LPS: Celebrity Copycat || Short Film

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[Music] you know people often ask me how did I get such an amazing figure well my secret's out I eat new tomato ketchup by Heinz it's the only product I use now you can too Heinz tomato ketchup probably sponsored by Beverly black oh my god I cannot want another minute of this there has to be something else on TV hey babe sorry I'm a little late boss wanted us to work a little more turns out we're doing a business deal with Beverly black oh hey babe if I have to hear that name one more time I'm actually going to throw up you don't like her I think she's a really talented singer I mean I get why people like her butts just not my taste I mean she's pretty at all but she's everywhere and they want everyone to like be like her no thanks I'd rather have my individuality well to be honest I think you'd look really cute with blond fur it'll match your blue eyes so perfectly you'd like be her to win it'll be super cute but then I wouldn't look like me you might as well try and date Beverly at that point oh come on you know I didn't mean anything by it I just think a new hurdle would look pretty cute on you that's all so is there anything planned for tonight or no I'm pretty tired I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm just going to go to bed way to blow it mark now you don't get to snuggle oh well at least I can watch them Beverly on TV huh [Music] hi there welcome to swirls the number one hair shop in Los Angeles how can I help you hi I need an appointment late last night for Rosina I'm not too sure if you have me in the system yet but I'm coming in for an appointment Rosina ok feel free to take a seat and I'll go check your enough systems ok I can do this I can definitely do this so good news Rosina you are in our system so what can I help you with today darling oh well that's the thing I'm not really sure what I want done you see I kind of want to freshen my look up for something more modern but I'm not too sure what exactly is in fashion right now well it depends who you ask my wife reckons pearlescent pets are going to be the new hit which is completely understandable they look amazing oh thanks no problem but I personally think that the next big thing is going to be celebrity makeovers we've actually recently started doing them here celebrity makeover like you look like a celebrity yeah pretty much we do a little googling and find out what color palettes certain celebrities use and then we use the same products and your fur we can also offer fashion if that's what you're into my wife's starting to kind of expand our business into fashion and makeovers um do you think you can do up blonde oh you're a Beverly black fan we've had so many young girls coming here for Beverly black looks it's crazy I guess well I can certainly give you that look if you like I actually just finished giving another girl that look hence why I have the blonde hair dye here I think for yourself we need to do a little bleaching to get rid of that harsh Orange put in some yellow and kind of blend it out with a bit of Brown ombre on the tail perhaps and then from there my wife can take you over to find an outfit and voila a perfect Beverly black duplicate so like a copycat whatever you want to call it to be honest I think it's more of a inspiration that a copycat I mean you're not trying to be her just inspired by her look okay I'll give it a try all righty then remove your glasses and hat and we'll get started okay okay just lay back and let's get started alright I'm just going to put this cloth over the top of you and when I return your first should be completely changed huh okay darling it's time for the big reveal so let me just take this off whoops whoa so how do I look to be honest I don't think her mom could even tell the difference between you two really Wow um so should I go see your wife now about some clothes yeah girl get that fashion makeover oh okay thanks oh oh my gosh I thought I was a little star-struck then I guess you are the role so you know my husband was telling me about you here to get your makeover darlin yes please I think black is her color of choice I like that as well please you got it sugar come on through you're gonna wow the crowd out there wait with the crowd what Oh what my dog miss black I totally have a crush on you oh my gosh you're smells so good oh thanks but I'm not miss black looks totally different day maybe she's having a baby that would be perfect for the newspaper headlines pregnancy for Miss Black ah the people that eat it up oh good one let's see what else we can catch hey I'm not pregnant that's really rude honey your cheeks don't light your swelling up like a balloon probably a baby on the way hmm well for your information I'm not even mist black as you say my name is Rosina ah split personality disorder another great headline yes miss black give us more information this is Jersey stuff yes yes thank goodness I got the camera rolling we'll sell this to the news agency and be millionaires paparazzi are such leeches miss black miss black could you wish my mother a happy birthday I brought along this recording system so you could sing it to her she's a really big fan and she couldn't make it today but I came all the way down here okay doc why does it have to be a sick person it feels so bad if I didn't sing here goes nothing happy birthday happy birthday [Applause] Thanks sorry I guess I don't have my auto-tune turn down right now huh another perfect headline miss black uses older children this is gold oh my gosh I'm so sorry I should have looked where I was going oh my god oh my head I don't want to sound a little too overconfident here but you kind of look like you're dressed like me I yeah I'm so sorry I actually didn't want to do this it's hey it's cool I was kidding you're kind of rocking it and I certainly did not invent blonde in black clothes you look cool but a little bit uncomfortable to be honest yeah well I didn't really want to do this it was kind of my boyfriend's idea he said he was a really big fan of you and he thought I would look good dressed like you and with bond fur so I kind of did it to impress him but after being pressured by the paparazzi like that I don't think it's very much fun being you yeah it's not very fun that part of it but hey what's your natural fur color you shouldn't really be listening to him maybe he just wants you to look like me that's kind of messed up oh I'm naturally like a Pete's color I guess jealous I've always wanted to rock peach I feel like it's gonna be really in this summer you should totally go back to it you know bu not everyone has to look like me to be honest sometimes I don't even want to look like me we all loved those days you know yeah I guess you're right I guess I could take this off it's not very comfortable like you said I do really love my natural fur color yeah bu and rocket girl anyway I got somewhere to be hopefully I can avoid that paparazzi swarm over there I'll see you around girl Oh bye she's actually pretty chill walking on sunshine whoa I'm walking on sunshine doo doo doo ah hey babe oh hey sorry I missed you this morning I have been on this couch all day sleep in my troubles away uh wait a minute your fur and your clothes yeah you know I kind of did it to impress Co but I like being me this isn't me so I don't really care if you want to see me bond and black clothes and strutting my stuff I just want to be me and if you don't like that then there's the door well I was just about to say you look beautiful but you look even more beautiful being just who you are I thought about what I said and I'm really sorry you're you and she's miss black I don't want you to be anyone else but you babe come here I'm glad Oh speak of the devil she's on TV oh really come out sporting a brand-new look miss Beverly miss family what do you have to say for yourself while I was inspired by a friend peach orange is definitely going to be in this year mm-hmm you heard it here first folks peach orange is gonna be in I wonder who this mysterious friend is that she took some inspiration from guess she took inspiration from me huh no come on I am very hungry wait you Influenster hey wait [Music] hey guys I hope you enjoyed that little kind of skit short thing I don't know what you would really call it I guess it's a skit but today I am also going to be unboxing the set this beautiful blonde cat originally came from so let's open it up so this pack is called the snowboarding Kitty cruise and in this pack you get two regular sized pets a mini scale pet and two teensy pets as well as a few accessories and this was a really awesome pack that a friend of mine picked up for me named hunters LPS on Instagram I will leave her link down below so you guys can go give her follow she tells a lot of informational posts about LPS so without any further ado let's quickly look at the back and then open it up so here's the back it's just a picture of the family and a little hidden one at the top and then we have some more pets on the side and I believe this pack does come with a checklist which I'm so excited about because I have not had a pack that has a checklist in so long so here's a pamphlet it's part of the frosting frenzy collection I think I've already shown this pamphlet but I'm not too sure so I'll show it to you guys again and here's the other side and as you can see a hidden is a little question mark a premium is a sparkle and an LPS scrappers is like a little paint spot but yeah so here are the pets a lot of these I am going to be unboxing in future videos because Angela also known as hunters LPS also picked them up for me so I have a lot of pets to get through but there's a quick look at the pamphlet because I know you guys love them as much as I do okay so I am bought the family but we still have our mystery pet in here so you actually can't see it from the back and then there's like cardboard kind of bucking and I hope you guys can see so I'm just gonna open it up and see who we have in there so let me get this I can kind of see them I just knocked everyone over and the baby fell out it's a disaster so a little teensy is actually me right now and I actually really love it it's a little gray kitten and she's got like the little splotches on her and it's just honestly a mood but besides her we also get another teensy which i think is actually a little bigger and it is this really pretty kind of gold looking cat I really love the colors I think it's one of the cutest team sees that they've done in like a family pack so I really love this one oh and for some reason I can't turn the gold cats in but I can turn the grey cat's head I'm not too sure why but moving along with the family you also get this mini scale black cat and I really like this one I think it's pretty cute it's a pretty cute mold and it's quite large for a mini scale pet as well and then of course you get the two regular-sized pets so I really love these especially the yellow one of course you guys saw this kit so you knew exactly what my mind went to when I saw it but I think it looks really awesome just oh my gosh and then of course the purple one as well I really like I feel like they're doing a lot less pets and with out eyelashes so it's kind of refreshing to see one with no eyelashes on and then you also get some accessories so there's a snowboard a scarf a little fish a selfie stick which honestly what year are we in like come on Hasbro that's a bit out of fashion now and a kind of semi-transparent snowball which I really like I don't know why so there's our snow building Kitty family I think this set is really cool I really like the fact that Hasbro kind of remade an old pet into a new mold I think they should do a few more but not a lot because it would kind of become pointless to collect new LPS if they looked exactly like old ones but other I think it's really cool so let me know I really want to know you guys opinion actually in the comments down below would you like to see more videos like this where I do like a skit and then kind of an unboxing kind of review of the set or would you like to be two separate videos so a skit and an unboxing as separate videos because I'm fine either way I just thought maybe this would be a better way to combine them so please let me know your opinion in the comments down below it really helps me out knowing what you guys like to see but other than that I really hope you enjoyed the skid and unboxing and yeah thank you again to hunters LPS for getting me this set because I cannot get here in Australia so yeah thank you guys so much for watching like always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like comment and if so subscribe and I will see you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 1,390,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest pet shop, lpstube, lpstuber, lps video, new lps video, new lps, lps skit, lps short film, lps short, lps film, lps funny, G5 lps, lps unboxing, lps copycat, lps celebrity, lps popular
Id: Rkm4cKlUVoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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