Pixie & Brutus: The Mega Movie (Comic Dub)

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did you know that after military dogs retire they can be adopted into regular civilian families pixie this is your new big brother he's gonna live with us now wowie a new big brother my name's pixie what's your name brutus well we want a pretty name we're gonna be bestest friends you're very small and weak if anything bigger than a squirrel wanted to hurt you you wouldn't stand much of a chance guess i'll have to protect you i love you too this is my bed but you can use it too since you don't have one of your own oh thanks this part of the house is super duper dangerous if you fall you could get really hurt well thanks for the warning that's randall the raccoon he's a raccoon he's also really grumpy one time i asked him if he wanted to play and he said to leave him alone or he'd bite me so you should probably stay away from him good idea pixie he'd probably rip my ugly striped tail off yeah wait you don't have any stripes on your tail hey brutus you want to see my spooky halloween costume that's over a month away okay i'll go put it on all right before i show you just remember it's only a costume it's not real okay okay did i scare you did i did i did i yes you know i could teach you how to be scary if you want i'd appreciate that there that'll do all right pixie if you ever run into trouble and i'm not around to help you you're gonna have to know how to defend yourself so if this big mean animal is trying to hurt you what do you do hi i'm pixie please don't hurt me they'll be mean let's be friends what no don't ask him not to hurt you go for his neck like this no i mean bite his neck with your teeth wouldn't that kinda hurt yeah yes it's supposed to hurt that's the point but if i hurt him he might not want to be my friend hey brutus we should do best friend costumes what do you mean you know like you could be a flower and i could be a bumblebee oh um maybe something else how about the princess and the pea uh what else you got how about batman robin you know what i like that one let's do it wowie brutus you're so colorful hey check this out i am the night oh jeepers are you okay i'm so sorry i shouldn't have done that are you hurt i'm okay hey brutus come watch this fun movie i just turned on it's called uh nighttime on elmo street i think huh what's it about well i'm pretty sure it's about a bunch of kids playing hide and seek with this freddy cougar guy i think you mean freddy krueger oh yeah that's it oh look he found one hey brutus the human said that you were an mwd what's that oh it stands for military working dog who's millie terry no no not a person a military is a group of people that uh partake in war on behalf of their home country what's war uh well it's when opposing militaries engage each other and and and what and and they play fun games together well we i want to go to war sounds super fun yeah fun target spotted 10-4 officer pixie you are clear to engage gotcha you are under arrest do not resist get on the ground mr criminal oh darn you've captured me that's right and now you're going to bad guy jail you bad guy randall are you okay i didn't mean to tackle you so hard my masterpiece is complete hey brutus come look at this lion snow sculpture i made oh that's um amazing thanks it almost looks real doesn't it yeah real and check out this other one oh my another lion even more real looking than the last one that's not a lion silly it's you can't you tell that's me uh oh i mean yeah of course i can tell that it's me it's like looking in a mirror the jaguar's powerful muscles and claws allow it to easily climb any tree wow oui climbing trees would be super fun i wish i had claws uh pixie you're a cat you do have claws nah ah see all zai got is these little fuzzy paws just flex your fingers uh okay like this wow what a pretty flower oh hey brutus check out this pretty flower i found wow very pretty look what i just found wow we a birdie feather where'd you find it oh uh it was just laying around wowie brutus is that you yep back in my rookie days you were so small and cute well that's not my fault i couldn't help it i was just a pup yeah i guess i was cute whatever who's that guy next to you that's sergeant sergio castillo he was my handler he looks like a really nice guy yeah he was a nice guy super pixie flies to the rescue super strength super laser eyes brutus raise your eyes uh oh right kaboom a puddle yippee pixie what are you thinking you can't swim jeepers thanks brutus i didn't think it was that deep well you ought to check before just diving in yeah i know i just get so excited when i see puddles all i can think of doing is splashing the hey look a puddle yippee oh right i forgot hi mister i like your web it's very pretty oh uh thanks you know i'm a spider right yep so aren't you you know scared uh no not even like creeped out why would i be you seem very nice hey brutus look at this awesome daredevil stunt i've been practicing hmm wow very cool wait i've got one more and this one is really really cool hi yeah that was probably the coolest thing i've ever seen really hands down new and good pixie just be careful wow lee how high am i now ah too high too high oh brutus jeepers i must have almost been to the top uh yeah almost oh hi hugo hello pixie pixie who's the big dog who oh hi brutus that's hugo is he hostile yeah scary dog scary dog ah never mind hey chubby what you got there bud oh hi randall this my bone how about you give it to me be a pal but you take my bone yes today and day before that course i took your bones i'm doing you a favor the last thing a fatso dog like you need is more to eat but bones not for eating bones are for chewing whatever just fork it over you dumb blob hey pixie who's that really big dog again oh you mean hugo does he get bullied a lot yeah mostly by randall lola says it's because he's a marshmallow i think because he's white and brown like a roasted marshmallow uh i think she means to say that he's soft but that's not his fault some dogs are just fluffy no no not literally soft she's saying he's a pushover but he can stand up by himself no i've seen him do it look he's standing right now even he doesn't defend himself from mean or unfair treatment oh but luckily for him i know a certain dog that can help him out really who that must be pixie's new big brother she told us about let's go wish him a merry christmas are you sure he seems a bit unsociable what just cause he's big and dark you can't judge a book by its cover i suppose you're right we ought to introduce ourselves anyhow it's the neighborly thing to do hi there my name's lola and this is mr wrinkles you must be our new neighbor yeah so we just thought we'd introduce ourselves and wish you a merry scarface christmas christmas i meant merry christmas have a very very merry christmas okay uh we're gonna go now that dog looks like he eats nails for breakfast what happened to don't judge a book by its cover oh shut up i just don't trust that big scary dog around tiny little pixie i agree wait what's he doing oh did he just give her a flower that's actually really nice of him huh i guess he's not mean yeah i suppose we don't have to be afraid of him after all do you think he saw us you're an idiot you too i'm looking for hugo seen him oh hugo no haven't seen him at all why i've noticed he has a bit of a raccoon problem i want to help him out oh you're going to stop randall from bullying him no hugo is but he can't he's just not you know he's not confrontational he's a big pushover perhaps you could you know scare randall off for him um give a man a fish and you feed him for a day teach him to fish and he's fed for a lifetime uh how's fishing gonna help hugo you're an idiot it's a figure of speech i'm saying that hugo shouldn't depend on others to stick up for him he's a big dog he's gotta learn to defend himself oh i get it but like none of us even have thumbs how are we gonna hold the fishing rod or reel anything in for that matter please stop talking i guess we could hold stuff with our mouths but that would still be tricky i swear i lose brain cells just being near you forget everything i said about fish do you know where he is or not oh he's up there he got scared when he saw you coming oh how are you sure this is gonna work should as long as he doesn't chicken out he doesn't have to do much well we're about to find out here comes randall all right tubby you know the drill fork it over hey don't turn your back on me give me that bone get get off me only if randall promised to stop being meanie [Music] oh okay i'll stop messing with you randall promise yeah i promise i promise okay please get off so so randall stop bullying me now yes just stay away from me you crazy dog wow we brutus you got some big juice thanks i wonder if i'll have truth this big when i grow up oh probably not that big uh a giant turkey no bald eagle ostrich a skunk panda water pig hippo uh sharp nose hippo rhino long nose hippo elephant why is that rock moving that's a tortoise oh i hate him black crested gibbon oh i was gonna say monkey gibbons are actually apes hey you giant evil robots if you guys want to destroy the city you're gonna have to go through us ready brunotron awaiting your orders captain pixie look out here comes the other one hey brutus look i'm a dill pixie get it because my name is pixie and that kind of sounds like pickle yep i get it and i'm in a pickle jar yeah that's very clever and that's where pickles go yeah i understand wait is that still full of pickle juice yup oh also i'm stuck huh what's this hey brutus what are they talking about i think they're just commenting on how the artist that draws our comic hasn't been consistently drawing you the same size what do you mean well each comic that he draws you keep getting drawn smaller and smaller really i haven't noticed come on artist you should know she's bigger than that uh this doesn't seem right either i should have seen that coming brutus i think i just learned a new magic spell wanna see sure why not what does it do it turns rocks into bunny rabbits wait any rock hold on a second maybe i shouldn't be standing so close rocco rocco alakazam huh it didn't work i guess i need to practice this one some more no it worked fine you just need to practice your aim um who are you oh hey pixie check this out wowie that's amazing what is it it's my jack-o-lantern it's where you carve a spooky face into a pumpkin it's a halloween tradition i got a little pumpkin for you too so you can make your own wow thanks is that okay did i do it right um yeah that's uh not bad hi mr headless horseman i noticed your pumpkin hat was starting to get a little bit wrinkly and mushy so i made you a new one so what do you think do you like it looks like the coast is clear finally i can enjoy some quality garbage and peace no stupid pesky dog on my tail ah wait i come in peace i'm just here to get some grub that's all i'm not looking for trouble you can get your trash from some other neighborhood but but this neighborhood has the best trash don't care get lost listen i know i've been a nuisance in the past but i swear i'll leave you all alone you'll hardly even know i'm here i promise fine really yeah but you so much as look at anybody the wrong way you'll regret it i've got my eye on you nice i've got my eye on you because you only got the one good eye yep never mind you're right that is a pretty feather don't know how we're gonna get it down though yeah that's way too high for me to climb actually i know someone who can get it down oh come on please let me go i didn't do nothing oh hi randall are you here to get the pretty feather out of the tree branch the what out of the what wow that was so fast thanks randall no problem oh well wait so tasty uh pixie it's okay if you don't like it you don't have to pretend no i really like it it's super good you know it's okay not to like everything it's not rude or impolite to dislike something besides pretty sure master just wanted to see your reaction i don't think he expected you to like it it's gross yeah really gross yup it feels like my mouth is crying ah jeez i got sauce all over my head abracadabra thanks welcome to my humble a toad a boat a boat yeah as you can see i have not one but two whole windows both on the same wall very nice and some fancy house decorations of course yes of course really breathes life into the place i even have my own double bedded mattress uh i think your breath or your bed might end up getting moldy you might want to use something less edible well what are you waiting for come on in uh wow look at all this beautiful snow oh joyous day i can hardly contain my excitement yeesh what are you so grumpy for i'm a hairless cat in the middle of winter figure it out sherlock sounds like you need a big warm hug don't touch me no i mean a really big warm hug what are you talking about hugo come quick mr wrinkles is freezing to death he needs an emergency hug emergency hug what no hugo i'm not freezing to death i do you feel better i feel like i've been run over by a dump truck ah stay away scary monster uh hugo what's wrong shh i hiding scary flying monster tried to eat me look hmm hugo that's an owl owl well it's still trying to eat me hugo you're a 300 pound dog i really doubt it was trying to eat you hugo you seriously hiding from a crow uh no i i just sitting in tree shade the sun ain't even out hugo oh hugo you're a 300 pound dog you're practically a small grizzly bear you've got no business being scared of birds or much anything for that matter really not even spiders not even spiders not even pigeons that's another bur why are you so scared of birds hmm i wonder what color hugo's eyes are i don't recall ever actually seeing his eyes hmm me neither me neither too i guess those meatloaf eyebrows of his always keep him covered there could be anything under there well no i'm sure he just has two normal eyes or maybe three normal eyes or three rainbow eyes i'm gonna risk it and bet on the first one well let's settle this i guess stay still please hugo uh okay why four see two normal oh oh my well i was half right i was a third right me confused so hugo how did you lose your eye oh well when i was puppy i wander over the strange building i'm curious so i go inside then i run into big mama chicken and she she no like that i was in there holy moly so you got your eye pecked out by a chicken that's terrible is is that why you're so scared of birds yes well i doubt it was packed out it's much more likely that the eyeball would simply punctured just damaged enough so where it needed to be surgically removed seriously dude what i'm just saying nothing wrong with being accurate okay so try to guess what i'm drawing as fast as you can okay well i'm done you still don't know uh is it an angry squirrel what no it's an eagle oh of course that was my next guess okay my turn trust me you definitely know this one is it a spaceship no no it's an animal a horned monkey no those aren't horns they're ears oh it's a horse yeah it's a horse good job this is some real good mud [Music] mud really i have nothing against canines but sometimes they can be such slobbish creatures they simply lack the sophistication that us felines have yippee oh for peach sake am i the only one with some cleanliness standards around here don't knock it till you try it princess well well well welcome to the party wrinkles glad you could make it it's a pleasure the legendary adventurer pixie scales the mighty mountain with ease she nanagates navigates navigates the deadly rainforest but how will she cross the raging river the raging river has stopped it's a miracle miracle it's a miracle do you remember when we first met hmm let me tell you brutus you're gonna love your new little sister little sister oh great i've gotta spend time with some annoying civilian house pet probably some annoying yippy little city pooch you probably haven't spent much time around cats have you a cat even worse pixie say hello to your new big brother big brother um this is acceptable hey mr wrinkles can i ask you something what do you want lola well i was just wondering are there alien dogs on your home planet too i'm not an alien oh okay but do they also have alien squirrels to chase after i said i'm not an alien i've told you a hundred times already i am a sphynx cat as in a cat breed that is naturally bald i'm literally just a hairless cat not an alien right a hairless cat next thing you're gonna tell me there's a breed of hairless dogs there is a breed of hairless dogs it's called a zolo sure zolodog sphinx cat listen if you're gonna make up words come up with something that sounds a little less you know made up why do i even try and i thought aliens were supposed to be smart i am not an alien pixie have you been playing in the mud recently what i couldn't hear you oh never mind whoa how'd all this mud get here uh now ain't that a pretty sight yeah remember the time we were up there uh up where up on the moon remember what what do you mean you know that time you went into space and sat on the moon what oh i'm pretty sure that was just a dream pixie a dream no i'm pretty sure it was real well how did we get up there you don't remember we got it right from that giant flying chipmunk oh yeah i guess that was probably a dream yeah probably chipmunks don't have wings they do not i've got my wings now i just have to jump from some high place and start flapping uh that's not exactly how flying works and what exactly makes you the expert on flying i'm a bird fair point what's going on here nothing me and gerald were just trying to figure out how to make me fly i mean nothing hmm for your own safety i'll be taking those wings of yours oh man and gerald if she ever gets hurt on your watch i'll be taking your wings too oh relax he probably doesn't mean that probably lola stop eating my food how do you know it's your food it literally is my name on it oh sorry it's all right i've got some extra food in my spaceship spaceship you're a spaceship where it's in the backyard i knew it i knew you were an alien i knew it i knew and i knew it yep there's no fooling you you're just too clever hey wrinkles i still can't find it is it invisible or something yep invisible for sure of course alien technology i should have known i'll keep looking oh i'm sure you're getting real close brutus would you care to hear a scary campfire story sure okay once upon a time there were two people walking through the woods when all of a sudden they saw a ghost uh then what happened beyond oh did you like it pretty spooky huh oh yeah especially the one part about the ghost well we it sure is windy today idea sure is a windy day hi brutus hey pixie bye brutus bye pixie dang it parkour parkour parkour uh that looks a bit too far don't you think you good almost made it weren't even close darn gates closed this looks like a job for my super ninja cat skills easy peasy lemon easy squeezy oh easy peasy squeezy easy that's not never mind okay so just do what i did but be extra careful on the shovel it's kind of slippery wow super ninja dog skills hey mr wrinkles look it's you a piece of chewed gum very funny hey hugo do you want to play a game oh yes me love game all right let's see how fast you can run a lap around the house but you gotta bring this with you oh okay wait a second isn't that my go well played wrinkles thanks hey randall do you want to play jessup i'd honestly rather get run over by a dump truck you're kidding you would love to it sounds fun just kidding i would love to sounds like fun yay wow what do you think i look completely you love it you think you look amazing i love it i look amazing i will destroy anything that poses a threat to this innocent child what that oh of course of course i'm the storm trooper in this thing why am i even surprised yeah i ain't doing this i'm out hmm now all it needs is some light oh man fire breathing is hard how about we just use electric candles fresh pumpkin don't mind if i do the pumpkin ain't randall huh oh yes come closer little kitten and i'll eat you too [Music] right now randall you're okay yeah you uh you'd risk getting eaten by a pumpkin monster to save me well yeah wow uh thanks i guess no problem it's what friends do right brutus right yeah how are you so big but so sneaky at the same time leave leaving hey lola you want to race seriously okay sure if you say so first one to the stop sign wins three two way i gotta get ready first be right back oh okay okay i'm ready yeesh finally what took you so long oh nothing much i just had to put on my running legs yeah i'm gonna have to take the loss on this one oh come on just one race hey brutus why is tony always playing with those heavy thingies he ain't playing he's exercising that's how you talk to ghosts you're thinking exorcism exercise is when you lift heavy stuff to get bigger and stronger that works more or less yeah wow all that exorcism is really paying off sure is wow no pixie that's not how it works what i didn't even say anything i have formed a crystal kiss i will soon grow wings like a butterfly you you gotta know that's not how it works probably but it's worth a try that should be long enough huh i'm stuck yep i figured brutus look what my eyes do when i shine light on them pretty cool right very cool want to see something else cool they can do yeah sit on that shelf over there okay now what pretty cool right very cool a whole fruitcake it's a christmas miracle ah come on man it's just gonna end up in a dump anyways fine i guess it's okay if you thanks bye what is that fuzzy clump up there oh it's a bat oh maybe it's a vampire in disguise vampires ain't real pixie but do you know bats are the only mammals on earth that can fly really did you know that beds are nocturnal as in we sleep during the day hint hint right we'll leave you forgot about unicorns they're mammals and they can fly too unicorns ain't exactly real either besides they actually can't fly you're thinking of a pegasus or an alicorn why do i know this stuff seriously guys go jabber somewhere else i'm trying to catch some z's here yeah yeah we're going don't get your wings in a twist count dracula oh real cute that's a nasty stereotype you know shame on you i can feel you staring at it what me i'm not staring at anything i had an infected cut they needed to shave the hair to treat the wound oh that i didn't even see it it's barely even noticeable you're trying too hard you know what it actually looks good on you just stop i wish my head had a bald spot seriously shut up yes sir look mr wrinkles another spaceship oh i keep telling you lola those are not spaceships they're commercial airliners that one in particular appears to be a boeing 747 first flown in 1969 it has a maximum capacity of oh boy here we go nope not a 747. what 747s have four jet engines this is a twin jet only has two no way you were wrong about something well you thought it was a spaceship yes but i'm not the know-it-all smarty-pants here you are or at least you were turns out you're just a big dummy like me i'm seriously going to scratch you if you don't let this go one two three thirty-nine forty all right ready or not here i come brutus will never find me i look just like a pile of leaves it's the perfect camouflage it's camouflage you found me already well leaves don't usually talk out loud to themselves about how much they look like leaves oh right also you didn't cover your butt darn it all right ready or not here i come me win for sure this time you gotta be kidding me oh found you let's just let you go win this time he'll never learn if people take it easy on him oh come on he's got a huge disadvantage literally how can you expect him to win at hide and seek when he's twice the size of everyone else um i suppose you got a point and what about her oh lola she has no excuse she's just an idiot wow lee what a shiny lamp holy moly i am the all-powerful genie i shall grant three wishes to thou who has summoned me hmm i wish for 100 wishes you can't wish for more wishes i wish that i could ah fair enough i wish to be a dinosaur do i really have to sit in this bucket you mean magic lamp right yes you are bound to the logic lamp for all of eternity but don't worry i'll use my hundredth wish to set you free i wish you'd do it sooner 23 23 what 23 times climbing up and down this rock pile oh why training i'm gonna be the first cat to climb everest mountain you know mount everest is pretty high right of course but nothing is impossible with hard work and a positive attitude it's about 30 000 feet tall oh uh how many rock piles is that dunno i guess around 10 000 also it's in asia like 8 000 miles away from here how many backyards is that you're an owl yeah give me some of your hourly wisdom well for starters owly isn't a word cool what else you got uh the capital of spain is madrid well that ain't wisdom that's just knowledge indubitably and it's not even correct no she's right it's madrid really i thought it was mexico ouch randall hey are you a ghost or something do you float listen it occurs to me that lately i've been unfairly hostile towards you oh like last week when you threw me over the fence for littering yeah uh sorry about that or when you threatened to remove my jaw for chewing too loud i don't remember that one i do vividly well point is my job is to keep pixie safe but i guess sometimes i can be a tad over aggressive you haven't been trouble for some time now so i ought to start treating you better well well look who's warming up to me looks like even big bad brutus can't resist my natural charm i was just playing start your engines vroom this race car has a very quiet engine uh it's electric how about you do the sound effects yay first place wow lee brutus you're really fast it was like driving a real race car that was just a joke didn't want you getting hurt let's head inside now okay i'm getting too old for this hands up bad guy i'm taking you to bad guy jail you think i'm just gonna give up don't you know who i am when i fell into a vat of toxic newspaper i was transformed into the evil doctor paperface and dr paperface surrenders to no one well in that case freeze layer my only weakness being frozen gotta admit you're a lot better at this pretend stuff than i am it's about committing to the role i'm not pretending to be frozen in ice i am frozen in ice brutus come brutus brutus brutus wait why am i looking here bruta oh hello i see morning brutus i had a super cool dream last night yeah what about first we went scooby uh scuba diving and then we discovered the lost city of atlanta or atlantis then we explored a dragon lair full of treasure then we went to ice cream land ice cream land a land made of ice cream oh of course then we rode on colorful balloons up into the clouds then we escaped a fleet of alien spaceships wow that's one eventful dream yep what do you dream about brutus meh same sort of stuff more or less wow i've never seen a real porcupine before hey hey now back off cat listen i know you porcupines have a bad reputation for spiking anyone that gets too close that is a thoroughly accurate reputation well i'm a firm believer in breaking stereotypes so to show you that i trust you i'ma give you a big ol hug i am literally promising that i'll spike you if you get any closer come here buddy pixie does it does it hurt nope feels fantastic actually thanks for asking are you sure it doesn't hurt it looks like it hurts does it now because it feels just terrific i hope that porcupine comes around again so i can get a second round of face quills i'm sorry i just thought you just thought what that it was a good idea to try to hug an angry porcupine is that what you just thought i i don't know listen pixie you're not a kitten anymore and i won't always be around to save you you just the world can be a nasty place okay if you're too soft it'll squish you and if you're too trusting it'll stab you in the back or in the face oh i see what you did there okay i'll try to be more careful that's all i need to hear so just to be totally clear you were being sarcastic about it not hurting right yeah it hurt a lot a brand new dog bed made specifically for large dogs with your name very literally written on it custom embroidered and yet you choose to plop your hairy shutting butt on my bed oh sure get mad at me for laying on your bed but you don't care at all when hugo sleeps on your cat tree thingy i still don't know how he gets up there it defies the laws of physics hugo time to wake up come on big guy you go wait get up bro can't breathe light fading is this it will this be the last thing i see no i cannot go out like this you're sorry hugo but it's you or me oh hello mr wrinkle what you doing here oh nothing just cheating death can we have candy sure but there's going to be a mummy tax wait one two three uh who's this um she just kind of showed up what i just kind of showed up i thought maybe that's how babies happen oh thank goodness that must be your mother i am so sorry ma'am man sir it's fine she's got a knack for wandering off i had candy let's do jumping jacks who's jack how do babies happen whoa cool scars are you a gangster did a zombie bite you well getting late time for bed it's only 1500 hours let's get those teeth brushed nice to meet you sir hey brutus what would you do if someone got their uh hand stuck in a vacuum cleaner uh i guess i'd try to pull it out okay but what if you didn't want to pull too hard because i could yank out his feathers what this is a hypothetical question right um pixie how sorry gerald i'm not very good at lying
Channel: KYOTO
Views: 15,198,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pixie Brutus, Pixie And Brutus, Brutus And Pixie, Pixie & Brutus, Brutus & Pixie, Pixie And Brutus Comic Dub, Brutus And Pixie Comic Dub, Comic Dub, Pixie And Brutus Animation, Brutus And Pixie Animation, Animation, Cat Comic, Cat Animation, Dog Comic, Dog Animation, Cat Cartoon, Dog Cartoon, Cat Movie, Dog Movie, Cartoon Movie, Cartoon Compilation, Comic Compilation, Pet Foolery, PetFoolery, Pixie And Brutus All Comics, Pixie And Brutus Movie, Pixie And Brutus Episode
Id: ynTqebQfR00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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