Low Poly Racing - Making Of - Ep 1 - Unity & Blender

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] hello guys and welcome to another video it's really windy and cold today hopefully it's warmer where you are if you haven't checked out my video where I make ten low poly cars in ten minutes go and check that on up first because today I'm gonna start putting those little racing cars or just normal cars as well I'll put them into a little racing game this won't be tutorial detailed all the way through but some things I'll put a little bit more in detail and some things I'll just have to fast forward and explain roughly what I'm doing so tag along I hope you enjoy this series let's do this one together let's have some fun and make some low poly racing I'm using this scene that I used before when I created the cars but I'll just hide most of them and keep one in for reference and first I made a little straight road segment so I went to top you and then I just did shift a to add a new mesh and I created a just a simple quad or a paint plane the gold plain I switched into edge select mode and I extruded the size of the edge because I hold the control key as well because then you can stop the movement so it's equal on both sides and then I also hold to move it downwards so it snaps in place the reason why I do this is because if you have a road profile like this with a slanted edges and you can have the ground profile and basically just to sink that into the ground I'm trying to show here I'll just slide it up in unity so you can see and then I add a mesh Collider to both of them and the good thing about this is that you can keep asphalt physics on the road and grass physics on the terrain itself so you have different characteristics so if you have a wheel Collider like this it's gonna be really good because they really like these smooth transitions so here's a clip from the game as well where I just in slow motion roll the car and you can see that the wheel collided just nicely goes up over that slanted edge so that's why I've got it cutting down through the ground like this another benefit is that the profile allows that you can have uneven ground and you can still you don't see the underneath of the road then I'm gonna add some road markings so I use just simple geometry for this you could use a texture map but I like the geometry method as you've seen in some of my videos because you can basically infinitely zooom without losing any quality what why else is it good oh yeah yeah it doesn't take up any texture space hardly any at all so that's really good so I just do an inset here and I did a loop cut first because then I can delete the top and the bottom so I have the road markings nicely ending like this and then I just slide them up as well to make a bit of a bigger segment it didn't really have to be that precise but it was quite useful to just have a I like to precise I'm a bit picky so I like things to be precise believe it or not press end to get the properties panels up and you can actually type in the coordinates for the vertex is there so that's why I move them up and down so I've got a really nice square Road segment here or more or less than square anyway I've got a video check out the description below and you can see how I do this colorization so that should help you along the way if you need to next thing I wanted to do was to make a corner so I extend the existing Road segments to do that and then if you do shift and right mouse you can place the 3d cursor and then do shift s to bring the snap menu up and you can stop the cursor to the grid and then I use this spin tool to extrude and spin the road as you can see here you can just you know it crushed protip save files before it's too late the reason why I crashed is because apparently you can't run screencast keys with this tool so I'll after we do it so I held the ctrl key to get the angles so I can slide it up to exactly 90 degrees and you can see that it extrudes and bends the road segment really nicely here so the corner is nearly done already then I have to do a little bit of tweaking as well because I want to add some curbs on the sides so on the inner and outer side I want to have some curbs and things like that but the road segment itself is pretty good at this stage so now it's time to add the curb as you can see here we've got a little police car skidding across the curb love that shop well slow mo for you there guys press 2 to get into edge select mode and then I basically Clifton Clift clicking left mouse click to select the shortest path to get all them and just selected and then I do shifty to duplicate them again now I do Shift + right mouse click to place the cursor and I snap it to the grid this I can get a really precise coordinate for the scaling because if I do the pivot point with a period key I can set that to be the 3d cursor and then I want to do extrude it really extrudes it nicely so I get a nice mesh for the curb to use and then I do a loop cut with ctrl R and I use the mouse wheel to just slide up the number of cuts so I think three should be sufficient for this one and then I want to raise them up but I want to do proportionally so in order to do that you can enable proportional editing it's Oh on the hotkey or you can click up there at the top as you can see use the mouse wheel to change how much it should affect and I just put press key and move it up so you can you can type and I think I end up typing in the number here to go together exactly 0.2 I think I checked and now you have a nice Bend to this curb segment as well so because I want it to be a nice bumpy curb so you can skip across it make sure you have Auto merge vertices enabled as well because we're going to be merging some of the sides now of this mesh so I do be for box select and then I collect a few of these vertices and then I just move them into place and I do this a little bit even though I like to be picky I just do that a little bit off what do you say white chance no yeah and just do it shooting from the hip that's what I'm doing so I'll just move it a little bit it's not that picky even though I like to be picky I like to talk about me as well I just select these vertices and move them in to get a little bit of a curb shape then I do the selection I hold the shift key to just to select the number of faces here because again I'm doing the colorization using just bringing the UV Islands to a pixel on a really tiny texture as you can see on the left but check out that video check out the link in the description that will help you along the way hmm every time I cough I get comments that I shouldn't so that's not grab the outer edge again and I want to extrude that one as well and I do the same method by setting the 3d cursor and extruding its you can't really do alt s to extrude along than normal because I just apparently don't have normals so you can't do that so I have to do this method instead and the reason why I extended like that is because I also want to bring that down so it slides down nicely under the terrain and you could extend it further if you want to have even more possibility of a bumpy terrain fast-forward a little bit because I do pretty much the same thing here on the inner curb it's the same technique to some tweaking adjustment and then I select the UV islands and then I do the conversation as well nice thing is well you can just sweep up sweep out swap out the texture as well later on if you wanted to have blue and white curbs or something like that same thing here I extrude the inner edge so I can get the little slump down and then I clump those down I hold the control key to just move and add some vertices there so I can just clamp it down so it's got exactly the same profile as a road there so now it should connect nicely when I do multiple corners later on I should be able to link those up with a straight road and also a bunch of corners now we're going to do some jump love jumping [Applause] and you played supercars too [Music] so some slow-motion shots there for you and two I use the road segment the straight one that I did I do control R and I do about nine or ten loop cuts here and then basically I can just proportionally edit this now to get a little nicer slant so usually you want to duplicate your objects as well so you don't overwrite the road I over wrote my own segments a few times so I keep forgetting so make copies save and duplicate your objects now I enabled proportional editing again and then I just used the scroll wheel to scroll it up so I could get a nice there's no signs to this but later assigns to this but I didn't use it so I just shot from the hip again like a cowboy do they shoot from there I don't know if they did but anyway then I selected the bottom vertices and I pressed scale s to scale and then just Z is zero so I could just I got those in a nice straight line and then I just brought those down to the one one unit below so I knew that it will match up nicely with the road segment then I select the outer edges here in the in the empty space and then you just press F to create a face to cap that end nicely and that's pretty much it that is done now so the jump it's ready to go same for landing whoo now we're gonna create an overpass they're quite fun too and they're not as fun as jumps but they're quite fun so it will enable you to drive over the road and I think they had that in supercars two supercars too - yeah okay so same technique here I duplicated the road segments or at least that's what I should have done and then I do some more loop cuts this time because it's gotta be slightly longer I'm gonna do the same technique here I select a bunch of vertices and then I click o to do proportional editing first I forgot it but then I enabled it so I do the proportional editing and I just slide it off to a decent salams make sure you don't do so the very tip of the road it gets affected because that's or the end of the road because that needs to link up nicely to the road segment that you have and then I had to do some tweaking as well you couldn't just have an empty like basically no faces underneath so I did some testing here for different techniques but I ended up going for something where I just pulled down I extrude it down the edges vertically down and then I selected the bottom edges and I pressed F along I selected all the edges and I just repeated that over and over again and created faces underneath the road because here you're gonna be able to see some camera shots in probably not when you play the game but on replays and things like that you'll see the underneath so you can't have a no back faces there maybe there's a faster way to cut this I didn't use that a faster way I used this way this will way but I fast forward it a little bit in the video for you so that's pretty good in the end I just linked it up again and I have to make sure again that it should link nicely to the road segment so I have to make sure that that I didn't affect the very very first set of vertices there you want to make sure that those linked oh so I use ctrl key I switch here to vertex snapping hold the ctrl key so I can snap those into the original vertex there you don't have to create the end faces because all the roads will be linked up to each other so that can be left as a gap saves or massive performance not really look pretty good anyway alright some final tweaking there with the burgesses probably didn't have to do that but I did it anyway this road segment is pretty much ready to go now the car is just there for reference I could have hit up oh I have a some margin on the sides as well because I wanted to put some railing on it or some fences so that's why I extrude it a little bit to the side so I didn't just drop it down straight next to the road itself all right now it's time to do something completely different we're gonna do this straight finish line and that's the same technique as before to colorize but I do a whole bunch of loop cuts here both vertically and horizontally into a little checkered pattern again I'm gonna get loads of comments now saying that this is way too much geometry you're wasting performance you should just use a texture but I'm not gonna use the texture because that uses texture space and it doesn't zoom it's nicely assists us cuz I can zoom in infinitely there enough anyway and it'll look perfect no no messing around there with blurry textures even if you had a 4k texture or something like that so I'm gonna use this method it's so few polygons anyway that the performance is not gonna be a problem and if you're really concerned you could do a different one for the collider so it doesn't have that geometry you could just use the normal road segment [Music] I use all the different segments that I've created now and I linked them together I have got Auto merge of burgesses on which is really important I do this in the same mesh keep in mind keep keep in mind and keep in mind I don't create a bunch of separate message and meshes I don't create a bunch of separate message message I don't create a bunch of separate meshes because tried that in unity before and if you have separate meshes the colliders go a bit funky so basically if you jump over a jump and the car hits on the on the down slant for example and there's a joined Road segment there it could catch the collider and it doesn't work is good so that's why I've decided in this case anyway to do the entire road as one mesh in blender and export it there is a fix if you wanted to really have it modular and that is that you could keep separate modules assemble them in unity and then run a script that merges all the vertices for the Collider in unity it's a bit out of the class for this time but maybe I could do that in a future version if this game becomes to a point where I wanted to start to make it a little bit more modular and maybe a track editor or something like that I have to do that so maybe I'll come to that one day this is quite fun I just set the inverse and probably not that fun to watch but it was fun to make so just use your imagination and I I just basically select using box selected I select a bunch of faces and then I rotate them using the same method before with I have to make sure that I used the cursor it's snapping to grid so the rotation is aligned perfectly and then I just link a whole bunch of segments together and I create the track that you've seen in the intro screen there if you want to select the part of the mesh you could either box elect like I'm doing or sometimes you can press the L key when you hover over a segment and I'll select that particular part so you could use both methods whichever you feel more comfortable with and then it's just a matter of I fast forward a little bit here because I just can't decide what I'm doing I'm tweaking a little bit probably too much changing my mind back and forth and forth and back but in the end it turns out to be a little nifty race track so I think if you've checked also my previous videos either the ten minutes fast builds or my tutorials my 20 tips on blender tutorial most of these techniques I show in those videos pretty much in detail all the keyboard shortcuts and things like that so make sure you check out my channel history if you want to check some more check check check a lot of check in it but if you want to see some techniques anyway to learn a little bit more about this so obviously this part is not really a tutorial I could probably spend hours talking about this in all it took me about what could I say maybe half an hour to make the track something like that so because I kept changing my mind a little bit using different techniques and then I messed up the vertices a little bit and I had to redo a lot of merging process and things like that and that's it that's the track done so then I have to just do one thing more and that's just as simple terrain so I add another quad mesh here or a plane I make it about a hundred units in size and then I do a bunch of loop cuts again both horizontally and vertically and I like to keep the low-poly style and it's also nice for the for the car when it drives around to have some nice slanted edges I might increase the detail slightly in the future but for now I just kept it like this so I press ctrl R to do all the loop cuts in both directions here and then I just select a few random basically a few random faces and I raise them up a bit and I drop them down couldn't make up my mind again that's a bit of a trend that I've got to change my mind a lot but up and down down and up and then for some reason I selected all those individually totally idiotic but I did it anyway and made a little room there it's gonna be a police station there so I left a little gap there and here's a little canal or a little stream of water and there's a little lake part and then I created a little raised area as well so this is a lot of a bit of a diorama of a racetrack so maybe I'll add some stuff to the side so later on I'm not sure that's actually gonna be all that I show in this episode I've got everything the game is actually running now so I've set some fast lap times I had to make sure I kept playing until I had some 20 second life time it was a lot of fun took me a while maybe 40 laps or something like that but it did in the end and I also use this it's super simple in unity to tangles with all the cables but you can either run it with a keyboard or you can use the controller and I think what I'll do is I'm gonna put together soon a little web playable version and I want to see how you guys can perform and what sort of a lot of times you get maybe I'll even throw a leaderboard in there before it maybe get a little healthy competition going while we make this game but should be fun I hope you liked this video and I hope it gave you a little bit of an insight to how I started making this little racing game I've got pretty much all the content recorded up until the game played in the plane I've got the wheel Collider the the life timer things with the checkpoints and things like that so everything that you've seen in the intro video and things like that I've already got that immunity running it's just a matter of me finding the time now to put those together into videos because everything's recorded so I hope you enjoyed this video it was a lot of fun to make it and I'm looking forward to putting the future episodes together and more importantly I like to play it and more importantly I want to play this game so I wonder if I can make it multiplayer as well I should be fun give a thumbs up if you like this video hit the subscribe button if you want to see some more stuff like this and I'll see you soon in the next video take care stay safe have fun to stuff did I say too little [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 367,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, blender, low poly, racing game, wheel collider, unity racing, how to, making a game, track, race track, model a race track, kerb, curb, jump car, super cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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