Lower Gear Set - AKA - Lets move a hole that doesn't line up !!

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welcome back to the mini lathe build next piece i'm going to do is this piece right here number 15 and i'm going to start with a partial cleanup of this particular part i'm going to take the gate off i'm going to clean up the outside file all the ugly off of it and then for now i'm only going to do the three holes that are in it without any other feature the mounting hole and the brackets for the drive shaft are all fit at assembly and that drives the locking mechanism that goes in here mechanism it's only a screw hole but it does say c note 4. note 4 is fit at assembly there's the sub assembly that i'm going to work on these are 256 holes these are gears and sleeves and screws oh my very much like the ones i did in the last episode and we'll mount the rest of the gears and see if we can figure out where this feature goes which is also fit at assembly and try to maintain our sanity in the meantime all right let's get a file let's get creative make this look like something very quick you look at it before we start and we'll be back in a couple of minutes after the file work see what it looks like okay let's cut the gate off setup used to mill off the gate was nothing special stacked up four parallels just about as high as the vise jaw locating on the back i can mill the gate if i choose to and i may do so right now i can squeeze the end mill down in this gap right there and establish the height of that boss three dimension is next simple setup i changed from before locating on the flat surface on the bottom of the casting or the only flat surface i'm gonna side mill it and easy access for the micrometer milling of this component is complete and for anybody that has called me out in the past for hey you replaced that part because it was shiny one and then it was cast in the next scene that is you can see the shiny surfaces on here from the files and from the cutters i'm about to blast this part i will be right back and you can see that it will once again look like a cast part following a gentle blast the color is now uniform all the file marks all the cutter marks are gone the blends are quite well hidden i'm going to strap it to the top of my little fixture plate and put in these three features right here make sure that when you do this or when i do this i will do this sitting up on a piece of sacrificial material so i can drill and tap right through the part part is currently set up in the mill i did my standard gauge pin in the chuck alignment trick to pick up on these two bosses here use this pin the same size as the boss once i've got these in line double check this one right here it looked pretty good this will be my zero there will be a gear cluster here the hole that will be under the clamp here will not be put in just yet because i'm not quite sure where that's going to go so we're just going to wing it drill and tap two holes ream through shouldn't be a big deal a quick check of the print reveals that it is a 125 bushings about a three millimeter bushing that goes up against those faces so i'm going to go uh 140 on that just a couple of thousands oversized this has already been machined so i know that's nice and flat ideally actually i don't know ideally because i'm not familiar with this assembly so i'm just going to make these nice and clean i'm not going to clean them up it's actually going to be a little crater in the center but when it's assembled you won't see it okay it's very important at the same level so make sure that whatever you do to one you make sure you do to the other and they should clean up just for strength 172 tap tools going through the center of both of them whenever i do an operation like this and i need to know a quick visual reference on exactly how deep that hole is i will keep my eye on the extension of the spring-loaded tap right there the spring-loaded tap guide as this progresses out of the holder i get a visual reference on how deep the hole is and it doesn't have to be very deep on this one i guess that's about two and a half maybe three millimeters tops i am a little surprised at the design of this this particular center to center distance on these two holes is going to set the mesh distance for a gear cluster that goes on each one of these normally by design and as a good rule of thumb never use a thread for a precision locator production of the bushings is pretty straightforward you've seen me do it a few times i'm going to fast forward through this but i'm going to show you anyway all right finished product it is pretty small let's test fit it before we make the second one it is always a very good idea if you're going to be drilling holes and parting pieces off to keep an eye on the tip of the drill as the number of parts that you produce increases the likelihood of the drill starting to wobble walk and go off center is pretty good so keep an eye on it and if you can re-center drill it every once in a while to re-establish the concentricity of the hole to the material watch the drill see if it jumps around it may or may not but just keep an eye on the drill yeah we're in good shape deeper holes more likely to walk so so [Music] this is a tip that you really need to understand and embrace to make your life easier let's say this is your facing tool which in this case it is my facing tool i'm going to take a pass across the front of this material and i'm going to set my digital readout to zero you can do it with your travel dial or your travel indicator or whatever you got but let's do that first all right we have a zero reading on our carriage movement control device let's say i want a 20 000 shim off of there between my facing tool and this particular parting tool there is a 180 thou difference in position so if i move this right now if i move my digital right now to 180 the edge of that tool is exactly on the face of that part 180 is my standard for this tool so regardless of what length part i need i just add 180 to the measurement that i'm looking for so if i'm looking for a 20 000 shim my carriage now moves to position 200.2 and when i start my cut you can see the 20 000 shim now a good way to double check your standard number it's going to be different however you set your tools up of course a good way to check it is to come up with a standard that you like make a pass measure the part and adjust accordingly save that one to the money save that one into piggy bank it will make you uh a lot lot less stress in the world [Music] and i know there's an unwanted notch on the ods material right there i'm going to turn that down until that goes away and then cut it off save that trick guys it's a real good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and yes for those of you that ask whether or not i put receiver features on my set screws against my rounds i absolutely do if i don't show it trust me they're there this is really hard to do without blocking the camera so forgive me for this for a second [Music] all right there's a definite blind we got to find it oh boy after a couple of minutes of bench time driving some screws and getting everything to hopefully line up the upper and lower gear seem to function quite nicely real smooth one thing i did add that was not on the print was right under here i put a spacer shim in there to add a distance between these gears you can see the gap right here right inside my fingers right there gives me just a little bit more freedom of movement on these gears but unfortunately and this is a this is an absolute straight up honesty guide don't know why this bottom gear will not will not assemble as it should it just won't happen i gotta say that the reason it's not going together it's just not happening it is tight it is bound up i've got to say that the dimensions on the print were nailed absolutely four decimal place nailed and the 518 number on the pm research print is not happening so i'm gonna have to set this back up in the machine figure out why first step in the repair i'm just going to put a pin back in that 125 hole and i checked it it is spot on 518 like it should be for some unknown reason i don't know if it's the pitch diameter on the gears or what the story is but they are not meshing any two of the three but all three no bueno the n2 threaded holes are lining up very nicely but as soon as you put this one on it just binds up and nothing works so i'm going to take and i'm going to move this hole this way five thousandths of an inch and there's only one way to do that and that is to punch that hole out bigger put a bushing in there and either re-bore the bushing or bore the bushing pilot hole five thousandths off this way so just for sake of having a concentric bushing and nothing fancy because if you have an eccentric bushing if you put a bigger hole right here and drill off center in that bushing if that bushing rotates it changes the center to center relationship so changing the original pilot hole is the better choice i'm going to take an end mill a 187 end mill just next size up from what we're looking at here fractional of course imperial fractional of course and i'm just going to go right down through the center of it i'll take the gauge pins figure out what size the hole really is and i'll make a bushing to fit just press it in and keep my fingers crossed that i didn't just completely bone this part so let's do it let's do it right cutter is just going to be slightly bigger i do not want to make this wall too thin so i'm going to go just a little bit bigger it's going to be a very thin wall bushing [Music] table is going to shift in that direction five thousandths of an inch that's going to make the hole position shift this way i'm thinking five is gonna do it i'm hoping five's gonna do it the hole is officially off center here is the bushing that i just made extremely small shoulder on it to keep the gear from rubbing on the casting let's push these together assemble it and hope for the best we will find out together good bad or indifferent hopefully good now let's see if the whole clothes did all right over the bench i still say that looks like an ak-47 whatever here we go first piece in the puzzle right there second piece will be the smaller gear on the top and i am not going to tighten any of this down with the exception of that last set screw these guys got to float a little bit i'm going to let them do it [Music] and here comes the drumroll this is an extremely small spacer shim this is 12 000 wide with a 5 000 step on the one side believe it or not and that is to hold the gear on and still get down in the counter bore in the casting moment of truth people here it comes this goes on i'm going to be very happy guys let's just say if it goes on and spins i'm gonna be a happy guy i like it okay like i had said before about locating diameters on screw threads not a good idea and that's exactly what's taking place here so you're at the mercy of how true the tap cut into the extrusion as excuse me to the casting as well as how accurate the casting counter bores and such are made i'm going to take a little bit of pressure on this top one and i'm going to drive it up to give myself more room center to center here to here so i'm going to pull on it up as i'm tightening it down try saying that three times fast okay if you're in the center i should just find its happy place i'm gonna push that one down just for yucks guys i'm gonna be honest with you i'm still feeling a bind after a little bit of off camera shenanigans here just strictly messing around with the screws and gapping everything didn't re-machine anything didn't file anything down didn't sand anything i've got the gears spinning just perfectly fine they are very smooth this is an interesting cluster and you can see how the different heights have been set the bushing that i put in under the gear on the left that is currently moving keeps these two surfaces from making contact with each other they will be pulled down and collared into position and the small shim that's underneath the center gear keeps this area over here gapped sufficiently as not to pick up on the teeth everything is nice and concentric and you can see the set screw on the end on the left side got to be recessed into that head or it will cause a problem anyway i had hoped to put a couple more details on this particular video but i'm gonna see exactly how long this runs in edit and it may just be that's all you get if it is thank you very much for watching still pride advanced innovations in austin texas i'm out you
Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 23,873
Rating: 4.9787045 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Pie, JoePieczynski, Advanced Innovations, advanced innovations llc, how to, machine shop, shop tricks, shop hacks, shop techniques, shop tutorials, Mini lathe build, scale models, working with gears, PM Research
Id: 4u1YKq7liJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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