The Ultimate Low Poly Car Guide in Blender!

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when you start making love for the cars it may be difficult to know where to start so today I'm going to take you step by step how to make good looking cars inside a blender all right so the first and kind of most important step is gathering reference if you don't have good reference you really won't be able to make a good looking car so the first step if you're making a car that already exists you can go find some good blueprints online so you can get these from a range of SATs or just go to Google tap in the name of the car and then blueprints at the end of it and you'll get the like front side back top like this kind of like the views that you need to like see like literally every single start and it's a lot easier than having to like recreate it from like some images because you won't really get the good proportions and all of that having the front and the side views help a lot having just those Blueprints and no other references will give you quite a few issues you have a lot of pieces that you don't really know what's happening until you get the actual like reference images so what I like doing is setting it up in blender and then grab grabbing puref which is a bit like an image reference program checking a bunch of references of the car like the actual car itself just so like when I run into Parts like that not knowing how black specific parts of the car work or like like this pot bent and so I got you can actually see it a lot better on the actual photography not w prints so I'm not sure why but everyone seems to sort of just modeling the hood I don't know if this is because like the front of the car so you can kind of just set the width and everything but everyone seems to model the hood first and I do too basically add in the plane add a mirror modifier because you want to mirror it also enable Ultima great add-on basically what you're going to do is just like get the shape usually you can be breaking down to the cube or you can like add some air tubes control R just to get those shapes now on some cards they will have some like different bumps or they'll have like a little raised part for like air depending if it's like a race car normal car so just to do that you can either just add more Edge dupes or you can like inset parts of it with r insert is a really useful tool and you'll use it quite a lot when you're working on cars now once you've got a good looking Hood shape what you can start doing is extruding down the sides now there's two different methods that I I use for making cars so two kinds of apologies you can have are either like this so basically you can see we have our wheel well like here and the thing is we have the topology kind of flowing along this direction over this face here and the rest of it because the characters kind of just goes this direction it all flows backwards but then you can see here we have this kind of square that we've cut out and then you can see the faces kind of radiate outwards so so this way is kind of like decent you're going to just easily generate all the faces you need but the only problem with it is when you take it from a different angle then it doesn't kind of have the same smoothness that you would have from the other method you can see like it has a nice flow but then it kind of gets messed up by this little section over here it kind of just disrupts the flow of It kind of like it's fine over here it's kind of the front but just like this real section kind of really just doesn't look that nice now you can like mess around with the topology a bit to kind of get it to work but you could also just try the other method like this you can see all I've done is I've had like this float along the whole way and doesn't disrupt with the wheel wells it kind of just cuts into it which just makes it look so much nicer and has that better flow in it another thing you want to do on these wheel wells is something like a rim so it's basically just a part that kind of sticks out I quite like the look of these so basically the easiest way to do this is once you've made the shape your wheel well just grab enough tool and then make it like slightly thicker just kind of taper towards the ends grab the inner Edge and just move it out and there you go you kind of just already have this little lip that just kind of like frames the wheel wells itself which I quite like and it's very simple to add cool make it unlocks for the cars are pretty simple now there's two kind of half cells that black run into is if you're making the round ones you kind of have the ones that I've actually built into the actual mesh so this would be like I'll extrude it in and then you can kind of inset it and make that into the latch now the easy way to do this is just take that face and then use the loop tools add-on built to blender really good and you can change that to a circle it's a very easy way to just make a circle instead of like you just have like what versus six verses just turn them into a circle very easily instead of having to manually shape it and it won't really look circular or having to add in a circle and merge all the vertices together could be quite confusing so just take your black square that has six vertices and then just turn it into a circle with Loop tools very good at all other way is just add in a circle and kind of like trying to embed it into the thing so some will work like that but if you have a more modern car what I'll usually do is use the nav tool so if you have your shape usually you like it'll be on the hood and then it would have like a sharp edge and then on that edge you'll have the thing so all you'd really have to do is just use enough tool and cut like an edge around it and it'll work quite well low poly is all about getting the simple shape just break down the shape as simply as possible and that's kind of how it will look in low poly and you can always add like more details later just get a decent base so just like start like just anesthetically reference just take it into like Photoshop or some other drawing program and then just draw over just break the shapes down to the simplest forms you can now with your backlights it's pretty similar to the previous one just add a different material make it red and this video is sponsored by skillshare I'm always trying to learn new skills and software my brain just kind of works at work now improving that those skills kind of just makes it like nicer and more enjoyable for me enjoying making it and also making something that looks nice you can show other people it's quite cool so that's why I use skillshare it's really nice having just like a platform that you can open up and all the classes are just like about creative stuff that you found really interesting there's no other like distractions or anything like that so most classes are short so if I want to learn about a topic I can sit down like with an hour I've learned some like really cool new things personally I've learned about like video production and productivity to kind of like streamline my video making process and just have more free time the two classes being from Alia doll and Thomas Frank have been some really good stuff next sometimes we need to ultra effects to make some like really cool graphics in my videos it's always been a software I've kind of wanted to learn and they just have some really good courses and like short workshops to give like all different like new Styles and stuff to kind of improve on it so yeah looking forward to that so if you're learning software or like a new skill click the link down below to get a one month free trial of skillshare back to the video making the windows is pretty easy so you can see like here um it's just like some inserted and stuff so let me show you kind of how to do it okay cool so this is a decent example and we have the the cool tool we're going to use is called insert and how we're going to use it is for like each of these parts so firstly unit you need is to kind of have the general shape so you can see here like I'm going to take these front ones that's going to be like one or these could be two windows maybe you can even do one here and then one on the back and then one on the front so what you're going to do is each one's going to be like on its own so you just take it Go R for insert now you can see if you're doing the front window you still have this gap down the middle which you don't really want so to fix this just press B on your keyboard and you can turn some boundary and now you can see it just insets on that edge and doesn't do the middle cool now problem is after this off and I don't really know the number because to copy the number to every single one so I'm going to do is going to click over here at the bottom left and then open the signals panel copy that number so now when I do the rest of them I can paste in the same number and get the same thickness of inset on every single window cool so say you just have them now now you want to extrude it in but if you extrude sometimes you can like not work or you kind of have like issues like this one where kind of like it doesn't really go inwards so the best way to do this actually is to inset it which is kind of counterintuitive because you see like that but if you look here we can change the thickness back to zero but then you're gonna see there's a depth value so the thing is if we play with this value you can see it goes in and out and it's actually like a better version of excreting for the windows so you can see there we kind of get them all in quite well and yeah that's the easiest way to make your windows cool something I didn't really do with my cars that I made today which you can try out I don't know if it'll work well but basically what you can do is like use if you look at a normal car around a lot of the stuff that will have like a scene which I don't really add but like you could do that very easily just by beveling it and other one just adding another color or doing the same tool like the inset and then kind of just bringing it in so you would have that actual like physical Gap that you would have on a lot of cars you could try it out see if it looks nice it just experiments some things can work really well some things can work really badly and it can also change per project so yeah just kind of test it out and see what happens this was quite cool when I was on Monday in my car it had this like sort of metal great piece that kind of went down the whole back which was actually quite fun to make basically all it is is like a cube that's been extruded out and then extrude it down to make this like nice curve and then just use an array modifier to duplicate it along you can just change like the Z and the S like um offset and then you kind of got this like nice looking thing and yeah I actually quite like the look of it cool and detail that can really make it look a lot nicer is adding the source so I don't know much about how car exhausts work or like what they supposed to look like but you can usually just get away with like a circle that's extruded back usually they're like smaller and they like get bigger I don't know how race car ones look but yeah it's kind of like a small little circle and then extrudes out to a bigger one and you can like screw them together and join into like a box that's what I did and it turned out looking pretty decent so making spoilers are quite easy so all I'm going to do is to take this one and make it into having a spoiler All I'm gonna have to do to do that is I'm gonna go shift H this is shift a outer Cube and then scale this down then what I can do with this is take it out and we kind of get like the same like thickness you want uh kind of maybe bits in it like that cool then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go edge over the middle so we can mirror it so delete the left side this is going to be the part that we extrude down and then extrude out again like that so with this we can just take this up and then there and then just grab this face and extrude it down like that you can see you've already kind of got the general shape of it then you can kind of do extra things just to taper this you can like do Chi twice Edge slide so I can make Parts like thinner to kind of make it like more aerodynamic that I can do like there or even just Edge start the whole thing like this let's grab the verses and start it like that or you can even do the same thing kind of here just extrude it out and then extrude it up for kind of edges you just look at some reference and see kind of how they like each spoiler Works cool then we come to the materials and the lighting so materials you can kind of play around with the different thing you'll want to shut your materials up depending on your lighting like your environment uh because like it's not real enough we can push the different look and you can make it look quite nice just by messing a lot of stuff usually the three things you'll be on play with is the roughness the metallic and the specular so roughly it's a metallic you kind of already get makes it honey and then metallic will make it like darker and make it look more like metal and then the specular basically means how much the material is affected by the latch the thing is if you have a specular of zero then you're not going to have that much light affected on the mesh but if you have a lot of speculation speculative one it will like be effective quite a bit by the lighting and sometimes it's messing around depending on how dark it is how your colors are showing up you can kind of just mess around with those values or if you want to make it even better you can go look up some like tutorials on how to make like materials for proper cars I don't know how well they'll transfer over because we don't have proper Reflections because of a low poly like all the edges and stuff won't really work as well and then planting all we have to do with lighting is basically add some Latin now you can have some sort of theory behind this like you could have a big key latch so this will usually be like to the left or the ratch wouldn't be like directly by the camera be like offsettered look at some reference you can kind of see how they've done their latting or even if you can find the actual Studio shots to see how they've done it you may have to play with them like the roughness and stuff of your materials that your lighting doesn't show up too much in their factions so usually the kind of theory behind it is have like a key light to like one side and then have a rim lock which is the one at the back that kind of just like gets the edge just to make it stand out from it then if you want to make it just like stand out a bit and fill in a bit of those dark areas just add in an Easter up and change the brightness to be quite low this is an easy way just to like make the Latin just look a little bit better and you can change the rotation and stuff to get like the sun to match or whatever but oh you can even find like a studio lighting setup from an extra I recommend using polyhaven they have very good hdmrs it's really the only side I use for 80 hours but yeah or if you're making an outdoor scene and you want to make it look nice and you have the whole environment then you can kind of just start messing around with like H rods and like big Sun lamps and stuff like that and so like trying to get that like kind of look of having the studio-ish lighting have your big key lock should be sun um maybe have some sort of Reflections that kind of gets that room light or the light behind it and you can kind of mess around with the lighting quite a bit to kind of have it stand out quite well from the background without having to get that studio lighting setup if you want to learn more about my modern workflow and how I like make kind of basically any shape click over here until you see that not now just
Channel: Thomas Potter
Views: 13,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, blender tutorial, b3d, low poly, 3D, car, game dev, game, unity, low poly car, car modeling, blender guide, low poly guide
Id: ub00akPm7kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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