Abraham Hicks - Try This For 30 Days (Law of Attraction)

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we want to name just a few of the most important aspects of your life and we want to call your attention to something that really is important these may or may not be an order of importance they're all going to seem important to you but your earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity with other planets not your job your Sun comes up every morning not your job the water of your planet moves around in a pattern that serves your planet in terms of balance and energy and food supply not your job didn't go with us on that one quite as well your blood pumps through your body while you sleep not your job you're not as impressed with these things as we are we want you to begin putting for a little while everything that is important to you in the category of not your job meaning not your action-oriented job we want you to understand that there is a broader perspective that is moving things in keeping things in balance and that the population of your planet is something that has tended to from non-physical consciousness perspective that so much about what you are living here was set into motion even before you got here and that there is a vibrational reality that you will call future experience that is underway that you are contributing to on a daily basis by the sifting and sorting of the contrast that you live so just for a little while we're not asking you to withdraw from life we're not asking you to not have fun measuring yourself with others we're not asking you to not enjoy the competitions that you find with each other we're just asking you to put it in perspective we're just asking you to acknowledge that there is an energy that creates worlds a consciousness flowing energy that creates worlds that comes from what some want to call God we at source energy or your inner beam or the non-physical part of you that is working for you because you are blessed and deserving not against you ever we would like you to accept that as you are here in these leading-edge bodies and that as you explore the details of your life and you find something that is unpleasant to you like people who are hungry or people who are angry and mean and belligerent or or or or that when you experience the exposure of that and you feel the awesomeness of it that you give birth to a rocket or desire that is then understood by this energy that creates worlds it becomes part of the consciousness it becomes part of the becoming so you keep giving birth to a better world that you don't wind up with you give birth to a better world all day long you give birth to more peace you give birth to more prosperity you give birth to more abundance of all manner you give birth to all kinds of things by your exposure to it through your personal exposure with one another and through the media or your televisions or whatever you are exposed to so much that makes you do what you were born to do decide and define what would be better but then you don't go to what's better because you keep focusing upon the problem that you've been exposed to we want you to step back just for a little while try it for a month people say what are you doing nothing no really what are you doing today I'm gonna daydream what yeah I'm gonna go sit by the lake or sit by the fireplace I'm gonna put my feet in the water aren't you gonna go to work yeah but I'm not gonna focus like I usually do I'm gonna tap into my true power probably gonna get fired no no I have enough reserves going I can go through the motions of what they need from me while I dominantly daydream I can daydream at night I can daydream on the way to work I can daydream on my lunch hour I can daydream I can daydream my wine can wander and do the good things of life I can predominantly daydream what are you doing nothing you can't be doing nothing no really I'm not gonna do anything for a while what I'm not gonna do anything for a while nothing hardly hardly I'll probably get dressed take it occasional shower I'll eat I'll eat and I'll show up but I'll be different because I'm showing up in my wholeness I'm showing up in my expecting good things to come to me I'm showing up expecting inspiration to come to me in such a timely way that I can shoot a basket from midcourt and on a buzzer-beater when the championship I can do that I can event things and create things by utilizing this higher power that I have to daydream myself to I'm no longer gonna hold myself in practical defiance of my true power so we're just saying that when you get the hang of this the power of a non resisted thought is a comparison of like an atomic bomb to a firecracker the relationship of the energy and the movement of the energy within it the power of a non resisted thought try it try it just a little not even all the time just a little more daydream a little bit and see what happens let your mind wander or think about when your mind did wander and what it produced Esther was waiting for her plane at the airport on her way to here and she was in the Delta lounge and just got a really strong impulse to go to her gate and she looked and she thought it's an hour early I should stay here because less people more food comfortable chair let's just stay here but the impulses go was really strong a good feeling impulse like something better awaits you somewhere else that feeling her practical mind couldn't figure it out because nobody wants to be at the gate instead of the first-class lounge but Esther did was strong so she went down to the gate found a seat saw that her flight was on the board it was the next flight coming there was an airplane still there and another one still coming so she was there really early and then she thought I should have a drink of water my breath might be bad means she thought I should do the breath mint my breath might be bad and then she thought I should stand up and then she thought I should go over there so she's just following these unimportant seeming impulses and a woman turned around and said Esther oh my god I knew I would meet you someday I didn't know where or when Esther said to me neither all I know is it for the last hour you've been calling me right here you've been calling me right here and see my breaths good now we know these are not earth-shattering events but what we want to say to you is that you are co-creating with all kinds of things oh and this girl has a resume that knocks Esther's socks off the last five things that Esther wrote on her daydreaming list are those kinds of things in other words the universe knows who you are the universe knows who others are the universe knows where you are in relationship to everything that you want when you are in alignment with who you are and you get an impulse now there's not one of those things that we said to you that Esther was thinking about that feels very important to you in other words how earth-shattering really is it for Esther just get up and go someplace else not very but isn't meeting someone a good thing and isn't timing about a good thing and isn't co-creating a good thing and isn't that how the world goes around isn't everything about co-creating isn't everything about that you see what we're getting at we've been working with Esther a long time we're trying to convince her every day to do what feels best to her not to do the most practical thing or the thing that some in other words what's more practical to stay here or go there what difference does it make follow your impulse accept that there is someone upstream from you with a broader point of view that knows everything that you intend that knows everything that's in your vortex and knows here it is what the path of least resistance is to get you to where you want to be but it's not path of least resistance just to get you from someplace to another place it's past at least resistance to give you the most fun along the way you see what we're getting at now you would like this story a whole lot better if this was the story we told you yesterday up one morning couldn't wait to get down to the liquor store [Laughter] that's where she buys her water and milk but on this particular morning she got up she couldn't wait to get there and she bought a lottery ticket she won ten million dollars no she didn't but you would like that story better you would like that story better in other words you're always wanting the big payoff we're wanting you to understand that your big payoff life is a series a good feeling events over which you have control because you are daydreaming because you're maintaining your feeling of alignment and you're following your impulses so that everywhere you go the best that the universe has to deliver to you is delivered to you moment by moment by moment by moment by moment and that is what living happily ever after really is there is nothing that you cannot be or do or have but you cannot hold yourself in vibrational resistance as your practical mind keeps taking score of where you are instead of where you want to be and because you've not really understood this and you've not allowed yourself to purposefully daydream because you've oriented yourself just too much practicality because you've been measuring your success in life to how others have approached you or others have approved of you those you work for expect things of you and you want to perform in a way that pleases them and those who you were born to expect things of you you've given over your power to almost everyone else seeking approval from their factoring you into them and that's alright because if you don't do what Esther wants you to do she'll find someone who will are you afraid No of course you want to do the things that you're supposed to be doing we're just asking you today dream - are you following we're just asking you to begin leveraging this energy that creates worlds now right now you're sort of limp about it we just delivered to you a soliloquy that could take you happily ever after in to outrageous success on any endeavor that you're about and your limp about it because it doesn't seem big enough it doesn't seem important enough we asked for zero sacrifice no sacrifice no struggle no attention no effort we didn't ask for any of the things that you equate with success you've been barking up the wrong tree for quite a long time it's time for you to start being nicer to yourself and daydreaming more and being happier about things and giving yourself more leeway and going to more places where you feel good looking for more vistas that you can sit and look at and more daydreaming more just giving yourself the opportunity to let your mind be still while your vibration Rises so that then you can receive the impulse to put you in the right place at the right time for the things that you are looking for we've enjoyed this interaction immensely so now we want to visit with you about what matters to you and we are not guiding you away from the nitty-gritty of your life but we are giving you a sort of advanced announcement that while the nitty-gritty of your life is something worth talking about and will help you shift energy on anything that's important to you we're also going to ask you to reach with us for a sort of overview we'll shoot our firecrackers with you here all day long we will if that's what you want we'll talk about that kind of low powered stuff if that's what you want or we can get into the big leverage in other words we promise you that when those men take that smokes deck off Esther's house and they will that they will bring the biggest crane that anyone has ever seen and they will plant it on the street almost a neighborhood away and they will reach over several places with this big bringing they will not bring a hammer and a chisel and a saw they will bring a crane a really really big crane and lots of really really big chain in other words it's gonna be a big leverage thing that happens you see and we think this is perfect timing and Esther's life at the perfect timing when we're wanting to convince her to get the damn crane stop running around with a little hammer in your pocket and trying to make things happen get the crane get the crane are you ready to get the crane alright so here we go gonna be a really good day you're gonna like how this unfolds we like it already beginning right there
Channel: Animated Abraham
Views: 912,499
Rating: 4.9045529 out of 5
Keywords: abraham hicks, animated abraham hicks, animated abraham, abraham hicks meditation, abraham hicks law of attraction, abraham hicks the secret, animated law of attraction, law of attraction, abraham hicks playlist, best of abraham hicks, abraham hicks alignment, abraham hicks no ads, abraham hicks newest, abraham hicks 2019, Abraham Hicks 2019 - Try This For 30 Days, abraham hicks manifesting secrets, abraham hicks manifesting, abraham hicks challenge, abraham hicks daydream
Id: V0MtWvPT1Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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