go over real quick cut off these couple of plugs and silicone them tape them do whatever now if you want you can absolutely take all the loom off of this and take these wires out how they're supposed to be works just fine but my next one I'm just going to cut these off and use the plugs use this plug at least the way that I was planning to which will entail taking this apart but it is much easier whenever you're just going after a few wires because LT1 will tell you exactly what wires they are are and all you'd have to do is uh Dent or actually you wouldn't even really have to dein them you just come up here so far and cut that wire far enough where you can get a splice on it and splice it into this plug and you're you're golden you're good to go and then just keep track of them from there then you label them with tape and all that but no it's it's really that easy you just cut that off hook up your pinks and oranges get everything else hooked up and going fire now like I said you will have to have a tune your Andy theft system has to be taken off but that's it uh I hope this helped if there is anything at all that you guys need to know let me know either if I don't know it I probably know somebody that does uh I'll go ahead and put up uh some screenshots of some groups that I'm a part of that have helped me out so much it is ridiculous and they are really really good people generally a giant wealth and knowledge um but yep I will see you guys next time and I hope you have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Random American
Views: 4,996
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Id: XgduMAyNg0M
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Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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