Low Poly Rocks - Quick & Easy - Detailed Version

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here's loads of quick modeling tips that will help you make low poly rocks and much more first of all delete the default Cube so I'll selected press delete and I'm going to add in mesh and an icosphere now with the dialog box down the bottom here let's open that up and change it to one subdivision see what happens to my Ico sphere in the middle it reduces the poly count now let's zoom in I'll scale it in the Z so it's going to be a long Rock like this into edit mode with tab or that's edit mode up here and there's two commands you need to learn the first is to Bevel vertices so I'll select a vertex and normally to Bevel you hold down Ctrl and press B and if I move my mouse side to side it's not working but if I press V now I get my bevel so I left click and set that in place and you can see the bevel commands it's affecting the vertices and not the edges I'll do that once more because there's a quick way to do it if I select this one down here I can press Ctrl shift B and that will do the same thing the next important command is The Edge slide so I can select one of these vertices and press GG to Edge slide it to another one however in order to merge these together if I press GG again you can see it's not actually merged to merge them together we need to press this button up here which is auto merge vertices now I'm going to press GG to Edge slide they're both together so I can start Edge sliding these across in two different places and we're getting an interesting looking Rock so I'll do that around my rock certainly I want to do the top and bottom that stops IT from being pointy and just merge them into each other now we've got what looks to be a bit of a rubbish rock at the moment and we've got these problem faces here so it certainly needs a bit of turning up and a little bit more artistic Flair we don't really want any dents like this so I can just select this one and GG to slide it down but then that's far too far we've got all these problems so you need to think about which one you're sliding to so this one over here would make sense but then we've got this Dent here I'll undo that so what we may need to do is Select from here and shift select this one and press J to join and that will fill it in and we won't have any problems we've got the similar problem with this one here so I could go from here to here maybe NJ to join and you can see we're slowly building up an interesting shape and if you've got an area like this and you think that's not quite working just slide it into another one and it squares it off and does a nice job and already if I zoom out we're getting a fairly interesting low Poly Rock I'll just do a few more to give it more character the last command that you might like is the beveling edges so if I go to Edge mode now with two or that's Edge mode up here I can select an edge and control B to Bevel the whole Edge if I go back to object mode you can see that edge doesn't quite work but if I go back into edit mode and select all the vertices at one end and press M to merge and then merge at Center back into object mode we've got quite an interesting line across our low Poly Rock there which can work quite well so just a little bit more editing I'll just slide these about to round the shape off and that is how we make stylized low poly rocks
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 49,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, gamedev, low poly, rocks, stylized, low poly rocks, game engine
Id: 1H2YaRPfpdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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