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[Music] [Music] today on horse land it's a comedy of errors when a princess visits horse land we'll said the princess didn't want to be bothered here and Chloe until we become Royal Pains as they try to impress their royal guests [Music] [Applause] what's up Dora did someone bring us food no but it's an interesting all the same [Music] there you go good girl that's a white horse looks like a first-class snob to me I think she looks kind of big and scary you can't judge somebody by how they look you have to get to know them you know walk a mile in their shoes fortunately I don't wear shoes what a beautiful horse names windy what kind of name is bad windy comes from a cold place she belongs to the princesses Falls Bergen and I just found out that the princess herself is coming to horse land for riding lessons a real princess we are so gonna give her the five star treatment as only we know how sister yes the princess is coming here to get a break from all the attention she usually gets so the last thing she needs is anybody acting up the princess and her assistant are the only ones coming they are keeping the whole thing real quiet no newspapers no magazines no gossip shows no and it's up to us to keep it that way treat them like you would any other students hey we can keep a secret right Chloe right Zoe well duh double duh I can't wait to tell the other girls at school they're gonna be so jealous welcome to horse land I'm Scarlett that horse is smoother than a peacock on parade I never thought I would say this angora but you might be right now now give the new horse a chance [Music] what's all this what are you two doing as you know Zoe and I have impeccable manners so we thought we'd teach all of you how to behave around royalty will told us not to make a fuss get real Sarah you expect me to listen to a guy who wears plaid now let's begin with the lesson in fine dining aren't you jumping the gun a little here we don't know anything about this princess that's right we should wait get to know the princess first and find out what she likes girls girls girls once you know a person's background her breeding her social standing that's all that matters now who wants to show us which fork to use first should we make a break for it no they'd catch us they can run fast hello let's pay attention hmm now this is a service plate it's never actually eaten on it will be removed when the first course is brought and this is an appetizer fork it's the only fork placed on the right side of the plate and this is the dessert fork notice it's placed horizontally above the plate [Applause] hello my name is Alexia howdy my name's will and these are hi I'm Chloe and I'm Zoe and we are so totally thrilled to meet you thank you but the suitcases we'll have to help get that you must be the princess's assistant well I am I'm Sarah this is Alma hey yeah my name is Linea can we help you unload the car yes thank you what's it like being a princess I mean a real one daddy calls us princesses but it's not like we're actually official you know okay yes but those horses are so big I mean nice big and nice horsies this is a beautiful home you have oh I don't live here this is where I board my horse so I come by pretty much every day Oh would you excuse us please Thanks they think I'm you and you're me we have to tell them yes yes of course as soon as no we have to tell them now but now now your highness you can't run away from us we're your new best friends someone will show you where to put the bags okay don't worry we'll take good care of the princess I'm sure you will [Music] sorry about the way they're acting that must drive the princess crazy oh I assure she'll be fine this is a beautiful horse yeah she sure is you like horses a lot huh oh yeah when I get on a horse I feel so free it's wonderful well maybe we could go riding sometime we we can take the trail up to Charlton Ridge you can see the whole valley from up there really when can we go whenever you want excuse me but your princess needs help getting dressed for her lesson well duty calls sure I'll saddle up her horse it's okay girl she's going to get the princess now why is the princess taking so long it must be that awful assistant of hers you know how hard it is to find good help here they come don't worry Alexia windy is very gentle your highness you know I never learned how to ride I can't get on a horse I can barely get into these pants you look fine Alexia how I look is not the point please can't we just pretend a bit longer at home I have so little freedom here no one even knows who I am you're Princess Linea of Smiles Birkin and I'm your assistant and trading clothes won't change that what will change is how people feel when they find out you tricked them you're right Alexia we have to tell them the truth and soon [Music] all righty ready for your lesson no I'm not why is that because you tell them [Music] I'm afraid Alexia won't be writing today because she's what's wrong princess yes what is it the princess won't be riding today because because her boots are dirty what hey to break it to you miss but when you ride horses that kind of comes with the territory it nevertheless the princess will not be riding today I'm going back in the house now I'll clean them for you princess no let me you've never cleaned a boot in your life yeah but I watched someone do it once I guess we have time for that trail right now I don't think Alexia would like it but let's do it are you sure it's okay for you to ride the princess's horse oh yeah I know she won't mind you too [Music] look Linea [Music] race you to the top I have to tell her the truth but what if she gets upset or starts treating me like like a princess [Music] it's beautiful here thought you'd like it see that lake out there in summer we go swimming there whenever you wish sure we're safe as long as we go as a group it must be nice to have good friends like that it's what friends do right they take care of each other they're always there for each other right right Woody is gone I know you know saw her and Sarah right off about an hour ago they'll be fine no no you don't understand she can't leave my sight you must take me to her at once we'll do it don't worry princess you can ride with me no with me heads or tails tails fine give me your hand don't worry princess we're the fastest riders in the county fastest yeah what a great ride for sure but it's getting late I suppose we should get back now well it's a little late for that how dare you run away I didn't run away we just went for a ride and I guess you're behind all this well yeah but I didn't mean to cause any trouble you have no idea how much trouble you could have caused come on let's go home now look I do know one thing you may be a princess princess but you're being incredibly mean to Linea sera Alexia can treat her help any way she wants she's royalty Alexia was only worried about me Sarah she and I may be different but we're like friends well a friend shouldn't treat a friend like that friends are supposed to be there for each other friends aren't supposed to boss each other around could I have a word with you now excuse me [Music] I can't believe they're still arguing you sure must that one up Sara yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the princess fired Linea Linea has something to tell you well go on Sarah I've been thinking about what you said about how friends should treat friends and well though we just met I consider you a friend so I never do anything to hurt you or make you think less of me of course you have every right to be mad but I hope you won't be I have no idea what you're saying Sarah Alexia is not the princess of spouse Bergen but if she's not the princess then who you mean you [Applause] [Music] sorry angora I can't get it you're stuck in there she never says anything to us I know what a snob so let me get this straight Alexia isn't a princess right but Linnea is also right are you sure it's okay for me to know this Linnea said I could tell you but she wants to tell Chloe and Zoey herself that I have to see girls we have a big announcement what's that at five o'clock tonight we are going to hold a gigantic party for princess Alexia for princess Alexia yeah that will be a surprise we've invited all of our friends from the country club and the Yacht Club and the Tennis Club and will said the princess didn't want to be bothered here you you have to cancel this sorry can't already charge the caterer on our credit card so don't be late or you won't rate we'd better find Linea Linea Alexia Chloe and Zoey are inviting friends over and they're going to throw a party for who for the princess only they think that's you ah what should we do princess well first you should go back to calling me Linea like before okay Linea and second there's nothing to do maybe it'll be fun to meet these friends yeah guess what we're throwing a party tonight in honor of you princess how kind of you will be very pleased to attend um one problem you aren't invited what come on Sarah you know we never invite the hired help unless you want to serve food or wash dishes or something you're making a big mistake see Linnea completely understands good but tell you what you can stick around and watch if you want from a distance you might learn something yeah because we know how to treat a princess like a princess [Music] Chloe and Zoey's dad is not gonna be happy when he sees this bill boots good though we rose waving must be awful putting up with his craziness all the time some people don't seem to mind hi my name is Chloe and this is my sister Zoe hi and we'd like to welcome all of you to horse land species anyway we have a special treat tonight a chance to meet the incredibly reclusive rich and royal princess of Spall's bergen i said presenting the princess of smalls bergen princess [Music] princess over here no over here Wow [Music] uh-huh uh-huh good evening everyone first I'd like to thank my new friends at horse land particularly Sara this is a special place and I'm grateful for the days I've spent here who do you think you are yeah whoo the princess of Spall's Bergen she is you are yes I am and I'm grateful to these young ladies Chloe and Zoey they helped me see what a fine and faithful friend I have in my assistant Alexia I can't believe linea has to leave already and I can't believe we wasted the whole time hanging around with the wrong princess Oh we'd better go say goodbye I had a wonderful stay I had fun too you really know how to treat a guest like royalty even when they're not we know there's no excuse for not telling the truth and we're sorry well um we're sorry too even if Alexia is just you know the hired help well yeah that the thing is we found out that you're actually nice and we're lucky we got to know you sorta here this is something for horse land oh how pretty it's called a dollar horse a traditional gift where I come from Thank You Linea and thank you for everything well we'd better go Alexia there's a plane waiting for us at the airport yes good luck ahead and what did you just say to her I told her I will take you home now windy only understands Icelandic what he ago she was a de Stubb she just didn't understand what we were saying that's why she didn't talk to us oh I knew that bless bless that means goodbye [Music] I'm glad we met bad horse me too she turned out to be pretty nice after all right yeah the world's full of five votes if you just take the time to get to know [Music] come on don't have much time they'll be here soon oh I know what that's all about I've got the blanket here's some hay my my my they certainly are busy Shep angora do you know what's going on they're getting ready for a couple of visitors I can't we don't need more horses clapping around here it's not always easy having somebody new around but I hope we'll all make them feel at home [Music] I can't believe we're going to have twin folds here too bad their mom's sick but it'll be fun having them for a few days till she gets better I've never taken care of a fall before much less - I've helped take care of my little sister Lissa but my parents always did most of the work taking care of a full is a lot of work and with twins it'll be twice the work can't wait sounds like fun I hope they don't get homesick it's a big change coming to a strange stable and leaving their mom even for a few days well I hope they don't get in the way they're just foals Aztek I don't need a couple of folds under hoof they're here come on Scarlett let's show them a real horse land welcome come on cream come on sugar this is your new home for a few days aren't they just the sweetest things you ever saw let's get these two into the stable let me do it Bailey oh I want to I don't mind neither do I I can handle it no I'd better do it don't worry about them they're just excited you're here with us well show you where you'll be staying I said I would know let me hold on a sec this place is kind of nice isn't it sugar I think they like it these blankets will keep them nice and warm tonight hey those are my blankets won't hurt to share them one night austech maybe just one night night sweeties tomorrow we'll show you all around horse land good night sleep well good night cream night sugar he always rubs my nose good night he just forgot and all the excitement everything will be back to normal tomorrow it's still out there sugar and it's looking at us I I'm scared cream I want mommy can you keep it down in there sorry they're just foals Aztek they're not used to sleeping in a stall without their mother no reason to keep everybody else awake is everything all right we're sorta scared there's nothing to be afraid of here something's watching us we're out there that's only the moon my mother used to tell me there's a great horse living in the moon can you see his face I see it me too mama told me he's always up there watching over little ones keeping them safe while they sleep [Music] Wow look at them that's what I want to do when I grow up [Music] Kareem you look just like the big horses come on it's fun Molly come see come see the little horses whoa hey everybody look at this aren't they the cutest things you've ever seen they look so proud of themselves that's it show the big horses how it's done I think I'm gonna be sick cream and sugar are just trying to do what we're doing it's sweet hi big horses Alisa pretty horses let's uh oh I know the horses wouldn't hurt you on purpose but there could be an accident there's so much bigger than you are what we'd never hurt anybody let's look at some horsies more your own size see the baby horses I guess we're not their favorites anymore Oh calypso that's not it babies always get more attention babies need more attention I don't know scarlet I think Aztecs right things have changed around here [Music] time for your morning ride warning babies I hope you slept alright oh you think you found something you like carrots you two behave yourselves while we're out for our ride I'll see you when we get back there's a good baby horn and Calypso let's get you ready girl oh sorry calypso guess I've made your treat - cream and sugar I'll bring more tomorrow promise what's wrong with you hurry up Molly we're all settled up I'm trying but Calypso's not cooperating honestly you're more trouble than Lissa there she is finally sorry calypso just doesn't seem to be herself today oh come on calypso yeah honestly what's eating you girl just look at those two that is so cute no calypso not now I said stop it calypso that's pretty cute too calypso no she's just being silly don't encourage her what's got into you you're acting like a big baby I thought that was what you lie [Music] here you go no shoving now there's plenty for everybody [Music] you two have noses for trouble but there's no use crying over a little spilled water those little Colts are real cut-ups ah Aztec watch what you're doing now I got to replace this straw I don't know what's wrong with you he thought it was funny when those two did it Aztec you don't have to be jealous of the little ones ha ha I'm not jealous of them Bailey still cares about you you'll always be special to him I know that but those two foals are taking up all a Bailey's time [Music] I want to go home cream those horses don't want us here yeah when I first saw the big horses I wanted to be just like them you're not going to keep us awake all night again are you sorry we won't do it again good [Music] I miss mommy I do too maybe we should go home can we don't see why not follow me how did you do that I watched Scarlett open her stall the first night we were here now let's go but be quiet [Music] which way is home that way I think on the other side of the hills [Music] I hope the horses aren't acting as strange as they were yesterday they were like a bunch of big babies oh look cream and sugar stall is open the Falls are gone let's go find Bailey good riddance says I now maybe we'll get some attention that's no way to talk Aztek cream and sugar are just babies who knows what trouble they could get into we have to find them what's wrong Shep what's happened the folds are missing check the paddock and the arena I'll look in the meadow they aren't in the meadow Irena all the paddock cream saw me opened my stall on their first night here hmm who'da thought the little foal was so smart young foals are always eager to learn remember how we were at that age they sure picked up our gates fast enough when we were practicing dressage I know how we can find cream and sugar I put these on the foals the first night they were here their scent should be all over them here Shep can you get a scent go find them boy I think we're lost cream I wish we'd never left horse land well I'm not going back those big horses don't like us we need to get back to mom but which way do we go there I think we should go that way he's walking in circles now hope he picks up their trail again don't worry I will I hope we find them before night I don't want to think about cream and sugar holding alone we should have made them feel more welcome at horse lon I don't like this trail we got to keep going sugar but where are we going I'm not sure [Music] you think that went in there they are in there what do we do now remember what Scarlett said there's a great horse up there in the moon watching over us I'm sure he can help us I'm tired cream we can stop here for a while we can't go any farther we'll have to turn back but we can't leave without cream and sugar they're not here we have to double back and start looking again [Music] I think I know where they went where's Scarlett they went looking for the moon looking for the what what are you talking about Scarlett they're looking for a place they'll feel safe what they were safe that horse lon I think they knew you and Aztec were upset even if they didn't know why so they decided to leave I never wanted that I just didn't want them hogging all the attention they never meant to Aztec they didn't want to make you feel jealous it just happened that way I hope we find him I think they're up there somewhere I see them look there they are there's another trail on top of the canyon we can get them up there [Music] oh I'm so glad you're okay you had scared for a while we'll rest the horses a while then start back where were you two headed we were trying to get home we thought you didn't want us at horse land sure we wanted you there at least at first when my owner started paying so much attention to you I got a little jealous I never had to share his attention before and I blamed you but it wasn't your fault I know molly was a little jealous when her sister first came along but molly is really close with Lissa now I should have remembered that dings sometimes change when there's a new addition to a family we're all family at horse land and you're our newest members will you come back with us [Music] is that cute or what should we start back I think we're ready goodbye cream goodbye sugar say hello to your mom for us goodbye see you again soon we'll remember everything you taught us see you around take care don't go getting yourselves into trouble our horses sure are noisy today I think they'll miss the little guys as much as we will it'll be good to have the stable back to normal but I'm gonna miss those foals I guess we sort of love those kids huh sorta how'd you like a good long grooming clips up and you to a stick come on let's get going I've got extra carrots in the stable oh I'm so glad they changed their minds about cream and sugar it isn't always easy when somebody new joins the family didn't it yep love is a kind of spreading thing and there's always plenty to go around [Music] and you're still napping I'm a cat cat napping is one of the things we do best you should have come with us we bit all over the horse land meadow checking things out it was fun and great exercise I get all the exercise I need chasing mice that reminds me what's for dinner all that exercises maybe hungry you're always eating and it's show.we pigs are supposed to be dice around too bad you're not a cat we're naturally slim and sleek admit it I'm not there's a size and shape but right for everyone the important thing is being healthy and that means the right amount of food and exercise you must have really missed Zoey this last couple of weeks Zoey yes but all those training rides not on your life I stayed right here in the stable and got just as many oats as you talk about a luxury if anyone deserves to be pampered it's a surefire winner like me ha everyone knows nanny and I are going to win the cross-country challenge that's our thing you're forgetting that zoey is the captain of the cross-country team and that's because she rides the best horse [Music] hey everybody look who's back Zowie glad you're feeling better good to have you back oh I missed you pepper I can't wait to get the saddle on you and go for a ride whoa girl looks like you put on a few pounds I thought I could count on you sis you were supposed to make sure pepper got her exercise while I was out sick I'm sorry though there just wasn't enough time to do everything for two horses don't worry pepper will soon have you back in shape pepper already has a shape around [Music] the cross-country jumps won't be any problem for Scarlett that's for sure I hope peppers tummy doesn't hit the row and she goes over [Music] to be ready we've got to work even harder than I thought you can do it Zoe we've still got a while till the tryout right I want you and pepper in top form when sunburst and I beat you either those fences have gotten higher or the rails have gotten looser maybe you've just got wider once you lose a few pounds you shouldn't have any problems or you could just use the extra weight to plow through all the obstacles a nice bag of oats chili you earned it I'm really looking forward to dinner tonight I'm afraid we have to cut back on your oats pepper I spoke to the vet and he told me just how much to give you to help you lose that weight you gained sorry it wasn't my fault oh come I have to be the one to suffer [Music] everybody's making such a big deal about a few extra pounds and that pitiful little bag of oats why how's a horse supposed to sleep when she's still thinking about dinner if I could just have a little midnight snack maybe I'd feel better I'm in luck [Music] once that won't make any difference to getting back in shape again besides everybody already thinks I'm fat what's the use of denying myself a little nibble [Music] [Applause] What's Wrong Zoey pepper won't jump I can't do it yes you can pepper you've made this jump a hundred times maybe she could float over this big as a balloon come on Pat you're embarrassing me [Music] I don't know what's wrong with you pepper it just seems like you can't do anything right lately you're making me I mean us look bad if you can't do any better than that we might as well not even race [Music] maybe we'll do better tomorrow [Music] huh Zoey's right it's all my fault all because of this added weight I'm carrying I've got to stop eating so much no I've got to stop eating period I'm going to lose this weight fast I'm going to make Zoey proud of me again [Music] what's up pepper you're not eating and this is really tasty crazy oh yeah looks good tasty mmm nothing better than fresh grass nobody's going to make me eat I've got too many pounds to lose if I'm gonna be in shape for the tryout oh but that grass sure does look yummy no I'm not going to eat it I'm not going to do it I've got to think of something to take my mind off food hey I've got an idea how about a few laps around the pasture just to keep in training training isn't just about exercise pet Sunburst is right it's also about getting enough rest to let your body recuperate from the hard training you've done and eating healthy food to give you energy food like this delicious grass you just want me to be fat and out of shape so you can win if no one wants to run with me I'll run by myself I was just trying to help pepper sensitive because she feels overweight and out of shape she'll come around if we encourage her instead of teasing her [Music] so tired and a hungry are you okay pepper you look worn out me who are no no there's nothing like a little exercise to make you feel great really you looked exhausted when we left the pasture I was just getting my second wind I could have run for another hour [Music] hello my sweet chili have a nice dinner pepper see you tomorrow there's no way I'm going to regain the weight I lost with all that running [Music] Wow who took the pepper pepper we know and replaced her with this one all that running before a race isn't good for her she has to give her body time to rest and recuperate we have to convince her to stop stop pepper we need to talk out of my way I'm trying to exercise you've been doing too much of that we're worried about you all of us you're all jealous now that I'm getting back into shape you're afraid that I'll make you look bad too much exercises almost as bad as not enough you won't have anything left for the tryout you must think you've already won just because I'm an out-of-shape butterball well not anymore Zoe and I will be the ones going to the big race and we're going to win it too I'll run rings around you just like I'm doing to this pasture [Music] pepper your your normal self again I mean you could do it pepper and have I got a treat for you a nice juicy carrot come on pepper you've earned it not hungry girl that's okay you're still the best you'll be the fastest most beautiful horse ever a perfect representative for horse land I know you're not going to let me down pepper [Music] it's almost time for the tryout it won't be much of one with me and sunburst in it but you'll have a good spot to watch us cross the finish line ahead of you only if we turn around and look back you're forgetting who's the captain of a cross-country team that doesn't mean you'll be the fastest today and only one horse and rider from each stable gets to go to the state finals don't worry about nanny's bragging we're going to win and I want you to look beautiful when we cross the finish line that's funny this is the wrong time of year for a horse to be shedding it's almost like your hair's falling out time to mount up I've got some great horse shampoo that'll take care of that after the tryout ready girl will show everyone who's the best horse at horse land careful pepper I can't win if I'm not in the saddle are you all right pup don't worry about me I'm not some roly-poly pushover anymore I'm a lean mean racing machine I have the honor of starting the tryouts today so on your mark get set go [Music] [Music] don't worry peppers anybody could slip going over a stream we'll catch them let's go [Music] Master thunders show them who's the cross country king [Music] don't give up pepper you can do it I know you can what is it pepper what's wrong pepper get up girl oh please pepper you're just tired I don't know why you're so tired out but it'll be okay you can rest while I go for help don't go anywhere I'll be back as fast as I can [Music] great job sunburst you won we're going to the state finals fantastic ride nonny well cross-country is sunburst specialty no one could catch him today yeah just wait till next time dream on calypso but where are pepper and Zowie what is it scarlet I wonder where Zoe and pepper are they shouldn't be that far behind maybe pepper lost a shoe or came up lame or maybe something else is wrong [Music] [Music] where's pepper what's wrong pepper lay down on the trail in the woods and won't move I don't know what's the matter with her I wanted to win but not like this we all wanted to win but now I just want pepper to be all right you take Calypso since our cellphones don't work out here I'll dash back to the stable and call the vet from there the rest of you can go help pepper thanks Molly Oh pepper why are you so tired Pepper's going to be all right you'll see Molly you'll be here with the vet before you know it what's taking so long so it's only been a few minutes what's wrong pepper don't you feel good I'm really tired and hungry I haven't eaten very much lately but why I just wanted to lose weight I wanted to be ready for the tryout and I didn't want you to make fun of me for being fat anymore we didn't really mean it we were just teasing I know but it's still hurt and I just wanted to lose a few pounds but it never seemed like enough we're sorry pepper we never taught our words would be so hurtful the vet says you'll be as good as new soon but you have to rest and eat to get your strength back and he's going to come check on you every few days to make sure you're following orders he says he thinks peppers hardly been eating anything but I fed her every day well if pepper didn't eat her food what happened to it I wonder that's what happened to the food pepper didn't eat any of it it's like she knew I thought she needed to lose weight and we were laughing at her none of this would have happened if I'd kept my promise and taken good care of pepper while you were sick it was just so busy trying to get chili ready for the race I'm sorry Zoe we were all too busy to notice someone needed our help thank goodness pepper is going to be okay first you rest and start eating right again and when you're stronger we'll give you just the right amount of exercise pretty soon you'll be the healthiest horse in horse land it sure is great to see you back to your old self and my old weight it makes me tired just watching them a little martini hey like Shep said there's a right size and shape for everyone and everyone is different just imagine if I were as slim and sleek as you and what would be so wrong with that why I wouldn't look like my beautiful brown piggy self anymore that look like a bulk camp [Laughter] [Music] [Music] what's going on around here Shep they're getting the place ready it's got a famous visitor coming by today [Music] sure famous visitor would like to see me too I wouldn't go out there it's sort of dangerous told you so Tina tried to warn you when somebody has good advice to share your to listen soon as we get the back stall next to Calypso cleaned up we'll be ready for our guests we'll want it to be nice and comfy so River can get better after his operation did she say river the river that river river is coming here to horse land who's that Emma just about the most awesome horse that ever lived one the Longfellow steeplechase for time and the national and international show jumping championships that's pretty good pretty good rivers a living legend he could run all day without getting tired and when he jumped a fence he was like an eagle soaring in the sky and in the show jumping ring there was no horse more graceful River never knocked down a rail not worn in his hair career he won every competition he ever entered there was never a horse that could compare with River it'll be an honor to have a horse like River spend a few days in our stable I'm sure we can learn a lot from him oh just look at this place we have to look our best to greet a champion finally finished Chile we just finished cleaning and you're already messing the place up I think he's trying to tell us something I think they want to look their best for River - yeah right like you can read their minds maybe Sarah's right wouldn't hurt to spruce him up a bit [Music] [Music] well wasn't easy but it sure was worth it I don't think the horses or the stable ever looked better Oh chilly what is it now I think he's trying to tell us that we need to clean up too [Music] I have a little welcome speech all worked out so don't say anything and let me do the talking dear my goodness poor old fella I hope you like it here he'll need a lot of rest to get his strength back once my grandmother had an operation and it took months for her to get back to normal we'll take good care of you River we'll be right back River Wow those races must have been a long time ago but the campi River the Champion River River yep that's me hello River my name's Scarlett nice to meet you dear hi I'm chili and on behalf of the horses of horse land I want to say it's a great honor very nice of you but if you don't mind I've had a long trip and I could use your rest plenty of time to talk later um right later here you go boy come on River let's get you some water now [Applause] [Music] [Music] I guess he's changed from when he was young like popper said it was a long time ago that River won those races yep long time I haven't competed in over 15 years retired you know turned out to pasture but I remember those days like yesterday tell us about the first time you won the Longfellow steeplechase you had to be the fastest horse ever I was fast but racing especially a steeplechase isn't all about fast pacings just as important to speed start off too fast and you don't have anything left for the finish that's a hard lesson to learn when you're young and feeling your oats but it's important there's a sorghum mixed in tasty best sorghum I ever had was in Kentucky I was training for a race there tell us about the race they call a Kentucky bluegrass country but I don't know why it isn't blue it's green like any other grass good though some of the best I ever grazed Ford has got good grass - but it's sandy the ground I mean not the grass some big hero all he cares about is grass California is good but you gotta water the grass a lot mine's Mavis table where the oats were so good yes I told you that so we pepper you can do it [Music] [Music] too bad pepper you'll do better next time I barely brushed the rail must have been a breeze must have blown the rail off I think you need to settle yourself down and shorten your stride coming up to the fence it's not so much the speed you carry into a jump that matters it's hitting the mark for your takeoff huge hunks ters are too impatient sometimes it was only a practice it used to knock him down rails and practice and you'll knock them down when you compete all I'm saying is the fastest ride is a clean ride come on chilly let's show them how it's done okay watch my stride and hit my takeoff points let's go chilly good going Chloe great job you did it great right chili I'm so proud of you chili what you think of that not bad for a youngster River mm-hmm sorry must have dozed off horse nap you know how the ride go okay too bad you didn't see it [Music] that horse is way too critical I'll be glad when he leaves Oh cut him some slack pepper he just had an operation and he tells those long boring stories but he's not boring don't tell me you like listening to that long-winded old know-it-all well I mean I he thinks horses today can't do anything not like the horse is when he was young Shh he's coming well I'm not gonna stand around and listen to that boring blowhard you sure is good not as good as Kentucky bluegrass which isn't really blue yes I told you that one yeah you did come on let's grazed by the fence you come in chili suit yourself [Music] where are they off to I don't know better tell them not to go too far there's your storm coming a storm but there's not a cloud anywhere when you get my age you feel a storm in your bones especially if it's gonna be a big one say did I tell you about the time no but that's okay I have to go Chile hold on boy where are you going sometimes I don't know what gets into these young uns yes Chile ran off on account of me can't leave him out there alone not with this storm coming [Music] still got my touch don't want anybody else getting out now to find that youngin [Music] all my life I've heard about River wanted to be like him but he's nothing like I thought he'd be Pepper's right he's boring [Music] jillee where are you youngin box canyon ought to be a good place to hide River will never find me here why'd you go and run away told you there was a storm coming there's no storm you don't know everything never said I knew everything I'm sorry if it seemed that way guess I need to work on understanding young horses you're just so different from what I expected a champion you mean something like that that was a long time ago chili horses change sounds like you young uns could work on understanding old horses too come on let's get back for that storm hits what storm I'd steal yeah that storm follow me it's be marked what's round we'll have to jump if we can obviously I'd never make it but you might I never jumped anything that big you have to only way to bring him just remember I know shorten my stride pick my takeoff port I guess you're young and wordlessly [Music] I can do it short strides hit my takeoff point here goes [Music] I'll be back with help [Music] - me of me when I was this age the rain I've got to hurry they seem just as important to speak start off too fast you don't have anything left for the Finnish rivers right I gotta have straight to lead them back let's get the horses in the stable wait where's chili he's not here [Music] they're still out in the storm and River too but where they're not in the pasture we have to find them it's chilly where's River [Music] maybe he's trying to tell us where he is [Music] let's get the horses saddled and find him not as dry as the staple but it'll do just hope chili remembers what I told him come on not too fast pepper River says you have to pace yourself if we don't we'll be too tired to do anything when we get there yes he's right [Music] blue shillings get here soon for I catch pneumonia [Music] it's River behind that tree we'll have to drag it out of the way I hope the horses aren't too tired to move it tie the other end to your saddles [Music] now let's all pull together okay [Music] [Music] River we're so glad you're safe I can't believe I got myself stuck like that you wouldn't have gotten stuck if I hadn't run off I was acting like a spoiled colt I guess I gotta remember my stories aren't so interesting to a herd of young horses they're interesting if we take the time to listen Chili's right there's a lot we can learn from you [Music] nothing like a nice warm stable and a good bag of oats reminds me of a stable where the oats were so good but you young uns don't want to hear that tell us about the time you won the Longfellow steeplechase you don't want to hear about that do you yeah we do if you don't mind telling us well there we were lined up at the start with me next to fleetmaster big chestnut stallion he was the favorite he won the year before this was my first big test don't mind telling you I was nervous but that went away soon as the flag dropped and the race started he never heard such a thunder of hooves it was like we struck lightning from our horseshoes fleetmaster and I went down the street I was young and strong but I knew that wasn't enough to win I had to race smart had to pace myself so I dropped back to save my strength waited for the chance to make my move at the last fence I saw bleats master was tired and I gave it everything I had close the distance and we were side by side neck and neck and then I passed him I crossed the finish line and I've done it won my first big race [Music] yes sir there's a lot we can learn from each other if we care enough to listen [Music] and all the best of friends everyone's a winner here grab your saddle and ride ride away with us [Music] crap your saddle and ride ride away with us you [Music]
Channel: Horseland - WildBrain
Views: 974,173
Rating: 4.0921731 out of 5
Keywords: horseland, horse land, horseland game, horseland tv, horseland tv series, horse, horses, horse video, horseland video, full episodes, horseland episode, horseland full episodes, episode, movie, full, new, full movie, in english, horse land game, game, horse cartoons, horse riding cartoons, horse riding for kids, horse animation, cartoon about horses, cartoons about horses, horse cartoon, horse riding, cartoons for girls, girl cartoons, how to ride a horse
Id: ab2EyFqkc4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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