Lost Graphics Vol. 4 (Web Exclusive): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Larsaf 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hahahahah as a graphic designer I have always gotten a kick out of these graphics and jealously wondered how much fun his graphics team has making them. I love this so much.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/talking_houses 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi there i'm john oliver host of last week tonight uh we're off this week and this is a pre-recorded segment so as you're watching this i'm probably off doing something fun like sitting in this exact same spot waiting patiently for someone to turn the lights back on now despite not being on the air this week we thought we would offer you our fourth installment of what we like to call lost graphics because every week our massively talented graphics team produces images to illustrate jokes that sadly don't end up making it to air and we wanted to share some of them with you now they will be devoid of context but honestly that shouldn't really affect your enjoyment of them like this one of grimace mauling a mcdonald's customer get a load of those claws by the way they went deep he's got blood up to his knuckles so let this actually be a warning to you kids if you get between grimace and his fries he won't aim to maim he'll aim to kill there's also this image of jeff bezos and what appears to be a closet full of jeff bezos clones which is a little creepy especially as he seems to be i at least one of them and it's that sort of attention to detail that can be found in so many of our graphics like in this image of a cat looking shocked over something called a dildo boomerang now first all you see is a cat and some dildos no surprises there but if you pay close attention you will notice there's also no assembly required which is fantastic news for that cat you can tell it doesn't want to waste any time fumbling with batteries now of course not all of our graphics are designed to haunt your dreams some are very pleasant like this one of nicholas cage as willy wonka or this mock-up of someone who is covered in pens and honestly feels pretty great about it or this one of a woman staring lovingly at a photo of colin firth as by the way we all do because i don't care who you are no one looks at that classic closed mouth grin and doesn't feel joy firth has the most lovable smirk in the game he's not coming at you with some hugh grant smile all teeth first and confident no colin demonstrates restraint at every turn from the big screen to the carpet colin andrew firth keeps his pearly whites where they belong behind his discreet lips and that is why he's not just a transatlantic sweetheart he is the transatlantic sweetheart now i will say there are some graphics where i can't even imagine what the joke might have been in the first place like this one of an all cats production of rent uh this one of me enjoying a concert to the very best of my ability or this one of an ambassador who is an inflatable tube man and look i will leave you tonight with this animation of maggie and jake gyllenhaal merging into one impossibly hot gyllenhaal thank you so much for watching i do hope you enjoyed these as much as our graphics department enjoyed making them that is all for now we will see you next sunday may 2nd from me and jackie gyllenhaal here good night
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 2,298,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Of3fbIgSqeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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