The Nation of Islam - Documentary Short

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[Music] my name is brian muhammad I'm a student Minister of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan my represented area from Stockton all the way to about Fresno [Music] basically we are working rooted in the resurrection of black and brown people in the health of North America that's our our basis of what we're trying to do resurrect the minds of people the work is ridden of both Bible and Quran we use both books simultaneously this work of this great resurrection that goes on that transcends generally non person's ethnicity color but there's a group of people that are at the bottom of society that God is interested in so some lessons of good news and also a warning to leaders in the time period in which we're in that God is concerned about you know the masses of the people so that's primarily our outreach that's of the root of it while we're out there I will work in my opinion the mix of Islam is like the Oracle for Black Thought it's like the the mother organization that means all of the organizations that are there n double acp mother grassroots organization or organizations black lives matter movement they're all rooted all of their movement is rooted in the teachings of the olive oil eyes of Muhammad in some shape form or fashion it's like the prime organization the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan it's just about affected every sector of black society and brown society really and people are really shaping and molding their organizational structures their political ideology social article ideas and their personal lives around the message of the article Minister Louis Farrakhan a self-improvement - basis for community development our main focus in the Nation of Islam is primarily other two books Bible and Quran those are primary studies the envoy Elijah Muhammad made Muslims using in the early days 1930s he he got converts to Islam teaching out of the Bible which is very very unusual there were no clouds in 1930 here in America for black people to read you had to go to the Library of Congress so he taught Islam out of the Bible the Old Testament and New Testament but today in this day and time we use Bible and Koran there's a book that is just a primal source of information for us and that's a list of the black man midden written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad once you read them you're never the same missus the black man is like that that's very first page I grappled with it struggle with it this idea of what I've been taught about God Lewis is challenging it from the very first page and in my struggle with it or what other people struggle with it it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree there are some ideas that are so powerful you never quite the same again but just profoundly I couldn't imagine what my life would be if I wasn't in the Nation of Islam I can't fathom what that door looks like you know the minister would give me the name Bryan Muhammad and the word Muhammad means one worthy of praise in praise month now he gives it to me and now I got to live up to that just that alone set you on a course where you're always looking to do something better than you did the day before because yeah your name suggests that you should be doing something praiseworthy and you should be doing something that people can appreciate and it kind of keeps you focused on what you do and how you act among people he told me one time he said son you don't have to know everything all you have to concentrate on is being a good servant other people what attracted me to the Nation of Islam I really didn't know anything about it as a young person growing up in error of the rise of hip-hop music rap music there was a group called publication repaving and in one of the album's because they have the lead rapper Chuck D was saying that a part of the Prophet and I think you want to listen to when he can save you and I will listen to that over and over and over again with wondered who the hell's Farkle but officially I caught on and I started listening I was looking to change religious or anything but his message so compelling about who I was my background my history trying to be a better person and a destiny for myself and for my people that I had to be a part of and it's so compelling I just had to had to join I got a chance growing up in the Nation of Islam to actually meet these men that were friends with Malcolm X or students of Malcolm X and get background on him and what kind of person that he was intimately so it's a way to to know him through them if that makes any sense that I get to experience him through their lives he had such an effect on them and such an effect on the nation that I can still experience Malcolm X I can experience Muhammad Ali I can experience even people in the civil rights movement you know Martin Luther King Stokely Carmichael these were all friends of each other like Minister Farrakhan friends with Stokely Carmichael he was he was in the time period is a student of Malcolm X so we being able to shake Minister Farrakhan hand it's like we being able to shake the hand that shook Malcolm tan or the hand that struck Martin's hand so it's a way to bridge the gap between young people and the history that we just went through so there's no gap we get to keep all that information meeting Minister Tommie and other brothers that were working with him I was able to kind of like shape and mold myself and find that father figure that I was missing in my life so those contacts are just to keep today those are my mentors and we joined the MAS around the same time and those are my brothers and that keeping contact with them to this day or type group of young men so still tight it even until today where an organization is constantly evolving possibly growing our ideas are growing and evolving but I think right there of course we can go back and get any material written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad of course their people confuse research and Google search so there's always a difference between the two Google search is not researched but as you know students we understand that but I would say start right there just go Noi dot org call and look up the list of farrakhan listen to the latest lectures is a media like a 60 week series that it came on every week for about 30 45 minutes every single Saturday and it's called time and what must be done and it's a message to not only a black and brown America but it's also a message to the American government and how to process other people's time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ThatFilmGuy
Views: 19,745
Rating: 4.6398716 out of 5
Id: Vj_jWEz-zcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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