Love & Best Dishes: Michelle’s Crab Cakes & Paula’s Deviled Crab Recipes

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- All right, so Michael has insisted, y'all, that they go through the crab and make sure there's no shells left, but Michelle is a professional de-crabber. - I said if there's any shells in there, they're Dad's (laughter) which is really not true. (laughter) Dad can pick really fast. - He can pick fast, but y'all, now how many crabs? I hope y'all got to see the video of these two out there crabbing. - [Eddie] Yeah that'll be the first... - Yes, that will be the first video shown. And I loved watching a father and daughter out there doing what they are so good at and what they love so much. They've been crabbing out there since, Michelle was a wee-tiny girl. And how many crabs did y'all get, you think? - A dozen and a half. - A dozen and a half? - They were all packed with meat. And how long did it take y'all to pick them? Long time, didn't it? - About an hour. - Couple of hours? I thought, well, y'all may have been sitting out there, talking. - We were shifting around in our chairs, (laughter) well, that's the best part about picking crab, is you get to talk and- - Get to talk and visit. - It's good quality time. - Yes, so I tell y'all what, crab cakes have never been one of my favorite dishes. Not even when I make them myself. I can't even please myself, - We only got two shells. (laughter) That pretty good. - You were right. You were right. - That was good. - Those were Michelle's. (laughter) But Michelle brought us some crab cakes over, that she had picked, she had caught the crabs, picked them and brought us four crab cakes. And I tell you what they were so good, I wished I'd hidden one from Michael. So I could have had three and him have one (laughter). Delicious, that girl knows she can make a crab cake. I'm so thrilled that she has agreed to come in here today and show us her way of making crab cakes. And you know, if you don't live on salt water, you can buy from the seafood market, right? Or the grocery stores and it comes in a can, you can buy a one pound can. I'm washing these onions, Michelle, because they felt a little gritty. - [Michelle] Okay. So it doesn't matter where you live. You can have crab cakes. - [Michelle] I think a lot of places ship them now. - You know, they do, they do because, who ordered some lobster, was it you Eddie? - [Eddie] Yeah, last summer. - Eddie's from lobster country, in New Hampshire. So, oh my gosh what a, what a treat that was. Michelle's going to make her crab cake and I'm going to do just a couple of deviled crab. And I was asking Michelle a while ago, I said, "now what's a different, tell me the difference between crab cakes and deviled crab." - Oh me? - Yeah, when I asked you a while ago. - Well, I mean- - Your answer made sense to me, because it's basically the same seasoning. - Yeah, so a deviled crab is, to me, more of a cake-y way to eat crabs. - Almost like a dressing. - Right. - Stuffed with a lot of bread. - And you can't taste the crab. So that's why I'm a fan of crab cakes, because I just keep it simple and that there's nothing but the crab. Because I like to be able to taste my crab. - Do you want me to transfer this crab to your bowl for you? Yes, no, maybe? - That's fine. So basically I was telling Paula, I don't really have a recipe. I just put my crab in and what you're going to see us do is, just try and, you want to make something that you can actually mold, but that's not wet. So we'll just take the crab and then add in an egg and add in some mayonnaise and a little bit of Old Bay and some green onions and mix it all together until you have something that you can actually squish into a little patty and then you throw it in the pan and then you eat it. - Okay, I'm getting it sister. Just another set of eyes, looking. Another set of one eye looking. (laughter) I mean, you know, you got to laugh about- - I forgot to grab the eggs. - Okay, now how many eggs will you put in? - [Michelle] I only start with a little because you can't take it away, but you can add to that. - There you go, there you go. - [Michelle] I'll pull two you just in case. - Yeah, because you don't normally, what'd y'all think, it's almost two pounds of crab meat, what you think Mikey? - [Micheal] Yeah. - That's a lot of crab. - That's a lot of crab, ooh I'm a happy girl. - And when I do the green onions, I just, like I said, I really just want to taste the crab. So I only add the other stuff in as a like, you want to think of a hint of flavor. So I use a little bit of the white part that has the strong and then a little bit of the green that's not as strong because I don't want the onion to overwhelm the crab cake. Okay - All right. So we all agree that's probably two pounds of crab meat? - Sure. - All right, and Michelle was saying a while ago, she said, "this is my truth as the way I see it." And I said, "well, yeah, that's what we all, we all do." It's truth is, we know for it ourselves. Listen, you proved the point when you cooked those crab cakes, you got it down. - So I start with my crab in the bowl. Once I've already picked through to make sure I don't have any crab shells in there, then I'll throw some mayonnaise in. And like I said, I don't really have an actual formulated recipe. What you're going for something that's not too wet, but that'll stick together. - [Theresa] But you said earlier, Michelle, you felt like it was a cup of mayonnaise to... - [Michelle] Like three cups of crab. That's me guessing, but it seems about like that. - So that's really mayonnaise-y, which is good. And you want to stir that very gently, because you want to keep those big clumps of crab meat intact. - So I'm actually working with a lot more crab meat than normal because I was telling Dad while we were picking the other day that, you know, it was a true testament to me growing up, becoming an adult, that I would actually pick for someone else to eat. (laughter) Because I didn't really want to pick unless I was eating it. - She loves her some crab. - So that's pretty good and sticky. I'm going to add just a little bit more. - Kind of looks like the consistency that I would do. Potato salad, almost, that much mayonnaise. Yum, I can't wait. - She's funny. So now I have - You would never eat a deviled crab with that much crab in it. - [Michelle] No that's why I don't eat deviled crab. (laughter) - I thought I spot a shell, but I didn't. - I just cracked two eggs and I whisked them together, but I'm going to start just with half of this, because if you get it too wet, then your crab cakes don't turn out pretty, but Paula knows how to fix that. (laughter) - Well, when she brought me this, she brought me the raw crab cakes for me to fry myself and they were so wet, I said, "I'm not going to be able to get these all together." So I just got my panko and I poured it out on a plate and just patted those crab cakes in some more panko. Because they had been in the fridge for even, what 24 hours. So they had gotten whole lot wetter and, oh my gosh, they did up beautifully though. So can you get them too wet, just add some more breadcrumbs or panko. Personally I love the panko. - And now I'll put a little bit of breadcrumbs into the mix. All you're doing is trying to get it to hold together, you're not trying to use less crab. - And back here in this pot, y'all, Michael, he's sanitizing the real crab shells. He's got them boiling back here just to kill any germ or whatever they might have. So those are ready and I'm going to show you how I make deviled crab, so save me a little bit of this. Not much, just enough for two shells. - Would you use this mixture? - Yeah, I ain't got no crab. (laughter) - Whoops. So we've got the crab meat, the mayonnaise, the egg. Now I'm just going to put in the- - If you could get me a little in this bowl. - Oh yeah - How about that? - Well, you hadn't got your onions or anything- - It don't matter. - Okay. - [Theresa] She'll save you a little. - I think that's plenty because I'm going to add some, a lot of bread to it. - And then I'm just going to put my, yeah, see, double crab . (laughter) Put your onions in there. - [Paula] Yum. And then I just like to take Old Bay, but remember like, I like crab that I just pick out the shell and eat straight out the shell. So that's what I'm trying to do here with the crab cakes. So I actually don't put any seasoning other than Old Bay and I just kind of sprinkle. - [Paula] And Old Bay has a lot of salt in it. - [Michelle] So good. - And Old Bay also has a spicy, here you go honey. - Thanks. So if you don't like spice and you don't want as much sodium, you could just add salt and pepper to your mixture. And not use as much salt. (mixture sticking) - That's some good mayonnaise right there y'all. - So good. - Mayonnaise of the South. (mixture sticking) - That's about it, so now you just going to form them into crab patties. - Okay, I have you a cookie sheet right here, after you put them together, you can put them right here, on this sheet, and then we'll start frying them. - Okay. - All right, so if you want to make deviled crab and you've gotten a container from your seafood market and you don't have access to the real shells that they lived in, you can buy these little tin ones and it works okay, but I like the real deal. Michelle really liked these when Eddie pull these out. These are, let me see what it says. It's from Biloxi, Mississippi, Bienville Oyster Company. So this is what you would make your Oysters Rockefeller or something like that in and Emeril Lagassé sent these to me for Christmas, one year, and we just love them. So if we didn't have that real house that they lived in and we didn't have these, the deviled crab would be beautiful in these Emeril. And I hope I sent you a note and thanked you for them. I hope, if I didn't, I'm telling you now Emeril. I hope y'all are doing well, and I love the oyster shells. Whoa, look at those cakes. Did you put any bread crumb in it yet? - [Michelle] I put a tiny bit. (laughter) So I literally just do enough to hold them together and then you can either cook them like this or Paula favorite way to eat them is to coat them with panko and hold them together. And then they're crispier and they're delicious. - All right, now what do you cook yours in, Michelle, what kind of- - I usually cook almost everything in olive oil, but it doesn't matter either way, whatever oil. - Well, why don't we do some olive oil some butter. - Yeah, whatever you want. - Because the olive oil will keep the butter from burning. But I want you to tell me how deep you cook these in olive oil, so if you'll look over here. - [Michelle I don't really fry Them, that's enough, that's plenty. - Oh, okay. (laughter) I was going to fry them puppies. - Well, I mean, it doesn't matter either way, they're good. There's really no right way or wrong way. - [Theresa] There's the healthy version and then there's the Paula version. (laughter) - I'm looking for butter. - [Theresa] There's some in the refrigerator. - Oh yeah I knew I put some in here last night and guess what I cooked for you Michelle. - What'd you cook? - That I got in the refrigerator. Fresh turnip greens. - Oh my gosh. There's few things I like more than crab and turnips comes real close to crab. I can remember, oh my gosh, a really lone time ago. I don't even think that Dad and Paula we're married, but she had cooked turnip greens and had made up cornmeal dumplings and I came in there, and I didn't realize that, like I thought I being real sneaky and just eating a few cornmeal dumplings here and cornmeal dumplings there. But little did I know I had finished off almost all the dumplings in the pot, so I got caught. (laughter) And I think from there on out I had extra dumplings made. - Yeah I think we had one or two (phone rings) dumplings left. - [Theresa] We've made those on the show, in honor of you, Michelle, actually. We did those one time because, I remember we were, I think, we were at Bobby's. - There's nothing like Paula's turnips for sure. - [Paula] This is your phone, right Michelle? I mean, Michael. (phone call audio) - [Micheal] Yeah that's me. - Oh my gosh these are beautiful. All right, and here's the turnip greens and their roots. And I cooked them with hog jowl, y'all. - [Michelle] So good. - [Theresa] They don't have those cornmeal dumplings yet. - They don't have corn meal dumplings yet, but they may, before the day's over. It just depends on if I run out of time or not, or if Michelle gets to them before (laughter) I do. - And so then, because I choose to make these with just a lot of meat, you kind of have to pick them up tenderly, or your meat is going to fall out. - Yes, and you want to be gentle with your crab, from start to finish, don't you? All right, I put a little butter in the olive oil. I'm going to put these away because I'm thankful- - I'm going to let you do this part because you're better at flipping it then I am. - Okay, can I put some more panko on the outside? - Yeah cook them just like you did the other night at your house. - (laughter) Okay. Because I don't- - Yeah, I had to bring her some but they weren't cooked because if I cooked them, like the first batch I had made, I ate them (laughter) and I had already told her I was going to bring her some. - [Paula] I know it. - So I actually found one more shell, I'm going to stick right here. - All right, I'm going to... I mean you would probably be scared when you saw how much panko I used, but let's take a little break and I'm going to put some panko on this, and then we'll be right back. Our fat's not hot yet either. - [Michelle] So I handed over to Paula because this is the part I don't like. I don't like cooking them, and she cooks them to perfection. - [Paula] Oh my gosh, I don't know about that. - [Theresa] Why don't you like cooking them though? Because they don't come out pretty? - They don't, they're not pretty. I'm just smush them down until I feel like it's done and they're not nearly as pretty, but you can put the panko coating on the outside and basically make a crust, you're going to make a crunchy crust. And one of the reasons why I love them, not just for the taste, but I like anything that's quick in the kitchen. - [Theresa] I like how she said she was just going to put a little panko. - [Paula] Well, I just said that to Michelle. (laughter) I'm swallowing very, very hard. Yes, see if I don't add the panko to them, they will come apart. - Yes, so mine almost reminded me of the lace tote cakes, like the real thin ones. - That's what my crab cakes end up (laughter) looking like when I cook them. - You know what I'm going to go with our turnip greens tonight? - What? - Some crackling cornbread. - That sounds delicious. - I have been wanting crackling cornbread so bad and I hadn't cooked any because your Daddy was on that "I'm not eat any carbs" and I didn't want to make a whole cake pan. I mean, yeah, a pan full of... - [Theresa] This was almost a brand new box people, just so you know. (laughter) She was only going to use a little bit. - I just want to make sure that's those beautiful things are going to stay together. All right, now let's make sure our heat is right. Over here, I turned it down real low. So do you think I need to pour some of this fat off? Is that too much Michelle? - No, I don't think there's any right or wrong way to do it. I think that'll be delicious in that. I think if you wanted to use less, you could, because all you're really doing is heating up the crab meat and just making sure your egg is cooked through. - These are just beautiful. - [Theresa] Michelle, you could go in the crab cake business. - She darn she'll could. - Well, as I told you I finally got to that age where- - You'd have to charge $50 a patty though, because it's so time consuming. - Yeah, but you don't mind, when you're cooking for people that you love and that love crab meat. Like, you're not allowed to eat my crab cakes unless you love crab. (laughter) - Yeah. I mean, you don't want to, you don't want to feed somebody something they don't like. - [Theresa] Or don't appreciate. - [Both] Don't appreciate. - [Theresa] It's more of the word, appreciate. - That's the word, Theresa, that's the correct word. - [Theresa] My Mom and Dad used to pick crab and I would suddenly appear when the last crab... - Well, that's how it was as a kid and Dad is infamous and he did it the other day on the dock. We had five traps in and all I could think of was "oh my God I thought we only had one in, why do we have to have a million crabs?" Because I know that means we'll be sitting there for a really long time picking them. When I go with Henry and John and we get crabbing, we normally just throw the hand baskets over the dock. And we normally stop at 10 to 12 crabs , then we have four to five crab cakes and we have appetizers. But when you go with Dad, you've got enough to make double crab, crab cakes, crab foie gras and... (laughter) - [Theresa] That's because he's been hanging out with Paula. - I don't know, I think Michael's always been one that, if one was good, 10's got to be a lot better. (pan sizzling) - But really we would always eat them, down on the dock, and then come inside and whatever was left either got brought to somebody's aunt or got food for crab foie gras in. - [Theresa] You could bake these too, couldn't you, really, if you wanted to? - You could. - This could be in an air fryer. - These would do great in the air fryer. But, I want the flavor of the fat. - [Michelle] So good. (pan sizzling) - Just don't let me get them too brown, Michelle, on one side. - [Theresa] How long do you think? - [Michelle] You asking the wrong person, that's why I told her to cook them. Two minutes on each side, probably, it'll be cooked through and we did them super thick. So it depends on how thick you do them or how thin you do them. I've cooked them every way. - I'm going to flip one and look at it. - [Michelle] So with those, I'd probably say... - Yum. - [Michelle] So good. - I don't think I could have poured any grease off and it's done right. - [Theresa] No because it made a lot. - Yes. And we're not even... - This is when my friends were all getting married and having babies. It was a simple shower. If you just take some crab cakes and some asparagus and a salad and a quiche and like coffee cake or muffins. Boom, you done. And it's beautiful. - Yep. - [Michelle] And easy. - [Theresa] No crab cakes are not easy. Because you had to pick the crab. - [Michelle] But when you get to the point of- - Uh oh that one wanted to tear up on me. - [Michelle] Looking at it like spending time with whoever you're picking with, it doesn't matter. - [Paula] That one wanted to come apart on me, Michelle. I'm going to have to put a little bit more. Those are the beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. Well, I've got a tartar sauce... This one's going to tear up too. - [Michelle] Don't be soft and gentle with the spatula. (laughter) - No, actually this one's working better than that great big fat one. I should've know not to do anything with my brand new spatula. - I have to try a bite. (electronic humming) So good. - So stinking delicious. - So Paula's always trying to get me to cook something in the air fryer. I'm like, I'm still trying to master the stove. - I have not been able to talk her into it yet and I said if ever try it once, you will never go back. - So she's going to stick these last three and show me how she likes to do it in the air fryer. - Yes, and these save a good bit of calories, Michelle, by cooking this in your air fryer. Okay, I'm just going to make sure they're good and coated. - [Michelle] Do you want me to coat the air fryer? - No, actually we're going to spray this. - [Michelle] Oh really? - Well you can a little on the air fryer. And why don't we, I don't want to ever preheat it, but why don't you spray a little on the bottom because it's got a non-stick bottom, so let's turn it on and preheat it. Let's cook it on about 400. So we'll set it on, like, 20 minutes just so it can get good and hot and then we're going to put those three crab cakes and a deviled crab. Now this is when I would do the celery and all that other stuff. You know, for the deviled crab. - A typical Southern deviled crab is a celery, onion and bell pepper, sauteed down until it soft, in butter. And then mix with your crab and some mayonnaise, sometimes that egg, and then a lot of, like, herbed stuffing seasoning. That's what a lot of people really like, a whole lot. And that's what you're going to get, typically, if you get at a restaurant. - I'm hard to please with a deviled crab, too. I'm hard to please. Did we put Old Bay in this? - It did go in the mixture, but you can never have enough Old Bay. - I'll sprinkle a little bit more in there. And then, to make this really a deviled crab. I'm going to take a piece of white bread, put a little milk on it and mix it in. (refrigerator door creaks) - I quite like that better, I think that that's the reason I don't really love the typical deviled crabs, because that herb stuffing mix. - [Paula] I don't think we want that Michelle. - Are you going to put it in one of the actual shells? You want me to pull a shell out? - Oh yes, and we kind of need to dry it off maybe a little. So I told y'all that Micheal threw those into boiling water to just kind of sterilize them and I'm going to take some white bread and, like I said, I'm going to put in a bowl, pour a little milk over it, so it get gummy. Not much, just a little bit, and I'm going to just tear it up, and I'm going to mix it in with that crab. Just like this. Little bit more milk. How's it coming? - Looks good. - Good. Usually when they get through picking crabs, I immediately put those in a pot because I'm like you use them for decoration too, to just pile them all up in a pretty bowl. It's beautiful, Michelle. Ooh, that's a big one. All right, so I'm going to take my bread crumbs and mix them in with our crab. We had added the egg at this point hadn't we? - [Michelle] Yes, you want more mayonnaise or anything? - No, I think it's good. - Yeah, that was just mayonnaise, egg. - I think this looks pretty good. We got it nice and bread-y. Just going to make sure we have enough Old Bay. All right, so this is the way I do it. I just load up those shells and I pack it into those points, Michelle. So you're not disappointed when you dig in there. You got something to eat. This is going to be delicious deviled crab. - Next time we throw the baskets out, we need to make your crab soup. Crab soups so delicious. - It is so good, isn't it? We will do that. I'm going to just sprinkle it with a little bit more Old Bay, just to help it brown a little bit. And I going to have to wash my hands. - [Michelle] Are you going to put these in the oven on a little baking pan? - [Paula] No I'm just going to put these in the air fryer. Now if you would just get me a little slice of butter and put it on the top of each of them. (refrigerator door creaks) It's right here, the butter's right here. - I'm still so lost, I'm not used to this kitchen. - [Paula] Me too, me too. Me too, I is too. - [Michelle] Little pat of butter on top. Here you go. (plastic rustling) (timer ticking) - [Paula] All right, I'm going to give those a quick spray. (laughter) I know where this stay. (can hissing) So I'm just going to spray those tops real good. And I'm going to put one little pat of butter on top of the crab cakes because I just liked for them to have a little bit of fat. So here we go, 400 degrees and you're going to save a lot of calories, y'all, by doing it in the air fryer. I'm going to make a believer out of this kid yet. (laughter) One of the things I love about Michelle is waste-not-want-not honey. You'd think she was my age when it comes to stuff like that. She doesn't like to throw away food and I don't either. So she bagged up that one crab cake that fell apart and she said, "now you can make an omelet out of this for breakfast." And you know, your Daddy will do it. He prides in his omelets, but Michael, now we've got, two deviled crab, one in the little shells that Emeril sent me, and then two in the original house that the crabs lived in. So I've got one over here that I want you to taste. And I have to tell you, that Michelle and I tasted the broke up one, so we know it's good. But there's your crab cake to taste, now you tell us- - [Micheal] This is mine? - [Paula] Yes, you tell us what you think. - It's full of crab, I love that. - [Paula] It's all crab. Is it good? - That's delicious. That's delicious. - Your daughter done it. - Some of them taste like dressing. - Yeah, it's all bread. So I added bread to the deviled crab, Micheal, so it's going to be a little bread-y, but not too bad. We didn't do too much, did we? - No, I think it's going to be delicious. - [Micheal] You want a bit, Paula? - Oh yeah, I'll take a bit since I ain't tasted it yet.. Are my pants on fire yet? - Over here, this side. - I can't because there's wires over there, I'll fall. Okay, wait up, I'll come around it. (laughter) He's using my old tricks, y'all. I used to do that to him all the time... - Say it again. - Have you seen that commercial, this singer is in the recording studio, and they say, "okay bro, do what you need to do." Takes a big scoop of peanut butter and sings. - Oh my gosh - It's so funny. He can't do it without the peanut butter. Okay. Let's take a look Eddie. Look at those, look how beautiful. They are beautiful. - [Eddie] Yeah, perfect. - Because you're not touching them or flipping them. They stay together a lot better in the air fryer and then, naturally, in the frying pan. But we put a little butter on top. - Just a little dollop. Oh thanks Dad. - That's right, Michelle didn't know what they tasted like either. - That is so good. So good. - Did you give Theresa a bite, Mikey? - [Micheal] Theresa you want some? - [Theresa] No I'm good thank you though. - You don't want the family's spoon? - Why? I can get a clean fork. - Oh no I'm good right- - Oh come try it, no seriously. Here, I'll get you a clean fork. - Ed did you try it? - [Eddie] Nope, not yet. - Theresa, come look at these in the in the air fryer. I just bit into a little onion. - [Theresa] Oh my God. - Have you ever tasted a crab cake that good? - No, and I'm like Michelle, I don't like all the filling. - [Paula] Look at this Theresa. - Jeez I look the way the air fryer cooks things. - I do too. - I have to admit, I'm a sold person on that. - Me too, so maybe five more minutes in the air fryer. No, you finish it honey. I mean there's nothing to do but sit down and eat them. Okay Michelle, now this is air fryer results. Look at that, is that not precious? Now I do want you to taste the deviled crab. And see if you like... - No, I think I'll love it. - This version, even though it's bread-i-er. Let me get you a fork, or get somebody a fork. - [Michelle] You got me one. (draws slamming) - [Micheal] So that's all you need is one, right? (laughter) - What you think? - That's so good, so I think I must not like the onion, celery, bell pepper and maybe the stuffing mix, a different one. I love this, but I love everything you cook, so that doesn't surprise me. - I love it in its natural habitat. - [Michelle] So pretty. - Delicious. Let's see the outside. - [Paula] Isn't it pretty? Beautiful. And like I said, I can't believe how much better these hold up in the air fryer and a lot less calories y'all. Not that we're counting. But cooks faster, clean. I just love my air fryer. So thank you, baby. - Oh, you're welcome, I love you. - I'm eating such hot food, my nose is running away with me. Okay. Go pick up your children. - All right. - I love you. - See y'all later.
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 307,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, from scratch, crab cakes, deviled crab, crab cake recipes, crab cakes in air fryer, crab cakes recipe, crab cake recipes easy, southern cooking recipes, crab cake recipes with lump crab meat, crab cake recipes air fryer, deviled crab recipe, deviled crab vs crab cake, deviled crab cake recipe, crab cake, paula deen crab cakes, paula deen crab cake recipe, air fryer crab cakes, air fryer crab meat, air fryer crab recipes, air fryer recipes
Id: _lhe-rrrSgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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