Low Poly Racing - Making Of - Ep 2 - Unity & Blender

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] it's got PI it from jumping from the camera to here not a good sign alright guys and welcome back to episode number two of making the low-poly racer I'm super excited that the other video did so well I was really surprised that it had had a lot of use a lot of visitors a lot of the new subscribers as well so welcome to you guys I'll still spend a little bit more time in blender in this episode I've got a model some of the rocks and trees and some fences and Road barricades like yes tire sucks and things like that I'll slow down a few parts because it contains a few maybe trick tips and tricks that I haven't mentioned before so I have a look at those but then we'll start exporting the objects and bring them into unity so I'm also really happy to hear that so many people enjoy looking forward to the unity stuff because that's where I feel most at home I do blender but also the unity and I'd love to show you guys how we put this game together so I've had a lot of requests will you show the wheel physics will you show how to do the powerslides and how to do the colliders and yeah you name it so I'm gonna try to cover as much as I can in this series I'll jump back into blender for a bit and then we'll move on to exporting these things and bring them into unity and episode 3 will be pretty much all unity so stay tuned subscribe if you haven't already hit a like if you'd liked it and let's let's get a move on let's make this racing game happen again [Music] first of all we're going to create some stones they're gonna be used as decorations and obstacles so you can see here the car hits them maybe they're a little bit too light but it's easy enough to increase the mass of the rigid body immunity in blender I you do shift a and I create a new mesh it's gonna be a cube this time and I use I create these models in the same scene as I did before and it's just find a little bit easier to get the scale correct and I've already got the material set and don't be afraid that there's a lot of objects in your scene just hide a lot of them I pressed ctrl to to subdivide the mesh into two levels to create this stone and then I just select a few vertices and I switch into proportional editing you can hit o on your keyboard and that'll enable proportional editing so you can just start moving some objects use this mouse wheel to scroll it down and work up the regardless of what you need or depending on what you need and then you can just shape the stone a little bit to get a shape that you prefer it's not too picky about it I just played around with it a little bit to get some I like to have a flat bottom so they can rest nicely on the ground as well just there repeat this by moving some vertices around until you're happy with the stone shape then you can hit a to select all the vertices and then press shift D to duplicate the mesh and I'm still in the same object I've just the touch those or and attach them I've duplicated those vertices and then I can create a new stone and just change the shape a little bit I often work inside the same object yeah I think it's easier to just duplicate the mesh inside of an object instead of necessarily duplicating the objects but it's up to whatever you prefer okay this is going to be a bit boring to watch so I'll fast forward this a little bit but I do a bunch of stones think five in total and just shape them a little different and have some different sizes you can always rescale them inside of unity later on as well but I made two to the last box I made a little bit larger and pointer you could use those as bigger obstacles if you want alright you can add a bevel modifier and that shapes the edges of the rocks a little bit as you can see I like two maybe gives a little bit more of a cartoony look and you can play around a little bit with the angle settings to get the look and feel that you want again I think it breaks up the little plainness of the of the mesh so you can do it if you want and then you apply the modify and that will bake the changes into the mesh and then what I do is I add a subdivide modifier a subdivision modifier and that adds a lot more detail but I'm not gonna keep them like that so I add a decimate modifier which is a bit contract contradictive and then I slide it down and that's that actually reduces the the number of their faces again you wonder why I'm doing that but that's because I like to get them a bit irregular now we're gonna create some tires some type barriers they'll be used individually and in stacks of tires so again I'm in the same scene and I'm gonna use the car wheel so if you haven't seen when I model the cars check out that video but then I just hit L to select the linked part is this on the wheel itself and then I do shift D to duplicate the selection again into a separate mesh he could create this tire all the way from scratch again but since I had it I wanted to keep keep the consistent look so I decided to duplicate it I applied the mirror modifier so I didn't have that messing around I could have probably just deleted a mirror modifier instead because I don't really need one wheel but I decided the family to do that just remove the interior rimmed geometry and keep the tyre you select whichever vertices you want to delete and then you just delete them the faces in this case and then I ended up with a bit of a weird-looking tired so I had to shape it and fix it a little bit and I selected a face on the back that was solid I deleted that one clicked all left mouse to ring select the edge and then I slid it in and I hold the control key and do snapping so I get to the exact same location as the vertex or the inner rim I do f3 to bridge the edge loops and then that bridges the faces and now I've got a tire I applied the mirror modifier apparently I didn't do that one before and then I just delete I think here this one now my like a and I select the all the vertices and that is shift s a new cursor to selected the reason for this is I want to set the origin so press f3 and type set origin and then set it to the 3d cursor you have to do that in object mode so top out of edit mode and do that again so again f3 set origin and then I'd set it to the center of the mass for all the stones here as well origin to center of mass volume if you select that one it'll center the object volume on today I do this for all the stones we want to make sure that all the objects have a nice center position then for the wheel I rotate it so I hit R on the keyboard and I rotate it by typing Y 90 that will flip it nicely 90 degrees I move it down to the ground just so I can see what it looks like I'm gonna create this a stack of tires as well they're used as decorations and obstacles you can see the car hits them and they're a heavier in mass so they don't fly around as quickly as a tire and they'll save some performance as well by being a single big mesh press shift D in blender to duplicate the entire object that I did before and hit tab to go into edit mode and then I do shift D a bunch of time to duplicate the selected vertices I just do this over and over again shift D and then I'm position at reposition the tire this is no particular order that I have to do this I just went off just random basically duplicating these tires then I move them up a little bit to try to create some some sort of a stack of tires for a stash boss - normal stash a stash of tires I rotate them a little bit as well to keep a bit of an inconsistent look so it looks like they've just been thrown a bunch of tires on to there so I'll fast forward this part because it's basically just a bunch of shift DS and R to rotate them and then I try to place them so it looks decent it's not too picky to be honest just do it whatever way you feel it then I wanted to add some straps to hold this into place they look a bit weird if you hit that and the tires didn't go flying all over the place I hit shift a and added a new mesh and I added a plane this time press 1 on the keyboard to enter vertex mode and then I can move the vertices into place make sure you have vertex snapping on because then it makes it easy to hold the ctrl key and you can snap that to the vertices of the other object which is the tire object in this case I just hold the control key and I move the vertices so it snaps - pretty good places onto the other tires go into edge mode and then select the edge and hit e to extrude upon and now you just repeat the process of moving the vertices with the ctrl key and then you extrude again and you keep doing that until you wrap your new mesh around the tires so you get something that looks a bit like a strap around it and that fits a little bit snug around it I'll just fast forward this again I do all T as well to extrude the faces along the normals so I get a bit of volume to the strap so they don't cut through that'll expand the strap out and then I fast forward a little bit again because I added a vertical strap I thought that would look a little bit better as well to keep them in place now we're gonna create a fence and as you can see it doesn't break on light impacts like the red car or the little racecar did but when the police car comes and those are 90 then it will last up there it doesn't have to be the police car but then the fences break anyway so what I ended up doing is I created a simple fence so you have to make sure that the geometry sticks down a little bit on the ground then I made it 2 meters long so it'll be nice to snap it or nice and easy to snap it in place in unity because if you're all the control to keen unity you can also snap in there this is how I made it basically I just had a starter from a cube and then I extruded it I made a bunch of blue cuts and I in such a few of their faces and then I extruded the inset hold the control key to snap it into place I actually adjusted it to make sure that it was exactly 2 meters the reason why I created a separate fence post as well is because when you duplicate objects in unity in particular you shouldn't have a lot of additional geometry so if you add two thousand all they'll be duplicating all the fence posts so what ended up doing here is I just created a separate post so I can do that endings quite nice now we're gonna create a police station and it's only gonna be used for decoration but that's for now I'm probably gonna use use it so the police car will come out of it later on as well and chase you I don't know why it would be a police car and buy a racetrack maybe he's here eating Donuts having a good time and then racecars go past he's gotta have some of the case I'll just fast forward this this uses all the normal techniques that I use in my 10 minute modeling challenges and also in my tutorials my if you want to check out the 20 tips for blender low poly modeling for example check out the link in the description below and you can see the techniques it's a lot of e to extrude as to scale if you know me by now and also inserts a very common thing that I use and control are for a bunch of loot cuts and also use the UV coloring technique that I've used for the cars to give the police stations and color now we're gonna create some trees and I start from a primitive cube again and I colorize it brown and then it's a again a matter of extruding it and hitting our to rotate it when you hit our you can press the axis that you want to rotate there rounds of the Zed axis for example then it'll force a rotation around the z axis I'll fast forward this it uses the exact same techniques as I always do when I model so it's probably gonna bore you if I do this in real time in another game that I made before that I never finished but you can animate these trees quite nicely so I'll probably add that later on in a shader as well so that that would be shader driven inside of unity and you can actually have the graphics card animate the trees without any performance impact whatsoever it's really good so I'll be able to show that I've got a video in my history if you can be bothered to look back long enough in my history you can see that already but I'll probably make a new one for that I use a lot of the proportional editing when I model trees and stones and things like that so that's all on the keyboard and you make use of that it's really handy to shift the shape of the tree all right then I separate the trees and make them into individual objects I just select all the vertices and I hit P to separate the selection into an object I always like to export them as separate objects by the time they end up inside of unity it's nice to have them separated and set to the center of the scene don't be afraid if the scene looks a bit messy I've got loads of geometry and trees you can always hide them select the object select the geometry and press H to hide it so set the tree origin as well to the pivot point it's really important that it's at the base of the tree but to have some geometry that sticks down on the ground as well just a little tiny bit it makes it super easy to place them inside of unity because when you drag the trees out into the scene they'll automatically use the pivot point towards the center point of the tree to place itself if you place it as a prefab it's really good inside of unity to have it like that then make sure you name the objects properly as well the name that you give them in here in blender is what they'll end up having inside of unity when you import them the mesh name will be so trying to keep a good naming standard there you can move their objects as I mentioned into Oracle or is zero zero zero if you select an object and hit alt G that does that automatically for you it resets the transform and it's a really quick way to move objects from wherever they are in the blender scene to the center of the scene which is really nice when you export them as I mentioned it's nice to have them in zero zero zero XYZ I have some problems with a car so I had to fix them I had some inverted faces so if you've downloaded those you'll probably notice that if you have back face culling this enabled and I had to fix that for the game because unity doesn't render with the back faces of objects unless you tell it to and I don't really like to have some of the faces inverted so I have to fix that by and I enable all the cars in the scene because you can do that for all of them at the same time and then I select all the car objects in the scene and then I press tab to go into edit mode for all of them at the same time and now I can hit L on the keyboard to select the link faces and it was a bit tedious here because I had to hover the mouse over each element that was inverted so all the door handles all the rearview mirrors all the windscreen not the windscreen but the bumpers and things so I had to do that for all the cars and hit L and select all of them and when you've done that hit f3 on the keyboard and type in flip normals and when you apply that one it will flip all the faces so the back faces are no longer facing outwards they'll be facing inwards like this should be so now the cars are fixed I should mention that the pickup had some problems with the wheel arches but it was quite a long fix so I had to cut that out for this video then it's time to detach the wheels they have to be separate objects when you're bringing it into unity because the car chassis is gonna be one thing and then the wheels have to be separate so I basically zoom into one of the cars and then I hit L again when I hover over the wheel and I select the link to vertices and then I had shift D to to touch the selection into a separate object I rename it to wheel because that's the name it'll have in the unity later on and then I take away the mirror modifier we only need one wheel and I wanted to tidy up the geometry because I wanted to be able to see through the wheel so in the quick build I only kept the full face inside so I do some editing here by inserting the inner inner side and extruding inwards using the normal techniques that I always do for my editing so there's no probably no different things here really - compared to what I normally do right you can hit F to create a face so when you've selected a bunch of edges then if you had the F key it'll fill that gap and create a face for you alright if you have to alt and left Mouse it'll ring select a bunch of edges and then I hit again to fill that as well or fill that gap alright I'll just fast forward again it's the same type of editing so you're probably fed up with that now but I colorized it so it looked a bit like a rim inside and then I just made sure it connected on both ends hold the control key to stop those viruses into place and and merge them together that's it the wheel is done and now I had to delete the wheel so for all the cars they don't need any wheels on them when I export them so I make sure I do it for all the cars so I'll fast forward this again as well and just hit L on the keyboard over all the wheels and then delete the vertices and now it's time to create the unity project finally and we will spend a little time here we have to do export a few more objects in blender as well but finally I'm just creating a new in unity 2019 whatever version so I do a 3d project and I just name it appropriately I decided to call it low poly racer and then I just create a blank unity project from that alright when you're inside unity rename the sample scene it's nice to not have it named sample scene so I rename it to game [Music] I have to switch back into blender because we're going to export the FBX file sorry it's just a little bit more blender first so I'll either show all the cars at once I just unhide them by clicking the eye icon and I export all of the cars into one single FBX file you could have them multiple but just thought it was simple enough to export them all into one file they all have to be centered so I had to reposition the center point and I do that by just going into the object selecting all the vertices and sliding it into place or the center point of the object is in the center of the car it can be at the base of the car that's fine but it has to be center so it pivots around its own center point that would be save you a lot of hassle inside of unity later on in object mode select all the cars and now it's time to export them so go up to file and do export and select FBX files here are some really important settings you have to first of all if you've selected the objects you need to take select selected objects we don't want to export everything that's in this scene so that's really important if you have multiple scenes and lights and things like that another one is apply scalings set that to FBX unit scale and because that will make one meter in blender will be one meter in unity so it's really handy that the scales are the same and the last thing we need to do is take this experimental apply transform again because then the rotation will be correct in unity otherwise the objects they look like they're correct but they're actually flipped 90 degrees around the x-axis unless you do that so because they use different up and down axis navigate to a folder I actually like to save it straight into the assets folder because then unity will automatically import it for you so I create a new folder there that I like to call meshes to keep it tidy so bone is as well if you want to make changes to a mesh you can just save over the old FBX file and it'll automatically import it but be careful if you have animations in there because then you have to redo some of the workflows hit the export file and now you've got your cars exporting them I'm gonna hide the cars and show the wheel instead because it's time to export the wheel as well I mean need that in unity as well make sure the pivot point is in the center of the wheel you don't want to have a wheel that that rotates around it's some other weird axis so first I moved it manually and for some reason I forgot to that just hit f3 type set origin and then do you can have a really nice way to do what I did before actually with some of the objects it's the origin to center of mass then it's time to export the wheel same settings as before really important to keep those and then I forgot to change the name here so I overrode the course but that's no panic I do that all the time just have to redo it but I'll spare you the time and now the cars are already in unity because we saved them in the asset folder so that's really handy so if you expand the meshes folder now you'll see that there's a new object called cars and all the car meshes as you can see are in the same FBX file here I like to go into material and disable import materials and apply because we want to create our own material instead so I create a new folder then I call it textures and then I dragged the texture in that we used in blender into this texture folder and after that I create a new folder again and I named it materials I like to keep it tightly like that and then I create a new material there and I call it common because most objects actually will be using this one since I often use the same palette drag the texture that we've brought in before to the albedo slot and notice now that the texture looks really blurry that's no good we don't we can't have it like that so we need to change a few settings so click on the texture and then you have to change this compression you set it to none otherwise it'll be wrong colors and also the filter mode you have to change the point otherwise because it will be very wrong and then you have to apply the changes as well now when you look here the texture looks a lot better just like we used it and then I reduce the smoothness slider so I like to keep their reflections a bit lower and now we're gonna drag the cars object into the hierarchy and then I expand it and select all the cars and then I drag the common material onto the elements 0 of the materials and that'll give all the cars the proper colors and then I do unpack prefabs completely if you right click on it and then I drag all the objects into the route scene and I delete the original cars folder now we're all set actually for episode number 3 this is gonna be the end of this one a lot of their blender stuff and the housekeeping and doing the exports and things like that but don't worry next week we will be doing a lot of stuff in unity we're gonna actually get these car we're gonna get the wheels mounted we're gonna got the wheel colliders have touched we're gonna have them drive spin the wheels we're gonna have them steer check out these clips guys we filmed these in 2005 on a lake not too far away from here we bought a bunch of old Volvo's Volvo 240 my friend add I had a Volvo 360 we bought some old rally tires with spikes about that long got the mounted drove over to the lake and we paid a guy there who plowed the track on the lake with a little plow just like that now any protective gear or anything I thought I was just stupid but the water started to leak up in some of the corners and all we did was like we paid the guy a little few more extra Swedish kronor to plow a new track for us so we didn't have to wait to get the cars wet those alright enough about that it was a fun time anyway hope like this video and if you did don't forget to hit the subscribe and press a like if you do guys wrong that'd be nice help me out a little bit with some extra visitors and let's trick that YouTube algorithm and make it blow up again like just like the last one I don't know what happened to that one maybe it was the thumbnail or something whatever it was it worked quite good so excited about that lot of excitement here alright here's the train as well nice one [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 121,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low poly racing, low poly, blender, unity, top down racing, racing game, power slide, slicks, micro machines, imphenzia, how to make a racing game, wheel collider, car physics, skidmarks, krebs, curbs, tree, stone, fence
Id: yoWS_G-9Ntw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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