LPS Be Yourself (Film)

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[Music] so yeah long story short I really wanted to get the purple collar but they only had red and blue left for guys so I never ended up getting anything that sucks but hey at least your birthday is coming up soon I'll keep an eye out and who knows maybe you might be getting that purple collar after all if you did that for me I'd forever be in your debt milady don't ever do that again ill okay okay sorry um hi Elena I just wanted to say we think you're all super brave for wearing those glasses to school it's not called being brave it's called having self-confidence you may want to get some instead of trying to make fun of me damn girl remind me to never pick on you darn straight she used to bully me all the time last year I just kind of started ignoring it and doing what I want and ever since then she's tried but never quite succeeded I just feel sorry for whatever she picks on next not everyone can move on so easily you know anyway I wanted to ask you the other day I had a burrito and the guy at the burrito store was like okay you can have extra beans or extra sauce for no charge and I was really stuck so we thought hmm I really really want extra sauce but beans kind of like being juice which makes them saucy so I was super super stuck hello Cole are you even listening oh yeah yeah sorry what were you saying okay if you were listening then what did you think I chose extra beans or exercise the sauce obviously you're you're a saucy girl haha Wow no incorrect I chose beans you clearly are not listening what were you looking at anyway oh nothing nothing just just pets walking in okay oh hi see I'm guessing Hannah caught your eye uh who Hannah the collie she's like been the most popular dog here can't believe you don't even know her name where have you been living my pathetic life underneath a rock clearly yeah that sounds about right Wow Thanks what it's a revenge for not listening to my burrito story huh but she is really really pretty though yeah I guess she is if you like tall pets that is I mean damn those are some long legs I wish I was that blessed but if you're thinking about making a move I might want to hold back on that she's currently seeing Bryce mr. macho man Tiger over there captain in the football team you know all the cliche roles oh yeah that seems about right oh and this the treacherous journey of school begins let's see out lunch okay yeah see ya hmm okay well I'll see you in English class babe excuse me little pooch oh sorry wow she smells good what are we doing snap out of it come on gotta get to class there you are I've been looking for you all over are you coming to lunch or oh sorry I just forgot I needed something from my locker I'm coming now okay I'll meet you at our table okay Toby too long though I will eat without you I know right like I sound like I don't you say that hmm okay just back into this whoo it's kind of unbelievable though like honestly so have you been crushing on anyone at school you've been single for a while and honestly I can get Bryce to hook you up with someone if you want I don't know I feel like all the boys that these schools are just so disappointing you really snagged the best one but hey what do you think of Cole Cole yeah fluffy brown dog usually hangs out with a loser gray cat Oh I kind of saw him this morning he seems kind of like feminine though if you know what I mean like really soft and emotional I don't know about you but I'm really not into that yeah I guess you're right he does seem a bit squishy yeah he totally needs to be more masculine maybe then I'd give him a second look but nothing compares to Bryce I mean have you seen his facial hair he's been growing it in recently and is so hot anyway enough chitchat I am starving can we get to lunch sure thing girl come on am i really feminine hmm maybe I should ask Elena she's a girl she's good at these things yeah I'll ask her hey I saved you a seat and I got you a drink too you okay uh yeah yeah um hey Alina am i like feminine what like like girly or I am confused what do you mean yeah like growing and stuff I mean I feel like girls always go for the guys that are like super masculine and really tough and all that and and they don't really show a lot of emotion I feel like I'm a pretty emotional guy and maybe that's why I'm still single hmm I never really thought about it but I guess you're kind of emotional but that's really a good thing I mean these masculine guys may look to bed they're kind of like talking to a damp cloth there's no personality there oh and I wouldn't exactly say you're feminine you're just you you know yeah I guess she's she's taken and you can clearly do a lot better yeah I heard she's taken but maybe if I just act more manly she'll take notice of me I I really do want to impress her anything that's worth a shot she can do so much better than that guy fine whatever I need to go get ready for class oh right okay [Music] huh yo dude you see in this oh my dog is that coal hmm wait here I'm gonna go over uh hi Cole I'm Hannah I believe we met before oh by the way I love your facial hair it looks so good on you Thanks so what can I help you with oh well I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go have lunch with me oh yeah sure I'll meet you there okay come on oh my god what just happened my dog Cole get over here now huh okay Oh what the tail was that uh new me I guess what do you think the facial hair I think it's working like a charm Cole you literally look like my uncle but that's besides the point you just stole Bryce's girlfriend away from him that's a low blow ah you see I didn't really do anything I was just gonna here and Hannah came over and one thing led to another plus he's a tough guy he'll get over it I'm sure he's probably got another girl around his paws right now you're kidding right you're really being that insensitive just because he's tough on the outside doesn't mean he doesn't feel anything on the inside I really can't believe you're doing this Cole this isn't like you at all you're such a caring sweet person and you certainly did not grow that facial hair in a day if you're doing all this just to get Hannah it's not going to last she's gonna figure it out sooner or later you know I thought you'd be happy for me I got the girl in my dreams and I'm feeling pretty confident about myself what the heck oh well I'm glad bringing down other people's relationships makes you feel confident and happy by the way here's that stupid Collier wanted I couldn't find it in purple so I got it in your second favorite color pink but you know with this whole facade of manliness you have going on I don't think you'd even want it so just take it might as well give it to your new girlfriend Hannah what the tale Elena but I can't be seen wearing something like this now it'll ruin the effect why can't she just be happy for me she's better put this away whoo hey man can you hurry up I really need to use the bathroom oh you know on second thought take all the time you need bro what are you doing here man oh I came to use the bathroom hey are you okay do I look okay the girl of my dreams just got taken away from me by you whoa listen bro I didn't mean anything by it if anything she came on to me I was just standing there and I'm sure you'll get another girl no problem you're a tough guy I loved her man I loved her I didn't know you were like this well sorry for having feelings hey wait wait wait please what this this isn't me I not like this I'm not like you I wanted to be like you so Hannah would like me and it was wrong of me I shouldn't have done that please you belong with her and you should tell her how you feel I I'm sorry I shouldn't have put my paws in it and I'm going to leave you and Hannah alone trust me I don't even know if she'll take me man she seemed pretty fascinated with you trust me she likes you she likes how strong you are and manly but I think she really needs to see your sensitive side if you can show her that maybe your relationship will work out better you know let her in she doesn't like wimpy feminine guys okay she's not going to take me back just need to try okay please I'll give it a shot but just stay away from her please I can't lose her you have my word I won't go near her good luck man you deserve her who know I owe someone an apology and I know where to start ah that's more like it those fake moustaches are really itchy my apples um hello could I have your attention everyone over here I'm sorry hello your attention please huh thank you so I just wanted to say a few words today I came into school pretending to be someone I'm not I put on some fake facial hair and acted all macho and muscley solely because I had a crush on a very attractive collie and she fell for it she seemed to like me but she wasn't liking me she was liking the I guess character I was playing I was pretty much playing her boyfriend Bryce and Bryce is a great guy and I think everyone kind of wants to be like him but you can't you you got to be your own person right and I kind of learned that the bit of a hard way I lost a really great friend by doing it I messed up really bad and I'm trying to make amends of it now so I'm wearing this beautiful collar that my best friend in the whole world Alina bought me and it would mean the world to me if I could have lunch with her cool this is so embarrassing get down are you getting down until you say you'll have lunch with me so what'll it be see ya Selena this is so cute yes okay now get down yes ma'am hey I'm sorry for what I did before you were right I acted really selfish and I pretended to be somebody I wasn't and I just need to be myself cuz you know you like me for who I am so I guess that's good enough right you are a goofball a dummy a knucklehead makes phazotron but you're right I do like you come here you know I'm gonna get revenge on you after this public display of humiliation right yeah no doubt about it Nick come on let's go get some lunch oh dude are you crying what no it's condensation I'm not a water bottle my dude and hey it's fine to cry it was a pretty cute ending yeah there there let it out you [Music]
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 440,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest pet shop, lpstube, lpstuber, new lps video, lps video, lps toys, lps toy, lps short film, lps film, lps movie, littlest pet shop film, lps short
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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