Louise Hay_Listen to 400 Affirmations to Heal Your Body

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[Music] love your body a positive affirmation guide for loving and appreciating your body read by me Louise pain to all the bodies on the planet I dedicate this offering with love affirmations for a healthy body little babies love every inch of their bodies they have no guilt no shame and no comparison you were like that and then somewhere along the line you listened to others who told you that you were not good enough you began to criticize your body thinking perhaps that that's where your flaws were let's drop all that nonsense and get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are of course they will change and if we give our bodies love they will change for the better the subconscious mind has no sense of humor and does not know false from true it only accepts what we say and what we think as the material from which it builds by repeating these positive affirmations over and over you will be planting new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind and they will become true for you stand in front of a mirror and repeat each affirmation 10 times do this twice a day also write the affirmations 10 times sometime during the day work with one treatment a day until you have gone through the whole book then if there is any part of your body you still dislike or have a problem with use that particular treatment daily for at least a month or until positive changes take place if doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up just recognize them for what they are old limiting beliefs that want to stay around they have no power over you say to them gently out I no longer need you and then repeat your positive affirmations again where you stopped working is where your resistance is notice the part of your body that you don't want or love give this part extra attention so you may go beyond the limitation release the resistance in this way within a short time you will have a body you really love and your body will respond by giving you excellent health each part of your body will be working perfectly as a harmonious whole you will even find lines disappearing weight normalizing and posture straightening that which we constantly affirm becomes true for us I love my mind my mind enables me to recognize the beautiful miracle of my body I am glad to be alive I affirm with my mind that I have the power to heal myself my mind chooses the thoughts that create my future moment by moment my power comes through the use of my mind I choose thoughts that make me feel good I love and appreciate my beautiful mind I love my scalp my scalp is relaxed and peaceful it is loose and easy it provides a nourished bed for my hair my hair is able to grow freely and luxuriously I choose the thoughts that massage my scalp with love I love and appreciate my beautiful scalp I love my hair I trust the process of life to take care of my every need and I grow strong and peaceful I relax my scalp and give my beautiful hair room to grow luxuriously I lovingly groom my hair and choose the thoughts that support its growth and strength I love that and appreciate my beautiful hair I love my eyes I have perfect vision I see clearly in every direction I see with love my past my present and my future my mind chooses the way I look at life I see with new eyes I see good in everyone and everywhere I now lovingly create the life I love to look at I love and appreciate my beautiful eyes I love my ears I am balanced and poised and one with all of life I choose the thoughts that create harmony around me I listen with love to the good and the pleasant I hear the cry for love that is hidden in everyone's message I am willing to understand others and I have compassion for them I rejoice in my ability to hear life I have a receptive capacity of mind I am willing to hear I love and appreciate my beautiful ears I love my nose I am at peace with everyone around me no person place or thing has any power over me I am the power and authority in my world I choose the thoughts that recognize my own true Worth I recognize my own intuitive ability I trust my intuition for I am always in contact with universal wisdom and truth I always go in the right direction for me I love and appreciate my beautiful nose I love my mouth i nourish myself by taking in new ideas I prepare new concepts for digestion and assimilation I make decisions with ease based on the principles of truth I have a good taste for life I choose the thoughts that enable me to speak with love I speak up for myself secure in my own true Worth I love and appreciate my beautiful mouth I love my teeth my teeth are strong and healthy I bite into life with joy I thoughtfully and completely chew all my experiences I am a decisive person I make decisions with ease and I stick to them I choose the thoughts that create a solid inner foundation I trust my inner wisdom knowing that I will always choose what is best for me at any given moment I love and appreciate my beautiful teeth I love my gums my gums are the picture of health they support and protect my teeth with love it is easy for me to stick to my decisions I back up my decisions with spiritual convictions I am strongly centered in wisdom and truth I choose the thoughts that create only right action in my life I love and appreciate my beautiful gums I love my voice i voice my opinions I speak up for myself I sing the praises of love and joy my words are the music of life I choose the thoughts that express beauty and gratitude I proclaim my oneness with all of life I love and appreciate my beautiful voice I love my neck I willingly turned to acknowledge other viewpoints and other ways of doing things I am free to acknowledge it all I'm willing to change I choose the thoughts that keep me flexible in my ideas and in my creative expression i express myself freely and joyously I am safe I love and appreciate my beautiful neck I love my throat my throat is my avenue of expression and creativity I keep it open and free I sing with great joy I choose the thoughts that allow me to express my creativity I lovingly declare to the world my self-worth and my self-esteem I love and appreciate my beautiful throat I love my shoulders I shoulder my responsibilities with ease my burdens are light like feathers in the wind I stand tall and free and I joyfully carry my experiences my shoulders are beautiful and straight and strong I choose the thoughts that make my way easy and free love releases and relaxes I love my life I love and appreciate my beautiful shoulders love my breasts my breasts are the perfect size and shape for my body they are healthy and will always be healthy I take in and give out nourishment in perfect balance life supplies everything I need I choose the thoughts that nurture me in every way I love and appreciate my beautiful breasts I love my arms I am protective of myself and my loved ones I welcome life with joy I have a great ability to embrace life's experiences my capacity for the enjoyment of life is enormous I choose the thoughts that enable me to accept change easily and to move in any direction I am strong and able and capable at all times I love and appreciate my beautiful arms I love my wrists my wrists are flexible and free it is with ease that I accept pleasure into my life I deserve all the good that I receive I choose the thoughts that make it easy for me to enjoy all that I have I love and appreciate my beautiful wrists I love my hands my hands are free to hold life in any way they wish my hands have endless ways of handling events and people I choose the thoughts that handle my experiences with joy and ease each detail is taken care of in divine right order I handle life with love therefore I am secure I am safe I am myself I am at peace I love and appreciate my beautiful hands I love my fingers my fingers give me so much pleasure I love my ability to touch and feel to probe and inspect to mend and repair to create and to fashion with love I put my finger on the pulse of life and I am in tune with every person place and thing I choose the thoughts that enable me to touch with love I love and appreciate my beautiful fingers I love my fingernails my fingernails are a joy to look at I am protected and safe as I relax and trust life to unfold before me my nails grow strong and hard I love and appreciate all the wonderful details of my life I choose the thoughts that let the minor details be handled easily and effortlessly I love and appreciate my beautiful fingernails I love my spine my spine is a place of harmony and love each vertebrae is lovingly connected to its neighbors there is perfect smooth interaction between them all this makes me strong yet flexible I can reach to the heavens and bend to the earth I choose the thoughts that keep me safe and free I love and appreciate my beautiful spine I love my back I am supported by life itself I feel emotionally supported I release all fears I feel loved I release the past and all past experiences I let go of that which is in back of me I now trust the process of life I choose the thoughts that supply all my needs life prospers me in expected and unexpected ways I know that life is for me I stand straight and tall supported by the love of life I love and appreciate my beautiful back I love my flexibility life has given me the ability to be flexible and to flow with life like a willow tree I can bend and stretch and always come back to my center I choose the thoughts that strengthen this ability to be supple and pliant I love and appreciate my beautiful flexibility I love my lungs I have a right to take up space I have a right to exist I take in and give out life fully and freely it is safe to take in my environment I trust the power that supplies my breath in such great abundance there is enough breath to last as long as I shall choose to live there is enough life and sustenance to last for as long as I shall choose to live I now choose the thoughts that create safety for me I love and appreciate my beautiful lungs I love my breath my breath is so precious to me it is a treasure and a life-giving substance I know it is safe for me to live I love life I breathe in life deeply and fully I breathe in and out in perfect harmony I choose the thoughts that create a loving and sweet breath I am a joy to be around I flow with the breath of life I love and appreciate my beautiful breath I love my glands my glands are the starting points for my self-expression my self-expression is my own unique approach to life I am an a unique individual I respect my individuality I originate in the depth of my being all the good I find unfolding in my life my originality begins with the thoughts I choose to think my spiritual immunity and strength are strong and balanced I am a go-getter I have get up and go I love and appreciate my beautiful glands of my heart my heart lovingly carries joy throughout my body nourishing the cells joyous new ideas are now circulating freely within me I am the joy of life expressing and receiving I now choose the thoughts that create an ever joyous now it is safe to be alive at every age I radiate love in every direction and my whole life is a joy I love with my heart and I love and appreciate my beautiful heart I love my blood the blood in my veins is pure joy this joy of life flows freely throughout my body I am living with joy and happiness I choose the thoughts that create enthusiasm for life my life is rich and full and joyous I love and appreciate my beautiful blood I love my nerves I have a wondrous nervous system my nerves enable me to communicate with all of life I can sense and feel and understand on very deep levels I feel safe and secure my nerves are allowed to relax peacefully I choose the thoughts that bring me peace I love and appreciate my beautiful nerves I love my stomach it is with joy that I digest the experiences of life life agrees with me I easily assimilate each new moment of every day all is well in my world I choose the thoughts that glorify my being I trust life to feed me that which I need I know my self-worth I am good enough just as I am I am a divine magnificent expression of life I assimilate this thought and make it true for me I love and appreciate my beautiful stomach I love my liver I let go of everything I no longer need I joyfully release all irritation criticism and condemnation my consciousness is now cleansed and healed everything in my life is in divine right order everything that happens is for my highest good and greatest joy I find love everywhere in my life I choose the thoughts that he'll cleanse and uplift me I love and appreciate my beautiful liver I love my kidneys it is safe for me to grow up and to accept the life I have created I release the old and welcome the new my kidneys efficiently eliminate the old poisons of my mind I now choose the thoughts that create my world therefore I accept everything in my world as perfect my emotions are stabilized in love I love and appreciate my beautiful kidneys I love my spleen my only obsession is with the joy of life my true identity is one of peace and love and joy I choose the thoughts that create joy for me in every area of my life my spleen is healthy and happy and normal I am safe I choose to experience the sweetness of life I love and appreciate my beautiful spleen I love my immune system my immune system is strong and vigorous it protects my body and keeps me in perfect health knowing that my immune system responds to my every thought I choose healthy thinking I think only loving positive thoughts that enhance and support my immune system I love and appreciate my beautiful immune system I love my waistline I have a beautiful waistline it is normal and natural and very flexible I can bend and twist in every direction I choose the thoughts that allow me to enjoy exercise in a form that is pleasing to me my waistline is the perfect size for me I love and appreciate my beautiful waistline hips I carry myself through life in perfect balance there is always something new I am moving toward every age has its interests and goals I choose the thoughts that keep my hips firm and powerful I am powerful at the very seat of my life I love and appreciate my beautiful hips I love my buttocks my buttocks grow more beautiful every day they are the seat of my power I know I am a powerful being I recognize and accept my power I choose the thoughts that enable me to use my power lovingly and wisely it feels wonderful to be powerful I love and appreciate my beautiful buttocks I love my colon I am an open channel for good to flow in and through me freely generously and joyfully I willingly release all thoughts and things that clutter or clog all is normal harmonious and perfect in my life I live only in the ever-present now I choose the thoughts that keep me open and receptive to the flow of life I have perfect intake assimilation and elimination I love and appreciate my beautiful colon I love my bladder I am at peace with my thoughts and emotions I am at peace with those around me no person place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind I choose the thoughts that keep me serene I willingly and lovingly release all concepts and ideas they flow out of me easily and joyously I love and appreciate my beautiful bladder I love my genitals I rejoice in my sexuality it is normal and natural and perfect for me my genitals are beautiful and normal and natural and perfect for me I am good enough and beautiful enough exactly as I am right here and right now I appreciate the pleasure my body gives me it is safe for me to enjoy my body I choose the thoughts that allow me to love and appreciate my beautiful genitals I love my rectum I see the beauty of my body in every cell and in every organ my rectum is as normal and natural and beautiful as any other part of my body I am totally accepting of each function of my body and rejoice in its efficiency and perfection my heart and my rectum and my eyes and my toes are all equally important and beautiful I choose the thoughts that allow me to accept with love every part of my body I love and appreciate my beautiful rectum I love my legs I now choose to release all old childhood hurts and pains I refuse to live in the past I am a now person living in today as I forgive and release the past my thighs become firm and beautiful I have total mobility to move in any direction I move forward in life unencumbered by the past my calf muscles are relaxed and strong I choose the thoughts that allow me to move forward with joy I love and appreciate my beautiful legs I love my knees I am flexible and flowing I am giving and forgiving I bend and flow with ease I have understanding and compassion and I easily forgive the past and everyone in it I acknowledge others and praise them at every turn I choose the thoughts that keep me open and receptive to the love and joy that is flowing freely everywhere I kneel at the altar of myself I love and appreciate my beautiful knees I love my ankles my ankles give me mobility and direction I release all fear and guilt I accept pleasure with ease I move in the direction of my highest good I choose the thoughts that bring pleasure and joy into my life I am flexible and flowing I love and appreciate my beautiful ankles I love my feet I have such wonderful understanding I stand firmly rooted in the truth my understanding of myself and of others and of life is constantly growing I am nourished by Mother Earth and the universal intelligence teaches me all I need to know I walk upon this planet safe and secure moving forward toward my greater good I move with ease through time and space I choose the thoughts that create a wonderful future and I move into it I love and appreciate my beautiful feet I love my toes my toes are inspectors of the future going before me to clear the way they are straight flexible and strong they reach out feeling and finding the perfect pathway in life I choose the thoughts that protect my pathway as I move forward all details take care of themselves I love and appreciate my beautiful toes I love my bones I am strong and sound I am well structured and balanced my bones support me and love me every bone is important to me I choose the thoughts that strengthen my life I am composed of the materials of the universe I am one with the structure of life I love and appreciate my beautiful bones I love my muscles my muscles give me the ability to move in my world they are strong and will always be strong they are flexible and stretch easily I choose the thoughts that allow me to welcome new experiences my life is a joyous ballet I love and appreciate my beautiful muscles I love my skin my individuality is safe the past is forgiven and forgotten I am free and safe in this moment I choose the thoughts that create joy and peace for myself my skin is youthful and smooth on every part of my body I love to caress my skin my cells have eternal youth my skin is the mantle that protects the temple that I live in I love and appreciate my beautiful skin I love my height I'm the perfect height for me I am neither too tall nor too short I can look up and I can look down I can reach for the stars and touch the earth I choose the thoughts that enable me to always feel safe and secure and loved I love and appreciate my beautiful height I love my weight I am the perfect weight for myself at this moment it is exactly the weight that I have accepted for myself I have the ability to change my weight if I desire I choose the thoughts that keep me comfortable and satisfied with my body and its size I love and appreciate my beautiful weight I love my appearance I love my appearance it suits me perfectly for this lifetime I chose my looks before I was born and I am satisfied with my choice I am unique and special no one else looks exactly as I do I am beautiful and I become more attractive every day I choose the thoughts that give forth a beautiful appearance I love the way I look I love and appreciate my beautiful appearance I love my age I am the perfect age each year is special and precious to me for I shall only live at once every year from infancy to old age is filled with wonders all its own just as childhood is very special so is being elderly I want to experience it all I choose the thoughts that make me comfortable with growing older I look forward to each new year as it unfolds before me I love and appreciate my beautiful age I love my body my body is a glorious place to live I rejoice that I have chosen this particular body because it is perfect for me in this lifetime it is the perfect size and shape and color it serves me so well I marvel at the miracle that is my body I choose the healing thoughts that create and maintain my healthy body and make me feel good I love and appreciate my beautiful body this is Louise Hay and I love you [Music] you
Channel: Louise Hay
Views: 244,660
Rating: 4.810318 out of 5
Keywords: Louise Hay_Listen to 400 Affirmations to Heal Your Body, Louise Hay, Louise, Hay, louise hay, 400, Affirmations, 400 Affirmation
Id: NxowARNT6fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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