Love Is In The Air: Love Scenes from The Nanny | The Nanny

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oh Tish I love it when you speak French oh look who's here Bon a little late for you though isn't it Max well he took a little nap arur I'd like you to meet my brother Maxwell Sheffield and his um Nanny oh miss kit you are so wonderful and you look incredible how do you who ever stay so young I have a nanny too Lorenzo darling Miss kit you were smashing Mercy oh two handsome gentlemen in the same family all right all right back off Catwoman well the place is packed not bad for an immature child who knows nothing about business he Max ah this is on me would you just look at him working the room picking up the tabs just wait till he spends a couple of sleepless nights wondering whether the thing that he's poured his heart and soul into is going to go under or not oh he's such a dreamer wish you were him yeah you know I was him once what happened Miss fine what happened to my passion well I don't know maybe becoming too successful you lose your passion I know sometimes when I wake up in my mansion and my raal La sheets and I look out my window at Park Avenue I think oh maybe I'll just sleep in Niles can get the kids ready for but enough about me do you know what I'm going to do miss fine fire me I'm going to get my passion back well I'm right behind you baby the first thing I'm going to do is tell my brother good show then I'm going to ring my mother and tell her to S off and the passion part would kick in exam where right right now right I'm going to go for it Miss fine I'm going to grab the brass ring I'm going to get back in touch and just do it go grab touch do did I mention touch for God's sakes I'm in Paris with a beautiful woman a come on let's blow this nightclub and see where life takes [Music] us yep taking the next plane was definitely the right thing to do we switch flights in Rome short lay over in Amsterdam we'll be home in uh 19 hours yeah was definitely meant to be oh what the hell was that oh just a little bump in the road would we hit a deer we're in the air oh you have to picture yourself going along a little Country Lane with a few dips and potholes oh what the bloody hell was that okay okay calm down M had to always look at the stees that they'll let you know when there's something to worry about oh my God everybody stay in your seats fast in your seat oh my God oh my God oh God I never thought it was going to end like this I did I'm finally flying first place with a handsome millionaire of course the plane would go down what El all right everybody now just stay calm everything is fine would you put your damn tray away you want to get us all [Music] kill oh miss Mr I just want you to know that these last 3 years have been just the best years of my life oh God my children oh they adored you miss fine you know now would be a good time to call me friend I love you fan we don't want to go out to dinner with our grandparents if they don't like you then we don't like them how are we supposed to be nice to people who hate you oh sweetie they don't hate me yeah friend they really hate you I don't understand why you don't even try to fight for us oh sweetie this is a very big decision I mean it's all very confusing I just don't know what to tell you okay I'm back you guys love me I love you what does the adoption paper do it doesn't change your thing it's just a little piece of paper doesn't mean anything piece of paper meant a lot when you wanted to marry daddy well that's different that's community property fine don't fight for us we don't want to be a burden we'll see each other at weddings and God forbid funerals oh sweee they're not taking you away they're just trying to stop the adoption that's all now come on I want you to have a nice evening with your grandparents go put on something pretty and handsome just no animal Prince of sequins these people have no regard for hot catur you know F something did happen to Daddy they could take them away cuz you're not a legal mom darling do you think I should go with the brown suit or the gray hering oh all right look I was arrested in 84 it was pwed sugar and my principal did have an affair but it was with Mrs Simon I had nothing to do with it Dar daring daring what are you talking about oh sweetie if we go and fight in court they are going to do an investigation on me and there are things that you don't know about me that might come out I mean ugly things very ugly things darling dar darling I know all about your past before I hired you as my nanny I had you thoroughly investigated what yeah I'm not about to trust some stranger with my children am I come on didn't you uh didn't you check me out H checked you well so you see you have absolutely nothing to confess I know everything about you everything even my age actually that was the one thing even the FBI couldn't verify closest they could get was 31 31 well I guess the truth is [Music] out uh listen you guys we really need to talk to you about this whole adoption issue yes we we don't want to fight you but we will if we have to now we want to do what's best for the children and what's best for them is for all of us to be a family well if Sarah were still here we would be calm down Roberta they didn't kill her oh Roberta I don't mean to seem insensitive I understand that the kids are your link to Sarah but my adopting them is never going to change that well I'm I'm sorry but uh I worry that they don't even think about their mother anymore that's not true Grandma we think about mom all the time and sometimes when we really miss her Fran puts in old video vide tapes of her and watches them with us and every year on Mom's birthday Fran hases light a y site candle for her what well it's a Jewish tradition it sort of Lights the way to a happy afterlife also in the Hebrew tradition we're only allowed to Light One Candle on France's birthday cake but I forget what that means it's in the Torah it's very sacred Roba Earnest you'll always be welcome here and you'll always be part of our family yes why don't you two join us in the children for dinner and we'll continue this conversation listen Ernie is there anything that I can do to get on Bert's good side well is there a wies for ribs around here she is Wild for the onion loaf M listen you guys I want you to know that I love these children so very much and I promise you that and I'm going to provide them with a warm loving and most of all stable environment what time do you open Yen I love you I got to go sweetie no you can't talk to them now okay here they are oh we need to talk I've got such exciting news calm down calm down they're not Geniuses that was Niles talking okay I'm G to go now I love you too M bye what is the one thing that Separates Me from all the successful people in this world success this oh no you didn't write another Seinfeld episode did you sweetie it's over no no no no this is a new play A friend of mine wrote it and it's wonderful I'm going to show it to Mr Sheffield he'll love it produce it I'll be his partner become rich and finally be able to get out of this stinking rotten excuse for an existence not that it hasn't been a blast good morning oh sir I've got something very important to discuss with you and I know you'll listen since you have great respect for my opinions oh uh by the way have you scraped off my riding boots like I asked yes yes sir I have discovered a wonderful new play that I would consider selling okay giving to sheffeld B Productions in exchange for becoming a partner okay Copa associate Junior assistant all right I'll fetch the lattes but we are Partners old man I run the business you run the home I'm good at my specialty you are wonderful at yours now you wouldn't want to go and Fiddle with what I consider to be one of the most successful Partnerships everyone has ever known would you no of course not sir thank you sir goodbye sir thank you well I lost that exchange didn't I oh yes sir um well forget it what was I thinking she's only ever going to think of me as just a domestic who um no one yours are you doing all this to impress a woman well maybe a little sort of kind of oh are you in love oh maybe a little sort of Kinder but I'm I'm just dreaming there's no way that she would ever consider me Oh no you're not still Runing to patula clock are you no no no no this this isn't an infatuation no this is deep I think I think this might really be it well have you told her how you feel oh God no well you're going to let her know I mean what woman wouldn't be thrilled to have you in her life hello hello and do you Maggie take Michael to be your lawfully wetted husband I do oh Niles I really wish you could be here you should see how beautiful Maggie looks yes everybody is using The Coasters he's Miss B normally at this point in the ceremony I like to say a few words about the couple embarking on their life but I think the sentiments were best expressed by bar ra who just last night stood right here and sang what are you doing the rest of your life she sang that [Music] [Music] too [Music] Miss fine what are you doing Staying Alive oh well actually you know King we were looking for you because we were going to go into town maybe have a little lunch go visit the American Embassy would you be up for something like that it's oh it's fine there you are finally what are you doing here how did you get in the palace I I I just knocked on the palace door and before I know it everyone's bowing and scraping and kissing my ring I have to say this is the friendliest bloody country in the world yeah well it's a little too friendly if you that's me hello Max ship his majesty [Music] K oh oh uh your majesty so this is the man you say I remind you of really I don't see it this man was holding us hostage here what do you mean hostage oh come now I reject you and suddenly I can't find my tickets or my passport I had them locked up in the palace safe they're worth a great deal of money on the black market uhhuh and why was there a guard outside of our door there were some terrorist threats I wanted to ensure your safety all right Mr Know It All how do you get the nougat inside a Three Musketeers Bar actually it's a three tiered process first they turn the N into strips and then okay okay I'm telling you Mr Sheffield this man was forcing me to stay here to be his wife go on tell him tell him wife I wanted you here as my nanny oh please well well what was all that talk about me staying here forever huh I have four wives goober is not the end of the line believe me I have no romantic interest in you whatsoever you are free to leave at any time now would be good well I better go say goodbye to Billy while I'm still in this outfit I know that I'm not crazy that King was coming on to me of course he was Miss fine of course he was anyone could see he was smitten with you wasn't he of course he was he's a man and unfortunately some man just not very good at expressing their feelings and I could see right through that Sultan oh yes you'd start as his Nanny all right you start working for him for a few years and eventually be on a first name basis and then one day he'd come to realize you were more important to him than his work and then ha then he'd tell you he loves you and uh when does that happen right now I love you what friend I love [Music] you hi hello oh what a gorgeous chest oh thank you you Sammy Sammy says I got the boobs of a 73y old darling I brought yea's Hope Chest it's antique I thought it would be perfect for the nursery oh yeah yeah you've got everything in here wow look at this picture he's gorgeous who is that Grandpa uh yeah oh look how cute that is was this yours yeah that was my first baby dress your mother's first one is in there too oh those are my old love letters that I wrote Oh to Grandpa uh yeah it says Dear Richard daddy's name was Joe would you believe Richard is short for Joe now all right I'm busted I never told this to anyone but I was in love once before your father wow yeah you had like a whole dorson stle thing going on back then we met on the boat coming over from Romania my marriage to your grandfather was already planned and he was waiting for me but once I saw [Music] Richard he was so handsome in his Captain's uniform he was a captain in the navy no in the first class dining room and when our eyes [Music] met did anything intimate happen between you and Richard of course not I was on my way to meet my future [Music] husband we got separated on Ellis Island and your grandfather was there waiting for me but I told him I couldn't marry him because I wasn't sure of my feelings so I looked for Richard for five years I wrote him a letter every day how did you know where to send the letters I guess that's why I still have them so Yetta you're keeping us all in suspense who did you end up marrying Richard or or friend's [Music] grandfather [Music] Sylvia Sylvia I don't want to lose you I'm sorry if if I didn't do or say the things that made you feel like you were appreciate it I'm I'm sorry I don't know where the hell of 40 years have gone I look at you and I see a sweet little 16-year-old girl behind a candy counter at warts wearing a pale blue dress and you're eating that chocolate covered Cherry with the juice dripping down your mouth it was Mars a pan you remember my blue dress I remember a lot of things soia I just don't know why you don't know how I feel I'll tell you now Sylvia I oh God I love you I love you too I just I just don't feel special anymore our life it's like there are no surprises anymore no surprises huh you want a surprise I'll give you a surprise the very thought of [Music] you and I forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do I I'm afraid I'm making a terrible mistake I was throwing up before before I said yes to Niles after I said yes to Niles what if this feeling never stopped think how thin you'll be I'm just not sure I'm making the right [Applause] decision I'm sorry that was another contraction you see I'm over here having twins and I happen to be in excruciating pain but please keep talking about yourself well I mean I really do love Niles and I can't wait to marry him because I cannot live with this nausea another moment okay there were your wedding VES maybe we should just elope and get this whole damn wedding thing over with and there are your announcements did you listen to me as soon as you say I do your angst will disappear we can't get married without you and Maxwell there and the children I mean you know how close I am to them who Macy Bob and Nancy yes I want you all there sh I'm trying to think here oh Nanny Fine I'm sorry I'm being so inconsiderate oh well you know what I am done talking about me the rest of the day is about you you you I don't care how nauseous I am I am not going to steal your thunder for one more moment we are gathered here today to bring together two people in the bonds of holy matrimony come on this is insane her contractions are only 2 minutes aart yeah well I'm dehydrating here move it along uh CEI and Niles have asked to express their love for one another in their own words funny that's the same sound I made the first time I saw you I remember it perfectly the year was 1962 and four Young hopefuls from Liverpool were just about find did they PP out yet Stanley where's Morty already he's waiting for my parking space I'm your family why didn't you give him your space he's my father he should be here what am I chop Le just breathe just breathe down visualize visualize mountains visualize the ocean a swaying pal working it's not working right well how about lman you're a in the store with your own price I'm dying here mon senior do you Niles take Chastity Clare to be your LLY wed wife [Applause] CH oh that's a beautiful name hopefully dly we're about to have two more guests at the wedding Say I Do I Do p do you test declare take I I do the Bri d f you were right I don't feel like I'm going to throw up anymore I'm so freaking happy well I don't care what my mother says I know you're the one for me she is the one for you Max Sarah hi Max my God have I completely lost it no no no no and you are making the right decision Max that's why I came I want you to know how happy I am for you oh you are look at your eyes look at your smile I love what she's done for you oh I am so happy to hear that sir because I am just crazy about it's okay to love her Max I love her too look at what she's done for our children I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life it's an expression oh Sarah my darling Sarah ah oh when I lost you I I couldn't handle anything especially the children and then out of nowhere this mugera woman it's an expression she she came into our lives and for the first time made us all smile again okay well we got to make Maggie beautiful yeah like that's going to happen shut up R hey be nicer to your sister why because we're a family yes that's right and someday your father's going to be old and sick you're going to want him to live with her I wrote you a poem FR you did F is for the fun we have together R is for the rumy that we play A is for the answers to my questions and n is for the nasal things you say we were in in the locker room after gym and friend I'm smaller than everyone else smaller how just forget it it's too humiliating well what could be so humiliating about being smaller in the locker [Music] room honey you know if you don't want me to go out with him just say so I respect your feelings well I don't want you to go out with him well then I won't go out with him I love you and i' never do anything to hurt you I love you too friend then please let me go out with them I'm going to grow old and die waiting for your father hello sweetheart do you like my party dress lman 70% off she'll never shop retail again hey Dad surprised no tricks Brighton just behavior all right come on Maggie don't be shy honey my God I had no idea how much she looked like her mother oh I think you'd really like us Sarah I do Max why do you think I sent her to you you sent her to me and you heard her speak I thought she had a cold
Channel: The Nanny
Views: 23,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the nanny, sony, sony pictures entertainment, hbo max, sitcom, comedy, fran, fran drescher, fran fine, peter marc jacobson, charles shaughnessy, lauren lane, maxwell sheffield, 90s, 90s sitcoms, queens, daniel davis, niles, cc babcock, fran fine laugh, maggie sheffield, benjamin salisbury, nichols tom, bette midler, Madeline zima, brighton sheffield, grace sheffield
Id: bn2WbLhtXok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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