How to create a low poly cliff in Blender 2.8

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hi guys today we'll be making the slow poly cliff in blender 2.8 I hope you enjoy yeah this is the finished product I'm just gonna hand in made one so you can see what it looks like so yeah let's get started um I will just start by going over to solid mode and hiding than whatever you made I'm yeah so now we can just go shift a and add a plane notice into this by clicking algae now we're going to go into your edit mode and we're going to use the knife tool which is K and just trace out the shape of a clip you can make this as simple or as complicated as you want depending on what sort of cliff you want so yeah we've got bad just press ENTER and now I'm going to delete these faces around the clip just by pressing X and clicking faces now we've got our basic shape and we're just going to extrude this up by pressing E and now we're just going to press s to scale the top and we're just going to make this Odets tape it out slightly just to create a more interesting shape and now we are going to just click ctrl R and add some loop cuts um you want to make sure that these individual squares are actually square just so that it looks nice and has good topology now we're just going to highlight the whole thing and we're going to come over to the mesh menu over here go to transform and click randomize so we'll just turn this down a little bit we don't want it too strong just so it creates a nice natural-looking clip um very you'll notice that the space isn't exactly planar or flat none of these really are so to fix this what we're going to do is go over to Michigan I was going to go to clean up and make planar faces and it'll be at zero zero one so just scale that up to two hundred and it'll make these faces nice and flat so you'll see us like that we'll just push it up to 200 it'll be nice and flat yeah ready to use it a game don't have any strange looking faces so now that we've got that what we're going to do is just go over to the face select we're going to select the space and we're just going to press I to insert this just a little bit and we're going to move this face up just to create a more natural looking edge on the clip just so it's not so sharp and now that we've got that that's a geometry about cliff finished so now what we're going to do is head over to photoshop and to go make a texture for it so I've really made one here but I will just make another one to show you so we're going to have a three pixel by three pixel page just have to zoom into it it'll be very small now we've got our pencil tool over here and we're just going to scale that down to one pixel and now we're just going to select a color we like bar grass I'm going for quite a yellow green maybe a little bit more saturated yep that looks good and I'm going to select the color of my clip which will be a brown quite dark yeah that looks good and now we're just going to save that but since I've really made one and saved her I'm just going to use this one it's exact same thing so yeah now back in blender over here we're in the UV editor and we're just going to that won't be open it'll be like this when you start so we're going to go open and we'll open the file we just saved open here I'm so now that we've got that there and we'll go over here and we'll name this clip I'll be here so we'll have that now and now what we're going to do is go to base color and image texture and we're going to open and we're gonna open our cliff albedo so now we've got that for the material now what we've got to do is just this will be unwrapped over here so what we're going to do is just select this over here and scale it to zero move on to the green because it's going to be the grassy part of our cliff now we're going to click ctrl I just select the rest of the cliff select this over here scale it to zero move it on to the brown section and now we're just going to have to see what that looks like so over here in the render section I'm just gonna turn off the overlay and yeah this is our cliff I think it looks really good perfect for any games or anything yeah thank you very much for watching
Channel: Winglett Entertainment
Views: 115,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, indie game dev, gamedev, unity3d, blender3d, b3d, radical relocation, gaming, indie game, games, Low Poly Cliff, cliff in blender, How to create a low poly cliff in Blender
Id: Os3SYeD6R3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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